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Int J Life Cycle Assess (2016) 21:137–145

DOI 10.1007/s11367-015-1000-x


Life cycle cost comparison of high-pressure sodium

and light-emitting diode luminaires in street lighting
Leena Tähkämö 1 & Rami-Samuli Räsänen 2 & Liisa Halonen 1

Received: 31 October 2014 / Accepted: 6 November 2015 / Published online: 26 November 2015
# Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2015

Abstract scenarios, in which relevant calculation parameters were

Purpose Cities and municipalities are facing a great challenge changed.
in 2015 when the widely used high-pressure mercury lamps Results and discussion The life cycle cost analysis of the two
are banned from the European Union market. This results to road lighting luminaire technologies showed that the HPS
approximately 18 million lamps to be changed to other light luminaire was normally a more economical solution compared
source technologies suitable for outdoor lighting. The most to the light-emitting diode (LED) luminaire. The total life
probable replacement technologies are high-pressure sodium cycle costs of the HPS luminaire were 45 % lower than those
and light-emitting diode luminaires. The article provides eco- of the LED luminaire per kilometre. However, the scenarios in
nomic information for the cities and municipalities to use the sensitivity analysis indicated that there were circumstances
when making the decision on the choice of technology. where the cost-efficiency of the LED luminaire was particu-
Methods A life cycle cost analysis was conducted for the larly improved. In order for the LED technology to become
high-pressure sodium and light-emitting diode luminaires in- fully competitive against the HPS technology, several scenar-
cluding the investment costs, operating costs and residual val- ios have to take place simultaneously. The life cycle costs of
ue over 30-year time frame. The investment costs included the the LED luminaire were reduced compared to the HPS lumi-
purchase prices of all parts, freight and installation costs. The naire by increased electricity price, exclusion of spot replace-
operating costs accounted for the energy and maintenance ments, reduced purchase price and modularity of the LED
costs, and the residual value was calculated using the 25 % luminaire.
estimate of the initial purchase price. The approach of the Conclusions Despite the greater luminous efficacy, the LED
calculation considered only the luminaires to be installed; luminaire was found to have greater life cycle costs compared
the scope of the study excluded the previous installations, to the HPS luminaire. However, the LED technology is ex-
which may contain any light source technology or be inexis- pected to become more economical in the future due to the
tent. The analysis excluded the poles, wiring and other infra- development in luminous efficacy, improved product quality,
structure. A sensitivity analysis additionally studied six reduction in the purchase price and the enhanced competition
in the LED segment. Despite the unfavourable cost structure,
the LED technology offers other benefits, such as lighting
controls and colour characteristics.
Responsible editor: Hanna-Leena Pesonen
Keywords Economic comparison . High-pressure sodium .
* Leena Tähkämö HPS . LED . Life cycle costs . Light-emitting diode . Road lighting . Street lighting

Lighting Unit, Department of Electrical Engineering and
Automation, Aalto University, P.O. Box 13340, 1 Introduction
00076 Aalto, Finland
Center for Knowledge and Innovation Research, School of Business, Lighting is essential in modern society. Artificial lighting en-
Aalto University, P.O. Box 21230, 00076 Aalto, Finland ables people to operate independently of the availability of
138 Int J Life Cycle Assess (2016) 21:137–145

daylight, which prolongs the potential time for working, technology in street lighting (Van Tichelen et al. 2007). The
studying and other activities. Lighting is used in numerous most promising alternatives are the HPS and LED technolo-
applications from general lighting in buildings to automotive, gies, since the HPS technology is a mature technology with
horticultural and signalling applications. Outdoor lighting; i.e. reasonable costs and the LED technology offers improved
lighting of roads, streets, bicycle ways, pedestrian ways, lighting controls and choice of colour and potential for energy
parks, parking lots and other outdoor areas, contributes to safe savings. The HPM lamp needs a control gear, typically an
moving in outdoor areas after dark. As an important architec- electromagnetic ballast, to operate. The ballast is not able to
tural and city planning factor, outdoor lighting may also in- operate other types of lamps, which forces the whole HPM
crease the pleasantness of the outdoor environment and thus luminaires to be replaced. Only a retrofit type of HPS lamps
improve the restorativeness of the urban landscape (Nikunen may be operated by the ballast of the HPM lamp, but the
2013). Outdoor lighting may contribute to the quality of life retrofit HPS lamps were banned simultaneously with the
by increasing safety and feeling of safety and improving the HPM lamps in 2015. As a result, there is a great challenge
landscape after dark, but it may also become a part of smart for the cities and municipalities to replace the existing HPM
city infrastructure by intelligent lighting controls and integra- luminaires with more energy-efficient technologies.
tion with other systems. Road lighting is designed to improve traffic safety during
In addition to its positive impacts on the visual perfor- darkness by providing sufficient visibility to road users, such
mance and safety, lighting consumes a notable amount of as drivers, bicyclists and pedestrians. The recommendations
energy. Lighting has been estimated to account for approxi- for road lighting design in Europe are established in the tech-
mately 19 % (2650 TWh) of global electricity consumption nical report EN 13201:1 (European Committee for
(IEA, OECD 2006). Outdoor lighting, including roads and Standardization 2004) and the European standards EN
streets, car parks, traffic signals, billboards and airports, was 13201:2–4 (European Committee for Standardization 2003a;
estimated to consume approximately 218 TWh of electricity European Committee for Standardization 2003b; European
in 2005 accounting for 8 % of the electricity used in lighting Committee for Standardization 2003c). The recommendations
(IEA, OECD 2006). Road and street lighting consumed ap- establish criteria for five qualities related to road lighting:
proximately 114 TWh globally in 2005 accounting for 1 % of average road surface luminance (Lave), overall and longitudi-
global electricity consumption (IEA, OECD 2006). In Fin- nal uniformities of road surface luminance (Uo, Ul), surround
land, the outdoor lighting was also found to account for ap- ratio (SR) and threshold increment (TI). The road surface lu-
proximately 1 % of electricity consumption (800 GWh) in minance describes the perceived brightness of the road surface
2010 (Sippola 2010). measured in candelas per square metre (cd/m2). The uniformi-
Outdoor lighting is generally provided not only with high- ties of the road surface contribute to avoiding great differences
intensity discharge (HID) lamps, such as high-pressure sodi- in the luminance values in the visual environment, such as the
um (HPS), high-pressure mercury (HPM) and metal halide successive areas of high and low luminance on the road that
(MH) lamps, but also increasingly with light-emitting diode can cause difficulty to see due to the flickering effect when
(LED) technology. In the European Union (EU), the most driving. The SR ensures that the immediate surroundings of
common light source technology was the HPS lamp account- the road are also lit. The TI describes the loss of visibility
ing for 47 % of the installed street lighting luminaires in 2005. caused by the disability glare of the luminaires. The five qual-
Other light source technologies used in the EU were the HPM ities have their target values in the road lighting standards
lamp (32 %), low-pressure sodium (LPS) lamp (9 %), fluores- depending on the road lighting class which is defined depend-
cent lamp (FL) (8 %) and MH lamps (3 %) (Van Tichelen et al. ing on the road users, speed of movement, geometry and type
2007). The amount of LED luminaires in street lighting was of the area, weather type and traffic flows.
not estimated in 2007 by Van Tichelen et al., but the market In addition to fulfilling the road lighting design criteria set
share of LED lighting in outdoor applications has been esti- in the standards, the road lighting needs to be economically
mated to rise from 6 % in 2011 to 44 % in 2016 and further to viable and—depending on the area and its importance to the
74 % in 2020 (McKinsey & Company 2012). In Finland, the city image—visually attractive. The economic evaluation of
outdoor lighting was produced mainly by HPM (51 %), HPS road lighting needs to account for the whole life cycle, and the
(45 %) and MH (2 %) lamps, while the rest (2 %) was pro- time value of the money needs to be taken into account. This
duced by other light sources, such as LPS, FL and induction paper compares the life cycle costs (LCCs) of two typical
lamps, and LED luminaires (Sippola 2010). alternatives in current road lighting: the HPS and LED lumi-
The outdoor lighting sector in the EU is facing a major naires. They are compared considering the road lighting de-
challenge after April 2015 when the HPM lamps were banned sign criteria, but the aesthetics and visual attractiveness are
from the market due to the Ecodesign regulation 245/2009 excluded from the comparison. In addition, the LCC analysis
(European Commission 2009). This means that approximately studies the sensitivity of the results to a number of parameters.
18 million HPM lamps need to be replaced with another The LCC as an economic assessment is one part of the life
Int J Life Cycle Assess (2016) 21:137–145 139

cycle sustainability assessment (LCSA). The other parts of the either in new or existing poles. This is generally the situation
LCSA, i.e. the environmental and social life cycle assess- in the cities and municipalities: they have both existing instal-
ments, are considered in separate studies. lations to be updated and new installations to design. This
paper is aimed to assist the cities in the decision making pro-
1.1 LCC analysis cess by providing information on the two luminaire types.
The scope of the LCC is the road lighting luminaires used
The LCC analysis is a tool to evaluate the economic impacts in Finland in road lighting class M4. The particular road class
of a product or service throughout its life cycle, as life cycle is equivalent to the European road lighting class MEW4
assessment (LCA) is that of the environmental impacts. In the established in the EN 12301 series. The MEW4 class is a
LCC analysis, the interest lies in the money flows. It is often lighting class for drivers of motorised vehicles on routes of
easier to collect economic data, such as prices and costs, than medium and high driving speeds in dry and wet conditions.
environmental information, and the money flows do not need The analysis considered only the luminaires with all its com-
to be transformed into impacts, as material and energy flows ponents: the light source (lamp or module), the control gear
need to be transformed into environmental impacts in the (electronic ballast or driver) and the luminaire housing. The
LCA. The money flows need to be discounted, since the time pole, wiring and other infrastructure were excluded from the
value of the money should be taken into account if the time scope of the analysis.
frame of the LCC is greater than 2 years (Swarr et al. 2011). The functional unit was chosen to be a kilometre of road lit
This was the case in the study, as 30 years was chosen as the complying with the road lighting design criteria in road class
time frame of the calculations. A 30-year time frame is rec- M4. The pole distance was assumed to be optimal. Both types
ommended to be used in the road lighting LCC calculations of luminaires were types approved by the Finnish Transport
(Finnish Transport Agency 2015). Agency in road class M4 (formerly AL4b by Finnish Road
It is possible to conduct the LCC analysis from various Administration (Administration 2006)). The road lighting
viewpoints, such as the producer, supplier or user (Swarr quality is not considered in the calculations in any other
et al. 2011). The perspective in this study was chosen to be way. Thus, the colour characteristics are excluded. It must be
the user who, in this case, is the municipality or the city who noted that the road lighting criteria are based on the photopic
purchases, uses and maintains the road lighting. photometry, not the mesopic one, which would be more real-
istic in road lighting environment. The mesopic photometry
1.2 Goal and scope definition applies to luminance range from 0.005 to 5 cd/m2 to which the
conditions in road lighting typically belong (Commission
The goal of the study is to determine which of the two light Internationale de l’Eclairage 2010). However, there is no cur-
source technologies used in road lighting is a more economi- rent method to design road lighting according to the mesopic
cal solution. The purpose is to evaluate the two technologies photometry.
without considering the previous, existing installations. This
makes the LCC analysis less case-specific, since it considers 1.3 Life cycle inventory
only the future installation which the decision-making process
can actually affect. The information on the two luminaire technologies is listed in
The LCC analysis takes into account investment costs and Table 1. The luminaire and lamp lives and luminaire power are
the present value of operating costs and residual value. The based on the data provided by the manufacturers of the prod-
investment costs consist of the purchase prices of the lumi- ucts. The LED technology is developing in terms of its lumi-
naires including all the parts (lamp/module and control gear) nous efficacy (lm/W) and (real) purchase price. According to
and freight and installation costs (worker, equipment). Oper- the estimates by the US Department of Energy (DOE), the
ating costs include the energy and maintenance costs, i.e. the luminous efficacy of a warm-white LED luminaire is
electricity costs (electricity, transmission) and lamp and lumi- projected to increase from 96 lm/W in 2013 to 130 lm/W in
naire replacement costs (worker, equipment). The residual 2015 and to 200 lm/W in 2020, while the ultimate goal is
value, estimated as 25 % of the initial purchase price by the 230 lm/W (US DOE 2014). The US DOE updated their pre-
Finnish Transport Agency (2015), describes here the costs at dictions for LED package luminous efficacy from 2010 to
the end-of-life, such as recycling and disassembly. Taxes are 2014 report (Table 2). Since the most recent predictions for
excluded from the analysis. the luminous efficacy (US DOE 2014) are less ambitious than
In the previous LCC case study (Tähkämö et al. 2012), the in 2010 (US DOE 2014) and a relatively cautious projections
LCC considered the renewal of the street lighting installation, were also used in the previous LCC case study (Tähkämö
i.e. the previous system and the new installation replacing the et al. 2012), the future LED luminaire luminous efficacy used
previous one. In contrast, the starting point of this article was in the LCC calculations was estimated in a cautious manner. In
to purely compare the two technologies that may be installed contrast, the price development has recently been estimated to
140 Int J Life Cycle Assess (2016) 21:137–145

Table 1 Information on the street lighting luminaires in the baseline case

Quantity Unit Luminaire type

Luminaire with 150W HPS lamp LED luminaire

Luminaire life h – 50,000

Lamp life h 32,000 –
Luminaire power W 176 117
Luminaire power in 2025 W – 66.9
Luminaire power in 2038 W – 58.5
Luminous efficacy of luminaire lm/W 73 97
Optimal pole spacing in AL4b class m 50 36
Investment cost € per piece 400.87 685.65
Lamp group replacement period a 8 –
Luminaire group replacement period a 30 12.5
Group replacement cost during 30 years € per piece 23.67 –
Group replacement cost in 2025 € per piece – 237.65
Group replacement cost in 2038 € per piece – 209.65
Amount of spot replacements % 2 5
Spot replacement cost (2013–2043) € per piece 68.67 –
Spot replacement cost (2013–2015) € per piece – 685.65
Spot replacement cost (2015–2020) € per piece – 433.65
Spot replacement cost (2020–2030) € per piece – 237.65
Spot replacement cost (2030–2043) € per piece – 209.65

be on a similar level or even accelerated from 2010 projections power electronics of the luminaires. The breakdowns have
(US DOE 2010, 2014). The LCC analysis was calculated been independent from the characteristics of the technology
using estimates of 30, 75 and 100 % increase in the luminous suppliers. However, the quality of the luminaires is expected
efficacy and a reduction of 45, 80 and 85 % in the (real) to increase in the long run due to increasing adoption of ro-
purchase price in 2015, 2020 and 2030, respectively. botics by the manufacturers and use of components of im-
The lamps in street lighting luminaires are generally re- proved quality. This development is expected to decrease the
placed in group replacements to limit the costs. It is expensive failure of luminaires.
to maintain the luminaires individually, as the replacement The time frame of the calculations is 30 years, and the street
requires a car-mounted lift. Spot replacements are more ex- lighting is estimated to be used 4000 h annually on average.
pensive and are thus avoided by the cities. It was estimated by The price of electricity was 0.1 €/kWh, which was reported to
one Finnish city that 5 % of the LED luminaires have needed be in use in financial planning in one Finnish city. No
spot replacements primarily due to the breakdown of the municipality- or city-specific electricity price data was found,

Table 2 Predictions of luminous efficacy and purchase price of LED packages according to US DOE (2010) and (2014)

Product Time of estimation Luminous efficacy (lm/W) Price ($/klm)

Estimated in 2010 Estimated in 2014 Estimated in 2010 Estimated in 2014

Cool-white LED package 2013 (173 in 2012) 166 (6 in 2012) 4

2015 215 192 2 2
2020 243 231 1 0.7
Goal – 250 – 0.5
Warm-white LED package 2013 (128 in 2012) 135 (11 in 2012) 5.1
2015 184 169 3.3 2.3
2020 234 225 1.1 0.7
Goal – 250 – 0.5
Int J Life Cycle Assess (2016) 21:137–145 141

but household and industry electricity prices ranged in 2013 value was 2.3 times greater in LED luminaire than in HPS
between 0.039 and 0.2 €/kWh, the average being 0.1370 €/ luminaire, similarly with the investment costs, as the residual
kWh in households, and between 0.039 and 0.228 €/kWh, the value was based on the amount of investment costs.
average being 0.0940 €/kWh in industry without taxes in the Cash flow diagrams in Fig. 2 illustrate the division of the
EU (Eurostat 2013). The electricity price 0.1 €/kWh remains costs over the course of the 30-year time frame. The annual
within the range of household and industry electricity prices. costs during years 1 to 29 are dominated by the energy costs in
To calculate the present values of operating costs and the HPS luminaire, and the annual costs remain constant. In con-
residual value, a real discount rate of 2.9 % was used, resulting trast, the energy and replacement costs of LED luminaire
from the estimates of nominal discount rate of 6 % and infla- change over time, as the price and efficacy of the LED lumi-
tion of 3 %, as recommended by the Finnish Transport Agen- naire are developed.
cy (2006). In addition to the LCCs of the baseline case, the sensitivity
The investment in the street lighting technology is based on analysis presented the impacts of five scenarios to the amount
several economic factors. Therefore, there are many parame- of LCCs. The scenarios show the sensitivity of the LCC re-
ters in the study that can be varied. First, the electricity price sults to the parameters listed in Table 3. The division of the
varies by municipality, city and country and it may rise during LCCs is shown in Fig. 1, and the total LCCs are listed in
the 30-year time frame. The electricity price may also be in- Table 4 in euros per kilometre. Doubling the electricity price
creased over time at a greater rate than the inflation, i.e. esca- in scenario 1 increased the LCCs of the HPS luminaire by
lation, but this is not included in the scenarios. Second, the 72 % compared to the baseline case, while the LCCs of the
spot replacements may be avoided by improved product qual- LED were increased by 29 % compared to the respective
ity or a decision of replacing the lamps and luminaires only in baseline case. Ignoring the spot replacements reduced the
group replacements. It may also depend on the method that the LCCs of the HPS luminaire by 1 %, whereas the LCCs of
group replacements are organised. Third, a number of new the LED luminaire were reduced by 12 % in scenario 2. The
firms have entered into the LED luminaire segment of the discount price of the LED luminaire reduced the LCCs by
lighting industry, and it was indicated by a Finnish city that 29 % (scenario 3). The impact of lamp and luminaire lives
the LED luminaire sellers occasionally offer notable discounts on the LCCs was studied in scenarios 4 (HPS lamp life) and 5
in LED luminaire purchase prices, indicating the existence of (LED luminaire life). Choosing an HPS lamp of a regular life
price competition on the local street lighting segment. Fourth, increased the LCCs by 3 % compared to the baseline case,
the lamp and luminaire life differ from those in Table 1 de- while the long-life LED luminaire reduced the LCCs by 4 %
pending on the type of the HPS lamp and LED luminaire. The compared to the respective baseline case. The modularity of
HPS lamp in the baseline case was a long-life lamp which is the LED luminaire reduced the LCCs by 18 % (scenario 4).
somewhat more expensive but has greater life compared to the The impact of the electricity price is studied in addition to
standard HPS lamp (typically 16,000 h). There are also LED the doubling of the electricity price in scenario 1. As seen in
luminaires on the market with much longer lives (up to 100, Fig. 3, the LED luminaire becomes more economical solution
000 h) stated by the manufacturers. In addition, the LED lu- in terms of present value of the LCC at electricity prices great-
minaire can be modular, so that the LED module, with or er than 0.52 €/kWh, which is significantly greater than the
without the driver, can be replaced separately. This would electricity prices in the EU (currently remaining below 0.23
enable avoiding the replacement of the whole luminaire, as €/kWh, (Eurostat 2013)). In scenario 3, the discount LED
only the replacement parts (module, driver) can be updated luminaire price did not result to LCCs lower than those of
during spot and group replacements. These parameters were the HPS luminaire in the baseline case. If the freight and
considered in the LCC analysis by creating six scenarios to installation costs remain the same, the cut-off point for the
study the sensitivity of the results towards the varying param- LED luminaire price is 82 € per luminaire (investment cost
eters (Table 3). 207.65 € per piece).

2 Results 3 Discussion

Figure 1 illustrates the discounted LCCs of the baseline case The results of the LCC analysis case study indicated that cur-
and six scenarios. In the baseline case, the initial investment of rently, the HPS luminaire is a more economical technology to
the LED luminaire was approximately 2.3 times greater than illuminate roads compared to the LED luminaire. The present
those of the HPS luminaire. The energy costs of the LED value of the LCCs of the HPS luminaire was 45 % lower
luminaire were 27 % lower than those of the HPS luminaire, compared to those of the LED luminaire per road kilometre
but the maintenance costs of the LED luminaire were 17 times (Fig. 4), whereas the environmental impacts of the two lumi-
greater compared to those of the HPS luminaire. The residual naires were found to be on a similar level when comparing
142 Int J Life Cycle Assess (2016) 21:137–145

Table 3 Parameters varied in sensitivity analysis

Scenario Varied parameter Quantity Unit

1 Electricity price 0.2 €/kWh

2 Spot replacements 0% % of spot replacements
3 Discount LED luminaire price 250 € per piece
4 HPS lamp life 16,000 h
5 LED luminaire life 100,000 h
6 LED luminaire replacement (modularity) 50 % % of spot and group replacement costs

them per kilometre of lit road in a preceding LCA study of LED luminaire purchase price needed to be quite low (82 €
LED and HPS street lighting luminaires (Tähkämö & Halonen per piece) in order to make the LED luminaire more econom-
2015). However, the LCC analysis is affected by many param- ical compared to HPS luminaire. Such low purchase prices are
eters in reality. The six scenarios analysed the impact of a not expected. Thus, it is relevant to focus the efforts of the
number of parameters in road lighting. LED luminaire development not only in reducing the purchase
Scenario 1 doubled the electricity price, which respectively price but also in increasing the luminous efficacy and pole
doubled the energy costs of the luminaires, thus increasing the spacing and in improving the modularity of the luminaire.
operating costs. As a less energy-efficient alternative, the The life of the lamp or luminaire affected the LCCs only in
LCCs of the HPS luminaire were more sensitive towards the moderation. Changing the long-life HPS lamp to a regular-life
increase of the electricity price. The electricity price is esti- HPS lamp in scenario 4 had only a minor impact on the total
mated to be increased over time, which means that the LED LCCs (3 % increase), but regarding the maintenance costs, the
technology will become more economical alternative in the regular-life HPS lamp caused significant (68 %) increase com-
future compared to the road lighting technologies with poor pared to the baseline case. The scenario 5 considered the long-
luminous efficacy. However, the increase in electricity price is life LED luminaire, but this scenario surprisingly affected the
not likely to make the LED luminaire more economical than total LCCs only by 4 % reduction. This is due to the fact that
the HPS luminaire, since the cut-off point was found to be at the long-life LED luminaire was expected to be actually used
very high electricity price (0.52 €/kWh). for the total life so that the development in the luminous effi-
The exclusion of spot replacements in scenario 2 reduced cacy could not be exploited. The reduction in the maintenance
the total LCCs of the LED luminaire by 12 %, while those of costs (23 % compared to the baseline case) was overridden by
the HPS luminaire remained on the same level (99 %) as the the increase in the energy costs (20 %). An optimal time to
baseline case. However, the maintenance costs of both lumi- replace the LED luminaire in road lighting can be determined
naires were reduced by approximately 30 % compared to the by using the estimates of the development in luminous effica-
maintenance costs of the respective baseline case. cy and purchase prices of the luminaires, as in the study by
In scenario 3, the discount price of the LED luminaire Ochs et al. (Ochs et al. 2014).
reduced the LCCs significantly (by 29 %). The discount in The modularity of the LED luminaire (scenario 6) reduced
the purchase price reduced not only the initial investment, but the total LCCs by 18 % compared to the baseline case. This
also the maintenance costs and residual value. This indicates was due to the great reduction in the maintenance costs (44 %
the importance of the purchase price of the luminaire. Yet, the reduction compared to the baseline case). This indicates that

Fig. 1 Present value of the life cycle costs of HPS and LED luminaires in baseline case and in six scenarios over 30 years. Note that scenarios 3 to 6
affect only either of the luminaires
Int J Life Cycle Assess (2016) 21:137–145 143

Fig. 2 Cash flow diagram of a HPS and b LED luminaire. The costs occurring during each year are assumed to occur at the end of each year. Initial
investment cost occurs at the beginning of year 1, i.e. at the end of year 0

the development of the LED luminaire modularity will help to to the HPS luminaire, also with regard to the total LCCs: the
achieve cost-efficiency throughout the whole life cycle of the total LCCs of the LED luminaire were 34 % lower (44,326 €/
LED luminaires. km) than those of the HPS luminaire (67,622 €/km). This
The six scenarios were analysed individually in the calcu- illustrates the sensitivity of the LCC results to the choice of
lations. However, the scenarios may occur simultaneously. In the parameters.
this case, the LED luminaire performed favourably compared

Table 4 Life cycle costs of sensitivity analysis compared to the

baseline case

Case/scenario HPS luminaire LED luminaire

€/km % of baseline case €/km % of baseline case

Baseline case 38,656 70,637

Scenario 1 66,568 172 % 90,922 129 %
Scenario 2 38,112 99 % 61,977 88 %
Scenario 3 – – 49,879 71 %
Scenario 4 39,829 103 % – –
Scenario 5 – – 67,951 96 % Fig. 3 Present value of the life cycle costs of HPS and LED luminaires as
Scenario 6 – – 57,780 82 % a function of electricity price. Other calculation parameters remain as in
baseline case
144 Int J Life Cycle Assess (2016) 21:137–145

product quality improves due to increased use of automation

in system integration in luminaire manufacturing.
There are numerous parameters affecting the financial cal-
culations. Six scenarios were studied in addition to the base-
line case. The scenarios varied the electricity price, spot re-
placements, LED luminaire price, life of the HPS lamp and the
LED luminaire and the modularity of the LED luminaire. The
sensitivity analysis indicated that in order for the LED lumi-
naire to become more economical, i.e. having lower LCCs
than the HPS luminaire, the scenarios need to occur
It is acknowledged that the luminaires themselves, the
lighting classes and the respective optimal pole spacings vary
Fig. 4 Comparison of LCA and LCC analysis results of HPS and LED
luminaires per road kilometre (environmental evaluation in Tähkämö & depending on the area, and thus, the results of the LCC study
Halonen (2015): ADP abiotic depletion potential, AP acidification in this article do not apply to all HPS and LED luminaires in
potential, EP eutrophication potential, FAETP freshwater aquatic any lighting class. However, this is an example and aimed to
ecotoxicity potential, GWP global warming potential, HTP human inform the decision makers with an unbiased evaluation and to
toxicity potential, MAETP marine aquatic ecotoxicity potential, ODP
ozone depletion potential, POCP photochemical ozone creation give ideas for the sensitivity analysis. In addition, the technol-
potential, TETP terrestrial ecotoxicity potential, EI99 eco-indicator99; ogies develop, so it is recommended to update the calculations
economic evaluation: LCC life cycle cost (present value)) regularly.
As this research evaluated only the economic perspective,
The LCCs of the HPS luminaire are likely more predict- further research is needed in order to gain knowledge on the
able. The annual operating costs of HPS luminaire are domi- triple bottom line approach of sustainability assessment. Es-
nated by the energy costs (Fig. 2) and are thus affected by the pecially, a social LCA of road lighting is needed, as the envi-
electricity price fluctuations. In contrast, the annual operating ronmental perspective has already been covered by a recent
costs of LED luminaire are caused by the replacement and research (Tähkämö & Halonen 2015).
energy costs which change over time due to the expected
reduction of luminaire price and improvement in luminous Acknowledgments This work was supported by the Aalto University
Aalto Energy Efficiency Research Program (AEF).
efficacy. The expected development makes the LCC calcula-
tions of LED luminaire unpredictable due to the uncertainties
in the development speed.

Commission Internationale de l’Eclairage (2010) Recommended system

for mesopic photometry based on visual performance, Technical
4 Conclusions report No. 191, p 79
European Commission (2009) Commission regulation (EC) No 245/
The LCCs were calculated per kilometre of a lit road with an 2009. Official Journal of the European Union, Volume L 76:17–44
optimal pole spacing over 30 years. The estimated develop- European Committee for Standardization (2003a) EN 13201-2, Road
lighting. Part 2: performance requirements
ment of the purchase price and luminous efficacy of the LED European Committee for Standardization (2003b) EN 13201-3, Road
luminaire were included in the calculations. Despite the great- lighting. Part 3: calculation of performance
er (and improving) luminous efficacy of the LED luminaire, European Committee for Standardization (2003c) EN 13201-4, Road
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