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Confidently Introducing Yourself in English

John: Introducing yourself to someone does not mean that you are just telling your name. The introduction can
include other details such as: where you are from, where you work, the job you have, your hobbies and much
Marley: Yes, that’s right. How you introduce yourself depends on the situation you are in, and the amount of
information expected from you.
John: Introducing yourself to someone you’ve just met.
When you are introducing yourself to someone you’ve just met, you can say ‘Hi’, ‘Hello’, ‘Hey’. ‘Hello’ is
more of a formal way. These are universal phrases and you can use them with anyone, be it a senior, a friend, a
relative or someone younger. These phrases are suitable for both formal and informal situations.
Marley: Saying ‘Hello’ or ‘Hi’ isn’t enough. In order to introduce yourself, you have to tell the person your
name. You can either start the sentence by saying ‘Hello, my name is Marley.’ or ‘Hey, I am Marley’. In formal
situations you might want to say your full name. Between friends you can use a colloquial phrase like ‘They call
me Marley.’
John: After greeting people and telling them your name, you can also tell them how old you are or what you do
for a living. If you are an engineer, you can say: ‘I’m 26 years old and I’m an engineer’. By telling them what
you do, the person can know you better.
Marley: Yes, right! You can also tell someone where you live or where you are from.
To tell people about your origin, you can say for example: ‘I am from Michigan or ‘I have come from
Michigan’. You can also say where you live: ‘I live in Chicago.’
By knowing where you live the other person may relate to you and start a conversation with you.
John: You can also ask people their name, or tell them some more about yourself. Like what your hobbies are,
what you like to do in your free time, where you hang out, and so on. It’s all part of getting to know you better.
Marley: To ask someone’s name, you can say. “My name is John. What’s yours?” If you want to tell them about
your hobbies you could say, “I really love playing chess” or “I like to run. I run every day.”
John: I hope this extra learning lesson was helpful and now you are better at introducing yourself to people.
Don’t forget to watch the original lesson by clicking on the link given in the description. See you soon!
Hello, my name is Richard
Hey! I am Richard.
Hello. My name is Richard Walker.
Hi! They call me Richard.
I am 26 years old.
I am 26.
I am a copywriter.
I work in an ad agency.
I work in Intecon Ads.
I work as an architect.
I am from Michigan.
I hail from Massachusetts.
I come from New York.
I live in Chicago.
I like reading books.
I like reading books and love to swim.
I am a good cook.
I am good at playing chess.
I like to shop when I’m free.

Introducing yourself and others

There is a range of ways to introduce yourself and people.
Introducing yourself:
Here are expressions to introduce yourself:
● My name is ...
● I'm ....
● Nice to meet you; I'm ...
● Pleased to meet you; I'm ...
● Let me introduce myself; I'm ...
● I'd like to introduce myself; I'm ...
Introducing others:
Here are expressions to introduce others:
● Jack, please meet Nicolas.
● Jack, have you met Nicolas?
● I'd like you to meet Liza.
● I'd like to introduce you to Betty.
● Leila, this is Barbara. Barbara this is Leila.
Useful responses when introducing yourself or other people:
● Nice to meet you.
● Pleased to meet you.
● Happy to meet you.
● How do you do?
Alex is talking to the new manager and his assistant. Notice how they introduce themselves:
Alex: Hi! My name is Alex Litterman, the new manager.

William: Hi! I'm William O'Brian. Nice to meet you, Mr Alex Litterman.

John: William, please meet Mr Steve Lynch, my assistant

Jack: How do you do?

Nicolas: How do you do?

Things to remember:
● When introducing yourself or other people in a formal situation use full names. ("I'm Alex Litterman.")
● "How do you do?" isn't really a question, it just means "Hello"


Hi, I’m (Susan). Nice to meet you.

Hi, my name is (Susan). It’s a pleasure to meet

I don’t think we’ve met. My name is (Susan).
Please to meet you.

Let me introduce myself

(Susan, Susan

Nice/Pleased to meet you, too.

It’s a pleasure to meet you, too.

(Barry), I’d like you to meet someone. This is

(Barry), I’d like to introduce you to (James).

(Barry), I’ve got someone I’d like you to meet.

(Barry), there’s someone I’d like you to meet.

May I present (my brother James)?

Hi, (James). I’m (Barry).

Nice/Pleased to meet you.

It’s a pleasure to meet you.

I’ve heard so much about you.

(Kevin) has told me a lot about you.


Confidently Introducing Yourself in English

Remember your first day of English class?
On that long-ago day when you had your first English lesson, the very first thing you learned was how to
introduce yourself.
“My name is Amy,” you would say. “What’s your name?”
In the classroom or at home, practicing this kind of introduction is very easy.
But there are some things we just don’t learn from formal English lessons.
Unfortunately, as adults in the real world, introductions in English can be terrifying.
You may try very, very hard not to meet new people.
Why? Because we want strangers to like us, and we’re scared that we’re going to do something that makes them
hate us or think we’re silly instead.
Today, I’m going to go over all the English you need to meet someone new.
You can finally stop being nervous about meeting new people, because you’ll have the best introduction
expressions ready to use.
You’ll be able to introduce yourself with confidence and move on to full English conversations.
Doesn’t that sound awesome?
1. Break the Ice
“Break the ice” is a common English expression. It means “to get comfortable with someone.”
There are many ways to start talking to someone new. I recommend that you memorize only two or three, so
you don’t forget them.
Pick ones that you can use anywhere, anytime. Which ones sound most natural to you? The most important
thing is that you’re comfortable saying them.
Here’s the easiest one: just say hello and your name. Then, if possible, shake hands.
                Amy: Hello. I’m Amy.
                (Offer your hand.)
                Brian: Hello, I’m Brian.
                (Shake hands.)
                Amy: Nice to meet you.
See? It’s that easy. You can also break the ice by using other common greetings like “good morning,” “good
afternoon” and “good evening.”
Aside from asking questions, another good way to break the ice is to ask for very basic information. This gives
you a reason for starting the conversation.
Here are some examples:
                Excuse me, do you know what time it is?
                Sorry to bother you, but where is the meeting?
                Excuse me, are you going to the restaurant?
Pick a topic that is happening currently, and that you actually want or need information about.
Another great ice breaker is a compliment. Find something you like about them and tell them.
Be a little careful here when picking an object to compliment. Don’t compliment them as a whole person,
because they might be offended or think it’s too forward (overly-friendly).
                I love your dress.
                You have a beautiful dog.
                Is that your car? I really like it.
2. Ask Follow-up Questions
You need to keep the conversation going.
To do this, have more simple questions ready. Like before, have three or four questions memorized.
Questions are always better than comments, because they make the other person talk, and this gives you time so
that you can think of new things to say.
How are you?
Where are you from?
What are you doing here? or What brings you here?
Are you having a good time?
3. Listen and Ask More Questions
If you aren’t confident in your English skills, it’s much easier to listen to the other person than it is to speak.
Pay attention to the answers from your first questions and ask for more details. People like talking about
themselves, so this won’t be a problem. Below are some sample conversations.
                Amy: How are you?
                Brian: A little tired.
                Amy: Why is that?
                Brian: I didn’t sleep well last night.
                Amy: I’m sorry to hear that. What went wrong?
                Brian: I’m a bit jet-lagged from my flight.
                Amy: I bet. Where did you fly from?
                Brian: I came from London last night.
                Amy: That’s far! Was it a long flight?
                Brian: Just a few hours. But I had a long layover in Frankfurt.
You can see how Amy keeps the conversation going each time by asking Brian for more information. When she
does this, she also learns more about him.
Let’s look at another example:
                Amy: Where are you from?
                Brian: I’m from England.
                Amy: Wow! That’s far! When did you arrive?
                Brian: I flew in last night.
                Amy: Was it a long flight?
                Brian: Just a few hours. But I’m still feeling jet-lagged.
                Amy: What’s the time difference?
We can see how this conversation is a little different, but the same questions still work.
When we meet people, we usually have similar conversations to introduce ourselves and get to know each other
better. That’s why it’s important to practice these introductions and memorize some of these common questions.
Let’s look at one more example. Let’s say Amy and Brian are both at a business conference.
                Amy: What are you doing here?
                Brian: I’m here for the conference.
                Amy: So am I. What company are you from?
                Brian: I’m with the Sales team from Samsung.
                Amy: That’s really interesting. Do you like it?
                Brian: Most of the time, yes.
                Amy: What do you like about it?
                Brian: I get to travel to nice conferences like this!
When you’re traveling for business, asking what people do for work is always a safe bet. However, be careful to
keep the conversation positive. Don’t say anything bad about their work in case they disagree with you!
 4. Prepare Basic Answers about Yourself
Conversation isn’t always about asking questions.
Eventually, the people you’re talking to are going to ask you the same questions that you’re asking them.
Because of this, it’s very important that you can answer these questions easily. Keep your answers short and
simple so you have less time to make mistakes.
Have answers ready for these questions:
                Where are you from?
                What do you do?
                What are you doing here?
                Do you like your job?
                How was your trip?
                Are you having a good time?
                What do you think of the weather?
                What do you think of the movie/event/conference/restaurant?
Even when questions are specific, you can have a general response prepared. Say something generally positive,
then add in more detail. Adding the detail keeps the conversation interesting. Then you can ask a question.
Example 1:
                Brian: What do you think of restaurant?
                Amy: It’s really nice. I especially liked the fish. Did you?
Example 2:
                Brian: How do you find the conference?
                Amy: It’s really interesting. I especially liked the first speaker. What did you think?
Example 3:
                Brian: How was your trip?
                Amy: It was mostly fine. I only had one layover. How was yours?
5. Have an Exit Plan
Not all conversations are going to be good.
If you find you have nothing more to say or you’re not connecting with the person you’re talking with, you need
a way to leave politely. Otherwise, there could be a lot of awkward silences. Here are a few key lines for leaving
                Excuse me, I need to (find my friend/go to a meeting)
                Well, it’s been lovely talking to you.
                Best of luck.
                Nice to meet you, Brian.
                I hate to run off, but I need to go.
                Let me give you my card before I go.
                Enjoy your time here!
As you say these phrases, hold out your hand for a handshake, making it clear that you’re ending the
6. Smile and Be Confident
You’re your own biggest judge.
Most people will be happy that you came and talked to them. Even if you make a mistake, keep talking. People
will remember your smile and your confidence more than any small errors.
Finally, practice saying these expressions a few times at home or with a friend so that when you meet someone
new, you’ll be prepared.
Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have to run.

Use this role play to practice introducing yourself. Study the verb "to be" with questions such as "Where are you
from?, What's your name? Are you American? etc." to help continue the conversation with your partner.
1. Hello. My name's Peter. What's your name?
2. Janet.
1. Where are you from Janet?
2. I'm from Seattle. Where are you from?
1. I'm from Madrid.
2. Are you American?
1. Yes, I am. Are you Spanish?
1. Yes I am.
Key Vocabulary
My name is...
What's (is) your name ...
Where are you from?
I'm from... Are you (Spanish, American, German, etc.)
Hello and Goodbye - Three Short Conversations
1. Hello, Peter. How are you?
2. Fine, thanks. How are you?
1. I'm fine, thank you.
1. Goodbye, Janet. See you tomorrow!
2. Bye bye, Peter. Have a nice evening.
1. Thanks, you too!
2. Thanks.
Key Vocabulary
Hello... How are you?
I'm fine, - OK, - well, thank you
Goodbye, - bye bye
See you tomorrow
Have a nice evening, - day

Greetings are used to say hello in English. It's common to use different greetings depending on whether you
greet a friend, family or a business associate. When you meet friends, use informal greetings. If it's really
important, use formal greetings. Formal greetings are also used with people you do not know very well.
Greetings also depend on whether you are saying hello, or you are saying goodbye.
Learn the correct phrases using the notes below, and then practice using greetings with the practice dialogues.  
Formal Greetings: Arriving
Good morning / afternoon / evening.
Hello (name), how are you?
Good day Sir / Madam (very formal)
Respond to a formal greeting with another formal greeting.
Good morning Mr. Smith.
Hello Ms. Anderson. How are you today?
Informal Greetings: Arriving
Hi / Hello
How are you?
How are you doing?
What's up? (very informal)
It's important to note that the question How are you? or What's up? doesn't necessary need a response. If you do
respond, these phrases are generally expected:
How are you? / How are you doing?
Very well, thank you. And you? (formal)
Fine / Great (informal)
What's up? 
Not much.
I'm just (watching TV, hanging out, cooking dinner, etc.)
Informal Greetings - After a Long Time
If you haven't seen a friend or family member for a long time, use one these informal greetings to mark the
It's great to see you!
How have you been? 
Long time, no see. 
How are you doing these days?
Formal Greetings: Departing
Use these greetings when you say goodbye at the end of the day. These greetings are appropriate for work and
other formal situations. 
Good morning / afternoon / evening.
It was a pleasure seeing you.

Note: After 8 p.m. - Good night.
Informal Greetings: Departing
Use these greetings when saying goodbye in an informal situation. 
Nice seeing you!
Goodbye / Bye
See you later
Later (very informal)
Here are some short example conversations for you to practice greetings in English. Find a partner to practice
and take a role. Next, switch roles. Finally, make up your own conversations.
Greetings in Informal Conversations
Anna: Tom, what's up?
Tom: Hi Anna. Nothing much. I'm just hanging out. What's up with you?
Anna: It's a good day. I'm feeling fine.
Tom: How is your sister? 
Anna: Oh, fine. Not much has changed.
Tom: Well, I have to go. Nice seeing you!
Anna: Later.
Maria: Oh, hello Chris. How are you doing?
Chris: I'm well. Thanks for asking. How are you?
Maria: I can't complain. Life is treating me well.
Chris: That's good to hear. 
Maria: Good to see you again. I need to go to my doctor's appointment.
Chris: Nice seeing you.
Maria: See you later. 
Greetings in Formal Conversations
John: Good morning.
Alan: Good morning. How are you?
John: I'm very well thank you. And you?
Alan: I'm fine. Thank you for asking.
John: Do you have a meeting this morning?
Alan: Yes, I do. Do you have a meeting as well?
John: Yes.
Well. It was a pleasure seeing you.
Alan: Goodbye. 
Greeting someone when you are introduced. 
Once you have been introduced to someone, the next time you see that person it is important to greet them. We
also greet people as we leave people. In English (as in all languages), there are different ways to greet people in
formal and informal situations.
Introduction (first) Greeting:
How do you do?
Tom: Peter, I'd like to introduce you to Mr. Smith. Mr. Smith this is Peter Thompsen. 
Peter: How do you do?
Mr. Smith: How do you do?
The question 'How do you do' is only a formality. In other words, the question does not need to be answered.
Rather, it is a standard phrase used when meeting some for the first time.
Use these phrases to say that you are happy to meet someone when introduced for the first time.
It's a pleasure to meet.
It's nice to meet you.
Greetings after the Introduction
How are you?
Once you have met someone, it's common to use standard greetings such as 'Good Morning', 'How are you?'
and 'Hello'.
Jackson: Hi Tom. How are you?
Peter: Fine, and you? 
Jackson: I'm great. 
FIll in the blanks with an appropriate word for these formal and informal greetings. 
Saul: I'd like to ________ you to Mary. Mary this is Helen.
Helen: How do you _____.
Mary: _____ do you do.
Helen: It's _______ to meet you.
Mary: It's my __________.

Jason: I'm going home now. See you _____.

Paul: _____.
It's time for bed. Good _____!
Ron: Hey Jack. What's _____?
Jack: _______ much. I'm _______ watching TV.
Goodbye / Bye / Later
Nothing / Not - just 

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