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Earth and Life Science Spreading Seafloor Theory – 1960’s, Harry Huss, occurs at

divergent plate boundaries.

I. Natural Science – knowledge about the natural surroundings. Plate Tectonic Theory – 1980’s, Alfred Wegener, Earth is
A. Physical Science – deals with the study of non-living things. composed of inner and outer core
1. Mathematics – study the figures expressing quantities. ➔ Leads to revolutionize Earth Science → focuses on the
2. Chemistry – study the composition, structures, changes, and Atmosphere, Hydrosphere, Geosphere and Biosphere.
properties of matter. P, N, E → atom → molecules → organelles → cells →
3. Physics – study the properties of matter, energy and their tissues→ organs → organ system → organism →
interactions. species →population → community → ecosystem → biomes
4. Earth Science - Earth science or geoscience includes all → biosphere
fields of natural science related to the planet Earth. This is a Note; ecological niche → function of an organism in
branch of science dealing with the physical, chemical, and ecosystem.
biological complex constitutions and synergistic linkages of Example: scavengers → for decomposition → produce
Earth's four spheres, namely biosphere, hydrosphere, humus.
atmosphere, and geosphere. GMO →
a. Astronomy – study heavenly bodies or firmaments. Science → living thing came from non-living things →
b. Geology – study the earth’s crust and strata Abiogenesis.
c. Meteorology – study the atmosphere and weather B. Laws – statement that explains/predicts variety of
d. Geography – study of earth’s surface, forms, physical phenomenon. Embodied mathematical relationships or
features, climate, political division equations between and among quantities under prescribed
B. Biological Science – deals with the study of living things condition/s. Answers WHAT phenomenon happens.
1. Botany – study of plants C. Principles – test of all knowledge, truth can be source or
2. Zoology – study of animals judge. Knowledge that already been validated and are already
II. Applied Science – a way of producing the finding of science well stablished by evidences. Qualitative rather than
to produce new things to make living easier. mathematical. HOW phenomenon happens and how it works.
A. Technology – practical application of science for modern Scientific Method - a method of procedure that has
living. characterized natural science since the 17th century,
1. Machine – devices/tools that helps human activities faster consisting in systematic observation, measurement, and
and better. experiment, and the formulation, testing, and modification of
2. Products – materials produced or made through artificial hypotheses.
means - Explicit body of knowledge→ world’s collective journal
3. Process – a way of doing things. Example: cultured plants, - Implicit body of knowledge → hidden knowledge yet to be
preservation. discovered or invented.
III. Social Science – knowledge about the way people act and - A core drive of a research processes.
live with each other. a. Primary data – involves generation of new data focused
A. Sociology – study the origin, history, and constitution of discovery
human society b. Secondary data – existing data.
B. Psychology – study the natures, functions, and phenomena Steps in Scientific method
of human kind and behavior. 1. Formation of the problem
C. Archeology – study the past cultures, skeletal remains or 2. Gathering data through observation and experimentation
fossils and artifacts. 3. Formulate hypothesis
Science – is it as systematized or organized body of 4. Test your hypothesis
knowledge. It is also characterized as mutable. 5. Conclusion
Empiricism – it is derived from the sense of experiences. (17th Hypothesis – supposition on the basis of limited evidences as
and 18th century, John Locke, George Berkeley and David starting point for further investigation.
Hume. This also forms theories, laws and principles → can be
tested for rejection or acceptance. ORIGIN OF THE UNIVERSE
A. Theories – abstract idea. Refer to body of explanation that I. CREATION THEORY – is a theological narrative of the
either already validated or not yet validated. Explain WHY beginning of the universe, earth and every created living and
phenomenon. non – living. Because of the Absolute Sovereign Being – GOD.
➔ CREATIO EX NIHILO – a Latin word means “creation out
of nothing”, is the doctrine that matter is not eternal but had to
Example: be created by some divine creative act.
Continental drift theory – 1920’s, Alfred Wegener, continents or ➔ Can be found from the first of the Bible, “Genesis”, universe
land forms drifting or fitting together.
created in six days.
➔ Bible composed of 66 books, (39 – Old Testament, 27 – - Today CMB is a heat radiation from the evaporation of the
New Testament) early cosmic soup
➔ Contents: Books of the law, Historical books, Poetical - Evidence: universe was once a hot dense fluid that has been
books, Prophetical books (major and minor prophets) – Old expanding.
Testament; Biographical books/Gospel, Historical books, ➔ Additional description of events occurrence of BIG BANG:
Doctrinal books, Prophetical books – New Testament. 1. Inflationary epoch (10-35 to 10-33 s) → universe expanded
II. BIG BANG THEORY – proponents were Alexander from the size of an ATOMIC nucleus to 1035 meters in width.
Friedman and Georges Lamaitre (1920). 2. Formation of the basic universe (10-6 s) → universe
➔ Radiation – describe the condition of the universe. continued to expand. It became distinct, possessing gravity,
A. 13.7 or 13.8 BYA strong nuclear force, weak nuclear force, and electromagnetic
- Universe massive inflation grew. force. At the first seconds, universe was made up of
- Continue to expand → dense soup of particles about 1 billion fundamental particles and energy: quarks, electron, photons,
oC → 1 million times hotter than the sun today. and neutrinos, among others.
- Universe soup is called “PHOTON BARYON FLUID” made of 3. Formation of the basic elements (3s) → Protons and
Photon, Baryon and Electron. Neutrons combined to form hydrogen nuclei. Then hydrogen
- PHOTON → a light particle, carries energy of radiation. It nuclei began to combine in pairs to form helium nuclei. This
travels in the form of waves process is NUCLEOSYNTHESIS.
o Short wavelength → carries high energy 4. Radiation era (10,000 years) →most of energy in the
o Long wavelength → carries low energy universe was in the form of radiation.
- During this time no atom or matter formed. These included different wavelength of lights, X-rays, radio
- Stays in cosmic soup for a while. waves, and ultraviolet rays. They formed what was called the
B. 380,000 Years cosmic microwave background radiation (CMB).
- As the universe expand. 5. Matter domination (300,000 years) → matter began to
- Stretches the wavelength of photons dominate at the end of the radiation era. At this stage lithium
- Resulting the distribution of energy across the space atom began to formed. Electrons joined with hydrogen and
- Dispersion of energy cause to cool cosmic soup to 3000 oC – helium nuclei to make small neutral atoms.
half of the sun temperature. 6. Birth of stars and galaxies (300 million years) → slightly
- PHOTON traveling in longer wavelength is not energetic to irregular areas of a gas cloud gravitationally attracted nearby
scatter off electron in orbit. matter and became denser. Dense gas clouds collapsed and
- Photon-baryon-fluid evaporated. eventually gained enough mass to ignite and produce light.
- “Let there be light and matter”. A surface of last scattering Huge clouds of gas could be the birthplace for dozens of stars.
(Universe First Light). First light of the cosmos, a snapshot of Groups of stars become galaxies.
the young universe. ➔ Four basic forces:
- Photons can now move much longer distances long 1. Strong force → short-ranged (10-13 cm) attractive force
information this time further. which binds the nucleus
C. Electron are free to orbit Baryonic nuclei forming the basic 2. Electromagnetic force → long-ranged force that binds
form of life. (Very first element atoms which can either be attractive or repulsive.
formed Hydrogen then followed by Helium). 3. Weak force → short-ranged force present in radioactive
- Photon wavelength continue to stretch. decay
- 100 million years → matter condense to form stars 4. Gravitational force → weak, long-ranged, and attractive
- 600 million years → home galaxy, Milky Way formed force which binds the Solar System.
- 8.6 billion years → sun forms, giving birth to solar system.
- Today universe is 13.7or 13.8 billion years old. ➔ Evidences of Big Bang Theory
- Photons early cosmos, continue to stretch becoming 1. Galaxies moving away – 1924, Edwin Hubble found that
INVISIBLE low energy microwave which are nearly radio stars are not uniformly distributed in space. (Red Shift)
waves. 2. Presence of CMB
D. 1960 – two scientist Arno Penzias and Robert Wilson in bell 3. Abundance of light elements – like helium, hydrogen, with
labs detect radiation as NOISE in radio telescope. traces amounts of lithium and beryllium found in the
- Discover COSMIC RADIATION is constant from every observable universe agrees with the hypotheses of the big
direction of the sky. bang
- After paper publication of apparent NOISE, recognizes as ➔ Although Big Bang theory is the acceptable model of the
remnant Radiation observable moment in the evolution of the origin of the universe because it can explain many observed
universe. features of the universe, there were still unresolved problems.
picture of the cosmos. ➔ Proposed by Bondi, Gold, and Hoyle in 1948.
➔ They proposed that the universe is unchanging in time and which is directed towards the axis of rotation or centre of
uniform in space. curvature.
Additional thought: 2. CENTRIFUGAL FORCE – is a pseudo force in a circular
➔ Isaac Newton idea of the Universe motion which acts along the radius
o Newtonian Static of Unchanging Reality – the idea of and is directed away from the centre of a circle.
perfections and absoluteness III. THEORIES OF THE ORIGIN OF THE SOLAR SYSTEM
o God created the COSMOS, therefore it cannot be imperfect A. Vortex Theory / Descartes’ Vortex Theory
o The Static world/closed universe govern by the law of - Solar System was formed into bodies with nearly circular
classical mechanics help together by the force of gravity – orbits because of the whirlpool-like motion in the pre-solar
produced by the Almighty. materials.
- Explains that the orbits of the planets are the primary
➔ Edwin Hubble
whirlpool motion and the satellites the secondary whirlpool
o Showing the idea of Red Shift
➔ Albert Einstein - 1st proponent of the model, Rene Descartes (1596 – 1650), a
o Idea of theory of special and general relativity French Mathematician and Physicist.
➔ Georges Lamaitre B. Collision Theory / Buffon’s Collision Theory
o Idea of universe as cosmic egg - George Louis Leclerc, Comte de Buffon (1707 – 1788), a
➔ 1940’s - famous paper published → Alpha, Beta, Gamma French Naturalist in 18th century.
paper. - Proposed that the planets were formed by the collision of the
o Ralph Alpher, Hans Bethe, George Gamow sun with a giant comet.
o Idea of nucleosynthesis - Resulting debris formed into planets that rotate in the same
➔ 1960’s – discovery of COSMIC MICROWAVE direction as they revolved around the sun.
BACKGROUND (CMB) Radiation. C. Nebular Theory / Kant-Laplace Nebular Theory
- Based on the idea od Descartes, Immanuel Kant (1724 –
I. ORIGIN OF THE SOLAR SYSTEM 1804) and Pierre Simon Laplace (1749
 In the origin of the universe, there was an era (MATTER – 1827) proposed nebular theory.
ERA) when stars and galaxies began to form. - Suggest that a great cloud of gas and dust, called NEBULA
 GALAXY – is defined as gravitationally bound system of begins to collapse because of gravitational pull. Cloud
stars, stellar remnants (means properties of stars / means light contracted, it spun more rapidly.
from the star), interstellar gasses and dark matter. - Spinning cloud flattens into pancake-shaped objects with a
 Dark Matter – composed of particles that do not absorb, emit, bulge at the center.
reflect lights. e.g. black holes. - As NEBULA collapses further, local regions contract on their
 Milky Way – one among billion of galaxies in the observable own due to gravity.
universe. - Local regions became the sun and the planets.
 Observable Universe – means the region of the universe from - Problem: is assumed that the total angular momentum of the
Earth’s vantage point (point of view) system was the sun, which is not the case. 0.5% of the total
II. SOLAR SYSTEM MODEL angular momentum was contained in the sun’s spin. The
A. GEOCENTRICSM / Geocentric Model remainder was in the planetary orbit.  there attempts to
- Proposed by an astronomer named “Eudoxus” explain the major flaw but unsuccessful.
- 1st model of universe around 380 B.C. D. Tidal Theory / Jeans-Jeffrey ‘s Tidal Theory
- Means a series of cosmic sphere containing star, sun and - Sir James Hopwood Jeans (1877 – 1946) a British
moon, all built around the Earth at is center. Mathematician and Astrophysicist and Harold
- GOLDILOCKS ZONE – habitable zone Jeffreys (1891 – 1989) suggested a DUALISTIC THEORY in
B. HELIOSCENTRISM / Heliocentric Model which the sun and planets were produced by different
- Proposed by a Polish astronomer “Nicolaus Copernicus” mechanism.
- Published 1st book of heliocentric book: “De revolutionibus - Proposed that the planets were formed from the substance
orbium coelsetium”, means on the revolutions of the heavenly that was torn out from the sun. As a speeding massive star
bodies (1543). passed near the sun, it pulled off material due to gravitational
 Angular momentum attractions. Torn-off materials subsequently condensed to form
- Quantity of rotation of a body, a product of its moment of the planets
inertia and angular velocity. E. Solar Nebular Theory
- L = mvr (m=mass, v=velocity, r-radius) - Main concern is to solve the Nebular hypothesis about
 Forces in circular motion angular momentum of the sun.
1. CENTRIPETAL FORCE – is the component of force acting - Redistribution of the angular momentum has been central in
on an object in curvilinear motion the development of SNT.
- Solar system was formed as a result if the condensation of o Composed mostly dense, rocky and metallic materials.
hydrogen gas and dust referred as interstellar gas and dust 1. MERCURY
cloud. 2. VENUS
- An explosion of a star (SUPERNOVA) might have caused the 3. EARTH
dust and cloud to collapse, forming the sun and planets. 4. MARS
- Gas and dust collapsed due to gravitational force. Center C. ASTEROID BELT – located between Mars and Jupiter.
compressed enough to become PROTOSTAR, leaving outer Thoughts of as remnants of the earlystage of solar system
material suspended around the center. formation. Never formed planets because of Jupiter’s high
- Cloud continues to shrink, its rotational speed increases and gravitational force.
become a rapidly rotating disk. o ASTEROIDS – made up of rocks and sometimes refers as
- Contraction converts GRAVITATIONAL ENERGY into HEAT minor planets. Its atmosphere-free and orbit around the sun
ENERGY, causes the center to glow. o CERES- known asteroid
- When temperature is sufficient enough, NUCLEAR reaction o METEOROIDS – is a small rocky or metallic body in outer
begins at the core of the protostar, later become SUN. space. significantly smaller than asteroids.
- Remaining gas and dust cloud form disk-shaped bodies (due o METEOR – meteoroids enter Earth's atmosphere (or that of
to rotation) called SOLAR NEBULAE another planet, like Mars) at high speed and burn up, the
- Solar Nebular Theory involves different stages: fireballs or “shooting stars”
1. Accretion of grain-sized particles to form centimeter-sized o METEORITES – meteoroid survives a trip through the
particles which would later grow to several kilometers in atmosphere and hits the ground
diameter. Objects formed are called PLANETESIMALS. D. OUTER PLANET / GAS GIANT PLANETS / JOVIAN
2. Involves the formation of more massive objects from PLANETS
coalescing planetesimals. Massive objects are referred to as o Made up mostly of hydrogen and helium.
PROTOPLANETS. Later become planets. 1. JUPITER
- After Solar System formed, it was speculated that after 1 2. SATURN
million years, it generated very strong solar wind 3. URANUS
- Swept away all of gases left in the protoplanetary nebulae. As 4. NEPTUPE
the protoplanet become larges enough, its gravity pulled in the  DWARF PLANET – a celestial body that -orbits the sun, has
nebular gas  then form GAS GIANTS enough mass to assume a nearly round shape, has not
- Solar System is composed of only solid, protoplanetary cleared the neighborhood around its orbit and is not a moon
bodies and gas giants. Eventually after millions of years, Solar o Example are Pluto, Eris, Ceres, MakeMake.
System ended up with planets that had stable orbits.  FROST LINE – is the distance of Solar Nebula from the
 Other terminology protostar.
- PERIHELION – is the point of the Earth's orbit that is nearest o As the radius of the protostar increases, temperature
to the Sun. decreases
- APHELION – is the point of the Earth's orbit that is farthest o WARM REGION – terrestrial planets are formed
away from the Sun.  Lights elements remains gaseous with high temperatures
- PERIGEE – the point in the orbit of an object (such as a  Metals and rocks condense with high temperature
satellite) orbiting the earth that is nearest to the center of the o COOL REGION – gas giants or Jovian planets are formed
earth.  Light elements condense into ice with low temperature
- APOGEE – the point at which the Moon is farthest from Earth o Rocky particles and icy particles undergo the process of
each month. ACCRETION forms terrestrials and Jovian planets
IV. SOLAR SYSTEM o ACCRETION – is the process in which solids agglomerate to
 the collection of eight planets and their moons in orbit around form larger and larger objects and eventually planets are
the sun, together with smaller bodies in the form of asteroids, produced.
meteoroids, and comets. The planets of the solar system are  KUIPER BELT – located beyond Neptune, is a reservoir of
(in order of distance from the sun) Mercury, Venus, Earth, short period comet like HALLEY’S COMET  orbits the Sun
Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune less than 200 years.
 HELIOSPHERE – the region of space, encompassing the o Outer most region of the Solar System
solar system, in which the solar wind has a significant o COMETS – composed mainly ice (frozen water and gas) and
influence nonvolatile dust (silicate minerals and carbon grains). Become
A. SUN – he Sun is the star at the center of the Solar System. active when its orbit near Sun.
It is a nearly perfect ball of hot plasma, heated to o SUN’S HEAT SUBLIMATE frozen gases, forming jet of
incandescence by nuclear fusion reactions in its core, radiating streams.
the energy mainly as light, ultraviolet, and infrared radiation. It o VAPOR JETS create a spectacular tail streaming out of the
is the most important source of energy for life on Earth. Sun.
 HYDROGEN WALL – is the outer boundary of our home
system, the place where our sun's bubble of solar wind ends
and where a mass of interstellar matter too small to bust
through that wind builds up, pressing inward
 TERMINAL SHOCK – the boundary marking one of the outer
limits of the Sun's influence, and is one boundary of the solar
system. It is where the bubble of solar wind particles slows
down so that the particles are traveling slower than the speed
of sound
 HELIOPAUSE – boundary between solar wind and interstellar
o where the pressure of the two winds is in balance. This
balance in pressure causes the solar wind to turn back and
flow down the tail of the heliosphere
 INTERSTELLAR MEDIUM – region between the stars that
contains vast, diffuse clouds of gases and minute solid
particles. Such tenuous matter in the interstellar medium of the
Milky Way system, in which the Earth is located, accounts for
about 5 percent of the Galaxy's total mass.
 OORT CLOUD – located farther than Kuiper belt, remained
o Long period comets have orbits 200 years up to millions of
o TRANS – NEPTUNIAN OBJECTS (TNOs) – Objects orbiting
beyond Neptune.


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