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Effects of Nutrient Solutions using Hydroponics on the Growth and Weight of Spinach
(Ipomoea Aquatica) Kangkong
Hydroponics is a type of horticulture and a subset of hydro culture which involves growing
plants, usually crops or medicinal plants, without soil, by using water-based mineral nutrient
solutions in aqueous solvents.
Hydroponics is a way to skip the soil, sub in a different material to support the roots of the
plant and grow crops directly in nutrient-rich water. Hydroponic flowers, herbs, and vegetables
are planted in inert growing media and supplied with nutrient-rich solutions, oxygen, and water.
The hydroponics nutrient solutions can buy at agricultural supplies and at Shoppe and Lazada.
The nutrient come from many different organic or inorganic sources, including fish excrement,
duck manure, purchased chemical fertilizers, or artificial nutrient solutions.
The crop that we are going to use is the water spinach ( Ipomoea Aquatica). It is a tropical
plant grown as a vegetable for its tender shoots. In Philippines water spinach called Kangkong.
Kangkong is leafy green vegetables. Spinach health benefits is a powerhouse of nutrients that
benefit your body as well as your skin and brain. It is almost equal to milk, banana and orange,
can reduce blood pressure, gives immunity to cancer, improve vision, boost immunity, and treat
skin diseases. It is rich in vitamin A, C, iron, minerals, and antioxidants.
So, in our study we try/experiment the kangkong grow in water using Hydroponics

Materials: styro box

Spinach seeds
Scotch tape
Plastic cup
Hydroponics solutions
Plastic measuring cup
poly bag or plastic bag

1.put the spinach seeds in the seedling tray with soil and grow it there in the green house, water
it every day until 10 days then ready to transplant.
2.Put the 3 styro box in the green house then make an 8 hole in the cover of the styro box, each
styro box labeled or write a treatment 1, treatment 2, treatment 3.
3.Cut the sponges into cubes and slice cross down in the middle so it there to put the plant to be
4.Pierce the plastic cups and put the poly bag or plastic bag inside the styro box.
5.Put water in the styro box and the treatment or the hydroponic solutions according to the label
that going to use in different treatment styro box. Cover it then put the plastic cups.
6.Put the spinach that are ready to be transplanted and put into the cubes sponges then put into
the plastic cups, then put scotch tape so that plastic cups not to increase and the styro box
cover with scotch tape. See if there is a leak.
7. Measure the spinach from stem to the longer leaves. Write it in the data then every week,
measure the plants and put into the data until the last measurement cut the plants then weight


Data Analysis
T1 Height Matured T2
T3 (cm' ') leaves
Height Matured 96 4 Height Matured
(cm'') leaves (cm'') leaves
88 4
105 4 79 4
76 4
97 4 97 4
90 4
92 4 70 4
80 4
90 4 75 4
75 4
100 4 84 4
72 4
102 4 65 4
75 4
80 4 86 4
280 4 70 4

This is the original height and natured leaves of plants during our transplanting then we
choose the same number of natured leaves to be experiment.
December 01,2022

T1 T2 T3

Height Natured Height Natured Height Natured

(cm'') leaves (cm'') leaves (cm'') leaves
330 8 356 9 331 8
350 8 is the 340 8 data 360 8
295 9 327 8 310 9

311 8 336 9 309 8

319 8 339 9 319 8

Height Matured
336 8 313 8 leaves 207 6
256 1111-¹ 145 4
325 8 550
220 9 285 8
280 7 534 11

511 10
gathered in height and natured of leaves after 9 days. The height
increases most at 300 cm and the 553 12 natured leaves is increasing
multiplied by 2 from the days of transplanting until 9 days.
564 10
December 07,2022 541 11
T1 T2
T3 475 14
Height Matured
Height matured 423 6+³ (cm'') leaves
(cm'') leaves
472 10
485 10
563 10
522 10
500 10+²
506 11
498 11
535 9
554 10+²
522 11
477 9
555 11
382 5

506 7
545 10

477 8
After 7 days we measure again the height and the natured of leaves. The height
increases most at 500cm from T1-T3 and the natured of leaves increase most at 11 or it add
most of the treatments in 3.

December 15,2022
T1 T2 T3
Height Matured Height Natured Height Natured
(cm'') leaves (cm'') leaves (cm'') leaves
595 13 650 14 635 13
625 11-² 625 13 703 13
675 13 593 14 643 13
710 13 700 15 645 14
615 13 665 14 705 15
711 13 672 12 785 14
695 13 680 17 655 ¹0
700 13 715 10 671 10

After 8 days we measure again, and we find out that most of the plant height from the last
measurement it increases 100cm and the natured of leaves most add at 2-3.

Weight of plants

T1 T2 T3
Nutrient Grams Nutrient Grams Nutrient Grams
solution(ml) solution(ml) solution(ml)
30ml 177 40 283 50 350
After the last measurement we cut the crops by treatment then we weight it, and we find
that in treatment 1 which is 30ml of Nutrient Solution has 177g, the treatment 2 which is 40ml of
Nutrient Solution has 283g and the treatment 3 which is 50ml of Nutrient Solution has 350g.

After 23 days start in the transplanting and we gathered data every week by get
the height of the plants and number of natured plants then in the last is get the weight of
the plant. According to the data gathered we find out that the better amount use in
hydroponics nutrient solution is the 50ml than 40ml and and 30m. In 50ml of Nutrient
Solution has the heavier weight which have 350 grams and it has 100 grams more than
the other treatments which have 40ml and 30ml. So, it is better to use the 50ml nutrient
solution in 12 liters of water use in hydroponics because the weight is heavier than
others. In height and number of natured leaves is almost they are the same but in weight
the gap is large, so it is better to use the 50ml nutrient solution in the plant


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