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II Methodology

2.1 Research Design and Participants

The study used was given a descriptive research design. This study adopted the descriptive
survey design which is the most appropriate when studying a phenomenon that tends to seek
the opinion of the respondents without the researcher attaching his value (Siedlecki, 2020). The
study made use of the interviews and questionnaires to obtain data and information needed to
determine the struggles of teachers in teaching Mathematics using E-learning approach. The
data were collected and analyzed quantitatively. The Mathematics teachers at San Marcelino
Elementary School were the participants of this research. Convenient sampling technique was
used in selecting the participant Researcher used convenience sampling not just because it is
easy to use but because it also has other research advantage. In pilot studies, convenience
sampling is not based on probability. Non-probability sampling is a type of sampling in which
the researcher selects, refers, or self-selects individuals from a target demographic. (Stratton,

2.2 Role of the Researcher

The role of the researcher in the quantitative study is

2.3 Data Collection

A research questionnaire of Difficulties of Elementary Mathematics Teachers with The Use of E-
Learning Approach was used to collect data from the respondents. The questionnaire was a
four-point likert scale (i.e., 4-strongly agree, 3-agree, 2-disagree, and 1- strongly disagree) with
thirty items, and divided into the three (3) factor levels of the perceived challenges on e-
learning approach (i.e., items on availability of e-learning tools, items on accessibility of e-
learning tools, and items on teacher’s ICT skills towards the utilization of e-learning approach).
The questionnaire used was based on a conceptual framework developed specifically for this
study. Phase 1, the researcher requested the approval from the Principal for the conduct of the
study. Phase 2, questionnaires were made to measure the struggles of teachers in teaching
Mathematics using E-Learning Approach. Phase 3, was the administration of pilot testing and
item analysis report. The test was piloted to the teachers of San Marcelino Elementary School.
Phase 4, the test questionnaire has been administered to the teachers. Phase 5, interview was
applied to the teachers. The research was a quantitative survey design. Descriptive statistics
was use to answer the research questions, and a two-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) was
used to test the null hypotheses at 0.05 level of significant.
2.4 Data Analysis
The data gathered were analyzed and interpreted using the following statistical tools: Item
Analysis. This was used to determine the quality of the questionnaire and examine the
teachers’ response after the pilot testing. Frequency and Percent Distribution. This was used  to
turn data into information in a tabular format which contains the frequency of teachers
grouped according to their difficulties in e-learning approach. Measure of Central Tendency
(Mean, Median and Mode). This was used to describe the data responses of teachers in the
three (3) factor levels of the perceived challenges on e-learning approach. T-Test was used to
determine if there is a significant difference on the difficulties encountered by teachers using e-
learning approach.

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