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Community Towerville, Program A&E

Learning Center Sto. Cristo

Learning Facilitator Aurora C. Aban Literacy Level LS
LEARNING SYSTEM Month and Learning Strand LS 1
DAILY LESSON LOG Quarter Communication
Skills (Reading)

A. Content Standards Reading

B. Performance Standards Acquire and critically process information from a wide range of written and multimedia
materials in the English language to function effectively as a member of the family,
community, nation, and the world, and to participate in community and economic development.

C. Learning Competencies/ Objectives

❖ Compose clear and coherent sentences using appropriate grammatical structures:
Write the LC code for each.
• adverbs of intensity
• adverbs of frequency
• adverbs of manner •
● adverbs of place and time

● Recognize/Identify common action words (verbs) in stories listened to.


II. CONTENT(Subject Matter) ❖ Adverb


A. References
1. Session Guides pages

2. Module pages

B. Other Learning Resources Pictures, Laptop, Activity cards, manila paper,

* Enhanced ALS K to 12 Basic Curriculum LS 1 Eng. (BL-JHS) page 35

A. Springboard/Motivation (Establishing a purpose Activity 1: What’s the Error?
for the lesson)
● Show learner’s different pictures telling about adverb.
● Let learners give a little information about the pictures.

B. Activity (Review of previous lesson/s or Activity 2: Pre-Test

Presenting the new lesson)
● Give pre-test to check their prior knowledge about the lessons.

JHS: Direction: Underline the adverb found in the sentences below.

1. My grandpa snored loudly.

2. Chloe played on the beach yesterday.

3. I will visit my friend tomorrow.

4. George, will you come here?

5. My sheepdog sat lazily in the pool.

C. Analysis (Presenting examples/instances of the Activity 3:
new lesson)
* Check learner’s answers and ask what make them get the correct answers and what difficulty
they encounter while answering the test.

D. Discussing new concepts and practicing new Activity 4: ELR (Electronic Learning Resources) Discussion
skills (sub-activity #1)

❖ Use a PowerPoint presentation to discuss the lesson.

E. Abstraction (Making generalizations about the ❖ Ask:

What do you mean by action word or action verb?

What do you mean Adverb?

What are the different kinds of adverb?

Give examples of adverb of manner, time, and place.

Give examples of adverbs of frequency, quantity and affirmation.

Are all words end with ly are adverbs? Why?

F. Application (Developing mastery) Group learners into two or three. Give each group a manila paper and a pen. Each group
must be given a different activity worksheets and let them collaborate by answering the
activity. Let them write down the question and answer on the manila paper. Each group
must choose a representative to discuss their output in the class.

JHS: Direction: Underline the adverb and tell what kind of adverb it is.

_____________ 1. Akio arrived early.

_____________ 2. I can run faster than you.

_____________ 3. Lim Sing seems very sure of herself.

_____________ 4. Later I believed him.

_____________ 5. Our soccer team was too slow.

_____________ 6. Is he always early?

_____________ 7. Did you know that your new books are here?

_____________ 8. Did you work hard?

_____________ 9. Marina has been there.

_____________ 10. This math problem is especially hard.

G. Valuing (Finding practical application

of concepts and skills in daily living) Why is it important to know the different kind of adverb?

H. Evaluation (Assessing learning)

JHS: Direction: Supply the adverb found in the box below. Write down the kind of adverbs
inside the parenthesis.

1. His face was dirty and he was dressed ___________________. (________________)

2. Have you ____________been in a plane? (________________)

I. Agreement (Additional activities for application or Give three examples of different kinds of adverb in a sentence. Submit next learning session.

A. No. of learners who earned 80% in the
B. No. of learners who require additional
activities for remediation
C. Did the remedial lessons work? No. of
learners who have caught up with the
D. No. of learners who continue to require
E. Which of my teaching strategies worked
well? Why did these work?
F. What difficulties did I encounter which my
principal or supervisor can help me solve?
G. What innovation or localized materials did
I use/discover which I wish to share with
other teachers?

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