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Chart 5048 an a2 a3. {At 1000 hrs an observer observed the following :- Hook head Lt (52° 07.3" N,006” 55.8'W) and Conning beg Lt VsI ( 52° 02.4" N,006°39.4” W) were on reciprocal bearings and same time vertical sextant angle of Hook Head Lt Ho was 16'Sea level was 1.5m below MHWS and LE was 1.6 Nhe arc. Find the Vessel’s position. From this position find the compass course to steer to arrive at a position of 3 miles due south of Mine Head Light Ho ( 51” 59.6" N,007°35.2'W}.Current was setting Northerly at 2 Kts and Southerly wind causing a Lee way of 3°.Card NO-2; Varn:-2° E, E.spd :-12 kts CHART 5048 229 '3 o> ANS:-Position :-Lat :- 52° 05.1'N,006° 48.5'W CTS 240° (T), Comp Co (Co) At 1000 hrs a vessel steering 256°(T) at certain speed Kinsale A - East platform (51°22" N,007° 57°W) bore 206° (4"),at 1030 hrs it bore 166° (£) and gain at 1120 hrs it bore 130° (f').During this period the current was setting 010° (T) at 3 Kts.Find the vessel's position at 1000 hrs, Engine speed and CMG, CHART 5048 ANS:- Position at 1000 hrs 12.1Kts. Lat 51° 28'N,Long 007° 48'W. CMG:- 286° (T) Eng Spd :- A vessel navigating near East of Kinsale Oilfields observes the following ‘At 2100 hours Kinsale A- East platform (51°22 N, 007° 57’ W) and Kinsale B- West platform ( 51°22.5' N,008° 01’ W) in transit on a bearing 2606). Later the visibility reduces to zero. The ship is steering a course 317%G). Current is setting SW'ly ar 2 kts.€ spd 12 kts. Finc:- i) Gyro error ii)Safe course by gyro to alter so as to safely pass 3 n.m South of Old Head Kinsale Light (51° 36° N, 008° 32’ W) li) Time of alteration. CHART 5048 ANSWER :- GE: 2°(H), CO: 266°(G) , TIME :- 2242 HRS, ‘AL 1900 hrs your vessel is Sn,m South of Tuskar Rocks and has to nnde2vous with another vessel to pickup cargo hoses. vessel has just dropped Pilot at Cork Harbou Pilot station and steering a course of 130°(T} at 10 kts. The current in the area is, expected to set SW'ly at 15 kts throughout. Determine the following i) Course to steer and E.Spd required to Rendezvous at da ii) The Rendezvous position. break Le at 600 hrs, ANS i CTS 1789(T) ;SPO 8.2 Kts DMG :- 106.7 (POSITION QUT SIDE THE CHART) CHART No:- $048. Qs. a6. W) at 2100 hrs, After dropping Pilot at Cork Harbour Pilot Station ( 51° 45’ N, 008° 15. «Met a vessel sailed on a course of 120°(T) at 10 kts with current setting 150°(T) at 3 kts. Visibility was prevailing throughout 5 n.m.Master altered course as soon as Roche's point Lt Ho( 51° 47.5’ N, 008° 15.4’ W) is Last seen, to pass Mine Head Lt Ho(51°59.5" N,007° 35’ W] 5 n.m on her Port side .Find time and position when :- Roche's point Lt House is Last seen Mine Head Lt Ho will be First seen. PLR of Roche's point it Ho 11.9’ ,G.R :- 18.7", N.R :-20', 1" CMG :- 127(Ti, 51° 38,9’ N, Long 008° 02.4’ W. ii) ANSWER: SMG :- 12.5Kts i) Time = 2248 h ion Lat 0s 26.3’ First sighted ii)2 nd CMG:- 050° (T) SMG:- 9.1 kts; PLR of Mine Head :- 11.9’ GI Time of Mine Head ;- 23h 29.5 m; Position Lat:- 51° 38.9” N, 008° 02.4’ W. ‘At 0400 hrs Ballyna courty Lt Ho(52° 04.7" N,0079 33’ W) bore 314°(T} , Radar distance 5 nim , Vessel then sailed on a certain course at a speed 10 kts with current setting 000°(T) at 3 kts, southerly wind causing a Lee way of 5°. At 0500 hrs Vessel altered course to 112°(T) to pass Conning beg Lt Vessel ( 52° 02.5! N,006? 39" W) bearing 356°(T) , distance 5 n.m. Find i) Course steered from 0400 hrs to 0500 brs. ii) Time when Conning beg Lt Vs! will be abeam on her Port side. Current , wind and E.Spd remained same throughout. ANSWER:- i) 142°(T) 11) 0710 hrs. ce of A medical emergency occurs aboard a target ship which bears 143°( T) ata dist 175 n.m from you. The target ship's course and speed are 280"(T) x 15 Your vessels: Eng speed 20 kts. Current in this area was setting 200°(T) at 2 kts. What course you must steer to make the rendezvous in the shortest possible time. What wil! be tie CTA of the rendezvous if the time is now 0800 hrs ? ANS :- 174°(T), 1412 HRS. At 1900 hrs a vessel is 5 n.m South of Tusker rocks (52° 12.2’ N,006? 12.4’ W) and fias «o rendezvous with another vessel to pickup cargo hoses .This vessel has just dropped pilot at Cork harbor Pilot station ( 51°45" N, 008° 15.4” W) and steering a course of 130°(T) at 10 kts.The current in the area was expected to set SW'ly at 1.5 kts throu Determine the following:- i)The course and speed required to rendezvous at morning 0600 hrs. ii) The rendezvous position ANS:- CTS :- 178°(T) ,E.SPD :- 8.2 KTS;

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