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1. You are lost at sea in a small yacht.

I guess that this would be the worst possible scenario I would try to avoid experiencing at all

First, if there is nothing just the blue sea around, difficult to pinpoint specific direction during
the day and easy to lose track of the direction picked using stars during the night. If there
would be no fresh water maker on board, this would be extremely difficult situation.
Dehydration would kick in very soon and the only way to avoid collapse is to try to catch
morning vapor in some plastic sheets. Food would be the lesser worry as plenty of fish
around. Another deadly aspect would be weather and possibility of storm.

The best way to survive this situation is to try to stay in one direction as much as possible and
hope for reaching some land.

2. You get shipwrecked on a deserted island - you are alone.

First, I would need to sort out water source. If there are rocky cliffs by the sea, piece of robe
or even a rolled up fabric can be squeezed into small cracks on the vertical wall of the cliff
and the end put in a container to capture the water.

 Secondly a shelter. Some sticks and leaves all over and lastly fire for moral and cooking.
Two sticks and a rope made out of fabric and friction action can start ;-)

 Then I would build a sign on the beach for planes flying over and fire for signaling during the

 Food mostly foraging, fishing and trapping as these are the most effective methods of food

How often do you eat junk food? Not often as I mostly cook and prepare what I eat at home.

What makes junk food so tasty? I guess all the artificial flavors added to it. There were studies
where the results were quite alarming and some of the content was literally harmful to human

Are parents who give junk food to their children irresponsible? Yes, as their kids do not get
healthy eating habits. Variety of fresh healthy food is great for growth and overall

If you had to choose between being a strict vegetarian for the rest of your life and eating only
junk food, which would you choose? This question is not making too much sense to me as it
is asking which of two opposite extremes is less dangerous. I guess that during our
development as a species, we were eating all what was available and predominantly protein
based diet; otherwise, our brain would not developed as it has had.

Should the government educate people about the dangers of junk food? Yes, but this should
start with parents as they are responsible for upbringing of their kids.


What this proverb means to me is that the blood bond is something strong and irreplaceable,
something to be cherished and not taken lightly. Quality family relationships require a certain degree
of self-denial, a high degree of compromise and understanding. As a mother, wife, daughter and sister,
I am still learning these skills. Fortunately, I have a family that makes it all much easier for me.
However, not everyone is so lucky in family relationships. Sometimes family relationships are very
bad and it is impossible to build them.

I consider quality family relationships to be a basic human need, without which a person is always
weakened. However, I do not want to diminish the importance of friendships in human life.
I see that due to the dynamic and uncertain times, interpersonal relations in general are now very

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