GENERAL MATHEMATICS Q2 PerformanceTask 3 Booklet

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Topic: Business Mathematics

Performance Task 3: Booklet (70 Points)
A booklet is a small book consisting of a few sheets, typically with board paper covers. For
this task, you will make a booklet indicating all the formulae that we have discussed starting
from the very first topic (Simple Interest) in the second Quarter up to our last topics.

This will be the suggested composition/content of the booklet.

I. Creative Book Cover (Indicate your name, subject, subject teacher)

II. Introduction (Describing the content of the book as well as the subject)
III. About the author (Describe yourself as the author, indicate your picture)
IV. Table of Contents
V. Content (Indicate all the formulas that we have discussed in Quarter 2)
VI. Reflection (How do you feel about the subject/topics that we have discussed?)

A. Creativity (30 Points)

Be creative in the presentation of your output. Use indigenous materials or reuse wastes to
make an art out of this Performance Task
• Booklet Size: 8.5”x6.5” (Half the size of Long bond paper)
• Each page should contain only 1 formula indicating the
legends/symbols/letters used

This is 50% of your Grade (Galingan mo!)

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