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Republic of the Philippines


Sta. Rosa Del Norte, Pasacao, Camarines Sur, 4417
Email Address:
Trunk line: (054) 513-9519

Narrative Report

People around the world faces violence and inequality and sometimes torture, even
execution because of who they really are and who they love. Sexual orientation and gender
identity are integral aspect of ourselves and should never lead to discrimination or abuse. Having
this interview making us more aware on how should society see the LGBTQIA, breaking the
culture of aligning your gender identity to your sex. I had a quite hard time convincing my
interviewee to be interviewed for the reason that he was afraid of letting out and at the same time
how society will view him, but luckily, he agreed.

Asking about his sexual orientation, he recently found out that he is a part if LGBTQIA,
he said that “During the pandemic, someone introduced me to BL series or Boys Love Series.
It’s promotes inclusivity and diversity to LGBTQIA community around the world. When I
finished watching 2 series I started to get confused about my sexual orientation. Watching the
series made me realize that it is not wrong to be true to yourself, it is not wrong to fall inlove
with your same sex. I am still confused about my sexual orientation because I am attracted to
both sexes”. Sometimes you still do not know yourself too much to know your identity, just like
Mr. Cordero, he only found out recently. Knowing about his sexual orientation, I asked what
scuffled him knowing that he’s part of the LGBTQIA, he responded “The pandemic gives us
time to know ourselves. I actually start overthinking about my gender. I am afraid of
discrimination so I decided that only few knows about my sexual orientation”. This situation has
been always happening to those people who were afraid of discrimination of the society just
because they were part of the LGBTQIA, so they tend to hide their true selves just to fit in the
society. It is very sad for those people keep it up in their own because they cannot appreciate
themselves as who they are.

For all the things that is happening in the LGBTQIA community like discrimination,
violence and many more I asked him in what ways can we be an ally to your community and he
responded that “It doesn't require to be an LGBTQIA or to be part of community. Just help
someone or your friends who is struggling about their gender, respect everyone on their choice
and accept one another because after all, we are living in one world”. Hearing his response make
me feel at ease, if what he said would really happen in entire world then there would be no more
discrimination to the LGBTQIA, they will start to fully embrace themselves and may have
significant implication to them, like gaining their self-esteem. People should start working in
changing their perspective about LGBTQIA, making them understand the importance of equality
and fairness for all people.
Republic of the Philippines
Sta. Rosa Del Norte, Pasacao, Camarines Sur, 4417
Email Address:
Trunk line: (054) 513-9519

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