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Purposive Communication

Jonallie P. Almonguera
Karyl Anne Abool
BSCE – 1A (GROUP 1) Ms. Mayflor Asurquin
Course Facilitator

TOPIC 2: Types of Communication

What is communication?
Communication is the sending and receiving of information and can be one-on-one or
between groups of people, and can be face-to-face through a common system of symbols, &
signs. Or in other words Communication is the act of giving, receiving, and sharing information,
in a way of talking, writing, listening or reading.

Means of communication
What is verbal communication?

Verbal communication is refers to the form of communication in which message is

transmitted verbally. It can therefore include both spoken and written communication. In other
words verbal communication, in which you listen to a person to understand their meaning

Two types of verbal communication

 Oral communication is communicating with spoken words. Where we communicate our
thoughts, ideas and share information. For Examples of oral communication like we are
having a conversations with friends, family, colleagues, presentations.
 Written communication involves any type of interaction that makes use of the written
word. From the word it self “writtesn” means the sending of messages, orders,
instructions in writing through letters, manuals, reports.


 Quickness in exchange of Ideas.  Lack of written proof.
 Quick feedback  Misuse of time.
 Flexibility.  Presence of both the parties
 Personal touch is necessary.
 Removal of misunderstanding


Oral communication is also helpful in getting quicker response from the receiver. The
speaker gets immediate response from the receiver. It thus provides immediate feedback to both
sender and receiver


 Suitable for lengthy messages  Unfit for those people who can’t read
 Written proof and write
 Clear message  Lack of secrecy
 Less expensive method  No quick feedback.


It provides a permanent record for future references. It is more operative than oral
communications. It is an ideal way of conveying lengthy messages.

Why is written communication a verbal communication?

Verbal communication is the use of words to share information with other people. It can
therefore include both spoken and written communication. However, many people use the term
to describe only spoken communication. Written communication also involves verbal and
nonverbal dimensions. The words you choose are considered as the verbal dimension. It's
important to remember that writing is also a form of verbal communication. After all, writing
uses words too.
What is non-verbal communication?
It sends cues to others using actions rather than words. This can include communication
using hand gestures, body language, facial expressions and tone of voice. In simple words refers
to the ways in which beings convey information about their emotions, needs, attitudes, intention
and thoughts without the use of verbal language.
Types of non-Verbal communication

 KINESIC (Body Language) - we communicate through by body movement. Kinesic

communication is one of the many ways we can communicate non-verbally. It is
processes of conveying messages without writing or uttering words.
Facial Expression Gesture

Posture Appearance
FACIAL EXPRESSION- they are the mirror of people’s thoughts and feelings. Facial expression
is the main channel we use to decode emotional states, reactions of others to a message.

GESTURE- reflects speakers' thoughts, often their unspoken thoughts. We use gesture to express
or convey the information.

POSTURE- communicate your comfort level, the way you sit, stand, and action towards a person
or conversation. Example: Someone might slouch their shoulders if they feel tired, frustrated or

APPERANCE-Our choice of clothing, hairstyle, and other appearance factors are also
considered a means of nonverbal communication.
 HAPTICS (Touch Language) - Refers to communicating through the use of bodily
contact, Touches that can be defined as communication include handshakes, holding
hands, kissing. Each of these give off nonverbal messages as to the touching person's

 SIGN LANGUAGE- commonly used by people who are deaf. Sign language is not
universal; people who are deaf from different countries speak different sign languages.
The gestures or symbols in sign language are organized in a linguistic way.
 PROXEMICS (Space Distancing) - a form of nonverbal communication or body
language in which messages are conveyed from one person to another by the changing
space that separates them during a conversation.

EXPLANATION: in this case, we

position ourselves in any way that
allow us to communicate while we
are keeping in a distance. For
example, you may prefer to sit in the
front or back of a classroom.

 CHRONEMICS (Time Language) - refers to the study of how time affects


EXPLANATION: Time management can influence lifestyles, daily agendas, speech speed,
movement, and how long people are willing to listen. Including, Punctuality, willingness to wait,
and other interactions are all aspects of time perception. For example in most countries, it is
acceptable for a head executive to arrive late for a meeting, but not for the subordinates.
 PARALANGUAGE - is nonverbal communication that attributes of speaking which
include the tone, volume, pitch, or manner of speaking. 

EXPLANATION: So it give some hint

about the speaker's state of mind and
emotions, and It also highly reflects the
speaker's personality and background.

There are five(5) forms of communication:

1. Interpersonal communication
2. Intrapersonal Communication
3. Small Group communication
4. One-to-group communication
5. Mass communication

1. Interpersonal communication - is the process of exchange of information, ideas and feelings
between two or more people through verbal or non-verbal methods.
EXPLANATION: Both personal and professional relationships can benefit from skills that
help you express your thoughts and convey your aim precisely. For example, when you are
talking or sharing ideas with your friends, teacher and classmates.
2. Intrapersonal Communication - is communication that occurs in your own mind. It is
the basis of your feelings, and beliefs.

EXPLANATION: when we say Intrapersonal Communication we are talking to ourselves, we

are doing acts of imagination and visualization, and even recall and memory. For example, when
we are making decisions, sometimes we are talking to ourselves of what we are needed to do.
Like mirror talk, silent talk, and written self talk.

3. Small Group communication – it is a communication within formal or informal group

or teams. A group interaction that results in decision making, problem solving and
discussion within an organization.
EXPLANATION: It is conversation between three or more people linked by a common goal,
mutual influence, and a shared identity. For example, it might be a team working planning
together on a project.
4. One-to-group communication – it involves a speaker who seeks to inform, or motivate
an audience.

EXPLANATION: is a form of communication in which one person is typically in charge of

conveying information to an audience. For example, School Orientation, Public Speaking, and
Press Conference.

5. Mass communication – communication through electronic gadgets such as mass media

like books, journals, TV, newspaper and etc.
EXPLANATION: The method of disseminating information and engaging in interaction
across various media platforms in order to reach a wide audience. For example, is the Political
campaigning, they used media to reach their message to the citizens of their nations. And another
example for the mass communication is the commercial advertisement, They are about to
promote their products in an effort to boost revenue, gain a new clients, or enhance awareness of
their goods and services.


Works Cited Alam, Q. (2015). oralcommunication. academia. Carlson, J. R., & George , J. F. (March
2004). what is communication. springerlink. Curry, M. J., & Lillis, t. (n.d.). hasson, G. (2010). what
is haptics. lillis, t., & curry, m. (december 2016). written communication. University of Rochester,
New York & Open University, Milton Keynes, United Kingdom: SAGE publishing. Patel, D. S.
(2012). kenesics. Shariff, N. M., & Ahmad, R. (2011). verbal communication.

Works Cited Alam, Q. (2015). oralcommunication. academia. Carlson, J. R., & George , J. F. (March
2004). what is communication. springerlink. Curry, M. J., & Lillis, t. (n.d.). hasson, G. (2010). what
is haptics. lillis, t., & curry, m. (december 2016). written communication. University of Rochester,
New York & Open University, Milton Keynes, United Kingdom: SAGE publishing. Patel, D. S.
(2012). kenesics. Shariff, N. M., & Ahmad, R. (2011). verbal communication.

Works Cited Alam, Q. (2015). oralcommunication.academia. Carlson, J. R., & George , J. F. (March
2004). what is communication. springerlink. Curry, M. J., & Lillis, t. (n.d.). hasson, G. (2010). what
is haptics. lillis, t., & curry, m. (december 2016). written communication. University of Rochester,
New York & Open University, Milton Keynes, United Kingdom: SAGE publishing. Patel, D. S.
(2012). kenesics. Shariff, N. M., & Ahmad, R. (2011). verbal communication.

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