Lesson Plan in Science 6 - December 12, 2022 (Monday)

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Princeton Science School - Home of Young Achievers

#68 Taurus St., Bolbok, Batangas City

Elementary Department

Lesson Plan in Science 6

December 12, 2022

I. Objectives
At the end of this lesson, 90% of the pupils must be able to:
a. identify the different health issues involving circulatory system;
b. recognize the causes and symptoms of these diseases, and;
c. describe how does one person takes good care of the cardiovascular health.

II. Subject Matter

Topic: Cardiovascular Health
Tools: PowerPoint Presentation, laptop, YouTube, School LMS,
Values: Practice healthy lifestyle and value one’s life.
References: ‘Real-life Science 6’ Textbook, pg. 127 – 130.
‘Understanding Science in our Times Textbook, pg. 161 – 162.

III. Lesson Proper

A. Pre-task
1. Introduction
Activity: “QnA PORTION”

Directions: The students will be answering the following questions through a

game show. The following questions will be shown at the slides:

1. What are the four main parts of the blood?

2. What do we call the blood that carries oxygen?
3. Which part of the blood is liquid?
4. What states of matter are the other parts of the blood?

2. Creative Entry Point

Activity: “Healthy Living”
Directions: The students will be shown two different pictures in each slides.
They’ll be choosing which among the two shown pictures shows the healthiest way to
keep one’s circulatory system healthy.
Lastly, the students will be asked by these questions:
“In conclusion, what are the things that we can do to make our circulatory system

B. Discussion

Quarter 2
In this lesson, the students will learn about the different health problems involving the
heart, blood, blood vessels. This lesson as well as includes the illnesses causes and how to
possibly manage and treat these.
Diseases/Conditions of the Blood
“What are the diseases of the blood that you have ever heard before?”
1. Anemia

Deficiency of red blood cells (hemoglobin), which results in decreased supply of oxygen
throughout the body.
“I have mentioned about anemia before, who among you can tell the class which causes this
particular blood condition?”
“There is a decreased amount of oxygen being supplied to the body”
“In which makes the person with anemia looks like what? And feels like what?”
“Pale and easy to feel tired.”
“And how do you think anemic persons manages their conditions?”
“Eating green leafy vegetables.”
“Drinking medicines (ferrous sulfate)”
2. Leukemia
“How do we characterize leukemia?”
Cancer of the blood with regards to the white blood cells.
“Which means the production of their WBCs are what? Rapidly increases or decreases?”

Quarter 2
3. Hemophilia
A rare genetic disorder that slows the blood clotting process.
“Well what do you conclude with this diagnosis?”
“What does a cut could mean to a hemophilic person?”
“This cut could cost one’s life”

Diseases/Conditions of the Blood Vessels

1. Arteriosclerosis
Clogging of cholesterol, fat, and calcium in the arteries, preventing the blood to flow to
various areas of the body. May lead to heart attack.
“Which blood vessel do you think is affected with this condition?”

Quarter 2
2. Aneurysm
Swelling and thinning of blood vessels that may eventually burst, resulting to internal
bleeding and death.
“What could be the only thing that could manage or save the life of a person whom found to
have an aneurysm?”

3. Varicose Veins
Swollen and twisted veins appears in the legs due to slowing down of blood flow going to
the heart. Prolonged standing and excessive activities may cause varicose veins.

C. Post-task
1. Application
Asynchronous Activity: Heart Attack vs Cardiac Arrest

The students will be tasked to find out what is the difference between the two heart
problems. Their answers will be written inside a Venn Diagram drawn in an intermediate
paper. The paper will be checked on next class meeting.

Quarter 2
2. Evaluation
Activity: “Concept Drill”
This activity will be given to the students for each circulatory component’s
diseases is done. The following questions will be given to the students to assess their
understanding and attentiveness during the class discussion:

1. This causes the artery full of plaque or becomes clogged that may even lead to heart attack.
2. It is a genetic disorder wherein a body fails to clot normally.
3. It is characterized by swollen veins to appear in the legs.
4. The abnormal and rapid production of this cell characterizes Leukemia.
5. It is a deficiency of red blood cells’ hemoglobin that causes the body to become pale and
easy to feel tired.
6. It is the swelling of the blood vessels that may suddenly burst and lead to internal bleeding or

Quarter 2

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