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7 Simple Habits That Can Fix 80% Of Your


2022 smells like money, and self growth.

Photo by KAL VISUALS on Unsplash

Habits are important to our personality. We can’t perform our every

action consciously instead our brain performs tasks through the
subconscious part and we just do them without thinking much.

7 Toxic HABITS That You Might Have...!

The only problem we face is that we are unaware of the problem.
1. Create A Morning Ritual

Have a morning ritual for yourself. Practice waking up early, It makes

you prepare for the day.
Make time for exercise. Make time for meditation. The more you
practice it, the better your life gets.

2. Social Media Detox

Keep track of time when you indulge in your phone, the best way is to
keep a timer when you use your phone.
Spend an hour without touching your phone/tv, notice how much you
enjoy it.

3. Have Non-Negotiables

It means you have to complete the tasks that you have assigned for
yourself. My non-negotiables are.


 20 min Walk.

 10 min Meditation.

 Cold Showers. 10 min Writing.

 No screen time an hour before bed.

 No food 2 hours before bed.

 Stretching.

4. If Something Takes 5 Minutes Or Less, Do It

If you can do something that takes less than 5 minutes to complete do

it right away.
Getting those simple tasks done right away prevents a lot of clutter and
stress later on.

5. Get Enough Rest

Without enough rest, you can't enjoy or improve your life.

To get all the things done as expected, you must get enough rest for
your body and mind.
Not getting enough rest makes you cranky and reduces your ability to

How To Break Bad Habits In 3 Easy Steps

Do you struggle with bad habits?

6. Follow The 80/20 Rule

Invest most of your energy and time on those specific tasks that create
a big impact and maximize your productivity.
20% of the tasks yield 80% of the results.

7. Plan Your Day The Night Before

Get everything ready you need for the morning.

Things seem simpler when everything is planned and handy.
It will relax your mind before getting to bed and you will sleep
peacefully because you have sorted out your works according to you

You can also buy me a ‘coffee’ if you’d like.

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