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English class

Renata Yañez 3°A

Objective: To answer questions about countries and cultures.

I. Complete the following chart with the information missing. Follow the example.
(completa el cuadro con la información faltante. Sigue el ejemplo)

Country (país) Language (idioma) People (gente)

Chile Spanish Chilean

New Zealand

The United States



II. Fill the gaps with the information from the first activity (llena los espacios con la
información de la primera actividad
1. In Brazil people talk in _______________ (En Brasil la gente habla _________)
2. People in italy is called ____________ (la gente en italia se le llama ___________)
3. In The United States the language is _________________ (En Estados Unidos el
idioma es ______________ )

III. Choose a country and answer the following questions (Elige un país y responde
las siguientes preguntas) :
A. What colors are in the flag? (¿Qué colores tiene la bandera?)
B. What is a traditional food? (¿Cual es una comida tipica?)
C. Is it a big or small country?
D. Name 2 cities of that country
E. What attractions does this country have?
F. What is the language spoken in that country?

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