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Summative Assessment

Task 1
Unit description
-Introducing (GRASP)
Goal: To perform an experiment that demonstrates the osmosis process in the plant cell.
Role: As a biologist you will show howScience
in potato tissue resembles
– Grade 7 transport in cells.
Audience: To demonstrate to your classmates and teacher the importance of osmosis as a means of
transport of water. Teacher: Ms. Lama / Ms. Nahla
Situation: You studied the passive transport process in the class, and you will illustrate the osmosis
process in plant cells. Academic Year 2022-2023
Product or Performance: A lab report.
Standards for success: You will be evaluated according to Criteria B (Inquiring and designing) and C
(Processing and evaluating).

Use a pen (blue or black) to write your answers.


Assessment Level Student’s Reflection Teacher’s comment


Student’s name: _____________________________

Parents’ Signature: __________________________

The criterion evaluated in this assessment is criterion B and C.

CRITERION B: Inquiring and designing

Achieve Level descriptor Specific task descriptor Level by

ment teacher

The student does not reach a standard The student does not reach a standard described
described by any of the descriptors below. by any of the descriptors below.
The student is able to:
1-2 The student is able to:
i. state a problem or question to be tested by a
i. state a problem or question to be tested by a scientific investigation, with limited success
scientific investigation, with limited success about osmosis.
ii. state a testable hypothesis about the transport
ii. state a testable hypothesis
across the membrane specifically osmosis
iii. state the variables iii. state the variables of the experiment.

The student is able to: The student is able to:

i. state a problem or question to be tested by a i. state a problem or question to be tested by a
scientific investigation scientific investigation about osmosis.
ii. outline a testable hypothesis using ii. outline a testable hypothesis about the
scientific reasoning transport across the membrane specifically
osmosis using scientific reasoning
iii. outline how to manipulate the variables,
and state how relevant data will be collected iii. outline how to manipulate the variables, and
state how relevant data will be collected in the

The student is able to: The student is able to:

i. outline a problem or question to be tested by i. outline a problem or question to be tested by a
a scientific investigation scientific investigation about osmosis.

ii. outline and explain a testable hypothesis ii. outline and explain a testable hypothesis
using scientific reasoning about the transport across the membrane
5-6 specifically osmosis using scientific reasoning
iii. outline how to manipulate the variables,
and outline how sufficient, relevant data will iii. outline how to manipulate the variables, and
be collected outline how sufficient, relevant data will be
collected in the experiment.

The student is able to: The student is able to:

i. describe a problem or question to be tested i. describe a problem or question to be tested by a
by a scientific investigation. scientific investigation about osmosis.

ii. outline and explain a testable hypothesis ii. outline and explain a testable hypothesis
using correct scientific reasoning. about the transport across the membrane
7-8 specifically osmosis using correct scientific
iii. describe how to manipulate the variables, reasoning.
and describe how sufficient, relevant data
will be collected.
iii. describe how to manipulate the variables, and
describe how sufficient, relevant data will be
collected in the experiment.

CRITERION C: Inquiring and designing

Achieve Level descriptor Specific task descriptor Level by

ment teacher

The student does not reach a standard The student does not reach a standard described
described by any of the descriptors below. by any of the descriptors below.
The student is able to: The student is able to:
i.collect and present data in numerical and/or i. collect data in numerical form.
visual forms ii. Make a conclusion about osmosis in plant cells
ii. accurately interpret data. from the data.
iii. briefly outline whether the method was valid
or not.
iii. state the validity of a hypothesis with
limited reference to a scientific investigation.

The student is able to: The student is able to:

i.. correctly collect and present data in i. correclty collect and present data in numerical
numerical and/or visual forms. form.
ii. accurately interpret data and explain results ii. accurately make a conclusion about osmosis in
iii. state the validity of a hypothesis based on plant cells while describing the results.
the outcome of a scientific investigation. iii. briefly outline whether the method was valid
3-4 or not based on the results.

The student is able to: The student is able to:

i. correctly collect, organize and present i. correctly collect , organize and present data in
data in numerical and/or visual forms numerical form
ii. accurately interpret data and describe ii. accurately make a conclusion about osmosis in
results using scientific reasoning. plant cells while describing the results using
5-6 iii. outline the validity of a hypothesis based scientific reasoning.
on the outcome of a scientific investigation. iii. briefly give a brief account whether the
method was valid or not based on the results.

The student is able to: The student is able to:

i. correctly collect, organize, transform and iii. correctly collect, organize , transform and
present data in numerical and/ or visual forms present data in numerical form.
ii. accurately interpret data and describe ii. accurately make a conclusion about osmosis in
results using correct scientific t reasoning. plant cells while describing the results using
7-8 iii- discuss the validity of a hypothesis based correct scientific reasoning.
on the outcome of a scientific investigation iii. briefly discuss whether the method was valid
or not based on the results.

Osmosis in a plant cell

You have studied in the types of passive transport in a plant cell: diffusion and osmosis. In this
lab activity you are going to demonstrate how osmosis takes place in plant cell (potato cell).
Three identical potato pieces will be cut, weighed, and added to a three solutions of different
salt concentrations. They will be kept overnight (24 hours) and then weighed the second day.
You will be recording your data in a table and formulating significant conclusion about osmosis

B.i Aim of your experiment:

A scientific question
should be testable,
why are you doing the
B.ii  Hypothesis:
“If.., then..
Should include the
dependent and
independent variable.
B.iii Independent variable: (What are you going to change?)

Dependent variable: (What are you going to measure?)

Control variable: (What are you going to keep the same?)

B.iii Materials:
Materials used in the
Procedure/ Method Procedures (steps): Use the third language ( past tense).
Like a recipe in
a numbered list. 
Someone else should
be able to follow this
and get similar results

C. (i and ii.)
Data displayed in a Salt Initial mass Final mass Change in
visual from. concentration mass

Explain if your
hypothesis was valid.
l measures

How could you make

this a better

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