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Graduate School

Cebu City

Writing Assignment
(The Five Pillars of Criminal Justice System)

I. Summary of the Topic

The five pillars serve as a tool for upholding law and order,
reducing crime, and ensuring that everyone receives justice.
This set of pillars got their beginnings in law enforcement,
where they uphold the rule of law to prevent and regulate
crime, or to stop the genesis of crime, whereby they can stop
crimes just by being there. Here's an illustration: If criminals
see law enforcement officers patrolling the area, they will be
discouraged from committing a crime, and this will prevent
their motivation and opportunity. In addition to stopping
crimes from happening, they are also responsible for
apprehending criminals, but there is a potential that these
criminals will revert or return to the community if the case is
mishandled or misdirected and there is insufficient evidence
to support a complaint against the suspect.
If the suspect is detained, the case will then be transferred to
the prosecution, where prosecutors will review and assess the
evidence that was given. Once they have sufficient, reliable
evidence to accuse the suspect of a particular crime or crimes,
they can formally file the necessary paperwork. However,
there is a potential that these criminals will turn around or
return to the society if the case is mishandled or misdirected
and no probable cause is shown.
If prosecutors find probable cause, the matter will be
transferred to the court as the third pillar. This court is
genuinely impartial, fair, and quick such that no one who is
innocent is found guilty and no one who is guilty is
exonerated. If the case is mishandled or sidetracked and the
evidence is insufficient to convict the offenders, there is also
a potential that these criminals would revert or return to the
The accuse will be transferred here if it is judged guilty in the
correction, the fourth pillar. Through quick legal and
administrative procedures, the provision of scientific and
spiritual programs, and rehabilitation and reintegration of
offenders into society, they preserve their human rights and
When a person is imprisoned and has completed the entirety
of their sentence, diversion occurs through the granting of
parole and conditional pardons; probation is a diversion
process in and of itself.
The community is the final pillar, working together with the
other pillars to maintain peace and order and to incorporate a
plan of action to deter crime and advance justice.
II. Reaction/Comments
If everyone can grasp it, the Philippines' 5 pillars of criminal
justice system is an effective program. Our law enforcement
agencies have been working hard to uphold our laws and
properly implement them.
For the correction, which is one of the Philippines' weakest
pillars, efforts are being made to handle people deprived with
III. Evaluation

The police, prosecutors, judges, and prison officers are not

solely responsible for the administration of the criminal justice
system. The criminal justice system's procedures cannot function
without the community's active engagement. The public is relied
upon by the police to inform them of crimes and help with
investigations. Citizens serve as witnesses in the prosecution of the
offender for the prosecution and the judges. In their separate
community-based corrections programs, the corrections pillar also
requires their assistance.

IV. Conclusion
As a result, if the populace does not support the
implementation of laws, the criminal justice system of the
Philippines will not be able to maintain the country's peace and

V. Recommendation
Everyone places great importance on everyone else abiding by the
laws that have been put in place. And for the government, it is
crucial that everyone understands the legislation in order for them
to grasp what it all means.

=Thank you=

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