Summative Test SDM Q1

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Republic of the Philippines

Region I
Roxas Boulevard, San Carlos City, Pangasinan

Alternative Learning System

Summative Test in Learning Strand 4

Name: ___________________________________________________________ Score: _______

CLC: _________________________________________________________________

Directions: Choose the letter of the correct answer. Write your answer on a separate sheet of paper.
1. Identifying one’s values, strengths, challenges, opportunities and interests are part of personal
a. True b.   False
2. Your values are reflected in the following:
a. Your interests
b. How you spend your time
c. Choices you make
d. All of the above
3. Values and skills are the same thing.
a. True b. False
4. An example of a clear personal development goal is:
a. I want to find work
b. I want to work in my district
c. I want to work with people
d. I want to find a construction job in my district over the next three months
e. all of the above
5. You have a long-term goal of getting a certificate in plumbing in one year. With the certification
you will get more work and receive a higher pay. Select examples of short-term goals that may
help you achieve your long-term goal.

a. Identify a training program in my district that offers plumber’s certification

b. Talk with experienced plumbers in the area to find out what they did to become good
c. Find an opportunity to apprentice with an experienced plumber by visiting youth
employment agencies or asking plumbers directly.
d. All of the above
6. Once you write a personal development plan, you should stick to it and not change it until you
have reached your long-term goals.
a. True b. False

7. Everyone has the same way of learning new skills.

a. True  b. False
8. You are a very hands-on learner, learning best by observing and doing. As your supervisor is
getting ready to leave, he quickly gives you instructions on how to use a new saw and asks you
to cut some pieces of wood for the next day. You want him to show you how to use it but he
seems like he is in a hurry to leave. What do you do?

a. Hope you will remember what he said to do to run the saw.

b. Thank him for the information and tell him you have understood.
c. Ask him if he has the time to show you before leaving or if there is someone else who
can show you how to run the saw so you are sure you have understood.
d. Ask a co-worker to do the work for you while you continue with another task.

9. The best way to learn something new is to:

a. Read about it and memorize the information
b. Follow the instructions of the instructor
c. Talk about it and work together with others
d. Practice it
e. Watch someone else doing it
f. All of the above

10. If you do not like learning in a certain way (for example, through reading or writing), you should
avoid it as much as you can.
a. True b. False

11. When you are discussing an issue at work with a co-worker and he or she is saying something
that you do not agree with, you:

a. Interrupt your co-worker to let him or her know you disagree

b. Shake your head in disagreement to let your co-worker know how you feel
c. Try to think about something else until your co-worker stops talking
d. Are aware of your own feelings but listen to what your co-worker has to say before
e. All of the above

12. When someone else is speaking, you should give non-verbal communication cues to show that
you understand.
a. True b. False

13. When speaking to a group of people, it is important to:

a. Stay focused on the topic at hand
b. Maintain good eye contact
c. Be well informed on the topic
d. Present information in a logical, flowing way
e. All of the above

14. When you do not fully understand instructions given to you by your supervisor at work, you:
a. Nod your head in agreement so you do not waste your supervisor’s time
b. Assume you will figure it on your own
c. Ask your supervisor to repeat the instructions so you are clear on what you need to do
d. Ask a co-worker what she or he thinks you are supposed to do
e. All of the above

15. When giving instructions or information to a group of co-workers, you should ask a person to
repeat back what you have said to make sure everyone is clear on the task at hand.
a. True b. False
16. Someone who works well in a team___________.
a. Interrupts only when offering new ideas
b. Pays attention only to those who have the same opinions
c. Provides inputs and seeks the ideas of others in the group
d. Creates conflict to make the discussion interesting
e. All of the above

17. Good customer service always includes doing what the customer tells you to do.
a. True  b. False

18. When dealing with a customer on the telephone:

a. Say the name of the organization and your name when you answer the phone
b. Be polite and courteous
c. Listen well and do not interrupt
d. Record all the necessary information such as person’s name and number, date of call,
what the person needs
e. All of the above

19. When dealing with a difficult customer:

a. Ignore the person
b. Remain calm
c. Tell them you will not talk to them anymore
d. Tell them to please leave
e. Yell at them so they understand your point of view

20. If a customer is angry, you too should get angry to respond effectively.
a. True b. False

21. Leaders should always make decisions on their own without getting input from others who are
not leaders.
a. True b. False

22. Effective leaders:

a. Are creative
b. Have self confidence
c. Are flexible
d. Have a positive attitude
e. All of the above

23. A leader should choose one style of leadership and always stick to it – authoritarian, persuading,
consulting, or joining.
a. True b. False

24. When giving instructions to a group of people, you should:

a. Repeat the question
b. Ask if the question is clear
c. Ask someone to say the question back to you in their own words
d. All of the above
e. None of the above
25. To be successful, teams need:
a. Different goals
b. Vague roles and tasks
c. Trusting relationships among team members
d. All of the above
e. None of the above

26. To develop team spirit, develop a common goal and make sure all team members feel they have
something to contribute.
a. True b. False

27. Problem solving steps include:

a. Defining the problem and getting more information
b. Generating ideas on how to solve the problem
c. Choosing, implementing and evaluating a solution
d. All of the above
e. None of the above

28. You are leading a team to accomplish a task that is more difficult than you expected. You should:
a. Give up in order to stop wasting valuable time
b. Listen to only those team members who agree with your opinions
c. Maintain a positive attitude and encourage others to participate
d. Focus on one solution

29. Real leaders include only those who are famous.

a. True b. False

30. Promoting group cooperation means encouraging people to be open to the ideas of others.
a. True b. False

31. Ways to find work include:

a. Friends and family
b. Newspaper advertisement
c. Job notices
d. Submitting an application to a potential employer
e. All of the above

32. A biodata/resume and an application letter cover the same thing.

a. True b. False
33. A biodata/resume should include:

a. Contact information
b. Skills summary
c. Work experience
d. Education
e. All of the above

34. During an interview:

a. Speak quickly so you can share a lot of information about yourself

b. Interrupt the interviewer once you have understood the question and have an answer
c. Present yourself as confident that you can do the job
d. Make up answers that aren’t always true in order to present yourself positively
e. All of the above

35. During an interview you are asked a question that you do not know the answer to. You should:

a. Ignore the question and talk about something else

b. Tell the interviewer you do not know the answer and explain why
c. Keep quiet until the next question is asked
d. Make up an answer even if it is not completely true
e. None of the above

36. When you disagree with a co-worker, it is best to avoid an argument by avoiding contact and not
listening to his or her ideas.
a. True b. False

37. Good time management involves:

a. Planning
b. Prioritizing what needs to be done
c. Avoiding distractions
d. Staying focused on the task
e. All of the above

38. Dressing properly, being on time, being respectful, and being honest will help you keep a job.
a. True b. False

39. You work as a server in a restaurant. Fridays are usually busy and they are short of staff but you
really want to go out dancing with your friends. You should:
a. Not show up to work
b. Show up to work but leave early
c. Plan another evening for dancing with your friends
d. Tell your employer that you are sick
e. None of the above

40. To manage your time at work and make sure it does not interfere with your personal life, get
work tasks done quickly, regardless of the quality of work you do.
a. True b. False

41. Habits for good health include:

a. Regular bathing
b. Eating nutritious foods
c. Avoiding smoking and drinking alcohol
d. Being positive
e. All of the above

42. Josephine works in a restaurant. To prevent germs from spreading she should:
a. Wash the cooking surface once a week
b. Always use the same cooking surface for raw meat and raw vegetables
c. Wash her hands before and after preparing food
d. All of the above
e. None of the above
43. Examples of safety hazards include:
a. Hot grease
b. Cluttered working areas
c. Slippery floors
d. Falling objects
e. All of the above

44. Using protective clothing and equipment is a form of:

a. Showing who the supervisor is
b. Fashion
c. Controlling hazards
d. clothing necessary only in urban areas
e. None of the above

45. Improving work policies and procedures can help control hazards at work.
a. True b. False

46. Personal cleanliness is important at home and at work.

a. True b. False

47. What should you do for a severe cut?

a. Apply pressure to the wound, elevate wound above heart, and seek medical help
b. Let the blood flow freely
c. Clean it with any water available
d. All of the above
e. None of the above

48. If your clothes catch fire, run for help.

a. True b. False

49. The Filipino work week consists of:

a. 25 hours
b. 35 hours
c. 50 hours
d. 40 hours
e. None of the above

50. Universal human rights include the following:

a. The right to education
b. The right to shelter
c. The right to practice the religion of your choice
d. All of the above
e. None of the above

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