Event Summary A320 Out of Tolerance

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Event Thresholds Summary Report Generated on Tuesday, May 09, 2017 - 04:12 PM

Selected Criteria FAP

Selected FAP A320VJC28

Category Event Name Trigger Condition

Speed Speed High in Approach (below 2500ft RA) ALT_RADIO <2500ft Tol>=10se
Speed Speed Above VMO CAS>
Speed Speed Above MMO MACH>:
Speed Speed above VLO Retraction CAS/MACH >; TOL >= 3s
Speed Speed Above VLE CAS/MACH >; TOL >= 3s
Speed Speed High in Approach (at 1000ft) CAS > VAPP:
Speed Speed Low in Approach (at 1000ft) CAS < VAPP:
Speed Speed High in Approach (at 500ft) CAS >VAPP:
Speed Speed Low in Approach (at 500ft) CAS <VAPP:
Speed Speed High in Approach (at 50ft) CAS >VAPP:
Speed Speed Low in Approach (at 50ft) CAS <VAPP:
Speed Speed above VLO Extension CAS >
Speed Speed above VFE CAS >; TOL >= 3s
Speed Speed above 250kts (below 10000ft) CAS>255kts, TOL>10 seconds at 9500ft or FL95
Speed Speed High at Touch down CAS >:
Speed Speed Low at Touch down CAS <:
Speed Speed Above Recommended Turbulence Speed ALT_STD ~ 20000; >:MACH>0.
Speed Rejected Takeoff Detected CAS >:
Speed Speed Low CAS <; TOL >= 3s
Speed Taxi Speed High in straight line GS
Speed Taxi Speed High in Turn GS >
Speed Speed High after Take Off and Go Around CAS > V2/VAPP +
Speed Tail wind at Landing Tail wind at Touch Down >:
Speed Speed Low after Take Off or Go Around For 3 s, CAS < V2 + :
Pitch Pitch High at Take Off PITCH >: (At Lift Off);
Pitch rates Pitch Rate High at Take Off PITCH_RATE >:
Pitch rates Pitch Rate Low at Take Off PITCH_RATE (MAX) <:
Pitch Pitch High in Climb PITCH >: TOL = 3s;
Pitch Pitch Low in Climb PITCH <: TUL = 3s;
Pitch Pitch High at Touchdown PITCH >: (At Touch Down);
Pitch Pitch Low at Touchdown PITCH <=: (At Touch Down);
Pitch rates Pitch Rate High at Landing PITCH_RATE (MAX) >= :
Roll Bank High in Approach (below 100ft) | ROLL | (MAX) >=:
Roll Bank High in Approach (400ft - 100ft) | ROLL | >: TOL = 3s
Roll Bank High in Approach (1000ft - 400ft) | ROLL | >: TOL = 3s
Roll Bank High in Approach (above 1000ft) | ROLL | >: TOL = 3s
Roll Bank Cycling in Approach Oscillation number >:
Roll Bank High in Initial Climb (Take Off - 100ft) | ROLL | >: TOL = 3s
Roll Bank High in Initial Climb (100ft - 400ft) | ROLL | >: TOL = 3s
Roll Bank High in Initial Climb (400ft - 1000ft) | ROLL | >: TOL = 5s
Roll Bank Cycling during Initial Climb Oscillation number >:
Roll Bank High During Flare (below 10ft) | ROLL | (MAX) >=:
Roll Bank oscillation in Approach (below 100ft) ROLL (Range) >=
Height Path High in Approach (at 1200ft) Path Angle >:
Height Path Low in Approach (at 1200ft) Path Angle <:
Height Path High in Approach (at 800ft) Path Angle >:
Height Path Low in Approach (at 800ft) Path Angle <:
Height Path High in Approach (at 400ft) Path Angle >:
Height Path Low in Approach (at 400ft) Path Angle <:
Vertical ratesPath High in Descent (above FL100) Slope <: TOL = 30s
Vertical ratesRate Of Descent High in Approach (above 2000ft) IVV <: TOL = 3s
Vertical ratesRate Of Descent High in Approach (2000ft - 1000ft) IVV <: TOL = 3s
Vertical ratesRate Of Descent High in Approach (1000ft - 500ft) IVV <: TOL = 3s
Vertical ratesRate Of Descent High in Approach (below 500ft) IVV <: TOL = 3s
Vertical ratesPath High at Landing (below 20ft) ALT_AFE <= 20; Slope >:
Vertical ratesRate Of Descent High in Descent (FL100 - FL30) IVV <: TOL = 60s
Vertical ratesRate Of Climb Low in Initial Climb (below 1000ft) IVV <: TOL = 5s
Acceleration Vertical Acceleration High at Take Off VRTGMAX >=:
Acceleration Vertical Acceleration High in Flight VRTGMAX >=: OR VRTGMIN
Acceleration Vertical Acceleration High at Touchdown VRTGMAX >=:
Configuratio Flaps Early Retraction at Take Off Slats/Flaps settings change at
Configuratio Flaps Late Setting at Landing ALTITUDE<:
Configuratio Flaps Questionable Setting at Landing CONF (Info if =3)
Configuratio Configuration change Questionable during Go aroundLength of Time… :
Configuratio Speed Brakes Used in Approach (below 1000ft) :
Configuratio Auto Pilot Off Detected in Cruise Length of Time AP off during C
Configuratio Landing Gear Late Retraction ALTITUDE >:
Configuratio Reversers Delayed at Landing Reverse not deployed:
Configuratio Speed Brakes Out with Significant Thrust Length of Time (N1 > 60):
Configuratio Rudder Large Inputs (above 200ft) In Symetrical flight RUD_PDL*
Configuratio Reversers High Thrust at Low Speed Full reverse applied with CAS <
Configuratio Autoland Landing performed with AP O
Configuratio Ground Spoiler lever not armed GND spoiler lever position
Thrust Thrust Low in Approach (below 500ft RA) THR_DEFICIT >:
Thrust EGT High EGT_ENGn > (TOL>=2s)
Thrust Thrust Reduction Late at Landing Thrust Still High and :
Thrust Thrust Asymmetry in flight (N1_DIFF) > 10 RPM: (EPR_DIF
Thrust Thrust Asymmetry in Reverse (N1_1 - N1_2) > 10 RPM: (EPR_
Thrust Thrust High during Taxi Any Engine >: TOL >= 3s
Thrust Thrust Power High at Line-Up Heading variation higher than
Alignment HDG Deviation at Take Off (100kts - Rotation) |HEADING_LINEAR-headref| >:
Alignment Deviation below Glideslope (Above 1000ft) GLIDE >: TOL >= 3s
Alignment Deviation above Glideslope (Above 1000ft) GLIDE >: TOL >= 3s
Alignment Localizer Deviation |LOCC| >: TOL >= 3s
Alignment Deviation below Glideslope (1000ft - 200ft) GLIDE >: TOL >= 3s
Alignment Deviation above Glideslope (1000ft - 200ft) GLIDE >: TOL >= 3s
Alignment Heading Deviation at Landing (above 60kts) 4sec after TD GS > 60kts HDGd
Alignment Long Flare Time Time from 30ft to TD >:
Alignment Height Low at Threshold Height Low at THR
Alignment Height High at Threshold High Height at THR
Alignment HDG Significant Change in Approach (below 500ft) deltaHDG >=:
Alignment Short Flare Distance DIST_TO_THR (at TD) <=:
Alignment Long Flare Distance DIST_TO_THR (at TD)
Alignment Short Flare Time Time from 30ft to Touch Down
Alignment High Vertical speed before Touchdown Late Flare
Height Landing after unstabilized approach _STABILIZATION_HGT<:
Acceleration High Deceleration Required At Landing At Landing phase:
Warning Flaps/Slats extended above Max altitude For 10s, FLAPS deployed and
Warning Altitude Above Maximum Operating Altitude ALT_STD >:
Warning Windshear Warning _WARNING =:
Warning Go Around Go Around when ALT_AFE:
Warning Engine reverser selected in flight REVERSER selected in flight fo
Warning Bounced Landing :
Warning Touch And Go Touch and go:
Warning Alpha Floor _ALPHA_FLOOR:
Warning Alternate Law ALTERN_LAW:
Warning Direct Law DIRECT_LAW:
Warning Overweight Landing Landing weight > =:
Warning Dual Stick Inputs (x>=2°) AND (y>=2°)
Warning TCAS RA Warning TCAS_RA during:
Warning Level Bust fabs (ALT_STD - ALT_SEL) >, to
Warning Autoland Warning WARNING=:
Warning Landing Gear Not Locked Down LDG not locked down below:
Warning Engine Shutdown in Flight During 20s N2 < 12 and EGT <:
Warning Smoke Warning WARNING=:
Warning Take Off Config Warning WARNING=:
Warning Long Holding Holding patterns detected
Warning Destination Change in Flight Same airport dep arr with no
Major Risk DeTail Strike Hazard at Take Off 1100, 1101
Low Limit Medium Limit High Limit
220 Kts 230 Kts 250 Kts
# VMO + 4 knts; TOL>=3s VMO + 4 knts; TOL>=6s
# MMO + 0.004 TOL<=3s MMO + 0.004 TOL<=6s
# # 220 kts
# # 280 Kts, 0.67 M
+ 15 Kts + 20 Kts + 25 Kts
+ ( -5 ) Kts + ( -8 ) Kts + ( -10 ) Kts
+ 10 Kts + 15 Kts + 20 Kts
+ ( -5 ) Kts + ( -8 ) Kts + ( -10 ) Kts
+ 8 Kts + 11 Kts + 15 Kts
+ ( -5 ) Kts + ( -8 ) Kts + ( -10 ) Kts
# # 250 kts
# VFE VFE + 4 Kts
10 seconds at 9500ft or FL95
VAPP + 0 Kts VAPP + 5 Kts VAPP + 10 Kts
VLS -5 Kts VLS -8 Kts VLS -10 Kts
TOL >= 120 s TOL >= 300 s TOL >= 600 s
50 Kts 80 Kts 100 Kts
VLS + ( -3 ) Kts VLS + ( -7 ) Kts VLS + ( -10 ) Kts
> 32 Kts > = 35 Kts > = 40 Kts
15 Kts ( Divide by 2 for U-Turn18 Kts ( Divide by 2 for U-Turn31 Kts ( Divide by 2 for U-Turn)
30 kts 40 kts 50 kts
15 kts 17 kts 19 kts
6 kts 2 kts -2 kts
10 ° 11 ° 12 °
4.5 °/s 5.5 °/s 6.5 °/s
2.25 °/s 2 °/s 1.5 °/s
19 ° 20 ° 21 °
12 ° 10 ° 8°
8.2 ° 9.2 ° 10.2 °
2° 1° 0.5 °
2 °/sec 2.5 °/sec 3 °/sec
6° 8° 10 °
10 ° 15 ° 20 °
25 ° 30 ° 35 °
32 ° 36 ° 40 °
4 6 8
6° 8° 10 °
15 ° 20 ° 25 °
25 ° 30 ° 35 °
4° 6° 8°
5° 7° 9°
6° 10 ° 14 °
Glide angle + 0.4° Glide angle + 0.7° Glide angle + 0.95°
Glide angle - 0.4° Glide angle - 0.6° Glide angle - 0.8°
Glide angle + 0.4° Glide angle + 0.7° Glide angle + 0.95°
Glide angle - 0.4° Glide angle - 0.6° Glide angle - 0.8°
Glide angle + 0.4° Glide angle + 0.7° Glide angle + 0.95°
Glide angle - 0.4° Glide angle - 0.6° Glide angle - 0.8°
-6 ° -7 ° -9 °
-2000 ft/min -2500 ft/min -3000 ft/min
-1200 ft/min -1500 ft/min -1800 ft/min
-1100 ft/min -1300 ft/min -1500 ft/min
-1000 ft/min -1100 ft/min -1300 ft/min
2.25 ° 2.65 ° 3°
-2500 ft/min -3000 ft/min -3500 ft/min
1000 ft/min 750 ft/min 500 ft/min
1.35 G 1.4 G 1.45 G
1.4 G ; 0.6 G 1.6 G ; 0.4 G 1.8 G ; 0.2 G
1.5 G 1.6 G 1.75 G
< 900 < 800 < 700
1000 ft 750 ft 500 ft
# # <3
Gear down in CONF 3 >= 10s Gear Up in CONF FULL >= 20s Gear Down in CONF FULL > 20s
# # Speed Brakes out in Final App.
180 s 900 s 1800 s
200 ft 300 ft 500 ft
5 sec after touch down 10 sec after touch down _CAS < 50 kts
20 s 40 s 60 s
# 4.2 5.7
65 kts 55 kts 45 kts
# # #
# # Not armed prior to take off or landing
11 % 15 % 19 %
920 °C 938 °C 950 °C
RALT<=3ft A/C on Ground A/C on Ground for 2 secs
10 30 60
5s 10 s 15 s
N1 : 42 % ; EPR : 1.1 N1 : 45 % ; EPR : 1.15 N1 : 50 % ; EPR : 1.2
55 kts 60 kts 65 kts
2° 3° 4°
0.5 dot 1 dot 1.5 dot
-0.5 dot -1 dot -1.5 dot
0.5 dot 1 dot 1.5 dot
0.5 dot 1 dot 1.5 dot
-0.5 dot -1 dot -1.5 dot
3° 4° 5°
10 sec 12 sec 14 sec
<= 35 <= 30 <= 25
>=60 ft >=70 ft >=80 ft
5° 15 ° 20 °
450 m 350 m 250 m
750 m 900 m 1050 m
5s 4s 3s
< -6.5 ft/s < -8 ft/s < -10 ft/s
500 300 100
# (INFO = _LDA not available) _DECELERATION_REQ >= 2 _DECELERATION_REQ >= 2.5
# # 20200 ft
# # 39800 ft
>200 <=200 #
# # at least 3 secs before Touchdown
Bounced Bounced and |IVV| > 200 ft/mBounced and |IVV| > 400 ft/min
More than one Only one #
# # TRUE
# # TRUE
# # TRUE
# # 66 + 1%
# TOL>=0.25 sec TOL>=3 sec
# # 3s
150 ft 250 ft 350 ft
# # = ON
# # Autoland
# # 1000ft
# # <= 300 °
# # Smoke
# # Take Off
# # #
# # #

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