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Modern Times

Ergonomi : Filosofi, Historis dan

Implementasinya di Ranah Mikro-Makro Industri
Disampaikan dalam Acara Webinar Yayasan Komunitas Teknik Industri Indonesia
pada Tanggal 07 April 2021

Sritomo W.Soebroto
Laboratorium Ergonomi dan Perancangan Sistem Kerja
Departemen Teknik Sistem dan Industri
Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember - SURABAYA

Sritomo W.Soebroto Industrial Ergonomics 1

Curriculum Vitae
• Sritomo W.Soebroto, Ir., MSc., IPU, ASEAN Eng
• Solo, 25 Oktober 1947
• Dosen Senior ITS (1978 – 2012, Lektor Kepala/
IVe), Sekjur Teknik Mesin (1984-1990), Kaprodi TI
(1985-1990), Dekan FTI-ITS (1996-1999).
• Alamat : Perumahan ITS, Jl. Ilmu Pasti Alam F.6
Sukolilo, Surabaya 60111 HP/email :
• Pendidikan/Training : S1 Teknik Mesin ITS (1965-
1975); Graduate Programme Nuffic-ITB (1978-
1980), S2 MSc UW-USA (1980-1982), P/O
Management Training INSEAD (1984), Perancis;
KRA 28 Lemhannas (1995), Academics
Networking Training – Texas A&M, USA (1996),
Universities Technology Park Visiting Studies - UK
(1997), dll.
• Organisasi Profesi : IPU – PII, ASEAN Engineer
Register, ISTMI; DP PEI (Ergonomi), DP BKTI-PII,
Sritomo W.Soebroto Industrial Ergonomics 2
• Industrial Ergonomics’ Roadmap:
Filosofi & Perspektif Historis

• Ergonomi Industri dalam

Pendidikan Teknik Industri Terintegrasi

• Pendekatan Ergonomi Menjawab

Problematika di Industri

Sritomo W.Soebroto Industrial Ergonomics 3

Ergonomics for an Enhanced Quality of Work-life

History of Ergonomics

o Industrial Revolution (FW

o Steel industry (shovels)
o Henry Ford
o Assembly line design
o Frank and Lillian Gilbreth
o Brick layers (Therbligs)
o Micro-motion studies (i.e.
today’s surgical techniques)
History of Ergonomics
o World Wars
o Aircraft, weapon design
o Cold War
o Nuclear power plants
o Today
o Industry, hospitals, offices,
product design
o Mfg/Service Industry
(Micro-Macro Industry)
o Industry 1.0 to 4.0
4/1/2021 Ergonomi Industri/Sritomo W.Soebroto 7
Ergonomics Today
Matching the job,
work tools/facilities, and
workplace to the worker

Fitting the Design to the Man,
Not Fitting the Man to the Design

Sritomo W.Soebroto Industrial Ergonomics 9

Ergonomics Concern

Employee Concerns
Fatigue Employer Concerns
Injuries Worker’s comp costs
Job satisfaction Productivity
• Decreased boredom
• Decreased stress
• Reasonable
workloads Profit
Ergonomics Definition
• Ergonomics actually impacts our
everyday life, from the home and
especially to the industrial work
• We describe ergonomics as
designing products, work facilities
and workplaces to increase the
effectiveness, efficiency and
productivity of the worker. And,
more importantly, to improve
worker's safety and health.
• The simply definition of ergonomics
is the study of work, which is
associated with human psychology
Sritomo physical work. Industrial Ergonomics 11
Basic Principles of Ergonomics
• Many ergonomists typically focus on the evaluation and design of workplaces,
where both the physical (such as lifting, repetitive motion, lighting, noise and
energy expanded) and the cognitive (such as perception, attention, decision
making, etc) would operate.

• Preventing eyestrain, headaches and musculoskeletal disorders and obtaining

optimal performance can be achieved when equipment, workstations,
products and working methods are designed according to human capabilities
and limitations, that is by applying the principles of ergonomics.

• Ignoring these basic principles of ergonomics will cause many problems such
as injuries and occupational diseases, increased absenteeism, higher medical
and insurance costs, increased probability of accidents and errors, higher
turnover of workers, less production output, lawsuits, low-quality of work, less
Industrial Ergonomics Sritomo W.Soebroto 12
spare capacity to deal with emergencies, etc.
Ergonomics Approach
• Probably, the first prehistoric man to use a
tool for his protection or service as the
founder of human factors thinking.
• Indeed, an ergonomics study of people-
powered farming tools (e.g. axe, sickle, scythe,
etc) in agriculture era reveals change over
time that informally reflects the work system
development cycle.
• It will continuous until the development of
machine-powered and computerized machine-
controlled in the era of industrialization and
informatics technology (ICT).
• The ergonomic principles could also be applied
in micro-scale (man-machine system) until
macro-scale (industrial organization) with
focusing still into human factors.
Sritomo W.Soebroto Industrial Ergonomics 13
Industrial Ergonomics Problems
• Industry should be specially treated in
the field of ergonomics because of their
need to apply ergonomics in their work.
• poor quality, low productivity,
health and safety (OHS) problems of
the workers and;
• high rejection costs because of so
many waste or unproductive
activities (idle, delay, material
handling, accidents, etc).
• Many ergonomic researchers and
organizations attempted to fulfill the
needs of the industry by promoting the
use of ergonomics approach to solve
their problems.
Industrial Ergonomics Sritomo W.Soebroto 14
Ergonomics & OHS Awareness
• The education and training succeeded in
creating Ergonomics & OHS awareness and
motivated employees to utilize their creative
problem-solving capacity. Hopefully, these had
helped Indonesia industries in tackling low
productivity, lack of quality and OHS

• Ergonomics was still a new and emerging field in the Indonesian

industries and was a useful tool for safe and productive
technology transfer from the Industrially Advanced Countries.
• Moreover, the standards, recommendations, procedures, etc.
concerning working conditions and occupational health and safety
(OHS) developed in the industrially advanced countries would not
be fully applied because of the differences in climate, people
(anthropometrics, cultures), method of work, facilities,
infrastructures of technology, finance, etc.
Industrial Ergonomics Sritomo W.Soebroto 15
So - What is Ergonomics?

Ergonomics is the process

of designing or arranging
workplaces, products and
systems so that they fit
the people who use them.
Man is a tool-using animal;
without tools he is nothing, with tools he is all.
Computer-machine is a fast idiot,
it has no imagination.
It cannot originate action.
It is, and will remain, only a tool to man

(Jan Noyes, Designing for Humans, 2001)

Sritomo W.Soebroto Industrial Ergonomics 17
“Ergonomics is the scientific discipline concerned
with the fundamental understanding of interactions
among humans and other elements of a system,
and the profession that applies theory, principles,
data and methods to design in order to optimise
human well-being and overall system performance”

(International Ergonomics Association - IEA, 2000)

Sritomo W.Soebroto Industrial Ergonomics 18
• Ergonomics, Ergonomi,
Ergonomika, Rekayasa Sistem
• Human Factors Engineering
• Human Engineering
• Biomechanics
• Engineering Psychology
• Arbeltswissensschaft

Sritomo W.Soebroto,

Introduction to Human Factors 19
Lab Ergonomi & PSK
Ergonomics, n…?
• ergo (work) + nomics (study of) =
ergonomics (the study of work)
• the science of interaction between the
worker and the job....
• the science of making the job fit the worker...
• Discipline to study human characteristics for
the appropriate design of the living and work
• Multidisciplinary activity striving to assemble
information on people’s capacities and
capabilities for use in designing jobs,
products, workplaces and equipment  well
• .... Blah blah blah....
Sritomo W.Soebroto,
Introduction to Human Factors 20
Lab Ergonomi & PSK
01/04/2021 Macroergonomics - Sritomo W.Soebroto 21
The idealist Ergonomist
“adapt to the user ”

Fitting the Design

to the Man
Sritomo W.Soebroto Industrial Ergonomics 22
The dreamer
find a cheap solution and let people adapt

Sritomo W.Soebroto Industrial Ergonomics

Not Fitting the
Man to the Design
Philosophy of Ergonomics
Fit the task to the person

Quality of working life

Increase Productivity

Safe and hygienic work

Minimize physiological and

psychological stresses
Sritomo W.Soebroto Industrial Ergonomics 24
Objective Ergonomics


Efektivitas, Efisiensi
Well-Being dan Produktivitas

Sritomo W.Soebroto Industrial Ergonomics 25

• A solution-oriented branch of
ergonomics rather than just an evaluation of work-
related problems.
• To optimize worker well-being and productivity
by treatment of the work stressors
• Ergonomics interventions are
preventive, before injuries occur,
hereby avoiding future medical
Sritomo W.Soebroto Industrial Ergonomics 26
Justification of an Ergonomics Programs


Increased Productivity

Sritomo W.Soebroto Industrial Ergonomics 27

Results of Poor Ergonomic Design

o Discomfort and fatigue

o Injuries and accidents
Musculoskeletal Disorders
o Necks
o Backs
o Arm and hand
o Knee and foot

Force Posture

Risk Factors

Personal Environment

Poor Ergonomics
o Decreased efficiency
o Decreased productivity
o Errors
Poor Ergonomic Design
o Turnover
o Absenteeism
o Job avoidance
What Should I Look For?
Awkward postures

Where Should I Look?

Offices and Telecommuters

Where Should I Look?


Where Should I Look?


Where Should I Look?
Work Places & Facilities

Where Should I Look?

Where Should I Look?


Where Should I Look?
o Housekeeping
o Dining
o Housing
o Student stores

What Can Ergonomics Do?

• Discomfort ↓
• Accidents and injuries ↓
• Accuracy ↑
• Efficiency/Productivity ↑
• Job Satisfactiton ↑
• Job Retention ↑

Sritomo W.Soebroto IE Roadmap: Return to Work for
070808 Enhancing Productivity
• Industrial Ergonomics’ Roadmap:
Filosofi & Perspektif Historis

•Ergonomi Industri dalam

Pendidikan Teknik Industri

• Pendekatan Ergonomi Menjawab

Problematika di Industri

Sritomo W.Soebroto Industrial Ergonomics 43

01/04/2021 Macroergonomics - Sritomo W.Soebroto 44
29 Technical Committees

• Activity Theories for Work Analysis & • Human Simulation and Virtual
Design Environments
• Aerospace HFE • Mining
• Affective Product Design • Musculoskeletal Disorders
• Aging • Online Communities
• Agriculture • Organizational Design And
• Anthropometry Management
• Auditory Ergonomics • Process Control
• Building & Construction • Primary Industries
• Ergonomics for Children & Education • Process Control
Environments • Psychophysiology in Ergonomics
• Ergonomics in Design • Quality Management
• Ergonomics in Manufacturing • Safety & Health
• Gender and Work • Slips, Trips and Falls
• Healthcare Ergonomics • Visual Ergonomics
• Human Factors and Sustainable • Transport
Development • Work With Computing Systems
An Interdisciplinary Area
(Faulkner, 1998)
Responsible for
Sociology Psychology selection and
Modeling training of men
A.I the user to use the
Groupware Understanding equipment
Help the user
Ergonomics Aesthetic Art

User User interface Design

Anthropology layout
body shape

Physical Engineering
Physiology Faster systems
better interfaces
Creating Language Responsible for design
for commands Of new system &
Philosophy Computer
Linguistics science

4/1/2021 Ergonomi Industri/Sritomo W.Soebroto 46

Engineering = Design ?
• Industrial Engineering = Production/Manufacturing/Operation
Engineering, Methods Design/Engineering, Job/Work Design,
Work Design & Measurement, etc.
• Design :
– Merancang, mengkonstruksi, mengintegrasikan
– Analisa (diferensiasi) + Sintesa (integrasi)
• Tanpa praktek merancang, disiplin TI/IE bukan engineering,
tetapi matematika terapan (Statistik, OR, Permodelan Sistem).
• Problem perancangan mikro (real/nyata) ke makro (abstraktif)
sistim produksi/industri.

Engineering & Technology

4/1/2021 Work Design - Sritomo W.Soebroto 47

Perancangan Sistem Industri Terintegrasi



Material Informasi

Matematika, Ilmu Alam, Ilmu Sosial, Engineering Menspesifikasi

Analysis and Design Memperkirakan
4/1/2021 Work Design - Sritomo W.Soebroto 48
Kompetensi Utama Teknik Industri
(Pengertian Perancangan)
Pengertian perancangan (desain) dapat dilihat dari aktivitas dan proses
dalam perancangan; yang meliputi:

• Memproduksi sebuah sistem, komponen, atau proses untuk

memenuhi suatu kebutuhan (requirements) tertentu
• Proses iteratif yang melibatkan pengambilan keputusan dengan
kriteria ekonomi dan memanfaatkan matematika, prinsip ilmiah dan
prinsip engineering
• Penentuan tujuan, analisis, sintesis, evaluasi, konstruksi, pengujian
dan pengkomunikasian hasil
• Penyelesaian masalah yang bersifat terbuka (open-ended),
membutuhkan metodologi perancangan dan pemecahan persoalan
secara kreatif, membutuhkan formulasi masalah dan pembandingan
alternatif solusi secara ekonomis dan mungkin melibatkan perincian
sistem (komprehensif – integral).

Sumber: Wankat, P.S. and Frank S. Oreovics,

Teaching Engineering, McGraw Hill, 1999.
4/1/2021 Work Design - Sritomo W.Soebroto 49
Engineering Competencies Model

Sritomo W.Soebroto Industrial Ergonomics 50

Kompetensi Utama Teknik Industri
(Pengertian Sistem Integral)
 Produk (man-machine aspects) – aspek antropometri,
human factors, perancangan produk ergonomis .
 Stasiun Kerja (work station) - pengukuran waktu, ekonomi
gerakan, perancangan sistem kerja termasuk lingkungan fisik,
desain stasiun kerja/layout, dll
 Sistem Produksi (production system) - menggambar teknik,
proses produksi, rencana produksi
 Perusahaan/Organisasi/Manajemen Industri - ide produk,
kelayakan bisnis, performance measurement.
 Komputasi & Statistika Industri - memperkuat
pemahaman teori: tools software
 SIMULASI (Teaching Factory/Industry)

4/1/2021 Work Design - Sritomo W.Soebroto 51

Dasar Disiplin TI/IE

Operational Production
Science Engineering

Factors Engineering

Sritomo W.Soebroto Work
The IEDesign
Roles-inSritomo W.Soebroto
IndustrialDefense 55
Body of Knowledge Teknik Industri
( Salvendy, 2005)
Matemathics Operation Statistics

Manufacturing Ergonomics/
IE Human Factors
Accounting System

Sritomo W.Soebroto
Industrial Ergonomics
Behaviour 53
Body of Knowledge (IISE, 2016)
Dalam kurikulum baru Teknik Industri yang dipublikasikan oleh
organisasi profesi Institute of Industrial & Systems Engineers, USA,
pada tahun 2016, Body of Knowledge (BoK) Teknik Industri terdiri dari
12 area pengetahuan, yaitu:
1. Work Design and Measurement
2. Operations Research and Analysis
3. Engineering Economic Analysis
4. Facilities Engineering and Energy
5. Quality & Reliability Engineering
6. Ergonomics and Human Factors
7. Operations Engineering & 10. Safety
11. Information Engineering
Management 12. Related Topics
8. Supply Chain Management  Product Design & Development
9. Engineering Management  Systems Design & Engineering
Sritomo W.Soebroto Industrial Ergonomics 54
Body of Knowledge

Information Engineering
Engineering Management Safety

Product Design & Quality & Ergonomics & Supply Chain

Development Reliability Human Factors Management
Work Design & Engineering &
System Industrial Management
Design & Engineering
Engineering Facilities Engineering
Operation Research & Energy
& Analysis Engineering Management
Sritomo W.Soebroto Industrial Ergonomics 55
Mata Kuliah Wajib dan Pilihan
Lab Ergonomi & PSK (S1) DTSI - ITS
Ergonomi Industri
Aplikasi Ergonomi Industri
Ergo Safety
Makro Ergonomi
Perancangan Metode dan Stasiun Kerja
Faal dan Biomenikanika Kerja
Faktor Manusia dalam Perancangan Produk
Ergonomi Visual
Human Reliability
Ergonomi Kognitif
Office Ergonomics
Sritomo W.Soebroto Industrial Ergonomics - Introduction 56
Industrial Ergonomics

Industrial ergonomics is the design and use of

equipment and systems that do not damage
industrial workers' health or it can also be explained
as the study of adapting job tasks to human abilities
and natural body movements.
Sritomo W.Soebroto Industrial Ergonomics 57
Ergonomi Industri

Sritomo W.Soebroto Industrial Ergonomics 58

Problematik Industri Mikro-Makro

Problem industri tidak lagi berada didalam dinding-dinding industri yang

terbatas, tetapi juga merambah menuju ranah lingkungan luarnya,
sehingga memerlukan solusi-solusi yang berbasiskan pemahaman tentang
konsep sistem, analisis sistem dan pendekatan sistem dalam setiap
proses pengambilan keputusan.
Aras mikro, ergonomi industri akan terkait dengan persoalan-persoalan
faktor manusia sebagai individu dalam perancangan produk dan
area/stasiun kerja (workplace design), sistim manusia-mesin dan ranah
fisik maupun kognitif.
Aras makro, ergonomi industri akan berhadapan dengan berbagai ragam
variasi budaya (cultural variables) yang memerlukan pendekatan-
pendekatan sistemik dan holistik didalam menyelesaikan persoalan
organisasi industri yang semakinIndustrial
Sritomo W.Soebroto
kompleks (comprehensive – integral).. 59
Design & Analysis of Production/Industrial System?
Network of
Industrial Organization-
Ergonomics Technology
, Methods Organization –
Design and Technology
Division of Work
(Groups of Man-M/C)

Man - Machine Supply Chain System

• Supply Chain Mgmt/Eng
Industrial Enterprise
• Plant/Factory Location
• Macro Ergonomics
• Cluster Industry
• Org. Structure/Design
• Job/Workload Analysis
Production Floor • Performance Mgmt
• Facilities Planning Makro
• QCC/TQM, etc.
Work Station • Assy Line Balanciing

• JIT/5-S, Lean Mfg, etc.
VA/VE, QC, Costs Analysis
• Micro Ergonomics/ Improvement : More
Ergonomi Industri Productive & Better Quality
• Methods/Time Study
Sritomo W.Soebroto Mikro Industrial Ergonomics
Sritomo W.Soebroto Industrial Ergonomics 61

Tentang hubungan manusia dengan

permesinan (alat – alat bantu kerja)
Human –
Tentang Interface hubungan manusia dengan aspek
hubungan manusia technology behavioral – cognitive ( mental,
dengan lingkungan fisik kecepatan respon, stress,
kerja (panas, getaran, perilaku, dll.)
noise, dll.)

Human – Human –
environment software
interface interface
technology technology

hubungan manusia
Human – Human – Tentang kajian
dengan pekerjaan job organization sistem perusahaan
interface (organisasi)
(pembagian kerja, shift interface
kerja, dll.) technology dan sosio-masyarakat

Micro-Macro Ergonomics

01/04/2021 Macroergonomics - Sritomo W.Soebroto 63

Understanding Ergonomics ?
Cognitive ergonomics is a scientific discipline that studies, evaluates,
and designs tasks, jobs, products, environments and systems and how
they interact with humans and their cognitive abilities. It is defined by
the IEA as "concerned with mental processes, such as perception,
memory, reasoning, and motor response, as they affect interactions
among humans and other elements of a system.

Physical ergonomics deals with the physical load on the human

body when performing activities like work, sports, jobs at home or
dealing with products. With regard to the exposure to physical loads
and its potential effects on the human body ... explain more about
the backgrounds of physical ergonomics, the risk assessment, the
types of physical load: heavy work, repetitive work, and sedentary
Organizational ergonomics, which combines elements of both
the physical and cognitive domains; sometimes known as macro-
ergonomics, organizational ergonomics focuses on optimizing socio-
technical systems and organizing structures, policies and processes.
Relevant topics : shift work, job schedulling, job/work design &
satisfaction, team work, etc.
01/04/2021 Macroergonomics - Sritomo W.Soebroto
Physical Ergonomics

Physical Ergonomics – is concerned

with human anatomical, anthropo
metric, physiological and bio
mechanical characteristics as they
relate to physical activity. Relevant
topics include working postures,
material handling, repetitive
movements, heavy work, work-related
musculo-skeletal disorders, workplace
layout, noise, thermal conditions and
vibration, safety and health, etc.
Sritomo W.Soebroto Industrial Ergonomics 65
Cognitive Ergonomics
Cognitive Ergonomics - is concerned
with mental processes, such as
perception, memory, reasoning and
motor response, as they affect
interactions among humans and other
elements of system. Relevant topics
include mental workload, decision-
making, work stresses, skilled
performance, human-computer
interaction, human error, human
behavior, etc.
Sritomo W.Soebroto Industrial Ergonomics 66
Organizational ergonomics, also known as macroergonomics
focuses on optimizing socio-technical systems and organizing
structures, policies and processes in order to maximise
organizational effectiveness. It also deals with the optimization
of the designs of organizational and work systems through the
consideration of personnel, technological, and environmental
variables and their interactions.
The goal of macroergonomics is a completely efficient work
system at both the macro- and micro-ergonomic level which
results in improved productivity, and employee satisfaction,
health, safety, and commitment.
Sritomo W.Soebroto Industrial Ergonomics 67
01/04/2021 Macroergonomics - Sritomo W.Soebroto 68
Referensi: Mc Phee (2008)
Sritomo W.Soebroto Industrial Ergonomics 69
Balance Model

Tasks • All elements interact -

any change in one will
affect other elements
• If all elements are not
Organization Human Environment
designed to fit together,
there may be a misfit
• Misfits lead to safety,
productivity, efficiency,
Technology quality problems

Sritomo W.Soebroto Industrial Ergonomics 70

Macroergonomics - Review

• Examines all aspects of the system

• A misfit in any area can lead to total
• Work to ensure harmony within every part
of the system
01/04/2021 Macroergonomics - Sritomo W.Soebroto 71
• Industrial Ergonomics’ Roadmap:
Filosofi & Perspektif Historis

•Ergonomi Industri dalam

Pendidikan Teknik Industri Terintegrasi

• Pendekatan Ergonomi Menjawab

Problematika di Industri

Sritomo W.Soebroto Industrial Ergonomics 72

Abad-Abad Perubahan
(Kresnayana Yahya, 2000)
Agricultural Age Industrial Age Information Age

food & knowledge

Wealth Definition food
People work as
slaves/serfs partners
(man-power) (human capital)
(human resources)
People work in hierarchies bureaucracies teamnets/networks
organization organization organization
Production one-piece mass-customization
System customization mfg system mfg-system
Scarcity of Resources Abundance of Information

Sritomo W.Soebroto Aplikasi Ergonomi di Industri 73

Sritomo W.Soebroto Aplikasi Ergonomi di Industri 74
US Employment. % of Total






1850 1880 1910 1940 1970 2000

Sritomo W.Soebroto Aplikasi Ergonomi di Industri 75

Sritomo W.Soebroto Aplikasi Ergonomi di Industri 76
Perkembangan Atribut Daya Saing Industri
Hemat Energy?

Time Flexibility/
Cost Quality Delivery Responsiveness

1800 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000

Sritomo W.Soebroto Aplikasi Ergonomi di Industri 77

Phase-Phase Perkembangan
Aktivitas Produksi di Industri
Phase-Phase Macam & Area Lokasi Sifat Perubahan
Perkembangan Volume Produk Pemasaran Terjadi Periode

Customized, Tersendat,
Job Order kecil, terbatas Lokal Trial & Error

Mass Standard, seri, Lambat, Revolusi

Production batch, massal Regional Scientific Method Industri - 1930

Mass Diversifikasi,
Marketing banyak model Nasional Cepat 1930 - 1950

Mass Sangat terdiver Global/

Customization sifikasi & masal Turbulent 1950 - Skg

Sritomo W.Soebroto Aplikasi Ergonomi di Industri 78

Need IE Solution ?

Sritomo W.Soebroto Aplikasi Ergonomi di Industri 79

Pendekatan Ergonomi Menjawab
Problematika di Industri

Sritomo W.Soebroto Aplikasi Ergonomi di Industri 80

Sistim Manusia - Mesin
Earliest Workplaces in Industry

Comment on the design of this workspace/place and the likely

ergonomics aspects of comfort/ health/safety impact on the worker
Sritomo W.Soebroto Industrial Ergonomics 81
Work Systems ?
 Work – refer to any form of human effort
or activity, including recreation and leisure
to pursuits.
 System – refers to socio-technical systems.
The systems may be as simple as a single
individual using a hand tool or as complex
as a multinational organization.
 Work System consists of two or more
persons interacting with some form of (1)
job design, (2) hardware and/or software,
(3) internal environment, (4) external
environment, and (5) an organizational
design (i.e. work system’s structure and
Sritomo W.Soebroto Industrial Ergonomics 82
Ergonomics Work Design?
o Job design – includes work modules, tasks, knowledge
and skill requirements, and such factors as the degree of
autonomy, identity, variety, meaningfulness, feedback,
and opportunity for social interaction.
o Hardware (machines, tools, physical products); software
(menu, programs, etc).
o Internal environment – various physical parameters, such
as temperature, humidity, illumination, noise, air quality,
and vibration. It also includes psychosocial factors.
o External environment – consists of those elements that
permeate the organization to which the organization must
be responsive to be successful. Included are political,
cultural, and economic factors (e.g. materials and parts
resources, customers, available labor pool, and
educational resources). Of particular importance is the
degree of stability or change of these external
environmental factors and, taken together for a given
work system, the degree of environmental complexity
they present to the organization.
o Organizational design of work system – consists of its
organizational structure and the process by which the
work system accomplishes its functions.
Sritomo W.Soebroto Industrial Ergonomics 83
Sistem Manusia - Mesin
(Interface Sistem Manusia-Mesin)



Sritomo W.Soebroto Industrial Ergonomics 84




Sritomo W.Soebroto Industrial Ergonomics 85
Perbandingan Kemampuan
Manusia >< Mesin
 Kecepatan kerja manusia lambat
 Mesin cepat
 Tenaga (power) manusia kecil, terbatas dan
berubah-ubah  Tenaga dapat diatur, cenderung
besar dan konstan
 Keseragaman hasil kerja manusia tidak bisa
diandalkan, dan untuk itu perlu dimonitor  Cocok untuk aktivitas rutin & masal
melalui mesin (menghasilkan output seragam dan
 Memori otak manusia cenderung bersifat
fleksibel dan bagus untuk mengambil  Storage data berlangsung dalam
kebijaksanaan strategis waktu pendek maupun panjang
 Pola pikir manusia induktif baik  Deduktif baik
 Kempampuan kalkulasi manusia cenderung  Kalkulasi cepat, tepat namun tidak
lambat, eror besar, namun kemampuan bisa melakukan koreksi terhadap
melakukan koreksi baik kesalahan
 Reaksi terhadap beban yang lebih terhadap  Reaksi terhadap beban lebih akan
manusia akan berakibat “degradasi” berakibat rusak tiba-tiba
 Kepintaran manusia dapat meramal,  Kepintaran “yes or no” dan hanya
melakukan analisa dan mengambil sesuai dengan programnya
keputusan yang tepat
Sritomo W.Soebroto Industrial Ergonomics 86
Applied/Industrial Ergonomics
Tiga area aplikasi ergonomi di industri :
(a) employee safety and health concern,
(b) cost-or productivity related fields, dan
(c) the comfort of people.
Industri harus dilihat sebagai sebuah
sistem yang komprehensif-integral.
Persoalan industri tidak lagi dibatasi oleh
pemahaman tentang perancangan
teknologi produk dan/atau teknologi proses
(ranah mikro) saja, tetapi juga mencakup
ke persoalan organisasi dan manajemen
industri dalam skala sistem yang lebih
luas, makro dan kompleks.
Sritomo W.Soebroto Industrial Ergonomics
Ergonomi untuk Meningkatkan
Produktivitas Kerja ?

Sritomo W.Soebroto Industrial Ergonomics 88

Penyelarasan pekerjaan
dan lingkungan terhadap
ENVIRONMENT orang atau sebaliknya,
JOB sehingga pemanfaatan
manusia dalam industri
MAN/PEOPLE menjadi optimal dalam
pencapaian produktivitas
dan efisiensi kerja.
PRODUCTIVITY (Suma’mur, 1989)

Task Design

System Design Ergonomic Design & Role of Ergonomic in

Supporting Work
Product Design
Work Station (Ergonomic Work
Design and Health,
Interface Design Stephen Pheasant.
Information Design
Environmental Design
Toyota View on Ergonomic
Ergonomics is
Toyota Production System Itself
・MURI (Hard/difficult work)
・MURA (Unaccustomed to the operation)
・MUDA (Unnecessary movements)

Workplace Full of Vitality

I Made Dana M. Tangkas
Senior General Manager
PT. Toyota Motor
Manufacturing Indonesia, 2006
TOYOTA WAY in Production
Cost Principle Cost Reduction
(1) Selling price = Cost + Profit (2) Profit = Selling Price - Costs

Profit Profit Profit
Cost Price Selling
Cost Cost Cost Price

Methods for Raise the selling price Demand > Supply

increasing profit Reduce the costs Demand < Supply

Cost Reduction is Absolute Requirement

to Increase Profit
Sritomo W.Soebroto Aplikasi Ergonomi di Industri 91
TOYOTA WAY : Lessons from Toyota
The Toyota Way is supported by two main pillars.
They are “Continuous Improvement” and
“Respect for People”

We never satisfied with where we

are and always improve our
business by putting forth our
best ideas and efforts.

We respect people, and believe
Respect for
for People
the success of our business is
created by individual effort and
good teamwork.

Sritomo W.Soebroto Aplikasi Ergonomi di Industri 92

Ergonomi & Aplikasi di Industri

Aplikasi prinsip Efektivitas, Nyaman, Aman, Sehat dan

Efisien (ENASE) untuk peningkatan produktivitas kerja
manusia … baik dalam ranah mikro maupun makro.
Sritomo W.Soebroto Industrial Ergonomics 93
Evaluasi & Intervensi Ergonomi

Sritomo W.Soebroto Industrial Ergonomics 94

Evaluasi Ergonomis ?
Kondisi Existing

Analisa & Evaluasi

& Non- Kinerja Keluhan
Antropometri Productive Biomekanik Lingk.Kerja
Fisik Subyektif

Test/Trial Redesign &


Sritomo W.Soebroto Industrial Ergonomics 95

Sritomo W.Soebroto Industrial Ergonomics 96
(Source : B. Mustafa Pulat, Industrial Ergonomics, 1992)

Ergonomics Function & Principle

Physical Information/ Engineering Basic

Ergonomics Cognitive Ergonomics Anthropometry Theory

Human Machine System Design Design of

(Work Area Design, Job Design, Work Environment Design) System

Design of
Selection and Design of Design of Products and Work Facilities
Displays and Controls Information Aids & Equipments

Industrial Safety and Health, Other

Work Load Analysis, Macro- Practical
Ergonomics, etc

Sritomo W.Soebroto Industrial Ergonomics 97

Industrial Ergonomics – Case Studies
(Source: B. Mustafa Pulat and David C. Alexander, 1991)

Physical Ergonomics Design of Workspace and

Manual Material Handling Tasks and Work Method
Injuries, Occupational Injuries, Heavy Industrial Work Station and Space Design,
Physical Task, Shift Work & Fatique Cases, Work Center Redesign Combines Tasks to
Work Load Analysis, etc. Improve Productivity and Reduce Work
Stress, Implementation of Human Factors
Information Ergonomics Principles in the Design of a Manufacturing
Human-Computer Interface Design, Job Process, Ergonomics Intervention and
Performance for Error Diagnosis and Solution in Office, etc.
Scheduling Preventive Maintenance,
Software Improvement in the Raw Material Macro Ergonomics
Buffre Zones, etc. Macro-ergonomics: A New tool for the
Ergonomist, Ergonomic Circles in Assembly
Product Design Line Manufacturing, etc.
Human Factors in Product Design, Human
Factors and the Design of a Data Aquisitions Maintainability
Van, Product Design for Elderly and Maintainability Design, Design of Mining
Handicap People, etc.
Sritomo W.Soebroto Equipment for Maintainability, etc.98
Industrial Ergonomics
Applied Ergonomics
• The science of people at industrial works.
• The application of those science relating human performance
(physiology, psychology, and industrial engineering) to the
improvement of the work system, consisting of the person, the
job, the tools and equipment, the workplace and work space, and
the immediate environment.
• Industrial/Occupational/Applied Ergonomics that specially deals
with occupational situations. Occupational ergonomist strive to
review work systems and modify them to minimize occupational
• The world of industrial ergonomic is the real world.

Sritomo W.Soebroto Industrial Ergonomics 99

Ergonomics Principles
in Industrial Application
o Design, modification, replacement and maintenance of
equipment for enhanced productivity, and the work-life and
product quality;
o Design and modification of work spaces and work place layout
for ease and speed of operation, service and maintenance;
o Design and modification of work methods, including automation
and task allocation between human operators and machines;
o Controlling physical factors (e.g. heat, cold, noise, vibration, and
light) in the workplace for the best productivity and safety of

Sritomo W.Soebroto Industrial Ergonomics 100

Pendekatan Ergonomi
dan Aplikasinya di Industri
o Perancangan, modifikasi, penggantian/ perbaikan fasilitas kerja
untuk meningkatkan produktivitas, kualitas produk dan
lingkungan kerja fisik;
o Perancangan, modifikasi area dan tempat kerja, tata-letak
(layout) fasilitas produksi untuk memudahkan dan mempercepat
operasi kerja, material handling, service dan maintenance;
o Perancangan dan modifikasi tata-cara kerja (work metdhods),
termasuk dalam hal ini mekanisasi/otomasi proses dan alokasi
beban kerja dalam sebuah sistem kerja manusia-mesin;
o Perancangan kondisi lingkungan fisik kerja yang mampu
memberikan kenyamanan, keamanan/keselamatan dan
kesehatan kerja bagi manusia-operator (temperatur, noise,
pencahayaan, vibrasi, dll) untuk meningkatkan motivasi kerja,
kualitas lingkungan kerja dan produktivitas.

Sritomo W.Soebroto Industrial Ergonomics 101

6 Problematika dalam Aplikasi
Ergonomi di Industri
Three separate areas of application :
(a) employee safety and health concern,
(b) cost-or-productivity related fields, and
(c) the comfort of people.

• Physical size (anthropometric).

• Endurance (cardiovascular).
• Strength (biomechanical).
• Manipulative (kinesiology).
• Environmental (external).
• Cognitive (thought).

Sritomo W.Soebroto Industrial Ergonomics 102

6 Problematika dalam
Aplikasi Ergonomi di Industri

• Physical size (anthropometric).

Anthropometry is the science dealing
with the human body dimensions.
Anthropometric problems are those
that deal with a physical conflict
between the person and some aspect
of the work area. The most common
problems (a) workplace & workspace,
and (b) facilities/ equipment’s design.
Sritomo W.Soebroto Industrial Ergonomics 103
6 Problematika
Aplikasi Ergonomi
di Industri

• Endurance (cardiovascular). Endurance problem are

characterized by the stress that they place on the
cardiovascular system (heavy job, extensive physical effort).
Endurance problems can result in the establishment of
work/recovery cycles or of standard for a fair day’s work.
Designing tasks and jobs to conform to a predetermined
expenditure of energy (or kcal expenditure).

Sritomo W.Soebroto Industrial Ergonomics 104

6 Problematika dalam
Aplikasi Ergonomi di Industri

• Strength (biomechanical).
Strength problem are
often characterized by the
need for large muscular
effort (can cause injuries
on the job). Can be
analyzed through bio-
mechanical techniques.

Sritomo W.Soebroto Industrial Ergonomics 105

6 Problematika dalam
Aplikasi Ergonomi di Industri
• Manipulative (kinesiology).
Manipulative problems are
characterized as inability to perform
the fine motions required on the job
or difficulty in the performing tasks
at the required speed. Show up in
assembly tasks or task requiring fine
control of dials and instruments.
Assembly errors, alignments
problems, and dropped pieces are
the outcome of manipulative

Sritomo W.Soebroto Industrial Ergonomics 106

6 Problematika dalam
Aplikasi Ergonomi di Industri

• Environmental (external).
Environmental problems
are those which involves
the surroundings of the
worker. Some typical
problems: heat/cold
stress, lighting, noise,
vibration, etc.

Sritomo W.Soebroto Industrial Ergonomics 107

6 Problematika dalam
Aplikasi Ergonomi di Industri
• Cognitive (thought).
Cognitive problem typically show
up as operating errors of some
type. The limit of short-term
memory and the associated
difficulty with long and complicated
string of numbers are common
cognitive difficulties. Similar,
perceptual problems associated
with vision and hearing can result
in errors.
Sritomo W.Soebroto Industrial Ergonomics 108
Paradigma Penelitian Ergonomi Industri
 Paradigma baru dalam berbagai penelitian kerja dengan
fokus pada manusia sebagai penentu tercapainya
produktivitas dan kualitas kerja (quality of work life) yang
lebih baik.

 Menempatkan rancangan produk dan sistem kerja yang

serba rasional-mekanistik agar tampak lebih manusiawi.

 Faktor yang terkait dengan fisik (faal/fisiologi) maupun

perilaku (psikologi) manusia baik secara individu pada
saat berinteraksi dengan mesin dalam sebuah rancang an
sistim manusia-mesin dan lingkungan kerja fisik akan
dijadikan pertimbangan utama.
Sritomo W.Soebroto Industrial Ergonomics 109
Industrial Ergonomics :
Return to Work for Enhancing Productivity

Sritomo W.Soebroto Aplikasi Ergonomi di Industri 110

Which one will you design for the kid?

Sritomo W.Soebroto IE Roadmap: Return to Work for

070808 Enhancing Productivity
Which one do you prefer to use it everyday?

Sritomo W.Soebroto IE Roadmap: Return to Work for

070808 Enhancing Productivity

Sritomo W.Soebroto IE Roadmap: Return to Work for

070808 Enhancing Productivity

Sritomo W.Soebroto IE Roadmap: Return to Work for

070808 Enhancing Productivity
Aplikasi Ergonomi di tempat kerja :
Kurangi mengangkat berat
Desain Bantuan Peralatan Mekanis
Aplikasi Ergonomi ditempat kerja

Resiko mengangkat berat Desain & gunakan

peralatan mekanis
Aplikasi Ergonomi :
Mengurangi Gerakan Berulang
Gunakan power tools
Aplikasi Ergonomi :
Kurangi Kekuatan Memegang
Alat Penyeimbang (Tool Balancer)
Desain alat ergonomik—Kunci F
Antropometri Ergonomi :
Kurangi Kerja Posisi Rendah
Tinggikan Pekerjaan
Postur tidak lazim :
Postur diluar posisi netral
Netral adalah posisi
optimum dari setiap
sendi yg memberikan
kekuatan dan kontrol

Postur tidak lazim atau

tidak tertopang Sebelum: Teknisi Lab Perbaikan Ergonomi :
menekuk lehernya ke Pelaut dengan mudah
meregangkan batas depan untuk melihat melihat layar dari posisi
layar ke posisi tidak netral. Meja kerja
fisik, dan menekan saraf netral. Dia juga disesuaikan menurut
dan mengiritasi tendon menyandar pada lengan
bawah sewaktu
tinggi dan pengguna yg
berbeda. Ketika berdiri,
menulis. meja kerja kurang lebih
setinggi siku.
Postur netral/ergonomi :
Petugas kontrol room sesuai tinggi panel
Petugas kontrol room :
postur lazim/ergonomi—(new design)
Postur lazim/ergonomi di kontrol room
( ditambah landasan kaki)
Good Ergonomics ?

Sritomo W.Soebroto IE Roadmap: Return to Work for

070808 Enhancing Productivity
Sritomo W.Soebroto Lab
Ergonomi Antropometri 128
Ergonomi ITS
Motion & Time Study -
129 4/1/2021
Sritomo W.Soebroto

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