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Budget line Activity Code Description of activity Qty Unit cost (in Ugsh) Frequency Total cost

Direct Project
Dpc 1.0 Documentation and creation of a data base for the children and their caregivers
Hold consultative meetings with diIIerent community stakeholders 2 50,000 2 200,000
IndenIity and select the children and their caregivers 2 100,000 2 400,000
Camera Ior taking pictures oI the children and updating the website to be. 1 700,000 1 700,000
Register the slected children and their care givers.(Stationary and othe costs) 2 50,000 2 200,000
Sub Total 1,500,000
The meetings will take a week which will be aimed at indentifing the more
Dpc 2.0 Provision of school fees and scholaristics materials to the children.
!rocure and distribution scholaristics and other school materials
Exercise books 900 300 3 810,000
!ens 300 300 3 270,000
!encils 300 100 3 90,000
Boys UniIorms 40 15,000 1 600,000
Girls UniIorms 60 20,000 1 1,200,000
Boys shoes 40 10,000 1 400,000
Girls shoses 60 10,000 1 600,000
School Bags 100 10,000 1 1,000,000
School Stockings 100 2,000 1 200,000
$chool Fees(Government schools) 100 10,000 3 3,000,000
Sub Totals 8.170.000
The materials will be distributed to the selected 100 children
Dpc 3.0 Provision of medical care to the sick children
Take care oI medical bills Iot the children who have Iallen sick 100 5,000 3 1,500,000
!rovide Iirst aid to the children in need and transport to the health centre 100 1,000 3 300,000
!recure water guard (Water puriIication tablets) 100 100 48 480,000
!rovide health screening to children Twice a vear)$ervice providers) 2 100.000 2 200.000
istribute mosquito nets to the children and Transportation 100 15,000 1 1,500,000
$ub Totals 3.980.000
Rearing of animals and chicken at the center
Dpc 4.1 Rearing of Piglets
Construction oI piglets house/stable
Grass Ior rooIing the pig sty (Bandles) 20 2,000 1 40,000
Labour 1 20,000 1 20,000
Nails (Kilogrms) 1 8,000 1 8.000
!oles 50 1,000 1 50,000
Feedding containers (Troughs) 2 20,000 1 40,000
!urchase oI piglets Ior both Iamilies and the centre 52 15,000 1 780,000
Sub Totals 938.000
DPc 4.2 Rearing of chicks
Water containners 20 15.000 1 300.000
Laying Houses (Cabient) 100 5,000 1 500,000
Chicken Ieeds( Bags) 2 30,000 12 720.000
Vancination 50,000 6 300,000
Lighting (Steamer lamps) 5 30,000 1 150,000
Conducting Training on rearing oI chickens 2 200,000 2 800,000
Transport oI egges to the market place 50,000 12 600,000
!urchase oI chicks 1,000 500 1 500,000
Sub Totals 3.870.000
Dpc 4.3 Rearing of Cows
Construction oI the Coreal
Contruction poles 20 20,000 1 400,000
Wire (Rolls) 2 500,000 1 1,000,000
Cement Ior the poles(Bags) 5 20,000 1 100,000
Treatment 20 5.000 2 200.000
Constrcution Laboure 2 50,000 1 100,000
Nails (Kilograms) 2 10,000 1 20.000
!urchase cows plus one bull 5 300,000 1 1.500.000
$ub Total 3.320.000
Dpc 4.4 Rearing of goats
Treatment oI the goats 10 1,000 2 20,000
!urchase oI the goats 10 20.000 1 200.000
$ub Totals 220.000
Dpc 5.0 Nacklace making (Training)
$amaritan Hands Uganda proposed Budget for the provision of eductaion.
capercity building to the children and their caregivers in Buhubalo village iBusiDistrict
Budget line Activity Code Description of activity Qty Unit cost (in Ugsh) Frequency Total cost
$amaritan Hands Uganda proposed Budget for the provision of eductaion.
capercity building to the children and their caregivers in Buhubalo village iBusiDistrict
Training costs 1 100,000 2 200,000
Transport Ior the Trainers 2 50,000 2 200,000
Sub Total 400,000
Dpc 6.0 Materials for nacklace making(Training)
!aper 1 20.000 5 100.000
Glue 20 3,000 1 60,000
Cissorers 10 5,000 1 50.000
Metal stoppers (!ackets) 2 3,000 1 6,000
Varnish (Tins) 3 8,000 1 24,000
Strings (!ackets) 3 3,000 1 9,000
Needels 100 300 1 30,000
Sub Total 279.000
Dpc 6.1 Making of Nacklaces for sale
!aper 100 5,000 1 500,000
Glue 100 3,000 1 300,000
Cissorers 40 5,000 1 200,000
Matal stoppers 30 3,000 1 90.000
Varnish (Tins) 30 8,000 1 240,000
$ub Total 1.330.000
Dpc 7.1 Conducting Tailoring and Weaving Trainings at the center.
Trainners 1 20,000 12 240,000
Tailoring machines 5 300,000 1 1,500,000
Training materials(paper) 1 30,000 3 90,000
Threads Ior training 15 2,000 3 90,000
Machine matainance (Tailoring machines) 5 20,000 3 300,000
Weaving costs(Weaving pin and threads) 50,000
Sub Total 2.270.000
Dpc 8.0 Actual Tailoring for start up
Tailoring materials(Rolls) 10 100,000 2 2,000,000
Weaving and Embroidery 200,000
Sub Total 2.200.000
Dpc 9.0 Conducting Rope making Trainings/$tart up material
Trainners 1 5,000 12 60,000
Training materials(sisial) 100 1,000 2 200,000
start up materials 300 1,000 1 300,000
$ub Total 560.000
Dpc 10.0 Conducting Mat Training/$tart up materials
Trainners 1 5,000 12 60,000
Training materials (!alm leaves) Bandles 20 35,000 1 700,000
ye (For clouring the leaves) Bottles 50 600 1 30,000
Joining material (Rolls) 5 3,000 1 15,000
Joining needels 100 500 1 50,000
Start up materials(dye,ioining materials,palm leaves) 745,000
$ub Total 1.600.000
Dpc 11.0 Distribution of planting seeds/stems
Maize seeds Ior planting (Kilograms) 100 2,500 2 500,000
!urchase oI cassava sterms( Bags) 100 7,000 1 700,000
$ub Total 1.200.000
Dpc 12.0 Food packaging
$torage bags 100 2,000 1 200,000
$ub Total 200,000
Dpc 13.0 Purchase of $olar for the center 1 2,000,000 1 2,000,000
Installment costs 1 300,000 1 300,000
Reapair/Matainace cost 1 20,000 12 240,000
$ub Total 2.540.000
Dpc 14.0 Establishment of the children's center.
Soccer balls Ior boys 1 40,000 4 160,000
Netballs Ior the girls 1 40,000 4 160,000
T.V Set (Educative shows) 1 400,000 1 400,000
V player 1 150,000 1 150,000
Budget line Activity Code Description of activity Qty Unit cost (in Ugsh) Frequency Total cost
$amaritan Hands Uganda proposed Budget for the provision of eductaion.
capercity building to the children and their caregivers in Buhubalo village iBusiDistrict
VCR eck player 1 150,000 1 150,000
Educative Movies and Iilms. 2 5,000 12 60,000
Sub Total 1.080.000
Ieeding at the center
posho 100 1.100 12 1.320.000
rice 100 2.000 12 24.100
beans 100 1.500 12 18.100
salt 100 500 12 6.100
soya 100 8.000 12 96.100
sugar 100 2.000 12 24.100
sub total 1.488.500
Dpc 15.0 Indoor Games
raIt 2 10,000 4 40,000
Ludo 2 10,000 4 40,000
Chess 2 10,000 4 40,000
monopoly 2 10,000 4 80,000
Scrabble 2 10,000 4 40,000
$ub Total 240.000
$C 16 Project Costs (Good and $ervices)
$upplies Costs ($C) OIIice Iunicture(oIIice chairs,Table,cup boards,etc.) 1 500,000 1 500,000
Box Iiles Ior record keeping 20 4,000 1 80,000
Filing cabinets/Selves 1 500,000 1 500,000
OIIice Telephone 1 150,000 1 15,000
Computer set to be used in the oIIice. 1 1,200,000 1 1,200,000
!rinter 1 300,000 1 300,000
$ub Total 2.595.000
$C 17.0 Office Running costs
Monthly Transport to carter Ior proiect activities. 1 60,000 12 720,000
Communication /telephone and internet 1 30,000 12 360.000
Bank charges 1 20,000 12 240,000
OIIice stationary 1 50,000 12 600,000
Sub Total 1.920.000
Project M'gmt $PM$ 18.0 $taff $alaries
!roiect Manager 1 350,000 12 4,200,000
Accountant 1 200,000 12 2,400,000
Education/social development OIIicer 1 200,000 12 2,400,000
octor/!hysical development oIIicer 1 200,000 12 2,400,000
Volunteer in charge oI Education development 1 50,000 12 600,000
Volunteer in charge oI Economic development 1 50,000 12 600,000
Volunteer in charge oI physical development 1 50,000 12 600,000
Store Keeper 1 30,000 12 360,000
Cooks 1 30,000 12 360,000
Securcity guard 1 30,000 12 360,000
$ub Total 14.280.000
MC MISCELLAAEOUS COS1S 1 500,000 12 6.000.000
GRAND TOTAL 62.180.500
Code Description of activity Total cost/Ug shillings U$
Dpc 1.0 Documentation and cretion of children and caregivers data Base 1.500.000 833
Dpc2.0 Provision of school fee and scholartic materials 8.170.000 4.539
Dpc 3.0 Provison of medical care to the sick children 3.980.000 2.211
Dpc 4.1 Rearing of piglets 938.000 521
Dpc 4.2 Rearing of chicken 3.870.000 2.150
Dpc 4.3 Rearing of cows 3.320.000 1.844
Dpc 4.4 Rearing of goats 220.000 122
Dpc 5.0 Nacklace making (Training) 400.000 222
Dpc 6.0 Materials for necklace making 279.000 155
Budget line Activity Code Description of activity Qty Unit cost (in Ugsh) Frequency Total cost
$amaritan Hands Uganda proposed Budget for the provision of eductaion.
capercity building to the children and their caregivers in Buhubalo village iBusiDistrict
Dpc 6.1 Making of Nacklace for sale 1.330.000 739
Dpc 7.1 Conducting Tailoring and Weaving Training at the center 2.270.000 1.261
Dpc 8.0 Actual Tailoring for $tart up 2.200.000 1.222
Dpc 9.0 Conducting Rope making Training/$tart up materialss 560.000 311
Dpc 10.0 Conducting Mat/$tart up materials 1.600.000 889
Dpc 11.0 Distribution of planting seeds/sterms 1.200.000 667
Dpc 12.0 Food package 200.000 111
Dpc 13.0 Purchase of solar for the center 2.540.000 1.411
Dpc14.0 Establishment of children's center 1.080.000 600
feeding at the center 1.488.500 827
Dpc 15.0 Indoor games 240.000 133
Dpc 16.0 Project costs( Goods and $ervices) 2.595.000 1.442
$c 17.0 Office Running costs 1.920.000 1.067
$c 18.0 $taff $alaries 14.280.000 7.933
Mc 19 Miscellaneous cost 6.000.000 3.333
Grand Total 62.180.500 34.545

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