Arroyo Angel Quantitative Research

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Factors that can Affect the Decision of Choosing ABM Strand in

Maryknoll College of Panabo, Inc.

In partial fulfillment of the requirements in Practical Research Subject

A Quantitative Research Paper is Submitted and Presented

to the Senior High School Faculty of

Maryknoll College of Panabo, Inc.

Academic Year 2019-2020

Presented by:

Angel D. Arroyo

December 2020
Chapter 1


Since the K-12 program has been implemented within the country; it

changed the whole system of education in the Philippines. Fresh graduates

coming from the junior high tend to choose a strand that matches their

abilities, skills, or even their personal desires. Within the said program, one of

the requirements of entering as a Senior High is to pick a desired strand or

track to enroll to. One of the tracks available within the nation’s curriculum is

the Academic Tracks. Inside it there are 4 strands to be specific: STEM

(Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics), ABM (Accountancy,

Business, Management), HUMSS (Humanities and Social Sciences), and

GAS (General Academic Strand). However, there will be students who choose

a strand that doesn’t match with their abilities and/or skills.

However, there will be students who choose a strand that doesn’t not

that business-inclined nor mathematically-inclined. Yet, they still manage to

pick that strand. Students like them find it more difficult to deal with their

chosen strand due to the fact that there are numerous reasons why they have

chosen that particular strand. Choosing the strand, you are going to take in

Senior High is not easy. But it is not always, if you already know what is your

goal in life it is easier for you to choose (Pedragoza, 2016). By this, decisions

play important functions as they decide both hierarchical and administrative

exercise. Deciding is the hardest part of life. Students sometimes decide a

wrong decision in life, and it may lead a wrong path so that is the reason why

most student try to prove themselves by graduation and finding a good job.
How significant is picking the correct course or strand going into Grade

12? It is so significant on the grounds that this will be their venturing stone

before heading off to college. Student has to consider several factors before

arriving at decision. The influence of career choice has a tasting impact on an

individual. In this way, one wrong choice can change the destiny of a person.

It is difficult for everyone to make a decision regarding their career (Asma

Shahid Kazi and Abeeda Akhlag, 2017). Choosing a career is crucial

especially among students in the secondary or in the middle school. In setting

on choices in profession determination, one needs to going through

perplexing cycle and forcedly liberal individual to picked his strength practice

and area of instructive organization.

However, the educational curriculum is not as similar to the K12

curriculum in the Philippines, there are certain fields that are still related to the

competencies and concepts about the ABM strand. In the College of

Accounting at Al-JabalAl-Gharbi University, Libya; lecturers noticed that these

accounting students tend to have a negative attitude at the very beginning

and assume that accounting is an extremely difficult subject (Tailab, 2013). In

that particular place, negative assumptions have been created by the

accounting students of Libya in which it bears such consequences that might

affect their perception about accountancy in the midst of learning it.

The researchers have not come across a study that specifically

discusses the factors that can affect by choosing ABM strand within Maryknoll

College of Panabo, Inc. Furthermore, this study will provide relevant concepts

that would possibly create certain coping mechanisms or solutions in the

academic community.

This study aims to find out ABM student's for choosing their track, specially, it

aims to answer the questions:

1. What is the level of different factors affect decision in choosing the

strand ABM?

2. What is the level of decision making of ABM students?

3. Is there significant relationship between the factors affect in

choosing ABM strand to the level of decision making of ABM



The objectives of this study are to:

 Lading factors that influence the students’ inclination in picking ABM

strand regarding Personality?

 Acquire information and comprehension to have additional data about

their course.

 Determine if the students are happy with their picked course.

So as to achieve this goal, the researcher must lead a study among the



H o :There is no significant relationship between the factors affect in choosing

ABM strand to the level of decision making of ABM students.


The researcher of this quantitative investigation is sanguine and

confident at the same time in having a through conduct of study of the

Grade12 ABM A students within Maryknoll College of Panabo, Inc. Also, this

study would add significance and give benefit to the following people:

ABM students - In this research piece, they are the focal point of this

study due to the fact that they are the ones who are struggling in their own

designated strand. Most of them are not mathematically-inclined and yet they

choose the ABM strand. This study will provide information for the ABM

students on what will be the possible solutions in the main problem of this


Aspirant ABM student- They can also perceive this as significant

and beneficial as they assess their possible strengths and weaknesses if they

will choose ABM as their strand to pursue. In this case, they will be

enlightened about the concept of the ABM strand in which it may raise their


Parents– This study is important to parents since they will realize

how to manage their child for picking the track.

School -This study is important to schools so that they will know what

track to offer for senior.


This study is giving knowledge about the reasons for choosing ABM

track from the decision upon pursuing courses that is related in their strand or

not. Furthermore, trying to find the variables or motivation behind the Grade

12 ABM students pick this strand and what is their explanation in seeking after

courses in composition that is relate in ABM or reason for not pursuing course

related to ABM. This research will only be focused on the Grade 12 ABM A

students in Maryknoll College of Panabo, Inc. So, in this case, their claims will

be supported as much but it cannot be achieved with a perfect validation. The

experiences of the participants will be gathered but cannot guarantee

perfectionism in such stated information because their claims in tuned to their

memory and thoughts are subjects in human error. During the gathering of

data, the students will be distributed with questionnaires during their leisure

time if they have no class to at tend to avoid the interruption of their respective


ABM- shorter for Accountancy, Business, and Management. The

Accounting, Business and Management (ABM) strand furnishes students with

the abilities and information they have to work in the corporate world. This

senior secondary school strand is for students who needs to become

business pioneers and business people (Katigbak, 2018)

Former ABM students- There are the alumni of Senior High School

under ABM strand.

K-12 - is an advance educational system that gives opportunity to

experience to work in a certain field that can serve as an advantage in finding


This part of the research presents various related and studies in

relation to main predicament of this study. This will enhance the

understanding of a particular topic related in this study. Also, this part will

present the situation and the curiosity of the researcher's about the factors

that is affecting the course choice of ABM student to their academic


Being an ABM student has many competencies to achieve and skills or

abilities to possess and improve. The ABM strand in its most principal sense

alludes to the, business and management academic programs that focus on

the basic ideas in corporate activities, monetary administration, business the

board, as well as each and every factor that revolves around those central

fields (Antonio, 2018). From the name of the strand itself "Accountancy,

Business, Management" those three must be thoroughly discussed and

requires immersion to fully relate oneself towards the real world of business

and finances.

One of the numerous difficulties in ABM is the decision-making that

students have to face. In order to become a successful entrepreneur one

must know how to make intelligent decisions (Biliran, 2018). Since the

students within ABM strand must possess and distinguish the characteristics

of ABM-related careers like entrepreneurs, accountant, and managers; it is

indeed a must that they need to make an intellectual decision. In this way, it

will broaden their mindset and would make them more aware of what is likely
to be an individual immersing within the business world. You can become

familiar with a decision-making measure that permits you to rapidly asses the

most ideal decision and make it dependent on information that underpins the

destinations and objectives you’ve been to achieve.

The process of decision making is indeed keen for a certain individual

to possess due to the fact that it strengthens the probability to make such

things happen in reality. The process does not only involve one person yet

two or more persons can be involved, especially when they are in a big

business. In relation to this, this would train the students to boost their intuition

and intellect concerning that particular process, which is the decision making.

Simply put, the way life unfolds—with its twists and turns, starts and stops—

requires us to make choices and decisions every step of the way (Brenner,


Also, the ABM strand does not need algebra, trigonometry, geometry,

calculus, and such; thus it only entails with basic mathematical operations. Its

purpose would make such ABM students raise their awareness of the things

that are circling around the business world. Accounting, Business and

Management strand does not fall in the range of Mathematics alone and it is

not about for the students who are brilliant in mathematics. In this case,

mathematics is still used yet analyzation is considered to be the major

component in the ABM strand. Analytical skills are indeed an essential skill for

a student to have. This is one of the most essential abilities sets that you are

going to master while contemplating that fields of busines, finance, and,


Furthermore, within the angle of the ABM strand, management and

business-related actions are quite necessary for a student to deeply learn and

manifest. You will have information of what business are you going to begin

with and by that. The implications of a student who has a background of

running or assisting a particular business or having such eruditions about

business would give them the benefit of learning within the ABM strand

smoothly and easily. The greater your expertise in that domain, the more

requisite knowledge you have on the ready to consider the novel question

(Wenk, 2017).

Mostly of the students nowadays, especially ABM students, have no

background knowledge of accountancy, business, and management. Given

by the fact that some chose that strand with the objectivity and intent to learn

and comprehend, give them courage to distinguish through the unknown, and

enhancing their knowledge or depleting their ignorance. Even if students have

prior knowledge, there are some instances that their already-formulated

thoughts are distorted or inaccurate and by this, it can be identified through

having new knowledge where misconceptions are corrected.

Once a senior high student graduates as an ABM student,

opportunities come closer to him or her. Numerous ABM-related courses are

ahead of them and they are free to choose whatever they have in desire.

There are college courses under accounting (e.g. BS Accountancy and BS

Accounting Technology), business (e.g. Agribusiness Management, BS

Business Administration, and BS Entrepreneurship), management (e.g. BS

Community Development, BS Customs Administration, BS Foreign Service,

BS Hotel and Restaurant Development Management, BS International

Studies, BS Office Administration, BS Public Administration, and BS Public

Safety), and real estate management (BS Social Work and BS Tourism

Management), as stated and comprehended (Fortun, 2018). Those are some

of the courses that an ABM student has the capability and encouragement to

pursue in their college to get a particular degree.

This strand serves as the bridge towards absorbing the beauty of the

world of finances, corporation, and negotiation. The intricacies behind the

systematic beauty of ABM strand lies in one’s knowledge and wisdom, thus

sharing it to raise eruditions for the ones who have desires about getting in to

the business and financing world. One of the key advantages of considering

ABM is that it offers students the occasion to attempt work situations and

expert task.

Furthermore, through ABM strand, critical thinking and a thorough

problem solving is highly needed to immerse you in to the particularity of that

world, making them equipped with a background of knowledge regarding ABM

eruditions towards pursuing college.

Conceptual Framework

Independent Variable Dependent Variable

Future Opportunity
Peer Influence Choosing ABM Strand

Figure 1. Illustration

This factor serves as the independent variable that may affect the

dependent variable that choosing an academic track. Factors are the Future

Opportunity, Peer Influence and Personality which will be used as the variable

to find out if here will be changes towards the dependent variable which is

Choosing ABM as their strand.

Chapter III


Research Design

This chapter will present the research design, Population and Sample

size, Research Design, Research Instruments, Data Gathering Procedure,

and Statistical Treatment. In order for this research to be understandable and

relevantly inclined to an indepth analysis of the students factor and affecting in

choosing ABM as their strand. The researcher utilizes a certain research

method to be able to formulate and substantiate such information in this

piece. The survey for the factors and affecting the decision of choosing ABM

strand in Maryknoll Collage of Panabo, Inc. Through this research, the

researcher has the capability to assess, determine, and grasp the meaning

behind the texts given by the participants.

Through the use of an interview, it is the foundation of substantiating

the possible solution of the main problem of this piece, since its content will be

the opinions and sides of the corresponding participants. Moreover, the

interview does focuses on the Factors and Affecting the Decision of Choosing

ABM Strand, particularly the main predicament of this piece.

Research Locale

In this study, the research is done in the vicinity of the school camupus

– Maryknoll College of Panabo wherein both the researchers and respondents

shares the same environment.

Population and Sample size

The respondents of this study are the Grade 12 ABM A Senior High

School students in Maryknoll College of Panabo,Inc with a sample of 40

students of Maryknoll Collage of Panabo, Inc. The sample of this research is

calculated by using Taro Yamane (Yamane, 1972).

Research Instrument

For this study, the Yamane formula was used to achieve the core

objective of the revision. A self-administered question was distributed to the

selected grade 12 students. The questionnaire give to the grade 12 students

aimed to assess their knowledge about the factors that can affect the decision

of choosing ABM strand.

People who participated in the research were given a sample time to

respond to the questions posed on them to avoid errors and inaccuracies in

their answers. This was finished with the expectation that this would advance

trust between the researcher and the respondents.

Furthermore, the questionnaires have a 4 point scale to answer, in

order to critically categorize the possible answers of the respondents.

4 – Extremely Agree

3 – Agree

2 – Disagree

1 – Extremely Disagree

Data Gathering Procedures

The following procedures were followed by the researcher to assemble

the information required that will answer the issue introduced in the study

1. Ask for approval. The researcher asked for approval from their

respective teachers who are in charge of the study. It was to know

whether or not the study will be accepted. They checked if there were

further corrections and revisions to be made before to conduct the

survey towards Grade 12 ABM A and B Senior High School students.

2. Make questionnaire. When the study was approved, the researcher

started working on the questionnaire basing of what question on the

theories they found. The researcher used related questions to be able

to achieve the respective goal of the study.

3. Distribution of the questionnaires. After the signing of letters for

approval, the researcher personally disseminate the survey

questionnaires to the students of and 12 ABM A and B during

November 05, 2020 by using the stratified sampling in order to

determine the sample size

4. Analyze data. The researcher collected the questionnaire from the

Grade 12 ABM A and B respondents. Each questionnaire was checked

by the researcher and have the data gathered. Also, analyzed the

results and had the answers.


The gathered through the instrument was subjected to statistical treatment

to test the alternative hypothesis advanced in the study. The following

statistical treatments are to be use:

1. Weighted Mean – Statistical tool to find the level of the different

Factors of independent and dependent variable in terms of their


2. Person r –Statistical tool for testing the significant relationship

between the independent and dependent variable.



This chapter presents the different factors that can affect the decision

of choosing ABM strand in Maryknoll College of Panabo, Inc.. Their

responses were taken from the Google Survey Form that the researcher

conducted from the 67 respondents anchored on the statement of the


1. What is the level of different factors affect decision in choosing the

strand ABM?

Table 1.Level of Different Factors affect decision in choosing strand

Independent Variable Mean Descriptive Interpretation
Future Opportunity 3.54 Extremely Agree
Peer Influence 2.5 Agree
Personality 2.86 Agree
Family 2.89 Agree
Over-all Mean 2.95 Agree

The table above shows the level of different factors where the

mean/average scores of future opportunity which is 3.54 (Extremely Agree),

peer influence is 2.5 (Agree), personality is 2.86 (Agree), and family is 2.89

(Agree), while the over-all mean/level of different factors is 2.95 (Agree). The

highest mean for the different factor is family where the mean is 2.89 (Agree).

Based on the highest mean for the different factor, it tells that family is

the greatest factors that affect the decision in choosing ABM strand. Based on

the highest mean for the different factor, it tells that family is the greatest

factors that affect the decision in choosing ABM strand. Hashnim et al. (2015)
as adolescent are invariably impressionable; their decisions could be very

much influenced by their parents. Parental impacts on the instructive interest

and accomplishment of an individual is profoundly upheld and approved in

numerous investigations, to be specific by the examination directed by who

found that parental direction applies impact on the learning accomplishment of

a juvenile. A large portion of the parent impacts their kids for picking their

consideration way later on. As such teenagers need to guarantee that the

track they picked later on would suit to their character.

2. What is the level of decision making of ABM students?

Table 2.Level of Decision Making of ABM student

Dependent Variable Mean Descriptive Interpretation

Level of Decision Making 2.597 Agree

The table above shows the level of decision in choosing ABM strand

where the mean/average is 2.597 (Agree).

Based on the mean of the level of decision in choosing ABM strand, it

tells that the level of decision making of choosing ABM strand is one

motivation behind why understudies limit their activities. Understanding the

components that sway dynamic cycle is basic to understanding what

decisions are made. As such, one wrong decision can change the fate of an

individual. It is difficult for everyone to make a decision concerning their

calling; this individual movement is appeared for a greater degree in the

financial accomplishment of a nation. Individuals who are show in their

workplace will all in all be less productive and compelling and henceforth can't

achieve their goals. (Kazi and Akhlaq, 2017), considering past, the need to
equip our understudies with fitting livelihood decision capacities ends up being

significantly fundamental through expansive heading, classes into the

universe of work through the instructive arrangement.

3. Is there significant relationship between the factors affect in

choosing ABM strand to the level of decision making of ABM

Table 3. Significant Relationship between the Level of Different

Factors to Decision in choosing ABM Strand

Pearson Correlation 1 -.020
FACTORS Sig. (2-tailed) .872
N 67 67
Pearson Correlation -.020 1
DECISION Sig. (2-tailed) .872
N 67 67

The Sig. (2-Tailed) value in the table above is .874. This value is greater than-

0.20 (person correlation/computed value). Because of this, we can conclude

that statistically there is no significant relationship between the levels of

different factors to decision in choosing ABM Strand.

It is clearly that there is no significant relationship between the levels of

different factors to decisions in choosing ABM Strand, which means that it is

not the variable in making decision of one’s career for students. Thus, it has a

consistent result to the study of Malubay, Mercado and Macasaet (2015). At

the high school level, the best will be achieved by making the students write

about what they would want to achieve from education.

Chapter V


This section provides the conclusion based on the findings; and offers


The study presents different factors that affect the decision of Grade 12

students in choosing ABM strand in Maryknoll College of Panbo, Inc., and

how they find ABM as their chosen strand. It can be conclude from this study

that students who decided to take up ABM strand in Senior high did not solely

decide but were affected by several factors.

Availability of education significally affects the student’s decisions in

choosing ABM strand. This entails that family is the greatest factors that affect

the decision in choosing ABM strand. A large portion of the parent impacts

their kids for picking their consideration way later on. As such students need

to guarantee that the track they picked later on would suit to their character.


Since this particular study is only focused to the factor that can affect

the decision of students choosing ABM strand, that focus only 67 students

which could not be generalized to all struggling Grade 12 ABM students in

other localities, further investigation and exploration might be done in a

different setting yet having similar purposes, to distinguish also their

perspective and perception in taking ABM as the chosen strand for Senior


As the researcher of this study, I would like to recommend that Junior

High school students who have the desire to enroll in Senior High as an ABM
students, shall discover and distinguish the factors of being an ABM student

or choosing the ABM strand as a personal or academic choice as well as how

it could affect, influence, and promote the concept of ABM towards the

society. The researcher would also like to recommend possible factors or

reasons that could help out some ABM students in finding out such solutions

or to choose their strand. Also, I would like to recommend for the teachers or

aspiring teachers to find out a way of teaching that could make your topics or

subject comprehensible or understandable in perception of students. In this

way, effective teaching is truly manifested, and it is indeed a helpful deed for

both teachers and the students.

Furthermore, I would also recommend the future researchers to study

and investigate about the differences between the predicaments of the

academic tracks and non-academic tracks. Additionally, the future

researchers could also distinguish the reason why these two tracks or the

other strands often have diverse decision making in choosing a strand.

References List

Antonio, Y. (2018, November 24).

Retrieved from Jumbo Hakdog’s daily blogs:


Biliran, P. (2018, September 10). Retrieved from





Brenner, A. (2015, May 30). The Importance of Learning How to Make

Decisions. Retrieved from Psychology Today:


Fortun, L. (2018, October 12). Available College Courses for ABM Students.

Retrieved from Edukasyon:


Wenk, L. (2017, September 14). The importance of engaging prior knowledge.

Retrieved from Hampshire College: Center for Teaching and Learning:

Whiston, S. C., & Keller, B. K. (2004, July 1).

Retrieved from

Hashnim, H. M., & Embong, A. M. (2015, January).

Retrieved from
Kazi, A. S., & Akhlag, A. (2017, December). Retrieved



Kazi, A. S., & Akhlag, A. (2017, December). Retrieved from


Keller, B. K., & Whinston, S. C. (2004, July 1).

Retrieved from


Oano, J. J., DelaTorre, J. F., Japitan, W. I., & Moneva, J. C. (2019, January). Retrieved from



Pedragoza, G. (2016, October 5). Retrieved from
Tailab, M. (2013, November 5). Retrieved from


Whiston, S. C., & Keller, B. K. (2004, July 1).

Retrieved from

Survey Questionnaire

1. Name (Optional) *

2. Gender *

o Male

o Female

3. Age *

4. Are you confused in choosing a strand?

o Extremely Agree

o Agree

o Disagree

o Extremely Disagree

5. Did you choose this strand because it’s your personality?

o Extremely Agree

o Agree

o Disagree

o Extremely Disagree

6. Did you choose ABM strand because you want to build a business


o Extremely Agree

o Agree

o Disagree
o Extremely Disagree

7. Did you choose this strand because of your friends?

o Extremely Agree

o Agree

o Disagree

o Extremely Disagree

8. Did your friends always give you an advice in decisions you make?

o Extremely Agree

o Agree

o Disagree

o Extremely Disagree

9. Did you choose ABM strand because of your parent’s choice?

o Extremely Agree

o Agree

o Disagree

o Extremely Disagree

10. Did your family expect you to succeed in a business?

o Extremely Agree

o Agree

o Disagree
o Extremely Disagree


Angel D. Arroyo

Prk. 4-B Glodo Subd. Brgy. San Franciso Panabo City


Personal Information
Age: 19
Birthday: July 2, 2001
Gender: Female
Nationality: Filipino
Religion: Roman Catholic

Educational Background
Sto. Nino Elementary School – 2008 - 2014
Panabo National High School – 2014 - 2019
Maryknoll College of Panabo, Inc. – 2019 - 2021

Junior Disaster Action Team – Senior Officer (Admin)

Provincial Jamboree BSP Camporal 2018-2019

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