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Int. J. Security and Networks, Vol. 14, No.

2, 2019 95

An improved multi-objective genetic algorithm and

data fusion in structural damage identification

Along Yu*
School of Physics and Electronic Electrical Engineering,
Huaiyin Normal University,
Huaian, 223300, China
*Corresponding author

Jiajia Ji
School of Electrical Engineering and Control Science,
Nanjing Tech University,
Nanjing, 211816, China

Shiyu Sun
School of Physics and Electronic Electrical Engineering,
Huaiyin Normal University,
Huaian, 223300, China

Abstract: With the aging of civil engineering structures, it is urgent to detect the damage status
of structures for timely maintenance. Genetic algorithm has been gradually applied to structural
damage identification owing to its powerful global search capability and better adaptability. In
this paper, we present a novel multi-objective genetic algorithm based on fuzzy optimisation
theory to identify damage for large-scale structures. Furthermore, fuzzy logic data fusion is
implemented to process a large amount of data collected by displacement sensors, acceleration
sensors and stress sensors in order to improve the accuracy of identification results. The
experimental results show that the improved multi-objective genetic algorithm has faster
convergence speed and higher computational efficiency than traditional genetic algorithm.
Besides, the data fusion method can process the displacement parameter and the frequency mode
parameter synchronously, which shows more reliable recognition results than single-class
parameter identification.

Keywords: large-scale structures; genetic algorithm; damage identification; fuzzy optimisation;

data fusion.

Reference to this paper should be made as follows: Yu, A., Ji, J. and Sun, S. (2019)
‘An improved multi-objective genetic algorithm and data fusion in structural damage
identification’, Int. J. Security and Networks, Vol. 14, No. 2, pp.95–102.
Biographical notes: Along Yu received his PhD in Measuring and Testing Technologies and
Instruments from the Southeast University in 2005. He is currently a Professor in the School of
Physics and Electronic Electrical Engineering at the Huaiyin Normal University. His current
research interests are measurement and control technology, intelligent system and wireless sensor
network technology.

Jiajia Ji is currently a Master student at the Nanjing Tech University. He received his Bachelor’s
in Electrical Engineering and Automation from the Sanjiang University in 2016. His current
research interests are measurement and control technology and wireless sensor network

Shiyu Sun received his MS in Control Science and Engineering from the Nanjing Tech
University in 2016. His research interests are intelligent system and wireless sensor network

Copyright © 2019 Inderscience Enterprises Ltd.

96 A. Yu et al.

1 Introduction impossible to make an accurate judgment on structural

The health problems of engineering structures are closely
White is one of the earliest researchers to study the data
related to human life and property safety. During the period
fusion theory and lays a theoretical foundation for the
of service, structures are inevitably affected by fatigue,
development of multi-sensor data fusion (White, 1998). The
corrosion, aging and some irresistible factors such as
research on data fusion technology starts late in China, but
earthquake, typhoon and destructive impacts (Das et al.,
many achievements have still been made. Liu achieved
2016), which are major and unavoidable factors
good results by using bias and D-S evidence theory for
undermining the structures. With a long-term accumulation,
decision-level fusion processing (Liu and Li, 2008). Jiang
they will gradually crack and even collapse, resulting in
et al. (2011) presented a novel damage identification
negative social impact if a timely detection and targeted
method of concrete filled steel tubular arch using data
repair is not made. More and more attentions in the world
fusion based on information allocation theory. Li and Li
have been attached to the health monitoring and damage
(2013) integrated dynamic and static indexes with data
identification for large-scale structures (Cha, 2015).
fusion theory.
It is vulnerable to external interference for traditional
In this paper, an improved genetic algorithm combined
single-class sensor monitoring systems. Moreover, the
with fuzzy logic data fusion is proposed to identify
information obtained by these systems is not sufficient
structural damage, which can effectively improve
to correctly identify structural damage. Therefore, multi-
the operation efficiency and reduce the number of
sensor systems are widely accepted and implemented. It is
genetic iterations. Different data collected by various
of great research value and scientific significance to apply a
sensors are processed uniformly through fuzzy logic data
large amount of information obtained by multi-sensor
fusion, which can overcome the shortcomings of low
system to assess structural damage status in time and
accuracy and low reliability caused by single-class
accurately. Furthermore, noise interference and error
parameter damage identification. Besides, the application of
information are inevitable. Thus, an integrated information
wireless sensor network effectively solves these
processing technology is necessary to obtain actual damage
problems such as large data collection, processing,
status from a large amount redundant information. Multi-
transmission in the process of damage identification of
sensor data fusion technology, also known as data fusion
large-scale structure.
technology, can solve the problem well by correlating multi-
source data to obtain an accurate evaluation for large-scale
2 Traditional genetic algorithm
In recent years, with the implementation of many new
technologies and methods to structural damage Genetic algorithm originates from computer simulation of
identification, some achievements have been made. The biological system, which is created by Professor Holland
genetic algorithm was utilised to identify damages of the and his students at Michigan University in the United
beam structure modified by ANSYS, and the feasibility of States. It is a heuristic algorithm that allows to arrive at
the method is verified (Zhu and Gao, 2007). Li (2012) good solution, with a reasonable computational cost
utilised genetic algorithm to identify frequency mode shapes appropriate to the application needs (Avendano et al., 2018).
of actual plate structures. Zhu (2009) combined traditional The genetic algorithm operates on a population that consists
genetic algorithm with fuzzy optimisation theory and of n individuals, in which each individual consists of m
improved the operation efficiency of genetic algorithm. genetic genes and constitutes a search space for the
Nobahari and Seyedpoor (2010) presented a modified problem. The higher the individual’s fitness, the closer to
genetic algorithm with two new operations to precisely the target value. The population can continuously inherit
determine the sites and the extent of multiple structural and evolve by means of the ‘survival of the fittest’ principle
damage. Meruane and Heylen (2010) utilised a hybrid (Greco, 2018). Individuals with higher fitness have greater
real-coded genetic algorithm with damage penalisation to probability to inherit the next generation. According to this
locate and quantify structural damage. Marano et al. (2011) rule, individuals continue to iterate until the emergence of
proposed a modified real-coded genetic algorithm to optimal individual x. The basic genetic algorithm is
identify the parameters of large structure subject to dynamic composed of three genetic operators: selection, crossover
loads. Although genetic algorithm provides a powerful and mutation. Moreover, it is vital to determine parameters
method to identify structural damages, there are still many such as coding method, fitness function, population size, as
problems that need to be solved. Firstly, traditional genetic well as the probability of crossover and mutation (Hong
algorithm has some shortcomings such as inefficiency, et al., 2006).
time-consuming and low accuracy, so it is difficult to ensure
practical results for large-scale structures. Secondly, it is 2.1 Encoding
hard to meet requirements of parameter analysis for
different types of damage identification parameters, which The method, converting the feasible solution of the problem
often results in inconsistency between search efficiency and from solution space to search space, is called encoding,
recognition accuracy. Thirdly, single-class parameter is which includes binary encoding, Grey code encoding, real
number encoding. Among them, the most classical method
An improved multi-objective genetic algorithm and data fusion in structural damage identification 97

is binary encoding (Chen et al., 2015), which has the 3 Improved genetic algorithm
advantage of easy implementation. However, the mapping
error would appear when the continuous function is 3.1 The significance of algorithm improvement
discretised. When the length of individual coding string is The traditional genetic algorithm has the advantage in that it
long, the search space would be enlarged, and the is applicable to global and multi-dimensional problems, and
performance would be reduced. However the accuracy it does not require a fitness function to be differentiable
would not reach the requirement if the length is short. Grey (Honda, 2018). However, it exhibits slow convergence rate
encoding has better local search capability than binary in the case of large amount of data, and falls into the local
encoding. Real number encoding is suitable for a large optimal value easily in large-scale structural damage
number of data and high-precision continuous function identification. These problems severely hinder the
optimisation problems. Besides, it is convenient for genetic application of genetic algorithm in large-scale structural
search in large spaces, and it can reduce the computational damage identification. In order to solve these problems, an
complexity of algorithm. improved genetic algorithm based on fuzzy optimisation
theory is proposed in this paper, which greatly improves the
2.2 Fitness function computational efficiency by parallel processing of selection
Individuals’ strengths and weaknesses are measured by
fitness function. A feature of genetic algorithm is to find the
optimal value (Nyathi and Pillay, 2018), which is achieved 3.2 Fuzzy optimisation theory
through fitness function. The higher the individual’s fitness, 3.2.1 Relative membership degree
the easier it is inherited to next generation. At the same
time, individuals with low fitness are likely to be eliminated During the optimisation and decision process, we assume
in the genetic iteration process. that xij is the eigenvalue of the jth sub-goal for the ith
decision. In the same time, xij can be considered as the
fitness of the ith individual for the damage of the jth region in
2.3 Selection this paper. Define the maximum target value and the
Selection also refers to replication, which selects the minimum target value of the decision centralisation target j
superior individual in the t generation population for the as the upper bound and the lower bound, respectively. Then
t + 1 generation population. Replication cannot produce new the relative membership degree of the target can be defined
individuals and increase the highest fitness of population, as follows.
but it can increase the average fitness of population. For benefit-type target (maximum of objective
Common selection operators include roulette selection, function):
random competitive selection and optimal reservation
selection, etc.
( xij − min xij ) / ( max xij − min xij )
rij = (1)

For cost-type target (minimum of objective function):

2.4 Crossover
( max xij − xij ) / ( max xij − min xij )
rij = (2)
Crossover, that is, individuals in the population P(t) are
randomly paired to exchange some chromosomes with a
certain probability, and then generate new individuals. In 3.2.2 Multi-objective system fuzzy optimisation model
order to avoid search stagnation, the probability of In this paper, the target has n sub-objectives, namely n
crossover should be chosen appropriately. Common damage areas to be identified. The algorithm consists of m
crossover operations include single-point crossover, individuals, and the optimisation is only implemented
two-point crossover, uniform crossover, etc. within the interior of each decision set, so the optimisation
is a relative quantity.
2.5 Mutation Then the evaluation target matrix for n areas with
respect to m individuals is shown in equation (3):
Mutation refers to the fact that genes in an individual
change with a specified probability to form a new  e11 e12  e1n 
individual. The probability of mutation is generally small. e e22  e2 n 
When the algorithm approaches to the optimal solution, the  21 = [ e1 e2  en ] (3)
     
crossover operator cannot perform a more detailed search  
on the search space, but the local search can be achieved em1 em 2  emn 
through the mutation operation. At the same time, mutation
operation can maintain the diversity of population and
prevent precocity. Common mutation operators include
basic-bit mutation, effective-bit mutation, Gauss mutation,
98 A. Yu et al.

3.3 Improved genetic algorithm based on fuzzy actual problem and then these subpopulations are executed
optimisation theory synchronously, the computational efficiency of improved
algorithm is greatly improved.
The optimal solution should be contained in a fuzzy set
whose membership function can be expressed in
equation (4):
4 Damage identification based on displacement
and frequency mode shape

r (α ) = ϖ i ri (α ) (4)
i =1
4.1 Displacement parameter in genetic algorithm
where ri(α) is the relative membership degree for each
sub-goal and ϖi is the weight coefficient for each sub-goal, A beam structure model with three nodes is shown in
respectively. Figure 2. The curvature of node i can be obtained by
The minimum solution of the membership function is difference method.
the optimal solution of multi-objective system, that is, to wi −1 + wi +1 − 2 × wi
find the minimum value of relative membership degree ρi = (6)
li −1 × li +1
relative to n subsystems in m individuals, as shown in
equation (5): where ρi and wi represent the curvature and the displacement
of node i, respectively.
r (α *) = min(r (α )) (5)
According to the equation (6), the curvatures of point i
In Figure 1, it is clear that the main difference between and point j are determined. Then the strain of unit k can be
traditional genetic algorithm and improved genetic obtained from equation (7):
algorithm is the selection operator. Traditional selection h ( ρi + ρ j )
operator determines the probability of individual’s εk = (7)
inheritance to next generation according to the fitness value. 4
Instead, improved algorithm divides the selection operator where h represents the height of the beam.
into n populations and these populations are executed in The static equilibrium equation of an undamaged
parallel. The number of populations is determined by structure under static loading can be expressed as
practical problems. In this paper, the value of n is equation (8):
determined by the number of damage identification units.
Ku = F (8)
Meanwhile, the possibility of each subpopulation selection
that can transfer to next generation is determined by the where K represents the overall stiffness matrix of the
relative membership degree of fitness value. Because the structure. F and u represent the load and the displacement of
population is divided into n subpopulations according to node, respectively.

Figure 1 Improved multi-objective genetic algorithm flowchart (see online version for colours)
An improved multi-objective genetic algorithm and data fusion in structural damage identification 99

Figure 2 Beam structure model (see online version for colours) 5 Fuzzy logic data fusion
5.1 Basic theory
For systems that need to collect, process, and integrate
multi-data, a method is necessary in order to achieve
autonomy and effectiveness, which can integrate incomplete
If the structure is damaged, the overall stiffness matrix of or inaccurate data gathered by single-class sensors with the
the structure would change, and then the balance equation data collected by other types of sensors to obtain more
can be expressed as equation (9): useful information. Data fusion mainly includes signal
( K − ΔK )ud =
F (9) acquisition, data pre-processing, fusion centre and result
output, as shown in Figure 3.
ΔK = α K (10) It is necessary to convert various data such as
displacement, acceleration and strain collected by various
where α is the unit stiffness damage coefficient that reflects
sensors, into electrical signals, and then into digital
the damage degree of the unit. Meanwhile, it is the target
quantities through the A/D conversion module. However,
value solved by genetic algorithm. If α = 1, the structure is due to the influence of objective factors such as
completely damaged. If α = 0, the structure is undamaged. environmental noise, it is necessary to pre-process the
Next, the unit strain εui before damage and the unit strain collected information in order to reduce the interference and
εdi after damage are used to construct the optimised ensure the accuracy of the data to be processed. After
objective function of genetic algorithm, as shown in pre-processing, feature extraction is performed on the data,
equation (11). and then the processed data are fused to obtain the final

( εui + εdi )
f1 ( β ) min
= = J (α ) min (11)
i =1
5.1.1 Signal acquisition
4.2 Frequency mode shape in genetic algorithm Various sensors are adopted according to the actual
situation of research object, and signals acquired by sensors
Adams proposed that the stiffness change of structure would are transformed into computer system after A/D
cause changes in the natural frequency and mode shapes of transformation.
structural vibration system (Adams et al., 1978). The
frequency parameters of structure can be obtained easily
and accurately, but the mode shapes are difficult to get 5.1.2 Data pre-processing
accurately. Later, Wolff and Richardson (1989) proved that On the one hand, signals to be processed are inevitably
damages could be located and quantified based on mixed with ambient noise. On the other hand, the
frequency changes and undamaged mode shapes if there are quantisation error is unavoidable in the A/D transformation
no major changes in mode shapes. The sensitivity equation process. Data pre-processing can reduce the impact of
is given by equation (12): interference to the greatest extent and increase the
signal-tonoise ratio. Common pre-processing methods
{φ i + Δφ i } [ΔK ]{φ i + Δφ i } + 2 {φ i } [ K ]{φ i }

(12) include demean, filtering, outlier elimination.

+ {Δφ i } [ K ]{Δφ i } =
5.1.3 Feature extraction
where φi is the i-order mode and ωi is the i-order frequency.
When mode shapes change little, the equation can be The extracted feature can be a physical quantity with a clear
approximately simplified, as shown in equation (13): physical meaning, or a statistic and its deformation without
any physical meaning.
{φ i } [ΔK ]{φ i } = Δωi2
5.1.4 Fusion processing
Therefore, the stiffness matrix change caused by damage
can be obtained through equation (14). The methods of fusion processing mainly include data
related technologies, estimation theories and identification
∑ ({φ } [ΔK ]{φ i } − Δωi2 )
f2 (β ) min i (14) technologies, computer intelligence.

Figure 3 Data fusion process (see online version for colours)

100 A. Yu et al.

Data fusion changes the evaluation indexes of various the traditional genetic algorithm has poor search
sensors or knowledge sources provided in the form of performance.
probability density function or fuzzy relation function to a
single value evaluation index, which can reflect the Figure 4 Actual beam structure (see online version for colours)
information provided by each sensor and the information
that cannot be obtained from a single data source.
Fuzzy inference is based on fuzzy judgement, which is
similar to the method of thinking decision.

5.2 Fusion of fuzzy relational functions

Multiple relational functions can be fused, and the fusion
result is a function of input. Take the fusion of two fuzzy
relational functions μ(x, y) and η(x, y) as an example. μ(x, y)
and η(x, y) represent the damage identification fuzzy
relational functions based on displacements and frequency
mode shapes, respectively.
f [ μ( x, y ), η( x, y )] = Φ( x, y ) (15)

Let f be expressed in the Taylor series and ignore the

high-order term and constant term:
Φ = α μ + β η, α +β = 1 (16)

6 Experiment and discussion

In Figure 4, a double-span beam structure is shown. The
length and height of the beam are 20 m and 0.7 m,
respectively. The beam is divided into twenty units and
21 nodes. According to the method of wireless sensor
networks (Yang and Yu, 2013; Yu et al., 2018; Xiao et al., Figure 5 The traditional genetic algorithm (see online version
2010; Abu-Mahfouz and Hancke, 2018; Wu et al., 2016), for colours)
the undamaged data are collected by displacement sensors,
stress sensors and acceleration sensors after applying fixed
loads on it. Then the crack damages of structure are
simulated by applying overload through jacks and the
damage data of each node are collected under fixed load
condition. Finally, the data collected from each node are
analysed by traditional genetic algorithm and improved
multi-objective genetic algorithm respectively.
Compared Figure 5 and Figure 6, the following
conclusions can be drawn: Figure 6 The improved genetic algorithm (see online version
for colours)
1 In Figure 5, the optimal fitness value of traditional
genetic algorithm is 24 after iterating 100 times. In
Figure 6, the improved genetic algorithm finds the
optimal fitness value after iterating about 50 times, and
the optimal fitness value is 9.6. Therefore the improved
genetic algorithm has higher computational efficiency,
higher accuracy and faster convergence speed.
2 The fitness value of traditional genetic algorithm has
little or no change in the early stage. Contrary to
traditional genetic algorithm, the improved genetic Next, we use the improved genetic algorithm to perform
algorithm converges rapidly in the early stage and the damage identification on the objective function f1(β) and
fitness value changes significantly. In addition, the f2(β) respectively, and fuse their results with fuzzy logic.
mean fitness value of traditional genetic algorithm rises In Figure 7 and Figure 8, it can be seen that the damage
for a long time in the early stage, which indicates that identification results of displacements or frequency mode
shapes are hard to distinguish, and almost all units suffered
An improved multi-objective genetic algorithm and data fusion in structural damage identification 101

different degrees of damage. However, data fusion Therefore the improved genetic algorithm has higher
implements various parameters as a foundation for damage computational efficiency and accuracy than traditional
identification, and the result is shown in Figure 9. In genetic algorithm.
addition to damage results obtained in unit 5, 6, 9, 10, 11,
2 In the initial stage, both the mean fitness value and the
15 and 16, other units have small changes in stiffness
best fitness value of the improved genetic algorithm
influence coefficient. It can be seen that results obtained
decline rapidly, while the best fitness value of
through fusion of different parameters are more reliable,
traditional genetic algorithm drops slowly and its
which provide more intuitive bridge damage situation for
average fitness value has an increase, which indicates
technician and technical support for later maintenance.
that traditional algorithm has a poor search capability.
Figure 7 Static displacement as identification parameter Therefore, the improved genetic algorithm can be used
(see online version for colours) to identify damages for large-scale structures such as
long-span bridges and ultrahigh-rise buildings.
3 Data fusion can overcome the shortcoming of unclear
identification results when damage identification is
performed through displacement parameters or
frequency mode shape parameters separately.
Therefore, data fusion can effectively improve the
reliability of damage identification results.

Figure 8 Frequency mode shape as identification parameter Acknowledgements

(see online version for colours)
The research work was supported by Scientific Research
Significant Projects of Universities and Colleges in Jiangsu
Province (No. 16KJA460003).

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