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Turbulence Theory and Modelling
Spring 2023
Dr. Imran Afgan
Associate Professor Khalifa University, UAE
SAN campus, Arzanah 276
Phone: +971 2 312 4258
Mobile: +971 50 774 2506

Lectures: Tuesdays and Thursdays: 15:30-16:45, SAN 1105

Spring 2023 MEEN-794 Turbulence Theory and Modelling Dr. Imran Afgan
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Course Outline
Catalogue Description:
This advanced course is orientated towards turbulence theory and modelling using advanced CFD techniques. The
course will cover the main aspects of the turbulence theory followed by an in-depth explanation of turbulent flow
modelling techniques: Reynolds-Averaged Navier-Stokes (RANS) modelling, Large Eddy Simulation (LES) and Direct
Numerical Simulation (DNS). Applications will be illustrated via simulations.

Unit Assessment Weightage

Coursework (2 to 3) 25%
Computer Project/Lab 25%
Mid-Term exam 25%
Final Project 25%

Learning Outcomes
• Outline the fundamentals of Turbulence and Turbulent flows
• Identify and formulate the mathematical and physical foundation of turbulence modelling techniques
• Formulate Eddy viscosity and higher order non-linear RANS based turbulent closure models
• Demonstrate the working principle of transient higher order turbulence modelling techniques - LES/DNS
• Evaluate various turbulence modelling techniques to solve complex fluids engineering problems.

Spring 2023 MEEN-794 Turbulence Theory and Modelling Dr. Imran Afgan
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Spring 2023 MEEN-794 Turbulence Theory and Modelling Dr. Imran Afgan
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Working for
a Solution

Testing &
Analysis Solution Technique


Spring 2023 MEEN-794 Turbulence Theory and Modelling Dr. Imran Afgan
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Solution Technique

Analytical Computational Experimental

Problem Understanding /
Literature Review

Making Analytical/ Making a Physical

Numerical Model Model

Algorithm Implementation
Running Experiments

Obtaining Results

Spring 2023 MEEN-794 Turbulence Theory and Modelling Dr. Imran Afgan
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Course Contents
Teaching Week Topics
1 Nature of turbulent flows, Random nature of turbulence, Characterization of random variables, Random
processes, Random fields
2 Energy cascade, Kolmogorov hypotheses, Energy spectrum, Structure functions,
3 Two-point correlations, Velocity spectra, Higher-order statistics, Intermittency, Similarity hypotheses
4 Tensors, Velocity Gradient Tensor, Simplified Flows, Differential Operators, Substantial Derivatives, Kinematic
Properties of Fluids, Stokes Theorem, Divergence Theorem, Gradient Theorem, Solution of Conservative form
of Navier-Stokes Equations (Finite Cell Volume calculation, Flux calculation, Temporal discretization, Spatial
discretization, Normalized Variable Diagram, Convective term treatment, Diffusive term treatment), Deferred
Correction and Properties of Numerical Methods
Introduction to Turbulence, Turbulence Closure, Gradient-Diffusion Hypothesis, Turbulent-Viscosity
Hypothesis, Statistical and Non-Statistical Approaches
Reynolds-Averaged Navier-Stokes Modelling (RANS Decomposition, K-Epsilon model, RNG K-Epsilon model, K-
8-9 Omega model, Mentors Shear Stress Transport model, Reynolds Stress model SSG, LS, EBRSM and other cubic
Mid-term Exam
Implicit and Explicit filtering, Large Eddy Simulation (Smagorinsky model, Dynamic Smagorinsky model, Wall
Adapting Large Eddy model, Scale Similarity models, Mixing Length models)
13 Direct Numerical Simulation
Constraints and limitations in turbulence modelling (Grid resolution, time and space discretization, index of
Coherent Structures in Turbulent Flows, DMD and POD, Introduction to practical problems (Channel flow, flow
over cylinders), Wall functions and wall Treatments

Spring 2023 MEEN-794 Turbulence Theory and Modelling Dr. Imran Afgan

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