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Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb.

Good morning viewers.

Today, Sunday, 27 March. I’m Rizqi Maulana Abbas will accopany you to listen
some bright news. Let’s begin the news today.

A total of 77 SMPN and equivalent in Sukoharjo are ready to carry out limited
face-to-face learning and simulations in schools on September 13. Limited face-
to-face learning activities and simulations refer to technical guidelines (juknis)
that have been issued by the Sukoharjo Regency Government a few months ago.

This statement was conveyed by the Head of the Sukoharjo Education and Culture
Office (Disdikbud), Darno, when he was met by reporters at the Sukoharjo
Regent's Office, Monday (6/9/2021). The number of SMPN that implements face-
to-face learning is limited to 14 schools. The 14 schools have tested the
implementation of face-to-face learning in schools in April. Meanwhile, schools
that have not yet conducted trials must first conduct face-to-face learning
simulations in schools.

Darno emphasized that there are several requirements that must be met by schools
in preparation for the implementation of face-to-face learning simulations in
schools. For example, health protocol infrastructure, provision of vaccines for
teaching staff and parent/guardian approval.

If there are parents/guardians who object to the simulation or limited face-to-face

learning at school, the teaching and learning activities will continue using the
distance learning method. The number of parents/guardians who gave approval
was around 95 percent.

The former head of SMAN 1 Sukoharjo said that he had issued technical
instructions for face-to-face learning in schools which regulate in detail the
infrastructure for health protocols, vaccination of teaching staff and requests for
approval from parents/guardians of students. In the technical guidelines for face-
to-face learning at the school, it is stated that teaching and learning activities in
classrooms carry out strict health protocols.

Nevertheless, Darno added that the implementation of face-to-face learning was

limited and simulations in schools adjusted the graph of Covid-19 cases in the
Jamu Regency. If the daily cases of Covid-19 spike again, it is very risky to hold
face-to-face learning in schools.

Thank you for watching our lovely channel. See you next time. Have a great day.
Good bye

Wassalamualaikum Wr. Wb.

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