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MEEN 794 Selected Topics in Mechanical Engineering: Turbulence Theory and Modelling

Title Selected Topics in Mechanical Engineering: Turbulence Theory and Modelling

Code MEEN 794
Loading 3 credit hours (3-0-3)
Graduate level course on Fluid Mechanics and Computational Fluid Dynamics,
Pre-Requisite undergraduate numerical analysis, and partial differential equations, or
equivalents, computer programming skills
Instructor Imran Afgan and Abdallah S Berrouk
This advanced course is orientated towards turbulence theory and modelling using
advanced CFD techniques. The course will cover the main aspects of the
Catalogue turbulence theory followed by an in-depth explanation of turbulent flow
Description modelling techniques: Reynolds-Averaged Navier-Stokes (RANS) modelling,
Large Eddy Simulation (LES) and Direct Numerical Simulation (DNS).
Applications will be illustrated via simulations.
To develop in-depth understanding of turbulence theory and turbulent flow
modelling techniques specifically:
Goal • Statistical description of turbulent flows
• Scales of turbulent motion
• Turbulent flow handling
− Statistical Description of Turbulent Flows
− Scales of Turbulent Motion
− Solution methodology, boundary and initial conditions for turbulent flows
Contents − Reynolds-Averaged Navier-Stokes Modelling
− Large Eddy Simulation
− Direct Numerical Simulation
− Constraints and limitations in turbulence modelling
− Coherent Structures in Turbulent Flows, DMD, POD
Turbulence: An Introduction for Scientists and Engineers by Peter Davidson.
Oxford University Press; 2nd edition (August 11, 2015). ISBN-10:
Text Books
978-0198722595 : 9780198722595, ISBN-13
1. Turbulent Flows by S. B. Pope. Cambridge University Press. ISBN 0-521-
Recommended 591125-2
References 2. Computational Methods for Fluid Dynamics by J. H. Ferziger and M. Períc.
Springer, 3rd edition. ISBN 3-540-42074-6
Coursework 25%
Assessment Midterm exam 25%
Computer project 25%
Final Project 25%
Teaching and
Learning The course delivery includes lectures, flipped learning class discussions,
Methodologies coursework, and hands-on training using Finite volume solvers
1. Outline the fundamentals of Turbulence and Turbulent flows
2. Identify and formulate the mathematical and physical foundation of
turbulence modelling techniques
Course 3. Formulate Eddy viscosity and higher order non-linear RANS based turbulent
Learning closure models.
Outcomes 4. Demonstrate the working principle of transient higher order turbulence
modelling techniques - LES/DNS
5. Evaluate various turbulence modelling techniques to solve complex fluids
engineering problems.
Learning Outcomes Assessment Methodologies:

1 2 3 4 5
Course work ✓ ✓ ✓
Computer Project ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Mid-term Exam ✓ ✓ ✓
Final Project ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓

Schedule of Laboratory and other Non-Lecture Sessions

There will be four laboratory sessions in which students will have access to CFD packages. These will
be utilized to solve complex fluid mechanics problems. There will also be group discussion sessions
every 4 weeks.

Out-of-Class Assignments with due Dates

Assignment Due Date (tentative) Assignment Due Date (tentative)

Homework 1 Week 4
Homework 2 Week 10
Computer Project Week 7
Final Project Week 16

Typical Teaching Plan (2 lectures of 75 minutes each per week or equivalent)

Teaching Teaching
Week Week
1 Nature of turbulent flows, Random nature of turbulence, Characterization of random
variables, Random processes, Random fields
2 Energy cascade, Kolmogorov hypotheses, Energy spectrum, Structure functions,
3 Two-point correlations, Velocity spectra, Higher-order statistics, Intermittency,
Similarity hypotheses
4 Tensors, Velocity Gradient Tensor, Simplified Flows, Differential Operators,
Substantial Derivatives, Kinematic Properties of Fluids, Stokes Theorem, Divergence
Theorem, Gradient Theorem, Solution of Conservative form of Navier-Stokes
Equations (Finite Cell Volume calculation, Flux calculation, Temporal discretization,
Spatial discretization, Normalized Variable Diagram, Convective term treatment,
Diffusive term treatment), Deferred Correction and Properties of Numerical Methods
Introduction to Turbulence, Turbulence Closure, Gradient-Diffusion Hypothesis,
Turbulent-Viscosity Hypothesis, Statistical and Non-Statistical Approaches
Reynolds-Averaged Navier-Stokes Modelling (RANS Decomposition, K-Epsilon
8-9 model, RNG K-Epsilon model, K-Omega model, Mentors Shear Stress Transport
model, Reynolds Stress model SSG, LS, EBRSM and other cubic models)
Implicit and Explicit filtering, Large Eddy Simulation (Smagorinsky model, Dynamic
10-12 Smagorinsky model, Wall Adapting Large Eddy model, Scale Similarity models,
Mixing Length models)
13 Direct Numerical Simulation
Constraints and limitations in turbulence modelling (Grid resolution, time and space
discretization, index of quality)
Coherent Structures in Turbulent Flows, DMD and POD, Introduction to practical
problems (Channel flow, flow over cylinders), Wall functions and wall Treatments

Course Contribution to Program Learning Outcomes

No. Program Learning Outcomes Emphasis Level Relation to
1 Identify, formulate, and solve advanced mechanical
engineering problems through the application of modern
H 1-5
tools and techniques and advanced knowledge of
mathematics and engineering science.
2 Acquire knowledge of contemporary issues in the field of
H 1-5
mechanical engineering.
3 Design and conduct experiments, as well as analyse,
N ---
interpret data and make decisions.
4 Conduct research and document and defend the research
H 1-5
5 Function on teams and communicate effectively. M 5
6 Conduct themselves in a professional and ethical manner. M 5
Emphasis Level: H: High; M: Medium; L: Low; N: Nothing specific

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