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“Jnana Sangama”, Belgaum -590018, Karnataka State, India


“Promotion of Appropriate Technologies.’’

Submitted In partial fulfillment for the earning of AICTE Activity point
Submitted By :
Under the Guidance of :
Assistant Professor
Dept. of CSE
AIT , Tumkur


Department of Computer Science and Engineering
Lingapura ,KoratagereRoad,Tumakuru -572106


Certified that the Activity on “Promotion of Appropriate Technologies.” is carried out by POOJA A
(1AK19CS036) ,a student of Akshaya Institute of Technology Tumkur ,in partial fulfillment
for the earning of AICTE Activity Points during the academic year 2021-22. Thereporthas been
approved as it satisfies the requirements in respect of AICTE Activity Point programme
prescribed for the award of the above said degree.

Signature of HOD:
Assistant Professor,
Department of CSE,
AIT, Tumkur
Promotions of Appropriate Technologies.



This program falls under the major program Introduction of Appropriate Technology Program (IATP).
In this program, intervention of Science & Technology in the Society/particularly in the rural sector is being
focused by the Introduction of Appropriate Technologies.

These technologies are based on known Scientific principles which have been modified through field
testing in order to suit the local conditions, local needs, culture and traditional ways of the people and which
have a potential for improving the day-to-day life of the people, thereby uplifting their living conditions-
economically, physically and socially, technologies which are eco-friendly, people friendly and
environmentally-friendly as well as sustainable in nature by using locally available materials and manpower are

This Scheme falls under the major Program-Introduction of Appropriate Technology Program (IATP),
under this Program, successfully experimented technologies were demonstrated to the people by installation of
demonstration units at the sites selected taking into consideration the needs and requirements of the
people/villagers of a particular area.

Installations of the units were implemented in consultation with S&T oriented NGO’s/Local Durbars
assisting the State S&T Council for promoting of Science & Technology.

Demonstration Units were installed not only in rural areas but also in urban areas serving the purpose
for usage by a particular community like in Educational Institutes/Government Institutes/Social Institutes, etc.

Installation of the units also serves the objective of popularising Science & Technology in the State.
Apart from the installation, distribution of specific equipments and machineries on trial basis have proved to be
significant in promotion and refining of the application of a particular technology.

Technologies like Improved Chulha (family size & community), Solar LED Home-Lighting, Low- Cost
Oven, Charcoal Making & Briquetting, Stabilised Mud Block, Low-Cost Sanitation (family & community),
Low-Cost Water Filter (domestic & community), Rain Water Harvesting (family & community), Pedal Pump,
Hydraulic Ram Pump, Organic Composting and Leaf Plate Making, were implemented.

Demand of the high priced of equipments and machineries like Solar LED Home Lighting, Stabilised
Mud Block Machine, Low-cost Oven, etc. constantly rises for which distribution may be given in the subsidised

The implementation of the mentioned technologies have been successful and encouraging results were
received by the members of the public who are approaching the Council for the above technologies.

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Promotions of Appropriate Technologies.


 In today’s modern world technological intervention plays an important part in betterment of human life
in term of quality. Choice of technique for development has always been on issue on the anvil. There
are many theories in social sciences that attevjet at explaining the role that innovations play in getting
an edge over others. That is the most coveted asset of the modern era.

 Appropriate technology intervention is particularly important to bring about a change in the rural
society for the better.

 Appropriate technology is small-scale technology. It is simple enough that people can manage it directly
and on a local level. Appropriate technology makes use of skills and technology that are available in a
local community to supply basic human needs. It is our aim to bring together experts in various fields:
academicians, administrators, research scholars, thinkers and people concerned with the need for grass
roots approach to appropriate technology for rural development who are capable of throwing light on
the state of this important exercise of rural development in various regions across states in India.

 Together we will be able to chalk out a roadmap leading to actual grassroots planning leading to a
revolution in the rural development process which can be made inclusive with peoples’ participation in
policy making.

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Promotions of Appropriate Technologies.


 To put an effort to initiate the application of appropriate technologies for socio-economic development
of the State, particularly for improving the living condition of the people in the society.

 To provide an opportunity to the people at the grass-root level to be exposed to various societal
technologies which could be applied in different aspects of their day-to-day life for all round
improvement of the quality of life.

 To enable the people in the society to handle themselves various appropriate technologies which could
benefit them.

 To expose the unemployed youths to various scopes for employment generation through Science &

 To demonstrate effectively the usefulness of various appropriate technologies which have successfully
been experimented in the State.

 To demonstrate the effectiveness of appropriate technologies for socio-economic development,

particularly for improving the living condition of the people in the society.

 To popularise throughout the State the technologies which have successfully been tried-out in the past.

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Promotions of Appropriate Technologies.


Oblapura is a village in Tumakuru District of Karnataka State, India. It belongs to Korategere
Division. It is located 22 km towards west from District headquarters Tumkur, 7 km from tumkur, 20
km from State capital Korategere.

Fig 3.1 The location - 1 identified for conduction of the activity.


Govt. school is in Tumakuru District of Karnataka State, India. It belongs to Bangalore
Division. It is located 22 km towards west from District headquarters Tumkur, 7 km from tumkur, 20
km from State capital Banglore.

Fig 3.2 The location - 2 identified for conduction of the activity

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Promotions of Appropriate Technologies.


Considering priority sectors for the development of countries of the South and possible cooperation
strategies. We can identify four fields which open up possibilities for international cooperation, responding both
real challenges for the scientific community and significant issues for public and private decision- makers, at
national and international levels.

These essential components, although not exhaustive, establish a link between scientific and
technological skills and strategic areas of development; they represent a first-rate potential for research and a
genuine tool for development cooperation –both key elements for long-term sustainable development.

They are the following:

 Technologies for sustainable habitat and cities.
 Information and communication technologies for the environment.
 Science and technology for disaster risk reduction.
 Technologies foe sustainable energy production.

In this fashion, and with the aim of promoting research for technologies and innovations that are
appropriate for developing countries and which enable solutions for the key significant challenges faced by the
most vulnerable populations, the EPFL UNESCO Chair International Scientific Conference on Technologies
for Development was held from 8 to 10 February 2010 in Lausanne, Switzerland, offering a platform for
discussion and scientific exchange. The conference addressed the a fore mentioned priority sectors in different
interdisciplinary workshops.

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Promotions of Appropriate Technologies.


The effectiveness of any plan depends on its implementation. Such implementation will require
multiple initiatives and actions, which will have to be taken by multiple bodies in a synchronized and
systematic manner. Therefore, the implementation of this plan is done by a group of 25-30 members.
Implementation will be guided by the following principles:
 It is important to implement the plan initiatives in a phased manner.
 Comprehensiveness will be the key of success of implementation of any plan.
 It needs careful planning, joint monitoring, and collaborative implementation between the
members of the group.
 Timely infusion of requisite resources at the residence as well as the institute will be crucial
for the satisfactory execution of the plan.
 Careful analysis and review of the linkages between multiple parallel implementationsteps will
be necessary in order to ensure effective dovetailing of all initiatives.
The natives were made to install these applications in order to know them, use them and hence
contribute to the Appropriate technologies;
These technologies can be grouped under the following categories like:
(i) Energy –
 Improved Chulha.
 Solar LED Home Lighting.
 Low-cost Cold Storage.
 Biomass Drier.
 Charcoal Making & Briquetting.
 Low-Cost Oven.
(ii) Housing –
 Stabilised Mud Block.
 Cement Brick.
(iii) Sanitation –
 Low-cost Toilet (Twin Pit).
 Low-cost Water Filter (Terafil).
(iv) Water Supply –
 Roof-top Rain Water.
 Pedal Pump.
 Hydraulic Ram Pump.
(v) Organic Composting & Post Harvesting Technology –
 Organic Composting.
 Low-cost Cold Storage.

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Promotions of Appropriate Technologies.

 Paddy Dehusker.
(vi) Waste Re-cycling
 Waste Paper Re-cycling.
 Leaf Plate Making.
 Grey Water Re-cycling.

Implementation of the above technologies in the past have been carried out satisfactorily with the
introduction of new technologies like Solar LED Home Lighting, Charcoal making and Briquetting and Pedal
Pump technology. Also, with the new modifications being made in Rain Water Harvesting by using poly tanks
instead of cemented tanks and also by using additional poly earth tanks to store surplus water and Low Cost
Water Filter technologies, the programme has had an impact especially in areas where electric power is not
accessible and in water scarcity areas, and efforts are being made from time to time by the Council to reach out
more villages especially remote villages located in the State.


Greenway Jumbo Stove is a single-burner, high efficiency cook stove that works on all solid biomass
fuels such as wood, dry dung, crop waste, coconut waste, bamboo etc. The stove does not require any fuel

Greenway Jumbo Stove comes with a patented air regulation technology that leads to better combustion
i.e. increased efficiency (less fuel) and reduced smoke. This mechanism is highly durable and does not have
any moving parts.

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Promotions of Appropriate Technologies.


A low-cost, portable filter that can purify toxic water in minutes, sounds like a dream come true,
especially for third-world nations where contaminated water is a plaguing issue.

There are portable filtration products available that do remove heavy metals from water, but they are
comparatively expensive, often costing more than USD 100.


Cement brick is a mixture of cement and aggregate, usually sand, formed in molds and cured. Certain
mineral colours are added to produce a concrete brick resembling clay. Concrete pipe is made of cement and

A cement masonry unit is a standard-size rectangular block used in building construction. CMUs are
some of the most versatile building products available because of the wide variety of appearances that can be
achieved using them.

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Promotions of Appropriate Technologies.


 The target was mainly the people of rural areas.
 The target was to bring awareness regarding the Digital India initiative among thepeople
from village background.
 The target group was given some help on the usage of some useful mobile applicationsby the
activity conducting group.
 The target group was informed about the importance of being a part of this initiative inthe present


 The activity conducting group got to know the situation of the target group.
 The volunteers understood their role in bringing awareness about contributing to theDigital India

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Promotions of Appropriate Technologies.

 The activity was successful and was able to understand regarding the Digital Indiainitiative
among rural area natives and the volunteers.
 The objectives of the activity can be achieved through effective planning.
 The activity helped in implementation of the various applications of Digital Indiainitiative.
 Areas of concern in the development of Digital literacy was found.
 The target group was made to understand that the Digital knowledge is viewed
worldwide as the basic thing and it is an important aspect.

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Promotions of Appropriate Technologies.


Fig 8.1 Checking the technologies is working properly for local people usage.

Fig 8.2 Technologies that are there in the rural areas for their use.

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Promotions of Appropriate Technologies.

Fig 8.3 Giving the knowledge of the machines that are used in the food gowdans and how people will do
cheating using the machines.

Fig 8.4 discussing about the usages of betel nut machines.

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Promotions of Appropriate Technologies.

Fig 8.5 Giving a brief information about betel nut cutter machines.

Fig 8.6 Showing the new technologies that are invented in market

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Promotions of Appropriate Technologies.

Fig 8.7 Discussing the use cases of technologies and its benefits with native people.

Fig 8.8 giving information about the another technology.

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Promotions of Appropriate Technologies.

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