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The parent experimental trial was performed by using ten sunflower accessions and their
F1 hybrids, through line tester mating design in the research area of the Department of Plant
Breeding and Genetics, University of Agriculture, Faisalabad. Data on various plant characters
which have contributed to enhance yield were statistically analyzed for analysis of variance,
general combining abilities, and heterosis by the use of standard biometrical techniques.
The theme of combining ability (general combining ability and specific combining
ability) has become most important for plant breeders because of its excessive use in hybrid seed
production almost in all crops. General combining ability gives feedback about each and every
parental homozygous accession and specific combining ability gives an idea about hybrid vigor
for crosses. The observed data of each plant’s trait were exposed to the analysis of variance.

4.1 Genetic variability

The values of mean square for different parameters of sunflower that are put through to
analysis of variance are represented in Table 4.1. The table expressed most significant
differences at probability level of 0.01 and significant at probability level 0.05 differences
between accessions of sunflowers for all studied parameters similar to Flower initiation, Achene
yield per plant, Days taken to 50% flowering, number of leaves per plant, Leaf area, Plant height,
Head diameter, 1000 achene weight, Seed Emergence, oil content, protein content. The
observation of mean data of variance linked with 10 parameters of sunflower is expressed in
Table 4.1. The table data expressed that highly significant variation between the accessions for
all under considered parameters. The differences between the parents represented the significant
results for all the observed parameters. The highly significant differences were noted by the
crosses, the variation among parents and crosses represented the highly considerable differences
for all experimental parameters except number of leaves and 50% flowering showed significant
results. The highly considerable differences present between the female lines for all parameters
which were under considered. However, the male lines represented the significant differences for
protein content and remaining one's showed highly significant variations between them. The
interaction of line x testers was representing highly significant variation for all under considerer's
parameters of conducted trail. Same results between the sunflower accessions for characters that
one's related to yield enhancing reported by Ashok et al. (2000), Sujatha et al. (2002), Bakhat et
al. (2006).
Table 4.1: Mean Square Values from ANOVA of morphological and other characters in
Source D NL LA PH HD 50% Y/P FI 1000A SE OC PC
f F W
Rep 2 2.2111 23.62 4.07 0.90 69.64 30.82 32.58 3.55 556.0 0.44 0.53

Gen 18 43.5245 295.5 424.86 4.67 35.94 52.86 20.32 90.94 782.50 44.16 17.04
Crosses 11 2.0242 34.08 1.38 0.49 33.65 75.92 4.61 118.74 841.62 27.41 7.16

Lines(c) 3 0.7519 32.84 2.53 0.51 40.89 30.93 4.47 95.88 860.92 74.34 17.49

Testers(c) 2 1.1700 6.27 0.80 0.84 29.59 0.00 7.71 115.65 1299.11 1.12 1.01

L×T(c) 6 2.9452 43.98 1.00 0.37 31.38 123.7 3.65 131.19 679.48 12.70 4.04
Parent 6 49.5410 352.1 556.80 4.27 32.90 15.44 49.23 49.84 730.93 27.27 34.96

Line (P) 3 70.0733 413.7 622.20 4.34 11.47 20.35 4.46 56.21 353.22 22.16 0.79
Test (P) 2 33.4544 205.7 421.72 3.01 63.97 12.03 129.2 53.44 865.44 0.69 3.70
7 9
L(P)vT(P) 1 20.1168 459.8 630.80 6.57 35.06 7.54 23.40 23.52 15995.0 95.95 200.0
0 6 0
CrovsPA 1 463.929 2832. 4291.5 53.1 79.27 23.66 19.73 31.86 441.54 329.8 18.21
R 1 4 8 1 5
*=Significant level at 0.05 **=Significant level at 0.01 SOV (Source of variation), Df ( Degree
of Freedom), NL ( No. of leaves), LA ( Leaf area), PH ( Plant Height), HD ( Head diameter),
50%F (50% Flowering), Y/P ( Yield per plant), FI ( Flower Initiation), 1000AW ( 1000 Achene
weight), SE (Seed Emergence), OC (Oil Contents) PC ( Protien Contents).
4.2 Performance of Lines, Testers and Their Cosses
4.2.1 No. Of Leaves
Results showed that rage for number of leaves varies from 22-35 were recorded in Table
4.2.1. Among female genotypes maximum number of leaves showed by line A-40 followed by
A-25. Regarding to no of leaves per plant these lines didn't show considerable difference among
each other. According to result of testers male line A-26 followed by A-39 showed maximum no
of leaves. These male lines were not show significant variation. The cross A38×A24 and
A25×A24 showed higher values for number of leaves but these crosses were not variable from
each other, however they were significantly variable from other crosses. The results were
recorded like this also reported by Habib et al. (2007) and Khan et al. (2008).
4.2.2 Leaf Area
Results showed that rage for leaf area varies from 135-162 were recorded in Table 4.2.2.
Among female genotypes maximum leaf area showed by line A-40 followed by A-23. Regarding
to leaf area per plant these lines didn't show considerable difference among each other.
According to result of testers male line A-24 followed by A-39 showed maximum leaf area.
These male lines were not show significant variation. The cross A40×A39 and A23×A24 showed
higher values for leaf area but these crosses were not variable from each other, however they
were significantly variable from other crosses. The results were recorded like this also reported
by Habib et al. (2007) and Khan et al. (2008).
4.2.3 Plant Height
Sunflower accession which has short stature required for lodging resistance. The range of
height of genotypes and their crosses varies 112 to 140 cm are presented in Table 4.2.3.
According to conducted trail result's reduced plant height among female liens line A-23 followed
by line A-25. Statistically these lines were significant variant, but these lines showed variance
from other lines for plant height character. On other side the highest plant height showed by the
accession A-38 and followed by A-40. These genotypes have considerable difference among
them. Among testers male line A-26 showed the lowest height and second one is A-39. These
genotypes have significant difference in their plant height. In contrast to reduced height the
highest value of plant height noted in male line A 24 and secondary A-39 line. These lines have
significant difference among each other. The crosses A23×A26, 2nd A25×A39 and A23×A24,
2nd A38×A24 for reduced and highest height as compared to other experimental genotypes
respectively. The crosses range changes between 112 to 140 cm. The crosses have significant
differences compared to other crosses.
The variance in height due to the genetic variation and environmental factors (Khan,
2007). Plants with small stature required to overcome the lodging problems, but these plants
have low yield as compared to heighted plants. Results as mentioned were also reported by
Bakhat et al. (2006), Habib et al. (2007), and Andarkhor et al. (2012).
4.2.4 Head Diameter
The observed data varies between 11 to 15 cm for head diameter were represented in
Table 4.2.4. The highest value was recorded among female lines for A-38 and at second position
A-40. These genotypes have considerable difference as compared to other lines. The male line
A- 39 and forward by A-40 data represented the highest value of head diameter among testers. In
contrast to other testers these one's have significant difference. The crosses data showed
significant difference as compared to lines, testers and among each other's. The cross A40×A24
had top position and followed by A25×A24. The head diameter affected by genetic makeup as
well as environmental factors like soil fertility, water availability and plant population. Same
results like this were reported by Habib et al. (2007), Khan et al. (2007), Nasreen et al. (2011)
and Andarkhor et al. (2012).
4.2.5 50% Flowering
The observed data varies between 54-60 days for 50% flowering were represented in
Table 4.2.5. The highest value was recorded among female lines for A-25 and at second position
A-23. These genotypes have considerable difference as compared to other lines. The male line
A-24 and forward by A-26 data represented the highest value of 50% flowering among testers. In
contrast to other testers these one's have significant difference. The crosses data showed
significant difference as compared to lines, testers and among each other's. The cross A40×A39
had top position and followed by A25×A26. The 50% flowering affected by genetic makeup as
well as environmental factors like soil fertility, water availability and plant population. Same
results like this were reported by Habib et al. (2007), Khan et al. (2007), Nasreen et al. (2011)
and Andarkhor et al. (2012).
4.2.6 Yield per Plant
The best yielding line was at top A-25 followed by A-23, among female lines variation is
present are represented in Table 4.2.6. The A-24 was the best performed tester at second position
A-39, these is considerable difference present among and variation among all testers also
observed. The crosses showed significant variation among each other, highest yield showed by
A38×A26 after that at second more yield showed by cross A40×A39. These two genotypes also
had significant variation. Results these two parents like these reported by Palmer and Steer
4.2.7 Flower Initiation
Results showed that first flowering rage varies from 37-50 days are represented in Table
4.2.7. As early maturity preferred this lead toward short duration varieties. So desirable
genotypes were those which requires less no of days to flowering completed. Among female
genotypes desirable less no of days showed by line A-25 followed by A-38. Regarding to first
flowering these lines didn't show considerable difference among each other but significant
variation present among parent female lines. According to result of testers male line A-26
followed by A-39 showed minimum days. These male lines were not show significant variation.
The cross A40×A24 and A23×A26 showed lower values for days to first flowering the
significant variation observed among crosses. Similar results reported by Khan et al. (2008b) and
Habib et al. (2007).
4.2.8 1000 Achene Weight
1000- ACHENE weight is controlled by both biotic and a biotic factor. Its range varied in
different genotypes. This character is very important related to sunflower yield. The range of
1000- achene weight lies between 23-53 g are represented in Table 4.2.8. The female line A23
was at top position and A25 at second position among female lines. Among testers the male line
A39 and A26 were at top and second one position respectively. These lines were not
considerably different from each other regarding to 1000 achene weight, although these lines
were significantly different from remaining ones. The cross A25×A24 was observed as highest
and followed by A38×A39. These genotypes were not significantly differing from each other,
however other crosses differ significantly from these genotypes. Resembled results reported by
Habib et al. (2006). Khokhar et al. (2006), Kholghi et al. (2011), Tyagi and Khan (2013), and
Razzaq et al. (2014).
4.2.9 Seed Emergence
Results showed that rage for seed emergence varies from 33-83 were recorded in Table
4.2.9. Among female genotypes maximum seed emergence showed by line A-23 followed by A-
38. Regarding to no of leaves per plant these lines didn't show considerable difference among
each other. According to result of testers male line A-39 followed by A-26 showed maximum no
of leaves. These male lines were not show significant variation. The cross A40×A24 and
A38×A24 showed higher values for seed emergence but these crosses were not variable from
each other, however they were significantly variable from other crosses. The results were
recorded like this also reported by Habib et al. (2007) and Khan et al. (2008).
4.2.10 Oil Content
Oil content is quantitative trait controlled by the polygenetic action. It varies from 42 to
55 percent were represented in Table 4.2.10. The parent female line A-23 has highest value
followed by A-25. The male parent line with highest value was A-26 and A-39 at second
position. Testers not showed considerable variation among each other, but variation present
between testers. The crosses showed significant differences among each other the highest
percentage showed by hybrid A38×A39 and next to the highest value was A38×A26, among
these hybrids desirable variation did not present. The results like this also reported by Qadir et al.
(2006), Laureti et al. (2007), and Golabadi et al. (2015).
4.2.11 Protein Content
The percentage of protein content in sunflower achene lies between 18-227 are
represented in Table 4.2.11. It is quantitative trait which were controlled by polygenes. So
therefore, it effect greatly by environmental factors. The female parent line A-23 has maximum
value followed by A-38. The desirable variation was not present among these female lines, but
variation present among female lines. The crosses showed desirable variation, A-24 x A-39
showed maximum value followed by A40×A39. Among these 4.2.9 Protein Content (%) two
crosses considerable variation was not present. The result like this reported by Khan et al.
(2008a) and Golabadi et al. (2015).
Table 4.2.1 Mean Performance of Lines, Testers, and their crosses for No. of Leaves
Lines A23 A25 A38 A40
22.133 28.467 32.167 32.567
Testers A24 A26 A39
23.000 28.833 28.733
Crosses A23×A26 A25×A26 A38×A26 A40×A26
32.9 33.8 33.733 35.533
Crosses A23×A24 A25×A24 A38×A24 A40×A24
32.300 34.133 33.533 33.733
Crosses A23×A39 A25×A39 A38×A39 A38×A39
34.733 34.033 34.367 34.000

4.2.1 Graphical Representation of Lines, Testers, and Their Crosses for No. of Leaves

Mean p erforman ce













A2 3 A2 5 A3 8 A4 0 A2 3 A2 5 A3 8 A4 0 A2 3 A2 5 A3 8 A4 0 A2 3 A2 5 A3 8 A4 0 A2 4 A2 6 A3 9
×A2 6 ×A2 6 ×A2 6 ×A2 6 ×A2 4 ×A2 4 ×A2 4 ×A2 4 ×A3 9 ×A3 9 ×A3 9 ×A3 9
Table 4.2.2 Mean Performance of Lines, Testers, and their Crosses for Leaf Area
Lines A23 A25 A38 A40
160.43 155.40 140.77 135.67
Testers A24 A26 A39
162.63 147.97 161.97
Crosses A23×A26 A25×A26 A38×A26 A40×A26
134.07 137.67 134.13 134.23
Crosses A23×A24 A25×A24 A38×A24 A40×A24
141.57 134.30 140.50 140.13
Crosses A23×A39 A25×A39 A38×A39 A40×A39
135.33 140.60 134.83 142.70

4.2.2 Graphical Representation of Lines, Testers, and Their Crosses for No. of Leaves











A2 3 × A2 5 × A3 8 × A4 0 × A2 3 × A2 5 × A3 8 × A4 0 × A2 3 × A2 5 × A3 8 × A4 0 × A2 3 A2 6 A3 8 A4 0 A2 4 A2 5 A3 9
A2 6 A2 6 A2 6 A2 6 A2 4 A2 4 A2 4 A2 4 A3 9 A3 9 A3 9 A3 9
Table 4.3.3 Mean Performance of Lines, Testers, and their Crosses for Plant Height
Lines A23 A25 A38 A40
143.03 132.40 113.83 114.03
Testers A24 A26 A39
144.80 123.27 142.63
Crosses A23×A26 A25×A26 A38×A26 A40×A26
110.93 112.50 112.20 113.23
Crosses A23×A24 A25×A24 A38×A24 A40×A24
113.57 112.67 113.13 112.60
Crosses A23×A39 A25×A39 A38×A39 A40×A39
112.43 112.03 112.73 112.97

4.3.3 Graphical Representation of Lines, Testers, and their Crosses for Plant Height






A23× A25× A38× A40× A23× A25× A38× A40× A23× A25× A38× A40× A23 A26 A38 A40 A24 A25 A39
A26 A26 A26 A26 A24 A24 A24 A24 A39 A39 A39 A39
Table 4.4.4 Mean Performance of Lines, Testers, and their Crosses for Head Diameter
Lines A23 A25 A38 A40
14.867 14.867 12.767 12.800
Testers A24 A26 A39
15.467 13.800 15.600
Crosses A23×A26 A25×A26 A38×A26 A40×A26
11.767 12.500 11.900 12.533
Crosses A23×A24 A25×A24 A38×A24 A40×A24
12.233 12.833 11.900 13.100
Crosses A23×A39 A25×A39 A38×A39 A40×A39
12.467 11.900 12.367 12.200

4.4.4 Graphical Representation of Lines, Testers, and their Crosses for Head Diameter






A23× A25× A38× A40× A23× A25× A38× A40× A23× A25× A38× A40× A23 A26 A38 A40 A24 A25 A39
A26 A26 A26 A26 A24 A24 A24 A24 A39 A39 A39 A39
Table 4.5.5 Mean Performance of Lines, Testers, and their Crosses for 50% Flowering
Lines A23 A25 A38 A40
58.700 60.900 56.967 56.633
Testers A24 A26 A39
60.367 55.567 51.133
Crosses A23×A26 A25×A26 A38×A26 A40×A26
54.767 56.367 55.333 56.300
Crosses A23×A24 A25×A24 A38×A24 A40×A24
55.067 56.600 55.100 57.133
Crosses A23×A39 A25×A39 A38×A39 A40×A39
55.500 55.267 55.033 58.700

4.5.5 Graphical Representation of Lines, Testers, and their Crosses for 50% Flowering






A23× A25× A38× A40× A23× A25× A38× A40× A23× A25× A38× A40× A23 A26 A38 A40 A24 A25 A39
A26 A26 A26 A26 A24 A24 A24 A24 A39 A39 A39 A39
Table 4.2.6 Mean Performance of Lines, Testers, and their Crosses for Yield per Plant
Lines A23 A25 A38 A40
50.20 60.900 56.967 56.633
Testers A24 A26 A39
60.367 55.567 51.133
Crosses A23×A26 A25×A26 A38×A26 A40×A26
50.20 63.83 54.20 63.83
Crosses A23×A24 A25×A24 A38×A24 A40×A24
63.83 54.20 63.83 54.20
Crosses A23×A39 A25×A39 A38×A39 A40×A39
54.20 63.83 54.30 63.63

4.2.6 Graphical Representation of Lines, Testers, and their Crosses for Yield per Plant






A23× A25× A38× A40× A23× A25× A38× A40× A23× A25× A38× A40× A23 A26 A38 A40 A24 A25 A39
A26 A26 A26 A26 A24 A24 A24 A24 A39 A39 A39 A39
Table 4.2.7 Mean Performance of Lines, Testers, and their Crosses for Flower Initiation
Lines A23 A25 A38 A40
48.30 46.67 46.33 48.83
Testers A24 A26 A39
48.00 37.93 50.27
Crosses A23×A26 A25×A26 A38×A26 A40×A26
49.17 46.50 47.00 48.00
Crosses A23×A24 A25×A24 A38×A24 A40×A24
50.17 47.27 49.37 48.67
Crosses A23×A39 A25×A39 A38×A39 A40×A39
46.30 47.67 48.67 46.97

4.2.7 Graphical Representation of Lines, Testers, and their Crosses for Flower Initiation






A23× A25× A38× A40× A23× A25× A38× A40× A23× A25× A38× A40× A23 A26 A38 A40 A24 A25 A39
A26 A26 A26 A26 A24 A24 A24 A24 A39 A39 A39 A39
Table 4.2.8 Mean Performance of Lines, Testers, and their Crosses for 1000 Achene Weight
Lines A23 A25 A38 A40
44.33 41.73 41.37 34.23
Testers A24 A26 A39
38.00 43.33 46.33
Crosses A23×A26 A25×A26 A38×A26 A40×A26
36.67 45.00 39.00 47.63
Crosses A23×A24 A25×A24 A38×A24 A40×A24
30.33 38.93 41.04 37.63
Crosses A23×A39 A25×A39 A38×A39 A40×A39
38.13 37.70 32.17 38.13

4.2.8 Graphical Representation of Lines, Testers, and their Crosses for 1000 Achene Weight






A23× A25× A38× A40× A23× A25× A38× A40× A23× A25× A38× A40× A23 A26 A38 A40 A24 A25 A39
A26 A26 A26 A26 A24 A24 A24 A24 A39 A39 A39 A39
Table 4.2.9 Mean Performance of Lines, Testers, and their Crosses for Seed Emergence
Lines A23 A25 A38 A40
67.00 44.33 55.67 44.33
Testers A24 A26 A39
89.00 55.67 66.67
Crosses A23×A26 A25×A26 A38×A26 A40×A26
33.00 33.33 55.67 77.67
Crosses A23×A24 A25×A24 A38×A24 A40×A24
44.67 44.33 77.67 67.00
Crosses A23×A39 A25×A39 A38×A39 A40×A39
44.33 55.67 77.67 44.33

4.2.9 Graphical Representation of Lines, Testers, and their Crosses for Seed Emergence






A23× A25× A38× A40× A23× A25× A38× A40× A23× A25× A38× A40× A23 A26 A38 A40 A24 A25 A39
A26 A26 A26 A26 A24 A24 A24 A24 A39 A39 A39 A39
Table 4.2.10 Mean Performance of Lines, Testers, and their Crosses for Oil Content
Lines A23 A25 A38 A40
49.87 49.03 45.33 44.33
Testers A24 A26 A39
42.63 43.33 42.50
Crosses A23×A26 A25×A26 A38×A26 A40×A26
48.43 49.73 49.33 48.90
Crosses A23×A24 A25×A24 A38×A24 A40×A24
53.07 49.67 52.90 54.47
Crosses A23×A39 A25×A39 A38×A39 A40×A39
54.93 49.47 44.47 47.97

4.2.10 Graphical Representation of Lines, Testers, and their Crosses for Oil Content






A23× A25× A38× A40× A23× A25× A38× A40× A23× A25× A38× A40× A23 A26 A38 A40 A24 A25 A39
A26 A26 A26 A26 A24 A24 A24 A24 A39 A39 A39 A39
Table 4.2.11 Mean Performance of Lines, Testers, and their Crosses for Protein Content
Lines A23 A25 A38 A40
27.00 26.33 25.83 26.00
Testers A24 A26 A39
20.23 18.87 26.00
Crosses A23×A26 A25×A26 A38×A26 A40×A26
20.57 21.13 20.05 20.57
Crosses A23×A24 A25×A24 A38×A24 A40×A24
22.07 22.80 25.13 23.80
Crosses A23×A39 A25×A39 A38×A39 A40×A39
23.00 22.23 22.47 24.47

4.2.11 Graphical Representation of Lines, Testers, and their Crosses for Protein Content






A23× A25× A38× A40× A23× A25× A38× A40× A23× A25× A38× A40× A23 A26 A38 A40 A24 A25 A39
A26 A26 A26 A26 A24 A24 A24 A24 A39 A39 A39 A39

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