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Chapter 17 Adap-ve Immunity: Speci8c Defenses of the Host

1) What type of immunity results from vaccina-on?

A) innate immunity
B) naturally acquired ac2ve immunity
C) naturally acquired passive immunity
D) ar28cially acquired ac2ve immunity
E) ar28cially acquired passive immunity
Answer: D

2) What type of immunity results from transfer of an-bodies from one individual to a suscep-ble
individual by means of injec-on?
A) innate immunity
B) naturally acquired ac2ve immunity
C) naturally acquired passive immunity
D) ar28cially acquired ac2ve immunity
E) ar28cially acquired passive immunity
Answer: E

3) What type of immunity results from recovery from mumps?

A) innate immunity
B) naturally acquired ac2ve immunity
C) naturally acquired passive immunity
D) ar28cially acquired ac2ve immunity
E) ar28cially acquired passive immunity
Answer: B

4) Which of the following is the best de8ni-on of epitope?

A) speci8c regions on an2gens that interact with T-cell receptors
B) speci8c regions on an2gens that interact with MHC class molecules
C) speci8c regions on an2gens that interact with haptens
D) speci8c regions on an2gens that interact with an2bodies
E) speci8c regions on an2gens that interact with perforins
Answer: D

5) Newborns immunity due to the transfer of an-bodies across the placenta is an example of
A) innate immunity.
B) naturally acquired ac2ve immunity.
C) naturally acquired passive immunity.
D) ar28cially acquired ac2ve immunity.
E) ar28cially acquired passive immunity.
Answer: C

6) Which of the following statements is NOT a possible outcome of an-gen-an-body reac-on?

A) clonal dele2on
B) ac2va2on of complement
C) opsoniza2on
E) agglu2na2on

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Chapter 17 Adap-ve Immunity: Speci8c Defenses of the Host

Answer: A

7) Which of the following cells is NOT an APC?

A) dentri2c cells
B) macrophages
C) mature B cells
D) natural killer cells
E) None of the answers is correct; all of these are APCs.
Answer: D

8) When an an-body binds to a toxin, the resul-ng ac-on is referred to as

A) agglu2na2on.
B) opsoniza2on.
D) apoptosis.
E) neutraliza2on.
Answer: E

9) CD4+ T cells are ac-vated by

A) interac2on between CD4+ and MHC II.
B) interac2on between TCRs and MHC II.
C) cytokines released by dendri2c cells.
D) cytokines released by B cells.
E) complement.
Answer: A

10) Which of the following recognizes an-gens displayed on host cells with MHC II?
A) TC cell
B) B cell
C) TH cell
D) natural killer cell
E) basophil
Answer: C

11) The speci8city of an an-body is due to

A) its valence.
B) the H chains.
C) the L chains.
D) the constant por2ons of the H and L chains.
E) the variable por2ons of the H and L chains.
Answer: E

12) Which of the following is NOT a characteris-c of B cells?

A) They originate in bone marrow.
B) They have an2bodies on their surfaces.
C) They are responsible for the memory response.
D) They are responsible for an2body forma2on.

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Chapter 17 Adap-ve Immunity: Speci8c Defenses of the Host

E) They recognize an2gens associated with MHC I.

Answer: E

13) Which of the following is NOT a characteris-c of cellular immunity?

A) The cells originate in bone marrow.
B) Cells are processed in the thymus gland.
C) It can inhibit the immune response.
D) B cells make an2bodies.
E) T cells react with an2gens.
Answer: D

14) Plasma cells are ac-vated by a(n)

A) an2gen.
B) T cell.
C) B cell.
D) memory cell.
Answer: A

15) The an-bodies found in mucus, saliva, and tears are

A) IgG.
B) IgM.
C) IgA.
D) IgD.
E) IgE.
Answer: C

16) The an-bodies found almost en-rely and only on the surface of B cells (not secreted from them),
and which always exist as monomers, are
A) IgG.
B) IgM.
C) IgA.
D) IgD.
E) IgE.
Answer: D

17) The an-bodies that can bind to large parasites are

A) IgG.
B) IgM.
C) IgA.
D) IgD.
E) IgE.
Answer: E

18) In addi-on to IgG, the an-bodies that can 8x complement are

A) IgM.
B) IgA.

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Chapter 17 Adap-ve Immunity: Speci8c Defenses of the Host

C) IgD.
D) IgE.
E) None of the answers is correct.
Answer: A

19) Large an-bodies that agglu-nate an-gens are

A) IgG.
B) IgM.
C) IgA.
D) IgD.
E) IgE.
Answer: B

20) The most abundant class of an-bodies in serum is

A) IgG.
B) IgM.
C) IgA.
D) IgD.
E) IgE.
Answer: A

Figure 17.1

21) In Figure 17.1, which le^er on the graph indicates the pa-ents secondary response to a repeated
exposure with the iden-cal an-gen?
A) a
B) b
C) c
D) d
E) e
Answer: C

22) In Figure 17.1, which le^er on the graph indicates the highest an-body -ter during the pa-ents
response to a second and dis-nct/di`erent an-gen?
A) a
B) b
C) c
D) d
E) e
Answer: E

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Chapter 17 Adap-ve Immunity: Speci8c Defenses of the Host

23) In Figure 17.1, the arrow at -me (c) indicates

A) the 2me of exposure to the same an2gen as at 2me (a).
B) the secondary response.
C) the primary response.
D) exposure to a new an2gen.
E) the T-cell response.
Answer: B

24) Which of the following statements is FALSE?

A) The variable region of a heavy chain is par2ally responsible for binding with an2gen.
B) The variable region of a light chain is par2ally responsible for binding with an2gen.
C) The Fc region aTaches to a host cell.
D) The constant region of a heavy chain is the same for all an2bodies.
E) All of the answers are correct.
Answer: D

25) Which of the following is the best de8ni-on of an-gen?

A) something foreign in the body
B) a chemical that elicits an an2body response and can combine with these an2bodies
C) a chemical that combines with an2bodies
D) a pathogen
E) a protein that combines with an2bodies
Answer: B

26) Which of the following WBCs are NOT lymphocytes?

A) cytotoxic T cells
B) helper T cells
C) NK cells
D) M cells
E) B cells
Answer: D

27) The following events elicit an an-body response. What is the third step?
A) An2gen-digest goes to surface of APC.
B) APC phagocy2zes an2gen.
C) B cell is ac2vated.
D) TH cell recognizes an2gen-digest and MHC II.
E) TH cell produces cytokines.
Answer: D

Figure 17.2

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Chapter 17 Adap-ve Immunity: Speci8c Defenses of the Host

28) In Figure 17.2, which areas are similar for all IgG an-bodies?
A) a and b
B) a and c
C) b and c
D) c and d
E) b and d
Answer: D

29) In Figure 17.2, which areas are di`erent for all IgM an-bodies?
A) a and b
B) a and c
C) b and c
D) c and d
Answer: A

30) In Figure 17.2, which areas represent an-gen-binding sites?

A) a and b
B) a and c
C) b and c
D) c and d
E) b and d
Answer: A

31) In Figure 17.2, what por-on will typically a^ach to a host cell?
A) a and c
B) b
C) b and c
D) a and d
E) e
Answer: E

32) Which of the following bacterial components would most likely result in B cell s-mula-on by T-
independent an-gens?
A) capsule
B) Vagellum
C) pili
D) ribosome
E) plasmid
Answer: A

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Chapter 17 Adap-ve Immunity: Speci8c Defenses of the Host

33) The presence of which of the following indicates a current infec-on rather than a previous
infec-on or vaccina-on?
A) IgA
B) IgG
C) IgM
D) IgD
E) IgE
Answer: C

34) Which of the following destroys virus-infected cells?

B) Treg
D) dendri2c cells
E) B cells
Answer: A

35) The following events occur in cellular immunity, leading to a response from TH cells. What is the
third step?
A) An2bodies are produced.
B) Dendri2c cell takes up an2gen.
C) An2gen enters M cell.
D) TH cell produces cytokines.
E) TH cells proliferate.
Answer: E

36) Cytokines released by TH1 cells

A) ac2vate CD8+ cells to CTLs.
B) convert TH1 cells to TH2 cells.
C) convert TH2 cells to TH1 cells.
D) kill parasites.
E) convert B cells to T cells.
Answer: A

37) Which one of the following causes transmembrane channels in target cells?
A) granzymes
B) hapten
C) IL-1
D) IL-2
E) perforin
Answer: E

38) At a minimum, the human immune system is capable of recognizing approximately how many
di`erent an-gens?
A) 105
B) 1010
C) 1015

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Chapter 17 Adap-ve Immunity: Speci8c Defenses of the Host

D) 1020
E) 1025
Answer: C

39) Thymic selec-on

A) destroys T cells that do not recognize self-molecules of MHC.
B) destroys B cells that make an2bodies against self.
C) destroys MHC molecules.
D) destroys CD4+ cells that aTack self.
E) ac2vates B cells.
Answer: A

40) Which of the following statements about natural killer cells is FALSE?
A) They destroy virus-infected cells.
B) They destroy tumor cells.
C) They destroy cells lacking MHC I.
D) They are s2mulated by an an2gen.
E) None of the answers are correct; all of these statements are true.
Answer: D

41) An an-bodys Fc region can be bound by

A) an2bodies.
B) macrophages.
C) T helper cells.
D) B cells.
E) CTLs.
Answer: B

42) A Treg cell de8ciency could result in

A) increased number of viral infec2ons.
B) increased number of bacterial infec2ons.
C) autoimmunity.
D) increased severity of bacterial infec2ons.
E) transplant rejec2on.
Answer: C

43) ADCC is a process that is most e`ec-ve in destroying

A) eukaryo2c pathogens.
B) prions.
C) extracellular viruses.
D) bacterial pathogens.
E) bacterial toxins.
Answer: A

44) IL-2, produced by TH cells,

A) ac2vates macrophages.
B) s2mulates TH cell matura2on.

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Chapter 17 Adap-ve Immunity: Speci8c Defenses of the Host

C) causes phagocytosis.
D) ac2vates an2gen-presen2ng cells.
E) ac2vates TC cells to CTLs.
Answer: B

45) Which of the following statements about IL-12 is FALSE?

A) It ac2vates macrophages.
B) It inhibits some tumor cells.
C) It ac2vates the TH1 pathway.
D) It causes autoimmune diseases.
E) It causes TH cells to respond to HIV.
Answer: D

1) Apoptosis results in signi8cant leakage of cellular contents.

Answer: FALSE

2) Cytokines are protein-based chemical messengers that allow for communica-on between cells of
the immune system.
Answer: TRUE

3) Only dendri-c cells produce interleukins.

Answer: FALSE

4) The produc-on of interferons at an infec-on site is cri-cal for chemotaxis.

Answer: FALSE

5) Cytokine storms nega-vely impact human health.

Answer: TRUE

6) The variable region of the an-body is solely responsible the signi8cant diversity of an-gen targets.
Answer: FALSE

7) Plasma cells will eventually di`eren-ate into memory cells.

Answer: FALSE

8) Memory cells do not require B cell receptors.

Answer: FALSE

9) The implementa-on of vaccina-ons occurred prior to experimental support for the germ theory of
Answer: TRUE

10) When haptens a^ach to carrier molecules, an epitope forms on hapten which then can be bound
to an-body.
Answer: FALSE

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