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Biology Term 1 / Grade – 10

Osmosis and Diffusion/ instructions

Name: ___________________________

Directions: Today, you will be using the Internet to test and improve you understanding of
Osmosis. Carefully follow the instructions below and pace yourself to make sure you have time to
get everything done by the end of the period. TURN THIS IN FOR 10 POINTS.

1. Osmosis and Diffusion Lab.

a. Go to
b. Watch the video to prepare yourself for performing the experiment as you saw.
c. Answer the following questions as you go.

Objective: to demonstrate what happens when an animal cell is exposed to varying osmotic


 Eggs
 Beakers
 Vinegar
 Corn Syrup
 Food Coloring
 Water
 Spoon
 Goggles
 Gloves
 Lab Coat or Apron

Our Vision: To create an outstanding and creative educational environment which empowers students to achieve their
potential and to become life-long learners and future leaders.
.‫ توفير بيئة تعليمية إبداعية مميزة تمكن الطلبة من استغالل طاقاتهم وامتالك مهارات التعلم مدى الحياة وأن يصبحوا قادة المستقبل‬:‫رؤية المدرسة‬

1. Place your egg in a beaker and add vinegar and leave it for 48 hours, after 24 hours remove
the vinegar and replace it with fresh vinegar.
2. After 48 hours, remove the egg gently from vinegar and give it a rinse.
3. Place your naked egg in a beaker, add corn syrup and push it down the beaker with a spoon
to keep it from floating. Leave it in the corn syrup for 24-48 hours.
4. After 48 hours, remove the egg gently from the syrup and give it a rinse.
5. Fill a glass of water, add a few drops of food coloring, place your shriveled egg in it and
leave it for 24 hours.
6. Observe what happens to your egg after 24 hours.


1. What do you think would happen to a shell-less (“naked”) egg if water passed into the egg
through the membrane?



2. Why do you think that happened?



3. What do you think would happen to a naked egg if water passed out of the egg through the
membrane, and why?




Our Vision: To create an outstanding and creative educational environment which empowers students to achieve their
potential and to become life-long learners and future leaders.
.‫ توفير بيئة تعليمية إبداعية مميزة تمكن الطلبة من استغالل طاقاتهم وامتالك مهارات التعلم مدى الحياة وأن يصبحوا قادة المستقبل‬:‫رؤية المدرسة‬
4. How are osmosis and diffusion different.




5.Draw a diagram of the particles moving when the egg is soaked in vinegar and when the egg is
soaked in corn syrup.

6. What does the “naked egg” show you about the importance of an outer membrane?



Our Vision: To create an outstanding and creative educational environment which empowers students to achieve their
potential and to become life-long learners and future leaders.
.‫ توفير بيئة تعليمية إبداعية مميزة تمكن الطلبة من استغالل طاقاتهم وامتالك مهارات التعلم مدى الحياة وأن يصبحوا قادة المستقبل‬:‫رؤية المدرسة‬

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