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Energy for Sustainable Development 17 (2013) 357–362

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Energy for Sustainable Development

The energy impact of luminaire depreciation on urban lighting

I.O. Mockey Coureaux a,⁎, E. Manzano b, 1
Departamento de Electroenergética.Universidad de Oriente, Ave., Las Américas s/n. Santiago de Cuba, 90400, Cuba
Departamento de Luminotécnia Luz y Visión, Universidad Nacional de Tucumán, Av., Independencia 1800 - T4002BLR Tucumán, Argentina

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Road lighting facilities operate for over half of a year but they are permanently subjected to adverse weather
Received 12 June 2012 conditions and environmental pollution. The major cause of the loss of light is generally the accumulation of
Revised 21 March 2013 dirt on the luminaires (lamps and lighting fixtures).The severity of the loss (depreciation) depends on the
Accepted 21 March 2013
nature and density of environmental pollution and the degree of protection of the luminaires against dust
Available online 19 April 2013
and water. This depreciation is compensated, beginning from the design stage, by over-sizing facilities and,
throughout its lifetime, by maintenance programs. There are several ways of estimating depreciation. This
Energy efficiency paper is a review of the different sources of information and findings of major investigations conducted in
Urban and road lighting recent times. There is strong evidence which indicates that luminaire depreciation could be based on the
Maintenance level of sealing of the luminaires and on environment pollution categories. Luminaires with IP6X degree pro-
Depreciation tection are only slightly influenced by environment pollution. New generations of LED luminaires are built to
conform to IP6 and this will probably soon be the standard for road and urban lighting luminaires. Even if
these luminaires have a higher rate of lamp survival, an exterior cleaning operation is still necessary and
the luminaire depreciation behaviour model will still be useful. It is important to select a convenient mainte-
nance factor to compensate for depreciation and to reduce the number of installed fixtures or the amount of
over sizing of lamp power, which significantly transcends the energy and environmental impact.
© 2013 International Energy Initiative. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

Introduction Other research focuses on the possible saving of lighting energy

through the implementation of appropriate maintenance policies.
In Latin American cities, urban lighting in municipalities accounts Some results indicate that when using higher maintenance factors,
for around 3.5 to 4% of total electricity consumption. For urban lighting during the design stage, a significant saving of energy is guaranteed
the potential reduction in consumption is significant, and, possible by (Malgozrata, 2007; Sveinsdottir, 2007). An improvement of 5% in
the use of efficient lighting systems that can reach reduction values of the maintenance factor can end up producing savings of 10% in the
over 30%, as stated by Tapia et al. (2009). In addition to this, the deci- energy consumption, according to Sanders and Scott (2008).
sion to implement efficient policies usually depends on one person, Currently there is a worldwide tendency to replace urban lighting
the mayor, but affects the consumption of street lighting throughout with energy efficient lighting systems (Kostic and Djokic, 2009). Con-
the city. sidering these processes, using an adequate maintenance factor and
At present, electric power saving and the environmental impact are appropriate maintenance policies, could not only have energy saving
the topics that are treated with the most interest by illumination engi- implications but would also result in the reduction in the emissions of
neers, according to Horng-Ching et al. (2009). Some of them have cen- polluting gases through reduced electricity generation.
tered their attention on the saving possibilities using lamps, luminaires The implementation of realistic and appropriate maintenance pro-
and more efficient ballasts (Pujol, 2009). Research that combines these grams requires the use of reliable data for estimating maintenance fac-
possibilities with the employment of lamp flux output regulations and tors to be used during the design of road lighting installations. This
time switching control of illumination are also reported by Tapia et al. paper is a review of the available data and models which would help
(2009). determine the maintenance factor (or determine the opposite factor
i.e. depreciation) due to dirt pollution accumulated on the luminaires.
This pollution is generally considered to be the main cause of the prob-
lem of depreciation.

The luminous depreciation of urban lighting

⁎ Corresponding author. Tel.: +53 52718247.
E-mail addresses: (I.O. Mockey Coureaux), (E. Manzano). Throughout the life span of any lighting installation, light emission
Tel.: +54 381 4361936, +54 381 4364093x7715/7855. decreases progressively and gradually. The rate of reduction depends

0973-0826/$ – see front matter © 2013 International Energy Initiative. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
358 I.O. Mockey Coureaux, E. Manzano / Energy for Sustainable Development 17 (2013) 357–362

on the type of lamp, luminaires, environment, operation conditions Depreciation by dirt on luminaires
and the length of time they are in use. In the case of outdoor lighting,
depreciation is important because of the exposure to environmental Road and urban lighting systems are constantly affected by wind,
pollution. rain and dirt because they are directly exposed to, them. The accumu-
The main causes that affect the performance of road lighting facili- lation of dirt in the exterior and interior optical parts of the luminaire
ties, their operation and, in some cases, the value of maintained illumi- and in the lamp itself brings about a progressive loss of the luminous
nance and luminance on the road, according to the technical reports of emission. This source of depreciation can end up being the most signif-
CIE (Commission Internationale de l´Eclairage), (CIE 33, 1996; CIE 154, icant and it is, at the same time, the one that allows major recovery
2003), are: through maintenance actions, (CIE 154, 2003).
The amount of light loss depends on the nature and density of
A) Progressive reduction in luminous flux emitted by the lamps.
airborne dirt, and luminaire design. Dirt accumulation on interior
B) Accumulation of dirt on the optical parts of the luminaires.
reflecting and transmitting surfaces can be minimized by sealing the
C) Aging of the components (reflectors, refractors, etc.).
lamp compartment against the entry of dust and moisture. In turn,
D) Premature failure of lamps.
the level of contamination to which the luminaires will be exposed,
F) The vibrations of the pole-luminaire lamp set.
will mainly be a result of the level of pollution of the surrounding at-
G) The corrosion of the structures of the luminous units.
mosphere, the height of the sources, the volume and nature of the ve-
H) Changes in the reflective properties of the road surface.
hicular traffic, the climate, and wind pattern, according to Manzano
There are other causes which do not have a cumulative effect: (2000). Dirt accumulating in the lamp depends strongly on the protec-
tion offered by the luminaire. In open luminaires, the accumulation of
I) Use of ballasts.
dirt on lamps would be significant. Fortunately, open luminaires are
J) Excessive increase or reduction of temperature inside the lumi-
not used in most countries. For that reason dirt accumulation is usual-
ly approached from the point of view of the external surface of the lu-
K) Premature failure of auxiliary devices and/or regulation flux
minaire (CIE 154, 2003).
The degree of protection of luminaires will depend on their optical
L) Incorrect voltage supply at the terminals of light sources.
sealing (lamp compartment) and the most effective way of character-
Among these causes, the first three are the ones that most influ- izing this quality, according to IEC 60529 (2004), is through its IP code.
ence the depreciation of road illumination. At the same time, the effect
of these three causes can be minimized through maintenance of the State of art
At the lighting design stage, light reduction or depreciation should Some of the first studies carried out regarding the depreciation by
be considered when using a maintenance factor (MF) that over-sizes dirt pollution for different categories of luminaires and types of envi-
facilities to compensate the reduction in time until the moment ronment were by Van Dusen (1971). For technological differences
when it becomes necessary to apply maintenance operations. The ini- with the present, and in order to make an analogy with the current sit-
tial lighting parameter values such as illuminance (Eo) or luminance uation where luminaires are used with an adequate sealing of the lamp
when the facility starts to run up will gradually be reduced to mainte- compartment, curves corresponding to closed luminaires which were
nance values indicated in most standards (EM): provided with good mechanical gaskets, from all luminaire types that
had been analyzed, were selected.
EM The curves of the light output with a good mechanical closing in
E0 ¼ ð1Þ
MF five environmental categories are represented in Fig. 1 (fine line)
and described in Table 1.
There are three components of MF: the lamp lumen maintenance The lluminating Engineering Society of North America (IESNA) has
factor (LLMF) which accounts for lamp luminous flux depreciation by partially adopted the results of Van Dusen since 1993 but only con-
burning hours, the lamp survival factor (LSF) which accounts for ran- siders a 8-year period in which it carries out an extrapolation of the
dom lamp failures during use and the luminaire maintenance factor data. Fig. 1 represents, (thick line) the information given by IESNA
(LMF) due to exterior and interior dirt accumulation: DG-4 (1993).
When comparing the two references, a small difference is ob-
MF ¼ LLMF⋅LSF⋅LMF ð2Þ served, which is bigger for the initial period until the second year in
dirty and very dirty environments; and, from the first to the sixth
Random and premature failure of lamps, considered in the lamp sur- year for a clean environment. In the most adverse environment, the ef-
vival factor, can affect the average illumination of indoor illumination fect on the luminaire output shows a reduction of 50% compared to the
applications, (Sveinsdottir, 2007). However, in the case of road lighting, initial one, after 4 years. Currently, the IESNA continues to use these
the failure of a lamp produces much more than changes in average illu- behaviors (Rea, 2000). It should be noted that these references do
mination. As luminaires are located and separated in rows, a lamp fail- not take into account all the diverse degrees of sealing of the lamp op-
ure produces an entire dark area which causes a drastic reduction in the tical compartment in the available luminaires at present. This is a very
quality of the service. For such reason, if a spot lamp replacement main- influential characteristic that differentiates luminaires from each
tenance policy is often applied, the effect of the premature lamp ran- other.
dom failure is minimized (Manzano and San Martin, 1999). In 1977, the Association of Public Lighting Engineers (APLE) of the
Based on the behavior of road lighting facilities due to depreciation, United Kingdom, in its Technical Report TR8, carried out a series of tri-
for design calculations, only the luminaire depreciation by environmen- als with the objective of determining the effects of depreciation in
tal pollution and lamp luminous flux reduction by exploitation will be public illumination facilities. These trials studied the effect of the accu-
considered (CIE 154, 2003). mulation of dirt on the exterior and interior sides of the luminaire, the
The use of low MF values seems to be a frequent practice used to depreciation of the optical components, the benefits of hermetic clos-
compensate the lack of or reduced maintenance for road lighting ing and the changes in the photometrical characteristics. In his work,
that will produce an important energy impact. For that reason a re- Manzano (2000), starting from the original data published in APLE
view and analysis of depreciation due to environment pollution on Technical Report TR8, extracted the results obtained in the town of
lamp and luminaires will be carried out in this study. Leicester. According to his criterion, those results are the most
I.O. Mockey Coureaux, E. Manzano / Energy for Sustainable Development 17 (2013) 357–362 359

Table 2
Characterization of atmospheric pollution degree in environment of lighting facilities,
in connection with traffic density, (APLE TR8, 1977).

Pollution Traffic Vehicles per day (vpd)

High Heavy 30,000

Medium Mixed: private and commercial 20,000
Low Mixed: private, services and heavy 10,000

When comparing this environment classification for environmen-

tal pollution with the one carried out by Van Dusen (1971) the fol-
lowing correspondence is observed:

BS5489, 1987 Van Dusen, 1971

(Pollution) (Environment)
Fig. 1. Depreciation of luminaire of public ilumination, with hermetic closing and five Low Very clean
types of environments published by Van Dusen (1971), in fine line and the IESNA DG-4 Medium Clean and Moderate
(1993) in thick line. High Dirty

The successive versions of BS5489 standard continued recommending

appropriate to discriminate three environment categories according the same values of luminaire maintenance factor due to dirt (BS5489,
to the density of automotive traffic (vehicles per day, vpd). At the 1992; BS5489, 2003). Table 4 shows the strong influence that optical
same time, they are closely related to the local atmospheric contami- sealing has on depreciation. For better sealing, both the environmental
nation and to the presence of dust which characterizes the environ- conditions and the frequency of cleaning have a smaller influence on lu-
ment, as the existence of other sources is not indicated. Table 2 minaire depreciation.
describes the characteristics of the environments. According to the BS, only the first digit of the IP rating is specified.
When comparing the results obtained by Van Dusen (1971) and It refers to protection against the dust entrance. Instead of specifying
those of APLE TR8 (1977) we find that, although it is not possible to the second digit, an X is placed, which could signify that the entrance
make a direct analogy, the similarities observed in the depreciation of water to the luminaires does not affect its depreciation significant-
curves for the extreme categories of environments are appreciable. ly. Nevertheless, values greater than 4 are recommended.
The environments, characterized as clean and very dirty by Van Dusen On the other hand, CIE from 1998, proposed the use of the curves of
are comparable with those of low pollution (10,000 vpd) and high pol- the BS5489 in order to calculate the lighting depreciation (CIE TC 5.14,
lution (30,000 vpd) of APLE respectively, as shown in Fig. 2. 1998). In the year 2000, it recognized that this depreciation could be
However, the luminaires used by Van Dusen and APLE did not have determined by two main ways, (CIE 136, 2000):
a precise description of the degree of sealing of the lamp compartment • For typical American closed type luminaires, according to IESNA,
as the one used at present through the international protection code DG-4 (1993) from the curve corresponding to the type of environ-
(IP), according to IEC 60529 (2004). Therefore, the luminaire depreci- ment and considering the frequency of successive cleanings.
ation behavior can be better characterized and the use of this informa- • For IP rated luminaires, as per (BS5489, 2003), according to the en-
tion extended. vironmental pollution and the frequency of cleaning.
Institution of Lighting Engineers (ILE) carried out tests using two
types of luminaires: IP23 and IP54, (ILE TR19, 1989). A significant reduc- However, in the technical report (CIE 154, 2003), which consti-
tion of depreciation when increasing the degree of sealing from IP23 to tutes a very explicit and detailed reference for this issue, a lot of im-
IP54 was verified. In addition to this, an effect of non-recoverable depre- portance is given to the sealing of lamp compartments and, at the
ciation with the action of luminaire cleaning of 9.5% (90.5%) for IP23 and very least, a protection level IP5X is recommended, and the same lu-
of 2.5% (97.5%) for IP54 was found. This is attributable to depreciation minaire maintenance factors as those of (BS5489, 2003) are proposed.
by deterioration and aging of the transmitter or reflecting surfaces Other recent standards such as BS EN, 13201 (2003); EN 12464-2
due to oxidation, temperature and ultraviolet radiation effects, chemical (2007), although they specify the importance of this depreciation
effects, etc. This effect is not recoverable by cleaning processes. type and indicate that the designer should prepare a maintenance
The British Standard established the depreciation factors for lumi- schedule which includes the frequency of lamp replacement, intervals
naires according to IP rating and three categories of environmental of luminaire cleaning and cleaning methods, do not offer recommen-
contamination: high, medium and low, (BS5489, 1987). These are dations about the determination of a depreciation factor due to accu-
characterized in Table 3. mulated dirt.

Table 1
Categories of the environments according to Van Dusen (1971).

Environment Environment Traffic Particles in

category suspension

Very clean Absence of nearby activities that generate smoke Reduced, generally limited to residential areas 0–150 μg/m3
or dust and low environmental contamination or rural areas
Clean Absence of nearby activities that generate smoke Moderate to intense 150–300 μg/m3
or dust and low environmental contamination
Moderate Presence of some activities that generate smoke or dust – 300–600 μg/m3
Dirty Presence of smoke or dust generated by nearby activities – 600–1200 μg/m3
that can occasionally surround the luminaires
Very dirty Presence of smoke or dust generated by nearby activities – 1200–2400 μg/m3
that can frequently surround the luminaires
360 I.O. Mockey Coureaux, E. Manzano / Energy for Sustainable Development 17 (2013) 357–362

Fig. 2. Comparison of Van Dusen and APLE's results.

On the other hand, the London Transport Department in the Design for mounting heights smaller than or equal to 6 m and for those of
Manual for Roads and Bridges, (updated in 2007) incorporates changes mounting heights greater than 7 m.
issued by the European Standard (EN13201, 2003) and BS5489 (2003). These results indicate the low influence of environment on depre-
Previously TD34 (1991) prescribed a single value of maintenance factor ciation due to dirt on luminaires with a high sealing of optical com-
for all types of roads and equal to 0.81. The updating of TD34 (TD34, partment like those used with IP65. At the same time, (Sanders and
2007) guides designers to calculate the maintenance factor according Scott, 2008) emphasize that the element with greater influence is
to BS5489 (2003), previously described. That is why, according to height. For lower mounting heights and, mainly, for those lower
Sanders and Scott (2008), TD34 is now in correspondence with BS5489 than 6m the depreciation is more significant. For that reason, this anal-
(2003). This has the advantage of working with luminaires with the ysis would have smaller significance in applications of road lighting,
highest IP ratings and, because of this, bigger maintenance factors can taking into account that these systems are generally placed at a height
be used and, potentially, it is possible to achieve an increase of the spac- of more than 6m.
ing between points of light. When comparing the above results with those proposed by
The report of Sanders and Scott (2008), considers change under BS5489 (2003), (see Fig. 3), it can be appreciated that the resulting
the current conditions related to two aspects: depreciation is significantly lower, probably because of lower envi-
ronmental pollution. Although these results are not necessarily valid
• In recent years the luminaire IP rating has been increased, in general,
and most road luminaires are of rating IP6X.
• Environmental concerns and regulations have resulted in a reduc-
tion in environmental pollution.
Table 4
Their work has been evaluated in several communities of the Unit- Luminaires depreciation factors due to dirt, according to BS5489 (2003).

ed Kingdom and Scotland for 4 years through laboratory depreciation Optical compartment Pollution Exposure time (months)
measurements of luminaires with IP65 rating in different facilities, as IP rating category
12 18 24 30 36 42 48
well as for environmental pollution and location height.
IP2X Low 0.82 0.80 0.79 0.78 0.78 0.77 0.77
For the consideration of environmental pollution, they classified
Medium 0.62 0.58 0.56 0.54 0.53 0.52 0.51
the studied areas into four areas of environmental protection: E1, E2, High 0.53 0.48 0.45 0.43 0.42 0.41 0.40
E3 and E4. Table 5 shows the results that are obtained when the IP5X Low 0.92 0.91 0.90 0.89 0.88 0.87 0.87
cases analyzed by areas E1/E2 and E3/E4 are grouped together and Medium 0.90 0.88 0.86 0.84 0.82 0.80 0.79
High 0.89 0.87 0.84 0.80 0.76 0.72 0.69
IP6X Low 0.93 0.92 0.91 0.90 0.90 0.89 0.89
Medium 0.92 0.91 0.89 0.88 0.87 0.86 0.86
High 0.91 0.90 0.88 0.85 0.83 0.81 0.80
Table 3
Degree of atmospheric contamination in the environment of the illumination installation
to characterize the depreciation, according to BS5489 (1987).

Pollution Features Particles in

suspensiona Table 5
Depreciation of lighting with IP65 for different heights and environmental characteristics.
High Smoke or dust generated by nearby activities are –
commonly surrounding the luminaires. E zone Mounting height (m) Exposure time (months)
Medium Moderate smoke or dust generated by activities nearby. b600 μg/m3
12 24 36 48
Moderate to heavy traffic.
Low No nearby smoke or dust generated by activities and a b150 μg/m3 E1/E2 ≤6 0.98 0.96 0.95 0.94
low ambient contaminant level. Light traffic. Generally E1/E2 >7 0.98 0.96 0.95 0.94
limited to residential or rural areas. E3/E4 ≤6 0.94 0.92 0.90 0.89
a E3/E4 >7 0.97 0.96 0.95 0.94
Added by CIE TC 5.14 (1998).
I.O. Mockey Coureaux, E. Manzano / Energy for Sustainable Development 17 (2013) 357–362 361

Fig. 3. Comparison between the depreciation obtained by Sanders; Scott, (2008) regarding the values recomended by BS5489 (2003) for IP 65 luminaires.

in other parts of the world, this corroborates the recommendation of 4. New generations of LED luminaires are built as per IP6 and this will
BS5489 (2003); CIE 154 (2003) regarding the necessity to obtain de- probably soon be the default standard for road and urban lighting
preciation by local measurements for the adoption of maintenance luminaires. Even if these luminaires have a high lamp survival, an
programs. exterior cleaning operation will be necessary and the luminaire de-
Another work in this field was carried out by Sveinsdottir (2007), preciation behaviour model will still be useful.
where the impact of different maintenance policies on the illumina-
tion of several public roads of Reykjavik in Iceland was studied. In
his study he used the values of luminaire's depreciation indicated by
CIE 154 (2003).
Association of Public Lighting Engineers. Maintenance of public lighting. Lantern output
depreciation. APLE Technical Report TR8; 1977 (London UK).
Discussion British Standard. Code of practice for design of road lighting; 1987 (BS5489–1987. London).
British Standard. Code of practice for design of road lighting; 1992 (BS5489–1992.
As has been described, luminaire depreciation due to accumulated
British Standard. Code of practice for design of road lighting; 2003a (BS5489–2003.
dirt is characterized by the recommendations from IESNA and CIE. Tak- London).
ing into account the optical sealing characterization of luminaires by IP British Standard. Road lighting calculation of performance0 580 430804; 2003b (BS EN
ratings adopted by numerous countries and proposed by CIE, together 13201. 2003).
Commission Internationale de l´Eclairage. Depreciation of installations and their main-
with the categorization of the environmental dirt based on the average tenance. Technical Report CIE 33. Viena, Austria: CIE3 900 734 64 X; 1996.
traffic density, the CIE 154 (2003) luminaire depreciation model is Commission Internationale de l'Eclairage. Maintenance of outdoor lighting systems.
recommended for adoption. However, it is possible to find a difference Draft from the TC 5.14. Barcelona, España: CIE; 1998.
Commission Internationale de l'Eclairage. Guide to the lighting of urban areas. Technical
with regard to the level of pollution in different areas. Therefore, in Report CIE 136. Viena, Austria: CIE3 900 734 98 4; 2000.
order to evaluate existing facilities, some measurements in situ may Commission Internationale de l´Eclairage. The maintenance of outdoor lighting systems.
be necessary to adjust the curves to local values. Technical Report CIE 154. Viena, Austria: CIE3 901 906 24 X; 2003.
European Standard. Road Lighting - Part 1: Selection of lighting classes for road
lighting. EN 13201-1: 2003. Bruselas: European Committee for Standarization;
Conclusions 2003.
European Standard. Outdoor work places. EN 12464-2: 2007. Bruselas: European
Committee for Standardization; 2007 (See also:
1. The strong impact of luminaire protection against the entrance of Horng-Ching H, Chih-Hung Ch, Neng-Chung H. Evaluation of competition and develop-
dust is evidenced in the reduction in resulting depreciation. The ment for led roadway lighting. “Light and Lighting 2009” Congress; 2009 (Budapest,
IP rating characterizes this luminaire capacity. Hungary. 27 to 29 May 2009. See also:
2. The studies demonstrate that for luminaires with rating IP 6X, the Illuminating Engineering Society of North America. Design guide for road lighting main-
depreciation is low and almost independent of environmental pol- tenance. IESNA, DG-4. Subcommittee on Maintenance & Light sources. New York:
lution level. IESNA; 1993.
Institution of Lighting Engineers. The effectiveness of lantern cleaning. ILE Technical
3. The most reliable source that reports the luminaire depreciation
Report TR19; 1989 (Rugby, UK).
due to dirt is CIE 154 (2003) and has been the basis of reference International Electromechanical Commission. Degrees of protection provided by enclo-
for other standards and support of recent researches in this field. sures (IP Code), 2004. IEC 60529. Génova, Suiza; 2004.
Kostic M, Djokic L. Recommendations for energy efficient and visually acceptable street
However, the improvements in construction of the luminaires, es-
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tal conditions in some countries could suggest a need for updating lighting. Proceedings 26th CIE Session, Beijing; 2007. p. 72–5.
of this standard. It is also assumed that IP sealing luminaire charac- Manzano, E.R., 2000. Estudio de una metodología para evaluar la calidad del servicio del
alumbrado urbano”. Doctoral thesis. Polytechnic University of Catalunya, Barcelona.
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362 I.O. Mockey Coureaux, E. Manzano / Energy for Sustainable Development 17 (2013) 357–362

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