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Merc’s, Militia, & Mutiny

[Units (1)]
Troops for your NPC Army
Soldiers Troops can be trained from commoners up to Trained troops given time and money. To progress
beyond Trained is particularly time consuming using training alone but by sending troops to
experience real combat can greatly increase the rate at which all troops progress, but this does
come with the risk of losing them.
The simple soldier is often overlooked in games. These are the kind of troops who
Drills: Should you find yourself suffering a sudden outbreak of peace, Drills are the closest
would be hired as a mercenary band to put down a rebellion in a town, or recruited
your troops can get to real battle. Troops can gain 1 exp per day from training.
from a local village to be trained to guard the walls of a nearby castle. While town
guards are often found in these worlds, their jobs are largely restricted to
Commoner to Militia: 0-5 exp 1gp/day
patrolling the streets of a settlement and can deal with smaller threats that would
be beyond the commoners. When an adventuring group is looking for hirelings to Militia to Basic: 6-25 exp 2(5)gp/day
join them in combat situations, they might want something more, or at least a way Basic to Trained: 26-75 exp 3(6)gp/day
to improve their hirelings abilities over time.
Trained to Experienced: 76-275 exp 3(13)gp 5(5)sp/day

This document is a simple system containing the more standard units, as well as the Experienced to Elite: 275-775 exp
idea of lower level casters than that provided in official material. The idea is that (Cavalry cost)
an adventuring group can use this to build up a small force of warriors who can Combat: At the end of a long rest each unit can gain experience depending on the scale of the
accompany them for a particularly hard mission, or become more long running conflict(DMs discretion)
NPCs as they experience combat together. The Stats for HP are set so that if rolled
Commoner: 1-2, Militia: 1-3, Basic: 1-5, Trained: 1-10, Experience: 1-20
each troop tier will stay largely in the same range of HP, but the AC and damage is
based on the equipment so can be adjusted to give variations if the money is there
to buy it.
Basic troops are most often untested. With training to become either soldiers of a
The Cost: Is based on the gear listed and if equipping a unit from nothing, if units state or mercenaries, they can hold their own in a skirmish or in a group against
are trained up so only some gear is needed, or if the units are hired with most of larger monsters but can be a liability on larger battlefields. They are less common
their gear then this cost will likely be much lower. The pay for the Cavalry units is than Militia and can usually not be found in any great numbers outside of mid-sized
set at 3gp to maintain Riding horses, and 10gp to maintain Warhorses. Basic and towns or cities but one or two can be recruited from amongst guards if any are
willing, this can be aided with monetary incentives or the promise of a cut of
Trained troops are not expected to have Warhorses but this is optional much like
treasures found.
the gear and can be changed if suitable.

Militia Pay: 2gp/Day

Militia are the least trained soldiers you can find. These troops are either recruits
Equipment: Shield, Spear, Dagger, Leather armour Cost: 23gp
with some minimal training if any at all. Alone they stand little chance in a fight. Str: 12(+1) Dex: 12(+1) Con: 11(+0) Int: 10(+0) Wis: 12(+1) Cha: 11(+0)
With limited gear and experience they are easily made to flee or are cut down.
Despite these limitations, these type of troops can be hired in most villages or HP: 13(2d6+6) AC: 14 Movement: 25ft
towns so can be used to raise a force relatively quickly. They can also be trained to
be more effective troops if the time and facilities are available, or if they survive Actions(1): Spear +1 to hit, 4(1d6+1) Piercing damage
enough fights they will gain the suitable skills on their own so there is some
Dagger +1 to hit, 3(1d4+1) Piercing damage
incentive to deploy them where they are likely to provide some support but get out
of the fight alive.
Pay: 2gp/Day
Pay: 1gp/Day
Equipment: Shield, Shortbow, Dagger, Arrows[20], Leather Armour Cost: 38gp
Equipment: Shield, Spear, Dagger Cost: 13gp
Str: 12(+1) Dex: 12(+1) Con: 11(+0) Int: 10(+0) Wis: 12(+1) Cha: 11(+0)
Str: 10(+0) Dex: 10(+0) Con: 10(+0) Int: 10(+0) Wis: 10(+0) Cha: 10(+0)
HP: 13(2d6+6) AC: 12 Movement: 30ft
HP: 8(1d6+5) AC: 12 Movement: 25ft
Actions(1): Shortbow +0 to hit, 3(1d6) Piercing damage
Actions(1): Spear +0 to hit, 3(1d6) Piercing damage Dagger +0 to hit, 2(1d4) Piercing damage
Dagger +0 to hit, 2(1d4) Piercing damage
Pay: 5gp/Day
Pay: 1gp/Day Equipment: Riding horse, Shield, Spear, Dagger, Leather armour Cost: 98gp

Equipment: Shield, Shortbow, Dagger, Arrows[20] Cost: 28gp Str: 12(+1) Dex: 12(+1) Con: 11(+0) Int: 10(+0) Wis: 12(+1) Cha: 11(+0)

Str: 10 Dex: 10 Con: 10 Int: 10 Wis: 10 Cha: 10 HP: 13(2d6+6) AC: 14 Movement: 50ft

HP: 8(1d6+5) AC: 10 Movement: 30ft Actions(1): Spear +1 to hit, 4(1d6+1) Piercing damage

Actions(1): Shortbow +0 to hit, 3(1d6) Piercing damage Dagger +1 to hit, 3(1d4+1) Piercing damage

Dagger +0 to hit, 2(1d4) Piercing damage Charge +1 to hit, 5(1d8+1) Piercing damage (must travel in a straight line for
Trained Cavalry
Pay: 6gp/Day
After comprehensive training, or simply surviving enough battles, trained troops
have developed the skills to hold their own in a fight. Troops of this quality make Equipment: Riding horse, Shield, Spear, Longsword, Dagger, Chain Shirt
up the bulk of any force and can be found in large towns and cities. Trained troops Cost: 153gp
would be found garrisoning a castle or outpost and being sent to handle problems
that town guards were outmatched by. Should anyone find themselves trying to Str: 13(+1) Dex: 12(+1) Con: 13(+1) Int: 11(+0) Wis: 12(+0) Cha: 14(+2)
carve out a piece of land for themselves, these soldiers are the best suited for the
wide range of tasks needed. Strong enough to deal with most problem freeing up
HP: 18(3d6+7) AC: 16 Movement: 60ft
any would be rulers to address the bigger threats. Actions(2): Spear +1 to hit, 4(1d6+1) Piercing damage

Caster Longsword +1 to hit, 5(1d8+1)/6(1d10+1) Slashing damage

Dagger +1 to hit, 3(1d4+1) Piercing damage
Pay: 5gp/Day
Charge +2 to hit, 6(1d8+2) Piercing damage (must travel in a straight line for
Equipment: Staff, Dagger, Trained Caster Spellbook Cost: 202gp 2sp

Str: 12(+1) Dex: 13(+1) Con: 12(+1) Int: 16(+3) Wis: 13(+1) Cha: 13(+1) Experienced
HP: 14(2d6+7) AC: 11 Movement: 30ft
Experienced troops are the troops that make up the core of a force. While the
Spell Slots: 1st: 4 2nd: 2 Trained troops carry out most tasks, the Experienced troops are the ones that can
be relied on to function as small units with less need for support, or to prop up a
Known Spells: Firebolt, Message, Mold Earth, Catapult, Mage Armour, Magic wing of a battlefield. These troops are also well suited to be the personal guard for
Missile, Shield, Enlarge/Reduce, Suggestion lesser lords or rich merchants.
Actions(1) Spell +3 to hit
Dagger +1 to hit, 3(1d4+1) Piercing damage
Staff +1 to hit, 4(1d6+1) Bludgeoning damage Pay: 10gp/Day

Infantry Equipment: Staff, Dagger, Experienced Caster Spellbook Cost: 1000gp

Pay: 3gp/Day Str: 12(+1) Dex: 14(+2) Con: 12(+1) Int: 16(+3) Wis: 14(+2) Cha: 13(+1)

Equipment: Shield, Spear, Dagger, Shortsword, Chain Shirt Cost: 73gp HP: 22(4d6+8) AC: 12 Movement: 30ft

Str: 13(+1) Dex: 12(+1) Con: 13(+1) Int: 11(+1) Wis: 12(+1) Cha: 14(+2) Spell Slots: 1st: 4 2nd: 3 3rd: 2

HP: 18(3d6+7) AC: 16 Movement: 30ft Known Spells: Firebolt, Message, Mold Earth, Mending, Catapult, Mage
Armour, Magic Missile, Shield, Enlarge/Reduce, Suggestion, Counterspell, Fireball
Actions(2): Spear +1 to hit, 4(1d6+1) Piercing damage
Actions(2) [max 1 spell] Spell +3 to hit
Shortsword+1 to hit, 4(1d6+1) Piercing damage
Dagger +2 to hit, 4(1d4+2) Piercing damage
Dagger +1 to hit, 3(1d4+1) Piercing damage
Staff +1 to hit, 4(1d6+1)/5(1d8+1) Bludgeoning damage

Pay: 3gp/Day
Pay: 3gp 5sp/Day
Equipment: Shield, Shortbow, Dagger, Shortsword, Chain Shirt Cost: 98gp
Equipment: Shield, Spear, Dagger, Longsword, Chain Shirt Cost: 78gp
Str: 13(+1) Dex: 13(+1) Con: 13(+1) Int: 11(+0) Wis: 12(+1) Cha: 14(+2)
Str: 16(+3) Dex: 14(+2) Con: 15(+2) Int: 13(+1) Wis: 14(+2) Cha: 15(+2)
HP: 18(3d6+7) AC: 14 Movement: 30ft
HP: 26(4d6+12) AC: 17 Movement: 35ft
Actions(2): Shortbow +1 to hit, 4(1d6+1) Piercing damage
Actions(3): Spear +3 to hit, 6(1d6+3) Piercing damage
Shortsword+1 to hit, 4(1d6+1) Piercing damage
Longsword +3 to hit, 7(1d8+3)/8(1d10+3) Slashing damage
Dagger +1 to hit, 3(1d4+1) Piercing damage
Dagger +3 to hit, 5(1d4+3) Piercing damage

Pay: 3gp 5sp/Day
Equipment: Shield, Longbow, Dagger, Shortsword, Chain Shirt Cost: 113gp
Str: 14(+2) Dex: 16(+3) Con: 15(+2) Int: 13(+1) Wis: 14(+2) Cha: 15(+2)
HP: 26(4d6+12) AC: 15 Movement: 40ft
Actions(3): Longbow +3 to hit, 7(1d8+3) Piercing damage
Shortsword +3 to hit, 6(1d6+3) Piercing damage
Dagger +3 to hit, 5(1d4+3) Piercing damage
Cavalry Archers
Pay: 13gp 5sp/Day Pay: 4gp/Day
Equipment: Warhorse, Shield, Spear, Longsword, Dagger, Chain Shirt Equipment: Shield, Longbow, Dagger, Shortsword, Half Plate Cost: 797gp
Cost: 478gp
Str: 16(+3) Dex: 18(+4) Con: 16(+3) Int: 14(+2) Wis: 15(+2) Cha: 16(+3)
Str: 16(+3) Dex: 14(+2) Con: 15(+2) Int: 13(+1) Wis: 14(+2) Cha: 15(+2)
HP: 35(5d6+17) AC: 17 Movement: 40ft
HP: 26(4d6+12) AC: 17 Movement: 60ft
Actions(3): Longbow +4 to hit, 8(1d8+4) Piercing damage
Actions(3): Spear +3 to hit, 6(1d6+3) Piercing damage
Shortsword +4 to hit, 7(1d6+4) Piercing damage
Longsword +3 to hit, 7(1d8+3)/8(1d10+3) Slashing damage
Dagger +4 to hit, 6(1d4+4) Piercing damage
Dagger +3 to hit, 5(1d4+3) Piercing damage
Trampling charge +3 to hit, 7(1d8+3) Piercing damage (must travel in a straight Cavalry
line for 20ft, target must make a DC14 strength save, on a fail the horse can make a
Hooves attack) Pay: 14gp/Day
Hooves attack +4 to hit, 7(2d6) Bludgeoning damage (only available as an action if Equipment: Warhorse, Shield, Spear, Longsword, Dagger, Half Plate
target is prone)
Cost: 1178gp

Elite Str: 18(+4) Dex: 16(+3) Con: 16(+3) Int: 14(+2) Wis: 15(+2) Cha: 16(+3)
HP: 35(5d6+17) AC: 19 Movement: 70ft
Elite troops are found surrounding the highest nobility and royalty of the land. The Actions(3): Spear +4 to hit, 7(1d6+4) Piercing damage
heaviest armoured and armed troop, these are the tip of the spear on the battlefield.
Costly to equip and upkeep so only the most wealthy groups can field more than a Longsword +4 to hit, 8(1d8+4)/9(1d10+4) Slashing damage
dozen of them at a time but when deployed on mass like might happen in a battle
between two kingdoms, the units made up of these forces are nearly unstoppable Dagger +4 to hit, 6(1d4+4) Piercing damage
and a single squad can turn the tides of war. Trampling charge +4 to hit, 8(1d8+4) Piercing damage (must travel in a straight
line for 15ft, target must make a DC14 strength save, on a fail the horse can make a
Caster Hooves attack)
Hooves attack +4 to hit, 9(2d6+2) Bludgeoning damage (only available as an
Pay: 20gp/Day action if target is prone)

Equipment: Staff, Dagger, Elite Caster Spellbook Cost: 2500gp

Extra notes
Str: 12(+1) Dex: 16(+3) Con: 13(+1) Int: 18(+4) Wis: 14(+2) Cha: 13(+1)
HP: 30(6d6+9) AC: 13 Movement: 30ft
Light Armour: Militia, Basic, Trained, Experienced, Elite
Spell Slots: 1st: 4 2nd: 3 3rd: 3 4th : 1
Medium Armour: Trained, Experienced, Elite
Known Spells: Firebolt, Message, Mold Earth, Mending, Catapult, Mage
Armour, Magic Missile, Shield, Enlarge/Reduce, Suggestion, Counterspell, Heavy Armour: Experienced, Elite
Fireball, Thunder Step, Banishment, Wall of Fire
Shields: Militia, Basic, Trained, Experienced, Elite
Actions(2) [max 1 spell] Spell +6 to hit, Spell save DC 14
Simple Weapons: Militia, Basic, Trained, Experienced, Elite
Dagger +3 to hit, 3(1d4+3) Piercing damage
Martial Weapons: Trained, Experienced, Elite
Staff +1 to hit, 4(1d6+1)/5(1d8+1) Bludgeoning damage
Basic Mounts: Basic, Trained, Experienced, Elite
Infantry Advanced Mounts(Warhorse + any suitably exotic mounts for the setting):
Experienced, Elite
Pay: 4gp/Day
Changing Troops within level:
Equipment: Shield, Spear, Dagger, Longsword, Half Plate Cost: 778gp
To avoid too much complication, troops can be adjusted within their own level and gain the new
Str: 18(+4) Dex: 16(+3) Con: 16(+3) Int: 14(+2) Wis: 15(+2) Cha: 16(+3) stats but they must still have access to the suitable equipment (it is hard to gain a cavalry unit if
HP: 35(5d6+17) AC: 19 Movement: 35ft you are in the middle of the wilderness and there are no horses).
If being used to buff a small party or simply in a small enough number to be easily tracked,
Actions(3): Spear +4 to hit, 7(1d6+4) Piercing damage
keeping units to their picked speciality can be good for RP with the option of changing type by
Longsword +4 to hit, 8(1d8+4)/9(1d10+4) Slashing damage imposing level cost such as being a lower exp in the new type (e.g. Trained Infantry (exp 175) >
Trained Cavalry (exp 100) or Trained Archer (exp 125)).
Dagger +4 to hit, 6(1d4+4) Piercing damage
Adjust as is suitable for the situation and world.

Bonus actions/Free actions/Alternative actions:

Troops have bonus actions, free actions, and actions such as disengage/shove in the same way
that a PC can, they still have only a single action so for actions like cycle charging the cavalry,
they will have the risk opportunity attacks or take multiple turns to withdraw and charge again.

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