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ANDHRA PRADESH . 119 JUN 2018 sinoSee-Ddte : z e aed Mage sedlane Rao He Stage al, Welt For whom...?0lee Force, Trust, NeMore, Ree Rg heton ' oe DEED AND DECLARATION OF THE TRUST OF GREEN FORCE TRUST puis DEED OF DECLARATION OF TRUST is made and executed at Nellore on this 19" day of July 2gy8 and ejteed with Joint Sub Registrar at Nelor by Sr MUFPANENI MADHUSUDHANA RAO, S/o sifesian, aged about 37 years, now residing at 20-2388, Opp. Mahalakshmi Ganapathi Temple Kondo Dip, Mulapet, NELLORE - 524 003, $1 Poti Sreeramuly NeloreOistict, Anca Pradesh Stte, hetenatter refered to as the SETTLOR in favour of the Tastneveby created anc named ater as GREEN FORCE TRUST? with ofce for he resent and subject othe conditions herenat’ provided for, and ils stuated at 20-2398, Opp. Mahalachm Ganapathi Temple, Konds Oba, Muape, [NGLLOPE 524003, sei Pot Sreeromula Nellore Dstt, Anche Pradesh and forthe present corto! | thefoowing Tstes: : |L__5Sr, MUPPANENI MADHUSUOHANA RAO, Sfo Singaiah, aged about 37 years, now residing at 20- 2-288, Opp, Manalakshmi Ganapathi Temple, Konda Dibba, Mulapet, NELLORE - 524 003, Sci Pott Sreeramulu Nellore District, Andhea Pradesh (Aadhar No, 6250 0152 2332, Mobile No 3398088685) - Founder, Author, Sttlor, Chairman and Managing Truste. at # 3-111, Kakanipalem, Near Mandapam, ADDANK! ~ 523 201, Prakasam istrict, Andhra i a Smt MUPPANEN! RATNA KUMARI, W/o Madhusudhans Rao, aged about 25 yeas, now resting 4 Pradesh (AadharNo, 4126 64969551, Mobile No, 93980 98603) - Secretary. 4 1, Pe red hatudhone a et Braden, aK Keough 4B Katinn; “ g J29 Hig 0, ') ‘tho Joint Sub-Registrar, Nolore (RO) a5 raquited Under Section $2-8 of 1908 and foe of Rs. 1000/~’ paid between the hours of a BED ie immanent see mmsya nine ata Coo eae Prose * Tinaananien [RODANK PRA ora KaLYAMIRIGR Een ronee ter Bikeway 0 imacel «reso boat ELLORE NEL tone someon aoe 3 g Ss | pre ‘Shoot 1 0f47 3 rn k -4, CS No 30372018 & Doct No a 28572018. 5 nh| posses LEOUND | 5, orroo, See aie cies tears vont? SNP ae 3. _ Sti MANOIKATTU KRISHNA, S/o Abbaiah, 8-569, Gopuram Stret, Ranganayakulapet, NELLORE - 524001, Si Pott Sreeramulu Nelore District, Andhra Pradesh (hadhar No, 8758 6498 7063, Mobile No, 85780 59422) - Treasurer. 4, Smt BOTTAALYANI, W/o Raghavaiah, aged about 38 years, now residing at f 71487, Yadave ‘Street, Near Mahalakshmi Temple, Ranganayakulapet, NELLORE - 524 00, Sti Poti Sreeramul nellore District, Andhra Predesh (Aadhar No, 4182 2654 8979, Mobile No. 63005 58369) - Trustee (hereinafter called "THE TRUSTEES", which expression shall unless repugnant tothe contest Lormeaning thereof be deerned to nce the survivors or survivor of them andthe trustees or trustee for the time being ofthese presents ang theirhelrs, executors and administrators ofthe last surviving trustee, theicor his assignees) ofthe other part, WHEREAS the Settior is possessed ofthe sum of 10, 000/-(Runees Ten Thousands Only) as his absolute propery and he is desirous of creating a Charitable Trust forthe beneft of the humanity at large. [AND WHEREAS nothing contained in this deed shall be deemed to authorize the Trustees to do any act which mayin any way be construed statutory mofications thereat and all activites ofthe trust shall be carried out with a view to benefit the public atlarge, without any profit motive and shal be registered U/s 1244 of Income Tax At, 1961, may obtain exemption certificate Us 896 of Income Tax Act 3951, as and when required and also register U/s 11 of FCRA, 2020 and such other acts THIS INDENTURE WITNESSTHAS FOLLOWS: 2, SETTLEMENT: “The SETTLOR, does hereby settle the sum of 210,000) (Rupees Ten Thousands Only) in Trust, with the name and for the objects hereinafter stated, by delivering the s9/4 amount in cash iahich the party of the other part, the Trustees, have accepted the receipt of which they do hereby acknowledge, to hold the same in and tothe Trustees witn the powers and obligations asprovided hereinater 2 NAME: “The name ofthe Trust shal be "GREEN FORCE TRUST 3 PAGE ‘The principal office of the Trust shall be situated at 20-2398, Opp. Mahalakshmi Ganapathi Temple, Konda Dibba, Mulapet, NELLORE - $24 003, Sri Poti Sreeramulu Nellore District, Andhra Pradesh or such other place in India asthe Trustees may decide from time to time. The Trust may also carty on its work at any other place or places in india, as decided by the Trustees. 2. ms Cobrakwrea La tede done fo Ke kesh ac BRaweny Delpe{ 2 NO OF CORRECTIONS? ) 1O IMAGE| FOUND, jO IMAGE} FOUND, Name Address Signature a a Pena o/b Nellore (8.0) Sheet 2.0f17 sow Pe | Bk -4, GS No 03/2018 & Doct No | san doy of Jy 2018 signature of J eSlorranios Notlore(R.0) 22512018, i it ‘Genorated On 16772018 05:04:25 PM ( oF CORRECTIONS 17 it 2 | 4 opuecnves: | 2) Edveational: ‘ ') To institute and award scholarthips to the poor and bright students, conduct and catty on classes forthe propagation of adult education and to conduct non formal ‘educational centre and bridge centres for ur-enrlled and dropout children, i) To provide educational support to the poor merit students to continue their study/ x research and/ or apprenticeship. ‘i)Toestablish, run and maintain education institutions ofal types, b) Medical ‘To conduct all sorts of hesth activites such as Health Camps, Eye Camps, Blood donation Camps, Child Health Camps, Schoo! Health Camps, Mobile Medical Cate and to encourage Eye donation, Body Donation, and create awareness on Reproduction and Child Health, Immunization and also take up al other health care services, conduct ree medical camps to educate people about various preventive measures to be taken up to protect heath from contagious diseases and epidemics. €}__ Youth Empowerment & Livelihood Opportunites: To establish, run and maintain Vocational Training Institutions, Technical Training J Institutions and provide training to unemployed youth in Vocational Skils+a4d Entrepreneurship Development Programmes in order to start thelr se emplayment units _2s well as increase the employment opportunities and improve ther ling standards, 4) Relietothe poor: ‘To give financial or other assistance in kind by way of distribution of books, notebooks, loth, uniforms, oF meals for the poor and indigent and to the persons suffer dve to natural calamities and aso establish run and maintain homes for aged, widows and ‘orphans. ©) Other cbjects of genera pubic ulity- ') To work forthe protection and promotion of Environment in the following ares ike Climate Chenge, Municipal Waste and Solid Waste Management, recycing activites, : Disaster Mitigation and Management and Drought Relef activities, encourage | Plantations, Social Forestry, Prevention of Pollution and promote eco-tourism and ‘other supporting activities to keep and safeguard natural heritage ete li) To mobilise Corporate Social Responsibility Funds (CSR Funds) and utlize them for development of downtrodden peoplein the Society. ‘il To educate people on Government Schemes and mobilize them for the total development of poor people respective of cast, creed and religion, Ve pred fetter fe 2. re Cokrakuprnst , pin Kevan EB Eevsan Sth Pav 20 0 ean | ee ei Pi Deve. inthe Form of * nine | Stamp SD it [stock Papers isact Holding 30) 0] 100 ol 70 Om a ue eo] for] 00 ieee ener §as. 200: towards Stamp Duty newing TD under Secton 41 of |S. Act, 1899 and Rs. 1000) 18 Rogistraon Feet on the chargeable value of Fs. 10000)- was paid by the party jrrough Stock Holding No , Dated 104 Sheet 3 of 17 Jo) Bk - 4, CS No 303/2018 & Doct No 208/2018, fate ofRegistration | Rogistered as document no, 285 of 2018 of Book-# and assigned the idetication oumber 4 - | 917-285-2018 for Scanning on 1-JUL-18.. aye) ‘Generated On-1 9072018 05:04:25 PMH Cth, PPR no oF connections, a) _—- eae In) To acquire property forthe sole use for public good by making it available for public purposes a for example, housing library, clini, créche andlor as a commusity hallto 'e available for public use as traning classes, seminars, discourses and other public functions for benefit ofthe community in genera \) Toestablish, run and maintain homes for agecand orphans. i) To undertake any ether activity incidental to the above activities but which are not inconsistent with the above objets PROVIDED the Trust may assist/ donate the other Truss and societies to carry out the various ‘objects mentioned in the objects clause in such manner and to the extent, the Trustees may ecide upon from time to time. FURTHER PROVIDED that the Trust may undertake and hold such schemes, projects, investrients, industry or any other business activity which may generate funds for implement the objects ofthe rst. 5. CONTRIBUTIONS: The Trustees may accept donations, grant, subscriptions, aids or contoutions from person in India or abroad, Government, Local authortes or any other charkabl institution ‘ashorin kind including immovable property without any encumbrance, but the Trustes shall not accept any receipt with any condition or terms inconsistent with the objects ofthe Trusts. While applying such receipts tothe objects, the Trustees shall respect the directions, if any, by the granter. Any receipt with specific direction to tea: the same as part of the corpus ofthe Trust or separate und shall be funded accerdingly. 6 THEEUNDS & PROPERTIES OF TRUST: 1 2} Thesumof 10,000), which has been settled by the Setter. 1) Grants, Gifts and or donations either in cash ori hind which may be made by any person including bodies corporate or other association or members of the public whether from India or abroad, including donations made ora specific cause as contained in the objects ofthe trust, ©) Properties moveable or immovable, which may be acquired by the trust by purchase, exchange, lease, gf, rent or otherwise )__Income from the properties ofthe ts. ) Fees, charges, royalty, sales, sponsorship ete as may be collected by the Lust in the process of pursuing the activites ofthe ust. |NVESTMENTS: 2) The funds, income and property of the trust shall be utilized” solely towards the achievement of the sims and objects a set forth above and no portion of it shall be Te Pe rdhetdhan foo 2m Cieraaarren, 3. K Kowal 4 BRaan ative Q NO OF CorRECTIONS wr) tized for payment to the Trustees nor thei fais, nor any member of hel ones 26) says enc ratives or concerns by way f profit, interest, idends, commision of 204 aaron by whtever name R may be called except honorarium, reimbursement of seer es such es rave, conveyance, telephone and such other icidentn) expense coor connection withthe work elated to the Trust subject othe approval of ihe inca Trstees The decision of te Board of Trustees inthis gard shal be fina rt bing on al concerned and shall ore contested in any forum aga otherise 1) Almonies, which sali notimmediately required fer curent neds shall be invested oy venees in elgible secures and investments, of in banks or in any other mannat Trthoted bylaw eu (5) of income Tax Act, 1963. Such investments shall be inthe ame of Trustor Trustee. That the Trstes shal vest the st fund, ary on ny busines wth he rut on and) ‘renter into partnership on behalf ofthe rst, s they may deem it 4) Thatthe Tastes shall manage the tr fund and investments there as 2 prudent an auld do the same. They shall recover all out standings and meet al recuring and ater ‘xpensesincurre inthe upkeep of management thereot . ADMINISTRATION: ‘rusteesin accordance with the presents herein shall manage the tus, andthe state, cet Treat government or its bodies shall have no role in its conduct, ownership or Se mrnsvation, The administration and management of the trusts properties funds etc wl vert wth the Trustees, who may be caled as Board of Trustees. For the purposes of “Grinistetion and merogement ofthe tut, Trust Rules & Regulations ae appended hereto hal be followed. These Rules & Regulations may be amended by 2 majonty of Trustees, ifthe need so arses 12} Every trustee willbe at liberty to nominate or appoint attorneys or agents and to delegate Stor any of te dis and powers vested in im) her to such attorney or agent, onde Femove such attorney or agent and reappoint other or othersin him her place, b) No trustee shale responsible a abe fr any os or any act of omission orcarnisson ty hiy her consttuted attomey or agent or employees or other Trustee Unies ‘occasioned by his/her wilful negigence o: default ) any trustee dies or retires or becomes incapable or unfit to act, the continuing oF ‘surviving trustee or Trustees shall appoint a successor in the plac of such trustee 4). Upon the appointment of 9 new trustee the trust properties shal vetin the new trustee jommly with the conning or surviving Trustees, with the duties and power of the. Trustees set outhere in abovein this eed, 2. re: Adrodeurrant Prebble be Kefoeelorr A. Be Raat Pty fPL wo oF CORRESTIONSY | oe show ‘That THE MANAGING TRUSTEE shall have the following powers: {) To manage al the assets and/or properties of the trust including the condit of business; 1 To appoint employees and to sete the terms of ther serie, remuneration and termination; fi), Totookinto the management ofthe trust; ny To invest the funds ofthe trust, in bank or inthe purchase of company shares or gecutties other movable and movable and immovable properties; 4) Te setter, vay, anspase or otherwise dispose or alienate the trust proper or nvestment representing the same for consideration and to reinvest the same; vi) Topledge or morgage the trust properties for raising loans, si) Toopenthe bankaccountsin the name ané on behalofthe trust and tooperte the vip Toentrinto a partnershipon behalf ofthe ust with any other party o- partes: In) Topay ll charges, impasitions and other outgoings payable in respect of the st properties and also to pay all cost of the incidental tothe edministation and management ofthe rust properties; 1) To file suit on behalf ofthe trust and to ete to arbitration all cons proceedings Tea sisputes touching the trust properties and to compromise and compound the suits fled; : 2i) To accept any gift, donation or contribution in cash erin kin from anyone forthe objects of the trust; i) The Managing Trustee shal ote ents 1 receive remuneration or salary oF ‘ther perquisites. The Managing Taste shal however, be eimbursed al the actual txpenses incrte by them or caring out the acts ofthe trust No income Of ‘he rust shal be applied or spent forthe personal benefit of The Managing Trustee orrelatives. sii) To seek legal opinion of lawyers and/ or Chartered Accountants 2s and when required; iv) To nominate ter representatives for any ofthe aforesaid purposes Le rade felon boo a.m Pabrakumext, 3. Ke Koi a Bessey} TCT [PEARSE OF CORRECTIONS 7) — a 2 SEGRETARY: |) The Secretary shall maintain the records ofthe Trust, prepare and circulate agende ‘and minutes of Board of Trustee meetings forthe approval ofthe Managing Trustee. i) The Secretary shal be also responsible forthe day to day administration activities of the Trust The Secretary shall del with corespondence received by the Trust, send replies in consultation with the Managing Trustee lil) He/she is responsible forthe safe custody of all the properties and records of the Trust. The Secretary shall represent the Trust in all legal matters, sign the papers related t legal cases, ttend to courts or epresent the Trust in Government ofces, 3. TREASURER: 1) The Treasurer shall be responsible to maintain the Records pertaining to all the” Financial aspect. : 1) The Treasurer shall be authoried to keep an imprest cash to meet the exigencies of the Trust. The Treasurer shall deposit all moneys received in the bank or vanks duly approved by the Trust Board by way of 2 resolution recorded in the minutes book 11, _ NUMBER OF TRUSTEES, THEIR TERM AND POWERTO CO-OPT: 4) The number of the Trustees shal not be less than two but not more than nine 1) if at any time the number of the Trustees is less than two, the existing trustee shal ‘appoint one or more Trustees. ) Any of the Trustees may retire on giving one month's notice in writing to the otter trustees) 4) ATestee shal cease to hold fice inthe event ofthe following i) onresignaton, i onbecominginsohent, 'B)ontecoming insane, iw) neath, 1) 0n the other members ofthe Board deciding that his/her actions are against or devienetal to the interests, sims an objets of Trust and decide to expe him/ner byamajrty, duly recording in deta the reasons for such expulsion. «) The vacancy s0 caused by operation ofthe above clause shall be filed in by co-ptinga suitable person who isin sympathy with the aims and objects of Trust by @ marty ofthe existing Trustees. 1 etadnefaten foo. 2. 9: Rkrdkunant 3 K- Koiybrow 4 BK sant (are fee {00 oF CORRECTION)

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