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Gravity no longer exists

“I’m telling you we don’t know the true risks! There’s no telling how we could reverse it. What if we
all just fly into space? HUH?! What if.. what if molecules, the… the very matter that surrounds us
can’t retain its chemical bonds!”

Silence engulfed the parliament chamber. Chairmen stared in shock, their eyes as - open as the ones
of the scientist who just made them realise what exactly they had done. All they were presented with
were figures for prosperity and GDP growth. None of them suspected…

“You are but a lunaticious old man with a deviant mindset” - the voice of the president echoed
through the room. “You do not have the support of our narod, nor of our chairmen, nor of our
parliament.” Peter Shterionov couldn’t take his eyes off the president. Only now did he realise how
ridiculous his speech was. He was embarrassed. Not for standing up for what he believed would be
the apocalypse but for attempting to persuade the mighty parliament of the great People’s republic
of Balkania. 1300 people in one room, 100 for every one of the 13 regions of the republic spanning all
the way from Ljubljana, our northernmost city, to Istanbul, our southernmost city. What the majority
of these 1300 people thought was the way to deal with the west once and for all was to fly
”passenger aircraft” over major US cities and drop tiny capsules which in theory would emit tiny
particles, almost as if they’re radioactive. These particles are “bond nullifiers” They cancel any
chemical bond wherever they go. In a way, they erase gravity, because exhaust atoms would just fly
into the sky. The particles would destroy everything on their way except pure H2, H2O and O2 -
Bonds so simple and so strong, they cannot be broken. The entirety of North America would silently
disappear into single-proton atoms and free-flying electrons. Until they reach the ocean or ice. Peter
however noticed something. He noticed that while the particles reach around 1000 meters below the
surface, they would spread underground, under the ocean. To anywhere in the world. Who in their
right mind would approve such a decision?! That’s not of importance right now. What matters is that
on that day, December 21, 2012, the decision was taken by the so-called “Svobodna Republika” to kill
all of Earth.

Sukhoi passenger aircraft under the airline “Proekt” began regular flights over US airspace. Within a
day half a million people were dead. Nobody knew from what. All they saw was people turn into
dust, and that dust turned into… nothing. People’s relatives were disappearing just like that. Healthy,
happy humans - gone. Power plants exploded. Gas stations combust. Within a week the Soviet Union
Denounced Balkania for committing such an atrocious crime against humanity. Some scientists from
Sofia leaked all the secret data to a Hungarian newspaper. Hungary was one of the Eastern Block’s
most liberal governments and people, goods and most importantly information often escaped to the
western world through there. The world knew who was responsible. Within a month after that, just
entering into the new year of 2013 the world experienced the severity of the situation. Neither
hydrogen nor oxygen could stop the danger from spreading. On february 12th, the birthday of the
president of Balkania, the first case of particles was recorded in Ireland and Mauritania, The next day,
Portugal and Spain had records of it. By the end of 2013, there was no habitable area on Earth. No
water, no land. Its Earth turned desolate, no different to its moon which humans had once aspired
towards. Years stopped existing, for there was no reason to count. No ONE to count… The particles
reached the core of the planet. When achieving contact with the boiling magma, an explosion
occurred. It sent the particles flying through the universe. Some reached the sun, by destroying it, a
supernova occurred, spreading the particles even further into the cosmos. Eventually all of the
universe would be dead.

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