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Narine Tonoyan Arturovna

The student of the RANEPA Lyceum, Moscow, Russia

List of reference:
[6] /

As a hypothesis, it is presumed that blogs (on social media) have a negative impact on the behavior, health and
certainly eyesight of schoolchildren.

Goals and objectives

The aim of the work is to figure out the ways bloggers influence society and the consequences of this influence.
It means, to explore some advantages and disadvantages. To achieve this goal, I set the following tasks:

1. To study the concept "bloggers" and their activities.

2. To make a research on how bloggers' information affects the lives of themselves and the lives of their

3. To compare the advantages and disadvantages of blogging.

Importance and topicality of the work

The relevance of my project is that the majority of the population of modern Russia doesn't read
newspapers; some people do not even watch TV. The main hobby of modern Russian society is social
networks. [1]

The practical significance of the work lies in the possibility of using this material at parent meetings or
class meetings in order to identify the impact of the Internet and its resources on the students' behavior.
Who is a blogger?

Blog — a website where main content is regularly added posts containing text, images or multimedia.
People who are blogging are called bloggers. The totality of all the blogs of the Network is called the
blogosphere. Blogs are characterized by the possibility of publishing comments by users. It makes blogs a
communication environment not face-to-face, but online.[2]

What is the impact of bloggers on today's youth?

In 2020, the number of successful bloggers with more than 1 million subscribers has significantly
increased. Some bloggers were united in groups - blogging houses such as Dream Team House, Hype
House, XO Team and many others to shoot cool videos with their team members and gain twice as many
likes and followers.[3]

Every day there are more and more teenagers who having succumbed to the influence of social networks
also wants to become blogger. [4]

My contribution to the research

I have made a simple and obvious questionnaire and research on how bloggers influence teenagers. And
asked the audiences of my classmates and friends (30 people) 6 questions on Telegram App.

The results can be seen in the pie-charts.

Bloggers – the heroes of youth

Without knowing the specific rules of blogging, it is impossible to achieve success in social networks. Here
are some tips for a novice blogger:

1. Choose a concrete topic for your blog.

2. Permanent placement of posts (every day).
3. Beautiful blog photos are a good trump card.
4. Don't get hung up on one topic.
5. Promote your blog (make links to popular bloggers - as a rule, they reciprocate).
6. Don't give up! [4]
Advantages and disadvantages:


My view on practical importance and application of the chosen topic

As it turned out, it's all about the sense of proportion and the variety of video blogs. Virtual reality should
not take up all the free time of a person, should not develop aggression and bitterness in him. It should
help in the individual development, help in obtaining information. It should be just one of the possible
options for recreation, along with playing sports, walking, meeting friends, and reading books.

In this research, the question of the positive and negative aspects of the influence of video blogs on the
behavior of students was studied. Thus, our research has achieved its goal, and the tasks set have been
solved. The hypothesis that video blogs negatively affect the behavior of schoolchildren was partially
confirmed. How harmful the impact of watching video blogs depends on the content of each blog, as well
as on how often and for how long the student sits watching them.[5],[6].

Thank you for your attention!

Take care of your health!

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