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EFFECT OF Breadfruit Leaf ( Artocarpus altilis ) EXTRACT ON


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Assalamu'alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh.

Expressions of gratitude are always bestowed upon the Ruler of

Life, Allah 'azza wa jalla. We praise and glorify Him because of His

abundance of grace and guidance so that the writer can complete this

thesis. Salawat and greetings are always bestowed upon Nabiyullah

Muhammad shallallahu 'alaihi wa sallam. With all humility, the author

expresses his deepest gratitude and highest appreciation to Prof. Dr.

Nurhaedar Jafar, Apt., M.Kes as Chair of the Advisory Commission as

well as Academic Advisor and Mrs. Dr. Healthy Hidayanty, SKM., M.Kes

as the Advisory Secretary, who is never tired in the midst of his busy life,

always takes time to guide, direct, pay attention, motivate, and provide

moral support and pray that the preparation of this thesis can be

completed properly.

The author's respect and gratitude also goes to:

1) Mrs. Prof. Dr. Ir. Jamaluddin Jompa, M.Sc. as Chancellor of

Hasanuddin University, Prof. Sukri Palutturi, SKM, M.Kes .,

MSc.PH, Ph.D as Dean of the Faculty of Public Health, Hasanuddin

University, Mrs. Prof. Dr. Masni, Apt, MPSH as Chair of the Public

Health Study Program at the Hasanuddin University Postgraduate

Program, as well as all of our teachers at the Faculty of Public

Health and Nutrition Concentration who have provided their

knowledge while the writer was studying.

2) Mrs. dr. Citra Kesumasari, M.Kes ., Sp.GK as the First Examiner

Lecturer, Dr. Dr. Wahiduddin, SKM ., M.Kes. as the Second

Examiner Lecturer, and Prof. Dr. dr. Muhammad Syafar, MS. as the

Third Examining Lecturer who has freed up his time, providing input

and suggestions for the perfection of the preparation of this thesis.

The writer realizes that the preparation of this thesis is still far

from being perfect. Therefore, constructive criticism and suggestions

are highly expected for the perfection of this thesis. Finally, may Allah

Azza wa Jalla always bestow His blessings on all of us and what is

presented in the preparation of this thesis can be of benefit to all of us.

Makassar, 19 December 2021

Astanti Widiastuti




Astanti Widiastuti. The Effect of Breadfruit Leaf Extract (Artocarpus

Altilis) on Triglyceride Levels of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Outpatients at
the Biru Health Center, Bone Regency (supervised by Nurhaedar Jafar
and Healthy Hidayanty )

Hyperglycemia is a chronic condition associated with diabetes

mellitus. The accumulation of abdominal adipose tissue brought on by the
increased blood sugar levels makes it easier for it to be lipolyzed, which
raises the levels of triglycerides. In this investigation, type 2 diabetes
mellitus outpatients at the Biru Health Center in Bone Regency will have
their triglyceride levels measured after receiving breadfruit leaf extract.

This sort of research is quasi-experimental and uses a control

group and randomized pretest-posttest methodology. 46 outpatients with
type 2 diabetes at the Blue Health Center in Bone Regency who had had
the disease for 1-4 years made up the entire sample. Simple random
sampling was used to divide the sample into 2 groups, with 23 persons in
the intervention group and 23 in the control group. The variable in this
study examined changes in triglyceride levels over a 21-day period in both
the intervention group (which received nutritional education and breadfruit
leaf extract at a dose of 500 mg 1x1) and the control group (which
received nutrition education alone). Chi-Square, Independent T test,
Paired sample T test, Wilcoxon Signed Rank Test, and Mann-Whitney U
tests were used to examine the data.

The findings revealed that the intervention group's triglyceride levels

changed before (219.78 111.15) and after (174.84 84.99) with a p value of
(0.000), while the control group's levels changed before (176.26 83.67)
and after (152.26 73.58) with a p- value (0.015). The difference in
triglyceride levels between the intervention group (-57.73 33.32) and the
control group (-24.00 13.43) was statistically significant (p value 0.05).
(0.026). At the Blue Health Center, Bone Regency, the intervention of
administering breadfruit leaf extract significantly lowered triglyceride levels
in type 2 diabetes mellitus outpatients.

Keywords: Breadfruit Leaf Extract, Triglycerides, Diabetes Mellitus.



Astanti Widiastuti. The Effect of Breadfruit Leaf Extract (Artocarpus

altilis) on Triglyceride Levels in Outcome Diabetes Mellitus Type 2
Patients At The Blue Health Public Center of Bone District (Guided by
Nurhaedar Jafar and Healthy Hidayanty )

Hyperglycemia is a chronic condition associated with diabetes

mellitus. The accumulation of abdominal adipose tissue brought on by the
higher blood sugar levels makes it more prone to lipolysis, which raises
triglyceride levels. The goal of this study is to determine how providing
breadfruit leaf extract to patients with type 2 diabetes at the Blue Health
Center, Bone Regency will affect their triglyceride levels.

This kind of study is a randomized pretest-posttest design quasi-

experiment with a control group. 46 people with type 2 diabetes mellitus at
the Blue Health Center, Bone Regency, who had had the condition for 1-4
years in total. Simple random sampling is used to divide the sample into 2
groups, with 23 persons in the intervention group and 23 in the control
group. The objective of this study's variable is to compare the triglyceride
levels of the intervention (received 500 mg of breadfruit leaf extract one
time per person) and control groups (had nutrition education) after 21
days. The Chi-Square, Independent T, Paired Sample T, Wilcoxon Signed
Rank, and Mann-Whitney tests were used to evaluate the data.

The findings of the study indicated that triglyceride levels changed

in the intervention group before (219.78111.15) and after (174.8484.99)
with a p value of (0.000), as well as in the control group before
(176.2683.67) and after (152.2673.58) with a p value of (0.000). (0.015).
The change in triglyceride levels between the intervention group (-
57.7333.32) and the control group (-24.0013.43) is statistically significant,
with a value of (0.026). At the Blue Health Center, Bone Regency, the
intervention of administering breadfruit leaf extract significantly lowered
triglyceride levels in outpatients with type 2 diabetes mellitus.

Keywords: Breadfruit Leaf Extract, Triglycerides, Diabetes Mellitus



PREFACE ............................................................................................................................ii
TABLE OF CONTENTS ........................................................................................................iv
LIST OF TABLES ...............................................................................................................viii
LIST OF FIGURES ...............................................................................................................ix
LIST OF TERMS ...................................................................................................................x
CHAPTER I ..........................................................................................................................1
A. Background ...........................................................................................................1
B. Problem Formulation ............................................................................................9
C. Research Objectives ............................................................................................10
D. Research Benefits ................................................................................................11
CHAPTER II .......................................................................................................................12
A. DIABETES MELLITUS (DM) ...................................................................................12
B. LIPID PROFILE ......................................................................................................29
C. BLOOD PRESSURE ................................................................................................40
D. Breadfruit Plant (Artocarpus Altilis) .....................................................................45
E. THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK ................................................................................58
F. CONCEPTS FRAMEWORK .....................................................................................59
G. Research Hypothesis ...........................................................................................59
H. Operational Definition and Objective Criteria .....................................................60
CHAPTER III ......................................................................................................................64
A. Research ...................................................................................Type and Design 64
B. Time and Location of Research ............................................................................65
C. Population and Research Sample ........................................................................65
D. Research Flow .....................................................................................................68
E. Research Instruments ..........................................................................................69
F. Research ............................................................................................Procedure 69
G. Research Ethics ....................................................................................................71


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