Abbie Clase 2

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Role play 1 Role play 2

Culture Culture
Instructions to candidate: Instructions to teacher:
You are talking to a Spanish exchange student about the You are a Spanish exchange student who has just arrived to
fashion styles that young people wear in your country. England.
Your partner will play the part of the visitor  You should begin the role-play
 You should address the candidate as tú
You should address your friend as tú
Introductory text: Estás hablando con un estudiante español (yo)
When you see this sign – ! – you will have to respond to a que está de intercambio en tu colegio
question of which you don´t have any previous
1. Ask the candidate to describe their uniform
information about
 Descríbeme tu uniforme
2. Allow the candidate to describe their uniform. Then, ask the
candidate the clothes worn on the weekend
Estás hablando con un estudiante español  ¿Qué ropa llevas cuando estás en casa?
que está de intercambio en tu colegio 3. Allow the candidate to say the clothes he/she wears. Then,
ask the candidate about sports clothes
 Tu uniforme – descripción  ¿Qué ropa llevas cuando sales con tus amigos?
 Los fines de semana – ropa 4. Allow the candidate to answer the question. Then, ask about
 ! how often he/she goes shopping
 Ir de compras – frecuencia  ¿Con qué frecuencia vas de compras?
 ! 5. Allow the candidate to answer the question. Then, ask about
his/her favourite clothes
 ¿Cuáles son tus piezas de ropa favoritas?
Allow the candidate to give an appropriate answer
Role play 2 Role play 1
Culture Culture
Instructions to candidate: Instructions to teacher:
You are talking to a Spanish exchange student about the You are a Spanish exchange student who has just arrived to
fashion styles that young people wear in your country. England.
Your partner will play the part of the visitor  You should begin the role-play
 You should address the candidate as tú
You should address your friend as tú
Introductory text: Estás hablando con un estudiante español (yo)
When you see this sign – ! – you will have to respond to a que está de intercambio en tu colegio
question of which you don´t have any previous
1. Ask the candidate to describe their uniform
information about
 Descríbeme tu uniforme
2. Allow the candidate to describe their uniform. Then, ask the
candidate the clothes worn on the weekend
Estás hablando con un estudiante español  ¿Qué ropa llevas los fines de semana?
que está de intercambio en tu colegio 3. Allow the candidate to say the clothes he/she wears. Then,
ask the candidate about sports clothes
 Tu uniforme – descripción  ¿Qué ropa llevas cuando haces deporte?
 En casa – ropa 4. Allow the candidate to answer the question. Then, ask about
 ! how often he/she goes shopping
 Ir de compras – frecuencia  ¿Con qué frecuencia vas de compras?
 ! 5. Allow the candidate to answer the question. Then, ask about
his/her favourite clothes
 ¿Cuáles son tus piezas de ropa favoritas?
Allow the candidate to give an appropriate answer

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