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Part 2 - Competitive Audit Report Google UX Design Certificate

1. Competitive audit goal(s)

The goal of my competitive audit is to find mobile apps that help people learn art history,
maybe even offer museum tours around the user’s area.

2. Who are your key competitors? (Description)

My key competitors are Google Art & Culture, Smartify, Daily Art, and WikiArt, also Ginkgo

3. What are the type and quality of competitors’ products?

As for Google Arts and Culture, it is an app with a large variety and collection of art, and it
even offer’s virtual tours. The user can also collect badges which in my opinion encourages
the user to learn and explore the app more and more. I think out of all the competitors
Google Arts and Culture has the best quality.
Smartify connects with art in a slightly different way. It allows you to scan artwork in order
to gather more information which could help visually impaired people a lot. This was also the
only app that had a webshop feature where you can get various items with art on them.
Daily Art gives a free daily lesson, with some information, for the user to be able to search,
the user needs to pay. The app feels like a powerpoint presentation.
Wikiart is the Wikipedia of Art in short. It’s target is people who already have most of the
information themselves. The website is good, the app provided less information overall.
Ginkgo Art is an indirect competitor, it is a study card based “game” but it only provides the
name of the painting and the name of the artist. The quality of the app is questionable.
Part 2 - Competitive Audit Report Google UX Design Certificate

4. How do competitors position themselves in the market?

I think Google Arts and Culture is one with the strongest presence in the field, for the
biggest range of audience. Smartify calls themselves the Shazam of art, which is I think is
true, as I couldn’t really find any other app like theirs, again probably usable by all kinds of
people. Daily Art and Wiki Art are a great help for teenagers or kids who are interested in art
history. And in all honesty, I do not know where Ginkgo Art is positioning themselves.

5. How do competitors talk about themselves? (Description)

Google Arts and Culture has a strong presence as most Google products.
Smartify was originally an app created by 4 friends, and they further developed it
when Covid19 came, so people can enjoy art from their home as well. Daily art is an
educational app, and wikiart is more like wikipedia itself. Ginkgo Art is supposed to be
educational, but there are no levels, no further information for it to be educational as
it claims itself to be.

6. Competitors’ strengths (List)

Google Arts & Culture’s strenghts include:

• huge database
• virtual tours
Smartify’s strenghts include:
• big database
• scan feature
• audio descriptions
Part 2 - Competitive Audit Report Google UX Design Certificate

7. Competitors’ weaknesses (List)

Daily Art’s weaknesses include:
• didn’t think about accessibility
• not enough information
• only one daily work of art is available
Wiki Art’s weaknesses include:
• user-editable, so may contain false information
• didn’t think about accessibility

8. Gaps (List)
All competitors seem to skip the option to make a fun learning experience for smaller kids.

9. Opportunities (List)
Some opportunities I identified include:
• easy wording in a fun way, with a lot of pictures and animations so maybe smaller
kids (8-14 and up) find the experience fun.
• paying more attention to accessability (more languages, screen capture etc.)

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