Wireless Communication: (Wireless Energy Transfer, Its Application and Challenges in Its Commercialization)

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(Wireless Energy Transfer, its application and challenges in its commercialization)

Mr. Karan J. Thakkar Shantanu V. Kulkarni CONTACT NO: 08149751105 CONTACT NO: 07875086059 T.E (ENTC ENGG.) T.E (ENTC ENGG.) thephoenix.1123581321@gmail.com shankulk@gmail.com






In 1895, Guglielmo Marconi opened the way for modern wireless communications by transmitting the three-dot Morse code for the letter S over a distance of three kilometers using electromagnetic waves. From this beginning, wireless communications has developed into rapidly growing segment of the communications industry, with the potential to provide highspeed high-quality information exchange between portable devices located anywhere in the world. Potential applications enabled by this technology include multimedia Internet-enabled cell phones, smart homes and appliances, automated highway systems, video teleconferencing and distance learning, and autonomous sensor networks, to name just a few. From satellite transmission, radio and television broadcasting to the now ubiquitous mobile telephone, wireless communications has revolutionized the way societies function. An important, futuristic and evolving application of the wireless technology is Wireless Energy Transfer, often called as Wireless Power Transmission (WPT) has been discussed. The concept of WPT has been in existence since 1820 when Andr-Marie Ampre developed Ampres law showing that electric current produces a magnetic field (Ampres Circuital Law). In 1891, Nikola Tesla demonstrated the wireless illumination of phosphorescent lamps at the World's Columbian Exposition in Chicago. From then onwards various laws, mathematical and practical models were formulated for efficient energy transfer over long distances. In this paper, the concept of wireless power transmission for space application has been explored and the challenges are identified from a system perspective. By transmitting at microwave frequency, the electromagnetic wave beam can be focused to improve overall efficiency. However, lightweight high power microwave devices and circuits operating with high efficiency are required. Among various semiconductor technologies, GaN has the best power density and power handling capability. High efficiency rectifier circuits using GaN diodes are used as examples and detailed analysis is presented. Along with the analysis of this application of WPT, the challenges faced in the commercialization of WPT have also been discussed.


KEYWORDS: Wireless Communication, Wireless energy transfer, Regenerative fuel

cells(application), Detailed analysis, Commercialization, Breakthroughs



1. 2. 3.

What is Wireless Energy Transfer? History Methods For Wireless Power Transmission Near Field Far Field Specialized Application: Remote Wireless Power Transmission for Regenerative Fuel Cells


5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

Detailed Analysis Challenges in commercialization of Wireless Power Transmission Recent Breakthroughs Conclusion References



Wireless energy transfer or Wireless Power Transmission (WPT) is the process that takes place in any system where electrical energy is transmitted from a power source to an electrical load without interconnecting wires. Wireless transmission is useful in cases where instantaneous or continuous energy transfer is needed but interconnecting wires are inconvenient, hazardous, or impossible. What makes this process unique is that there is no usage of any type of wiring to connect the system to a source of power. Wireless energy transfer has to do supplying operational power to a system that needs to function when connection via electrical wiring or cable is unavailable or inefficient. In last few years, our society experienced a silent, but quite dramatic, revolution in terms of the number of autonomous electronic devices (e.g. laptops, palm pilots, digital cameras, household robots, etc.) that we use in our everyday lives. Currently, most of these devices are powered by


batteries, which need to be recharged very often. This fact motivated us to think whether there exist physical principles that could enable wireless powering of these and similar devices. An example of how wireless power transfer could work to recharge laptops:


Ever since Andre-Marie Ampre codified the laws of naturedictating that an oscillating magnetic field produces an electric field and that an oscillating electric field produces a magnetic field (Ampres circuital law)history has been littered with theories and attempts to enable the wireless transfer of energy for the purposes of powering lights, objects, and devices.


In 1893, almost 120 years ago, Tesla demonstrated wireless energy transfer at the World Fair in Chicago by providing power to a series of phosphorous light bulbs, wirelessly. In 1904, at the World Fair in St. Louis, a prize was offered for anyone who could successfully transmit enough energy over a distance of 100 feet to power a dirigible. In 1964, William Brown demonstrated a model helicopter that could fly by receiving power via a microwave beam over a distance of one mile. In 1968, Peter Glaser proposed wirelessly transferring solar energy captured in space using "Powerbeaming" technology. This was the first description of a solar power satellite. In 1971, Prof. Don Otto developed a small trolley powered by induction at The University of Auckland, in New Zealand. In 1988, A power electronics group led by Prof. John Boys at The University of Auckland in New Zealand, developed an inverter using novel engineering materials and power electronics and concluded that power transmission by means of electrodynamic induction should be achievable. A first prototype for a contact-less power supply was built by Auckland Uniservices..


Fundamentally, there are two different means of wirelessly transferring power.

1. Near Field
Near-field transmissions typically involve the use of inductive techniques and magnetic fields to move energy across much shorter distances. Near field energy itself is non radiative, but some radiative losses will occur. In addition there are usually


resistive losses. Near field transfer is usually magnetic (inductive), but electric (capacitive) energy transfer can also occur. The following are the types of near field energy transfer methods: Induction (Inductive Coupling) Resonant Energy Transfer Electrostatic Induction (Capacitive Coupling)

2. Far Field
Far-field methods permit long-range power transfers and typically involve beamed power (lasers) or radio and microwave transmissions. Far field methods achieve longer ranges, often multiple kilometer ranges, where the distance is much greater than the diameter of the device(s). With radio wave and optical devices the main reason for longer ranges is the fact that electromagnetic radiation in the far-field can be made to match the shape of the receiving area thereby delivering almost all emitted power at long ranges. The following are the types of far field energy transfer methods: Microwave Power Transmission Laser Power Transmission

Pros and cons: lasers vs microwaves

Size reduction: The most important benefit of laser beaming over microwaves is the reductiionn in size of the transmitting and receiving antennas. The size reduction of the space-based transmitting antenna also has significant cost-reduction impact. Interference: A major issue in space solar power systems employing microwave power transmission is their potential interference with satellite communication systems. Lasers, however, avoid these interference issues, both because of the great disparity in fundamental frequencies between lasers and satellite communications bands (a differences of roughly five orders of magnitude) and the fact that the narrow laser beams are less likely to have significant sidelobes that could introduce interference.


Atmospheric and weather effects: Both microwave and laser beams are attenuated by the Earths atmosphere and its weather dependent particulate content. Safety: the consequences of any intrusion into the beam by people, animals, or artifacts can be much more serious for the laser than for the microwave beam. Technical immaturity: Laser power transmission technologies are relatively immature as compared to microwave power beaming because of slowly eveloving technologies of laser power transmission.

(With a laser beam centered on its panel of photovoltaic cells, a lightweight model plane makes the first flight of an aircraft powered by a laser beam inside a building at NASA Marshall Space Flight Center)

(Remote Wireless Power Transmission for Regenerative Fuel Cells)
For wireless power transmission using microwave, by transmitting at microwave frequency, the electromagnetic wave beam can be focused to improve overall efficiency. However, lightweight high power microwave devices and circuits operating with high efficiency are required. Among various semiconductor technologies, GaN has the best power density and power handling capability. High efficiency rectifier circuits can be built using GaN diodes.


Fuel cells have been used in NASAs space missions. Fuel cells use hydrogen and oxygen to generate electricity. Once the fuels (hydrogen and oxygen) are consumed, the fuel cells can no longer generate the power. To ensure a successful mission, the spacecrafts must carry enough fuels. This means increased size and weight, which in turn increases the energy consumption during the mission. The regenerative fuel cell (RFC) can be recharged to restore the energy capacity. RFC will be used in NASAs future space projects including planetary solar electric aircraft, lunar base, and Mars base. However, the recharging needs the electricity and the regenerative fuel cells have to be sent to a recharging station. In space missions, immediate availability of power is critical, especially during an emergency situation. The possibility of losing power during a mission presents a lifethreatening risk. When this happens, emergency delivery of backup energy sources in time becomes extremely critical. The physical delivery of fuel cells takes time in space missions. Therefore, scientists have been searching a method to charge the regenerative fuel cells on site. This problem of energy can be solved by the use of microwave wireless power transmission. Properties of Microwave Wireless Power Transmission Beamed microwave power transmission has the following unique features as a means of transferring energy from one point to another : No need for massive cables for energy transportation from source to destination
Transfer of energy at the speed of light and flexibility to change

direction of energy transfer

No energy is lost in transmission in space through vacuum and very

little loss in Earths atmosphere at lower frequencies between the source and destination

Energy transfer between points is independent of gravitational force

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WPT applications hold the promise of providing alternative ways of providing electric power, space transportation and wide area communications. However, there are many challenges that must be faced before such applications become reality. THE FREQUENCIES CHALLENGE Emissions resulting from WPT commercial activities are likely to extend beyond the borders of a single nation . Therefore, international cooperation is required in the needed allocation of spectrum to offer WPT service, particularly worldwide. THE SELLING CHALLENGE The concept of WPT is so far out of the scope of the normal range of knowledge that it is a difficult sell. Furthermore, people fear the unknown. The challenge is to develop a technical and economic legitimacy which could be aided by demonstrations and publicity in more than one nation. THE GEOMETRY CHALLENGE Some proposed WPT applications require use of several equatorial land mass locations spread around the globe. No single nation can meet that challenge. International cooperation will be mandatory for such service. THE WORLD MARKET CHALLENGE The likely market size for a viable economic enterprise must include many nations of the World. To produce adequate return on investment for many WPT activities will require a market that is larger than just a single country.


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In 2007, a group led by MIT Professor Marin Soljai (a Croatian physicist) announced that they had discovered a novel way of transmitting electricity without the use of wires.They did this by wirelessly powering a 60W light bulb from a distance of 2 meters using electrodynamics induction. The system works by creating a strong electromagnetic resonance between the sending and receiving coils. even with people sitting in between. The transmission of power took place with almost 45% efficiency.(See figure for setup)

In 2008, Intel reproduces Nikola Tesla's original 1894 implementation of Electrodynamic

Induction and Prof. John Boys group's 1988 follow-up experiments by wirelessly powering a nearby light bulb with 75% efficiency.
In 2009, Lasermotive used diode laser to win $900k NASA prize in power beaming,

breaking several world records in power and distance, by transmitting almost a kilowatt of power over more than several hundred meters.
In 2009, Sony showed a wireless electrodynamic-induction powered TV set receiving

60W over 50 cm.

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In 2010, Haier Group debuts the world's first completely wireless LCD television using

electrodynamic induction wireless energy transmission method and the Wireless Home Digital Interface (WHDI).

Communication between the wireless devices and the power source is required for wireless power to be transferred safely among devices in a timely fashion. The requirements for this communication include high reliability and security, low latency and the ability to communicate under conditions of high interference from the extremely high power that is flowing in parallel with the communication data.Keeping these necessities in mind, Wireless Power Transmission is slowly evolving into a very powerful tool. The use of wireless energy for space ventures based on the wireless charging of Regenerative Fuel Cells (RFC) will dramatically decrease the cost for carrying heavy batteries to support the spaceship at critical times and also reduce the overall energy consumption. This would finally enable the taxpayers money i.e our money to be put to better use elsewhere. There are many challenges to WPT commercialization which may be met with international cooperation. International consortia will be required to raise the tremendous capital investments that WPT will require. According to consumer research done by IEEE, wireless power charging ranks presently within the top 20 percent of consumer lifestyle concerns due to the inconvenience of power cords. Just as the cellular phone has dramatically changed how we communicate, wireless power transfer technology will revolutionize how power is delivered seamlessly to devices wherever they are and whenever needed. Whether it is for an electric vehicle or a lawn mower, wireless power transfer will open an avalanche of technology and product innovation, and new business opportunities to the world.

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