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Subatomic particles (Protons, Electrons, Neutrons)

Atoms are made up of three smaller, or subatomic, particles:

Protons Neutrons Electrons

The protons and neutrons exist in a dense core at the centre of the atom.
This is called the nucleus. The radius of a nucleus is
less than 1/10,000 of that of the atom.
The electrons are spread out around the edge of the
atom. They orbit the nucleus in layers called shells (energy
levels). Nucleus
There are two properties of protons, neutrons and electrons that are especially important:
 relative mass
 relative electrical charge

Particles Relative mass Relative charge

Proton 1 +1
Neutron 1 0
Electron Almost 0 -1

 Protons –
 Neutrons –
 Electrons –
Individual atoms identified by: name and symbol
atomic number (Z) mass number (A)
The number of protons in an atom is known
atomic number, Z:
as the atomic number or proton
Z = number of protons in the nucleus
Z does not change for a given element
mass number, A:
A = number protons + number neutrons or equals total number of nucleons
number of protons is constant for atoms of the same element, but the number of neutrons is variable
Each element has a definite and fixed number of protons. The atoms of any particular
element always contain the same number of protons.
If the number of protons changes, then the atom becomes a different element.
Nuclide Atomic Number Atomic Mass Protons Neutrons Electrons
11Na 11 23 11 12 10
13 Al 13 27 13 14 10

Formula: Protons = Z , Neutrons = A – Z , Electrons = Z – charge (oxidation)

Chemical Equations

This only occurs during a chemical reaction. Chemical reactions is the process by which substance bond together and
in doing so, either release, or consume energy. To clearly describe chemical equation , scientist came up with chemical
equations. It is shorthand notations to show the substance that undergo chemical reaction and the substance
produced by reactions.

Arrow sign ➡️ Means yield and shows the direction of the reaction.
Double arrow ↔️ Shows that the reaction is reversible and can go in both directions.

Greek Alpha Delta 🔼 Above the arrow shows that heat has been added.
S Solid
g Gas
+ addition Used to show combination of the reactants or products.
l Liquid
aq Aqueous Liquid

Direct combination reaction

Also known as synthesis reaction. A reaction when two or more reactants combined to form a single compound.
The general Formula for this reaction is : A + B ➡️AB
Example= Ca + Cl2 ➡️CaCl2 Calcium Chloride
Decomposition reaction
In this reaction a single reactant breaks down into simpler ones. It is the reverse of the synthesis reaction.
The general Formula for this reaction is: AB ➡️A + B
Example= Na2CO3 ➡️Na2O + CO2 Sodium carbonate ➡️Sodium oxide + Carbon dioxide

Single displacement reaction

In this type of reaction , a more reactive material replaces one substance. Either the cation (positive charge) or
the anion (negative charge) undergoes replacement, but when both do the replacement does not happen at the
the same time. The reactant are always one element and one compound.
The general forms are : A + BC ➡️AC + B (cation replacement) A + BC ➡️BA + C (anion replacement)
Example= 2 Li + Na2 SO4 ➡️Li2 SO4 + 2 Na Lithium + Sodium sulfate ➡️Lithium sulfate + Sodium

Double replacement reaction

Atoms or ions form two different compounds replace each other in a double replacement reaction. The anion of the
compounds exchange partners and new compounds are formed.
A+ B- + C+ D- ➡️A+ D- + C+ B- one or both if the products AD or CB may be solid or gaseous or some combinations.
Example= Calcium chloride + Silver Nitrate ➡️Calcium nitrate + Silver chloride
CaCl2 (aq) + 2 AgNO3 (aq) ➡️Ca (NO3)2 (aq) + 2 AgCl(s)
Combustion (burning) reaction
This is when the oxygen combines with a hydrocarbon (compound containing hydrogen and carbon) to form water
and Carbon dioxide.
Example of which is the burning of Butane gas: C4 H10 + O2 ➡️C O2 + H2 O

Acid-Base reaction
A special kind of double displacement reaction that takes place when an acid and base reacts with each other.
The H+ of the acid reacts with the HO- of the forming water. The other product is salt.
Example of which is HCL + NaOH ➡️ NaCl +H2 O
Naming Compounds

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