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Test 2  Listening Test 2  Reading

Section 1 Section 4
1 A ‘could you let me know if that’s still the case and 22 B The receipt needs to be for the item bought, which
whether it’s still at the Shaker building, please?’ makes it valid. Genuine means not fake which is different.
2 A ‘Here’s a few of the ideas we have… I’ll give you time to recent is not appropriate as it could be a receipt for a
look at each of them and discuss what you think in your different item.
groups’ 23 C You say enthusiasm for not in. You say history of and it’s
3 C ‘the people like me who check that all the facts in the not the word you’d use here.
script are correct’ 24 A regular repeats previous information, the same has
4 C ‘Thank you for giving up your valuable time… . Make nothing to refer back to. Alternate means first one then
sure the sand is flat when you leave the beach to go the other so it is correct here.
back to your resort.’ 25 B contributions and sales cannot be raised
5 A ‘rough out there… if you keep looking at the 26 B victory = on top. Just behind and at first do not fit the
horizon… the controls… I’ll go outside and see what’s context
Section 5
6 C ‘can’t wait to chill out… I’m seriously running out of
27 C ‘There is no guarantee of when he`]ll be required’ He
says the pay is reasonable (quite good) so not A, and he
7 B ‘…I don’t think that’s significant… the fact that they’re
doesn’t mind waiting around, so not B.
made from abandoned vehicles is though – I think that’s
28 A ‘due to pressure of academic work in the period leading
where they differ…’
up to exams’ He has to turn film work down (say ‘no’ to)
8 C ‘…I just hope that it stays on the track… And that
so not B, and wants to do more in future so not C.
they’ve got all the safety procedures in place’
29 B ‘sometimes students are unable to commit’ A is
9 B ‘It would’ve been good to have more instruction’
incorrect – it is an ‘honest agency’ but we don’t know
10 C ‘you’re making a dip to serve later, put the avocado
that students have to work for an agency like this. The
stone in the middle of the dip to stop it from going
fees are free, so C is not the key.
brown…. ‘
30 C ‘The money varies depending on whether it’s a
Section 2 commercial or a music video’ Sometimes the agency
11 Yoga is an ancient form of exercise. It involves stretching, needs people who look unusual but there’s nothing to
which strengthens the muscles. In addition, the complex say it prefers them, so A is not correct and if you don’t
breathing exercises increase the circulation of oxygen in work you still get paid, so not B.
the body. Practising yoga regularly not only reduces stress 31 B ‘you need patience / For this reason, he believes the job
levels, it can also improve your quality of sleep. is not for everyone’ He has a passion for acting but he
doesn’t say you need to, so A is not the key. To say that
Section 3
work is fun is different from needing a sense of humour,
12 onion ‘onion is in everything we cook’
so not C.
13 feast ‘We call each day’s food a feast,’
14 £149 ‘is £99 for three weeks and £149 for the six-week Section 6
course’ 32 identify them ‘…your first challenge will be to locate (find)
15 you’ve paid the fee ‘Your place won’t be confirmed until the various insects … before you go on to identify them…’
you’ve paid the fee’ 33 our countryside team ‘…should assistance (help) be
16 allergies ‘let us know of any allergies… we take these into required, our countryside team will be available…’
account, your preferences are also important to us but we 34 the whole day / a day / one day ‘…the majority of (most)
might not meet everybody’s expectations’ visitors prefer to spend the whole day exploring…’
17 habit ‘make saving money a habit’ 35 provide valuable data ‘…the results of your investigations
18 50% ‘Fifty percent is ideal’ will provide valuable data.’ This data will help the
19 water ‘Money can be like water sometimes’ conservation team.
20 afford ‘buy what you can afford’
21 fear of missing out ‘avoid FOMO in other words the fear of
missing out’

1 Pearson PTE General B2 (Level 3) Answer Key  ©  Pearson Education Limited 2020 PHOTOCOPIABLE  
36 fierce competition ‘As there is fierce competition for this, The library workers can explain how to borrow books, and
you might not be lucky…’ the IT team will help with any computer issues.
37 near other students ‘…being near other students… more You’ll have the chance to find out about different student
important…’ organisations, including lots of sports activities, the chess
38 cost ‘…put cost as their main priority…’ society, the photography club, and many more. The
39 free Wi-Fi ‘…properties with basic cooking equipment and Students’ Union staff will also be there and can give you
free Wi-Fi… top of their ‘wish list’…’ advice on anything from hiring a bicycle to where the
nearest supermarket is. This is a great opportunity to get
Section 7
some practical help, make new friends, and meet other
40 fee-paying international students
international students.
41 higher education
[199 words]
42 horror fiction
B Sample answer
43 advanced learning skills
Schools around the world tend to teach traditional subjects
44 online discussion areas
such as maths, people’s first language, history, geography,
45 Educational Technology
science, and foreign languages. However, if the aim of all
46 (real) challenge
those years at school is to provide a wide education that
Test 2  Writing prepares young people for their future lives, I believe that
some more practical skills should be introduced.
Section 8
First of all, students spend a great deal of time learning
47 Sample answer
facts, such as the names of kings and queens, when they
Hi Laura,
lived, and what they did. Although these things may be
I know you’re interested in doing a MOOC. I think that’s
important for history, they are not of much practical use in
a great idea! You said that you wanted to get a maths
today’s rapidly changing world.
qualification because it would help you get a place at
Another reason for introducing practical subjects into
university. You could study at home whenever you wanted
general education is that many young people leave school
to with a MOOC.
without vital life skills such as being able to cook for
However, it might not be easy. Many people start MOOC
themselves, drive a car, or look after their money without
courses, but don’t finish them. I think it’s because in a
getting into debt.
classroom you can ask the teacher a question if you have a
All in all, in my opinion, if they could do all the above-
problem. You can’t do that on a MOOC course.
mentioned things, they would be better equipped for adult
I’m sure you will succeed. Just make sure you have a clear
life after school. Not only that, but their motivation might
goal in your mind and manage your time wisely.
increase assuming that the practical side of learning was
Best wishes,
made clear; this is what all schools should aim at.
[192 words]
[114 words]

Section 9 Test 2  Speaking

48 A Sample answer
Section 10
Are you an international student who has just arrived
to study at the college? If so, you mustn’t miss our TOPIC 1: Free time
‘International Students’ Welcome Fair’! This event will take I prefer to be in a place with nature because I enjoy being out
place on Tuesday 20th September from 3 p.m. to 5 p.m. in in the fresh air and going walking or hiking outdoors.
the Students’ Union Building. In my area, we have some beautiful parks where you can go
The fair is specially designed to meet the needs of and relax with friends or walk your dog. I like to go there at the
international students. There will be people from different weekend to spend time with my friends.
organisations who can offer you help and advice about Very calm and relaxed. If I’m feeling stressed, being surrounded
a wide range of practical matters. For example, if you by nature helps me to calm down and focus on what’s really
want to know how to open a bank account, there will important in life.
be employees from several local banks. If you have any It’s rather important. I take all the necessary steps to take care
questions about visas, you can ask the college admin staff. of our planet and respect wildlife.

2 Pearson PTE General B2 (Level 3) Answer Key  ©  Pearson Education Limited 2020 PHOTOCOPIABLE  
Yes, definitely. When I go out for a walk in the woods, for I would probably buy a good quality coat because my old one
example, I realise that there are lot of plants whose names I is in poor condition.
don’t know.
Section 11
TOPIC 2: Timekeeping
Sample answer
I think that was last week when I woke up a bit late for work
Yes, I think that people definitely should stop relying on their
because I didn’t hear my alarm. Then I really had to hurry up to
mobile phones. There are lots of reasons why it’s a bad idea to
get dressed and eat my breakfast so I could get to the bus in
do that – for example, if you rely on your phone too much, you
become a bit obsessed with it. I know people who can’t stop
I’d say I’m quite stressed out and nervous – it isn’t a nice feeling!
looking at their phone, even while they’re having a meal with
I’m often nearly late, but it’s rare for me to actually be late. I
other people.
often start getting ready to do something too late, but then I
I take your point, but don’t people use their phones so much
hurry and I actually get there on time.
because they’re such a convenient way of communicating with
Sometimes yes because we shouldn’t pay much attention to
other people and getting information?
things that are not that important and focus on those which
Yes, but what about face-to-face communication? That’s more
require much effort.
important than sending people messages on your phone and
I’d say things that require a lot of concentration or precision.
you can feel a stronger connection to people when you talk to
TOPIC 3: Family
them face-to-face.
Last weekend I visited my grandmother who lives in Reading. I
OK, but at least you never feel bored if you have a mobile phone.
drove over to her house and took her some cakes I had made. I
If you’re bored, using your mobile phone isn’t the only thing
told her all about what I’ve been doing since we last saw each
you can do – there are so many other more interesting things
you can do instead, like reading a book or playing a sport.
I often meet my relatives because we live close to each other.
We usually talk and play board games – my family is really Well but you can use a phone in many different ways, for example
competitive so it’s always a challenge. for banking or meditation apps. Some people just feel happier and
Probably with my brother and my sister because they are my more secure having a phone with them.
best friends. We have so much fun when we’re together – we You might be right but think about a situation when you lose
know exactly how to make each other laugh and, of course, this phone. It would probably be disastrous for most people.
we have lots of the same memories so we talk about the good Having all the banking details on my mobile, it would only
times we had when we were growing up together. make me feel more anxious. I think we should at least try and
I think we can learn a lot from them because they have so spend some time without our devices each week and not
much more life experience than we do. If you ever have a depend on them so much!
problem, they’ve probably had the same problem at some Section 12A
point in their lives so they can give you good advice.
Sample answer
TOPIC 4: Style In the first picture, I can see a family walking their dog in
It isn’t very important to me because I don’t think the clothes the woods. The little girl is holding the dog’s lead and walking
you choose have any influence on how you feel or how other ahead of her mum and dad with her little brother next to her.
people see you. I’d rather spend my money on things like It looks like it’s an autumn day because there are lots of brown
books instead. leaves on the ground. The little girl is smiling so she must enjoy
Not really. Although I don’t like it when people wear very walking her dog.
bright clothes that are difficult to look at. I think darker colours In the second picture, I can see two little boys who are feeding
are better. chickens at a farm. The boys are wearing shorts so it must be
I don’t think they can tell you what someone’s personality is summer. All of the chickens have crowded around close to the
like, but they can tell you how important a person’s appearance fence because they want to get the food the boys are offering
is to them. I sometimes find that if someone’s appearance is them – I think it’s grain or something like that.
important to them and they’re wearing fancy and expensive Because they enjoy being with the animals. You can do nice
clothes, they might not be very confident. things with them like go for walks in the woods, and they can
Me and my friends sometimes watch videos of people dressing make those experiences more enjoyable because they’re so
for some fashion events and have a lot of fun discussing the happy and playful. It’s also nice to see how pleased they are

3 Pearson PTE General B2 (Level 3) Answer Key  ©  Pearson Education Limited 2020 PHOTOCOPIABLE  
when you give them some food or tickle them, for example. But what shall I do if there’s a problem?
I think keeping animals is a very good thing for old people, If there’s a problem, you can call me and I can give you some
especially if they live alone, because it helps them to feel advice over the phone. Or if you can’t reach me, you could
less lonely. always ask my neighbour for help. I just don’t want to ask him
to look after the cat because he’s quite old and can’t walk very
Section 12B
Sample answer
OK, then I’ll look after your cat for you.
In the first picture, I can see a lot of traffic on a motorway in
a big city. It looks like it might be Beijing or another huge city Section 13B
in Asia. There are lots of tall office buildings or blocks of flats Sample answer
on either side of the motorway. You can’t tell if the traffic is I think learning to drive would be very useful for you. You
moving or if it’s stopped moving, but it looks like it’s difficult should do it.
to get anywhere fast on this road. There must be a lot of
How would it help me in my day-to-day life?
pollution from the traffic in this place too.
Well, you could get to work faster and more easily, you can
In the second picture, I can see a man and a woman driving
drive to the supermarket in your car and put all the shopping in
through the countryside in an open-top sports car. It is a sunny
the boot of the car so you don’t have to carry heavy shopping
day and the woman looks very happy – she has put her arms
bags. And if you want to enjoy yourself at the weekend, you
up in the air in excitement at the thrilling open-top ride. The
could go for a relaxing drive in the countryside.
scenery they’re driving through looks beautiful – there’s a river
That all sounds lovely, but isn’t it expensive to take driving lessons?
to their right and some mountains in the distance.
Not really. Just think about how much money you spend
If you have a car in the city, you can use it to get to work. It
on things like cups of coffee or sweets which you don’t really
means that you don’t have to travel in a crowded commuter
need? If you just stopped buying things you don’t really need
train and you can probably leave for work a bit later. But, of
for a little while, you’d have enough money to pay for driving
course, you might waste time in traffic jams, which can be very
frustrating. In the second picture, we can see how great it can
be to just be able to go wherever you want in a car. It’s easy to I’m worried I won’t be a very good driver though. I might not even
travel to places that would be very difficult to reach by public pass the test!
transport and just go at your own pace and enjoy yourself. But you can’t possibly know that you aren’t a very good driver
until you try it. Billions of people around the world can drive,
Section 13A
what makes you think that you aren’t as good as all of them?
Sample answer
Yes, that’s a good point. I will give learning to drive a try.
I’m going on holiday for a week. Would you mind looking
after my cat while I’m away? You live really near to me, so it
wouldn’t be very inconvenient for you to come over, would it?
I wouldn’t say that I live that near – it takes me about 20
minutes in the car to get to your house. That’s a long way to
travel. What kind of care does your pet need?
He just needs you to feed him and change his litter tray
once a day.
Well, I suppose that’s not very much, but I don’t have very much
experience of looking after animals.
You don’t need experience. All you have to do is open a tin of
cat food, pour into his bowl and then take out the litter from
the litter tray and put some clean litter in. Anybody could do it.

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