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Bw 1 2 10 n 12 13 14 15 500 Most Repetitive SSC One Word Substitutions nz Hindi Ezy Infallible that never fails // always doing what itis 3rqq5 u supposed to do = Misogynist a person who dislikes women arora a ae aetarenr Philanthropist a rich person who helps the poor and those in need, especially by giving money a large number of state officials who are not elected, ra feat 13 Misanthrope a person who hates and avoids other araaqaut people : Bureaucracy _a system of government in which there are sitarremét QO \ 10 Cannibal a person who eats human flesh Claustrophobia an extreme fear of being in a small confined! place ya seattes Se in argarét x 10 Egoist a person who thinks he/she See 10 other people and who th id \alks too much about himself /pérgelf Elegy a poem/song irdsses sadness, ghana 10 especially for sofgebady Who has died Epilogue ae of a play, book, or suger 10 ie Yh¢t comments on or acts asa 1n to WKat has happened Epitaph mn on a tombstone wart-ae 10 Fastidious reful that every detail is correct // gqRTea 10 ing things to be dirty/ untidy Inevital it you cannot avoid prevent araftert 10 Oligécl a form of government in which only asmall aaterdt 10 group of pial hold all the power Optimi: a person who always expects good things 37rgrarét 10 to happen or things to be successful S&S fanacea something that will solve all the problems ra7ayor 10 of a particular situation Altruist someone who makes charitable donations qgtererét 9 intended to increase human wellbeing Geet aret (© gmaths.n (No part may be copied, distributed of reproduced without written permission) {or constructive comments, suggestions for improvements or enquiry email us at a 18 19 20 2 22 23 24 7 28 29 30 31 32 33, 36 37 Black book of English Vocabulary: 500 Most Repetitive SSC One Word Substitutions a ‘Aristocracy Atheist Calligraphy Connoisseur Fatalist Invincible Mercenary Ascetic Carnivorous Cartography Etymology Homicide Iconoclast Ilegil Incomigtbl Patricide Philatelist En the rule by nobles / government by person 3g Gait 3 of highest social order Zant TST ae a person who believes that god does not arftaa exist food or music a person who believes that events are decided by fate and cannot be controlled. too strong to be defeated /changed. a soldier who will fight for at OE country/group that offers payment e a person who lives in a simple! anedt way, without physical pl : ally for religious reasons s, Hermits, saints) animals that eat ieee the art or prages\oPurawing or making apafarartt ‘maps killing somebody deliberately rar goa ifficult/ impossible to read SERS having bad habits which cannot be area changed or improved the condition of being unable to sleep ater giving unfair advantages to your own sqg-srftsTare family if you are in a position of power, especially by giving them jobs no longer used because something new has 3yyaf@ter been invented the crime of killing your father fearar ae a person who collects or studies stamps grad Rane AT (© gmaths.n (No part may be copied, distributed or reproduced without written permission) {or constructive comments, suggestions for improvements or enquiry email us at 86n who criticizes popular beliefs/ fara atget ara 8 stablished customs and ideas 9 beautiful handwriting that you do with a gar 9 special pen/brush, an expert on matters involving the agra judgmental beauty, quality or skill in art, QO 9 9 9 8 oo ow a 38 39 40 41 2 43, 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 Black book of English Vocabulary: 500 Most Repetitive SSC One Word Substitutions En Stoic a person who is able to suffer pain/trouble 3ergftar without complaining/showing what they are feeling Alien hostile, strange and frightening // faaet different from what you are used to Amateur a person who likes to take part in a sport/ gitter cafe other activity for enjoyment, not as a job Amnesia a medical condition in which somebody syqatt dant partly/ completely loses his memory Anarchy a situation in a country, an organization, QO etc. in which there is no government, 7 7 order/control Anthropology the study of human race, especially of its, ar 7 origin, development, customs and beliefs Archives a collection of his documents/records of a goveygmen family, a place or an organi: Credible that can be believed or faraaetrr Effeminate looking, behaving/ séqns agirl Feminist a person wl Se the belief that artarét women sl fhay-the same rights and opportunities men ler of & whole race or a group of aRere Genocide Gullible ‘cked because of being too trusting aaa ® ethan Honosarium~ya payment made for somebody's raga professional services // a fee paid for a nominally free service Imposter a person who pretends to be somebody else gfaft in order to trick people Cc Insolvent a person not having enough to pay whathe fearfear 54 55 56 owes Itinerary aplan of a journey, including the route and aap arréarat the places that you visit ‘Monarchy a system of government by a king/a queen 7-43 Obituary a notice of someone's death (with his life gitar w&er and achievements) Ornithology _ the scientific study of birds cehfasarer (© gmaths.n (No part may be copied, distributed or reproduced without written permission) {or constructive comments, suggestions for improvements or enquiry email us at x Bw 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 9 74 Black book of English Vocabulary: 500 Most Repetitive SSC One Word Substitutions i Plutocracy Polyglot Sinecure Amnesty Aquatic Archaeology Biography Cynic Emigrant Extempore Fanatic Hermit /Numismatist Ode Pedant Philology fn ‘government by the richest people of a efes ary country a person who knows, uses/writes in more agar than one language a job that you are paid for even though it arag far involves little/no work me Po HH a 7 eT an official statement that allows people ag. ©; who have been put in prison for crimes against the state to go free ‘growing or living in, or near water the study of cultures of the past, and of periods of history by examining the remains of buildings and objects fourtt{ int the ground the story of a person‘ somebody else someone who is criti others wi by shaer motives of fag a person whoreat country to live in 3eyargft another without any previous faaraarit & in who, usually for religious reasons, wapicrareft ive’ a very simple life alone and does not eet talk to other people a mental illness in which somebody has a agra strong desire, which they cannot control, to steal things : bled well-known for being bad ae a person who collects or studies coins or greet medals a poem that speaks «to. atersf. person/thing/celebrates a special event person who pays more attention to formal =farét rules and book learning than they merit the scientific study of the development of smremet language or of a particular language (© gmaths.n (No part may be copied, distributed or reproduced without written permission) {or constructive comments, suggestions for improvements or enquiry email us at o a ao Black book of English Vocabulary: 500 Most Repetitive SSC One Word Substitutions SO En Ezy 75 RedTapism the practice of requiring excessive ge-anft 6 paperwork and tedious procedures before official action can be considered/ completed 76 Reticent unwilling to tell people about things / one 3reqair 6 who speaks less 77 Sacrilege an act of treating a holy thing or place 3rafefteror | & without respect 78 Sonnet a poem that has 14 lines, each containing 10° arr syllables, and a fixed pattern of rhyme 79 ‘Theocracy government of a country by religious 6 leaders 80 Xenophobia _a fear of people from other countries ar 6 aT 81 Abolish formally put an end toa system, pra yr aT 5 institution 82 Accomplice a person who helps another_to a agar 5 crime/ to do something 83 Agenda a list of items to be dis tameeting arta 5 84 Apiary a place where bees t muna 5 Urata EIT 85 Aquarium eee? fiand water plants are arate 5 kept 86 Atheism the belidighat god does not exist anfterar 5 87 Autocracy as Of government of a country in waa 5 yne person has complete power 88 Aviary ice where birds are kept cafes: 5 89 Ball: ‘a song/poem that tells a story aera 5 90 Biblidyfap] alist of books or articles about a particular geet 5 subject or by a particular author a person who has very strong, aeeqeuffa | unreasonable beliefs or opinions about race, religion/ politics and who will not listen to/ accept the opinions of anyone who disagrees aperson who is involved with the arts, who fart 5 lives in a very informal way without following accepted rules of behaviour 93 Brittle hard but easily broken ae 5 94 Chauffeur a person whose job is to drive a car, stewarmn 5 especially for somebody rich/important (© gmaths.n (No part may be copied, distributed or reproduced without written permission) {or constructive comments, suggestions for improvements or enquiry email us at Bw 95 96 7 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 5 12 113 14 {or constructive comments, suggestions for improvements or enquiry email us at Black book of English Vocabulary: 500 Most Repetitive SSC One Word Substitutions iw fn Cosmopolitan a person who has the experience of many yaefter different parts of the world Democracy a country in which all the people of the sada country can vote to elect their representatives Dictatorship _a form of government by a ruler who has 34ftyqrracd complete power over a country, especially ‘one who has gained it using military force Eccentric a person who is considered by other people geht to be strange/unusual Entomology _the scientific study of insects 5 Epicure a person who enjoys food and drink of high quality and knows a lot about it Ethnology the scientific study and comparison_of at human races Exonerate to officially state that somebdtiy is ot atharcar more of somethi can afford or than is necessai responsible for something, that hi en blamed for Extravagant spending a lot of Ss sing alot fragrant hao} Fauna all the ani lin in an area or ina yaraat particular petigd of history ~ Fratricide the crifftg of killfg your brother/sister aaqera Glutton a Hypochondriac\*worridd all the time about your health and gyarsraft J’ving that you are ill sick when there is fothing wrong with you a person who pretends to have moral gregh Hy) standards/ opinions that they do not actually have ant a person who comes to a country where 3rqareit they were not born in order to settle there Inaudible that you cannot hear 30a Incredible impossible/ difficult to believe aafaeaaster Indefatigable never giving up or getting tired of doing 3yey something Indigenous Originating or occurring naturally in the zageft place or country where found // native Ineffable too great/beautiful to describe in words 3yqvfefrer (© gmaths.n (No part may be copied, distributed or reproduced without written permission) Bw 115, 116 17 118 n9 120 121 122 123, 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 a 133 Black book of English Vocabulary: 500 Most Repetitive SSC One Word Substitutions iw Mw Intestate having made no legal will Lexicographer a person who writes and edits dictionaries Manuscript —_a copy of a book, piece of music, ete. before it has been printed Martyr a person who suffers very much or is killed because of his religious/ political beliefs Matricide the killing of one’s mother Mortuary a place/room/building in which dead bodies are kept before they are buried/cremated Narcissist a person who admires himself/herself to much, especially his appearance fn #A faa atracarat 5 HRT GT PTT 5 erate 5 com SS =O Omnivorous __ eating all types of food (plants and corer Opaque not clear enough to see through/ allgy™ srararetas light through Pacifist a person who believes th aniviolent are always wrong Parable a short story that teal itual lesson, especially one f ic Id by Jesus as recorded in sebil Philistine sper ne (ot like/ understand art, literate, mustp7etc. Plagiarism a ying another person's ideas, ‘ork and pretend that they are Polygamy Custom of having more than one wife at same time Psy the scientific study of the mind and how it influences behaviour (Hye a person who lives alone and likes to avoid other people Regicide the crime of killing a king/queen Sanatorium —_a place like a hospital where patients who have a lasting illness/who are getting better after an illness are treated Secular living among ordinary people rather than in a religious community // Government not connected with religious or spiritual matters eifereret afer er af aifefera arr Sintra ferent ert fareaat (© gmaths.n (No part may be copied, distributed or reproduced without written permission) {or constructive comments, suggestions for improvements or enquiry email us at 5 a 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143, 144 145 146 147, 1 14 150 151 152 Black book of English Vocabulary: 500 Most Repetitive SSC One Word Substitutions ny Soliloquy Suicide Translucent Transparent Wreath Abdicate Affable Ambidextrous Amphibians Anarchist Apathy Archipelago Asylum c jentie Autobiography Blasphemy Carnivore Catalogue a play in which a character, who is alone on the stage, speaks his/her thoughts the act of killing yourself deliberately allowing light to pass through but not transparent allowing you to see through it (glass etc.) an arrangement of flowers and leaves (in a circle) placed on graves, worn on head/ hung on doors as Christmas decoration. to give up the position of being king/ queen pleasant, friendly and easy to talk to able to use both the hands equally well any animal that can live by ee in water // a col vortebrate Id-bs typically living on bul\preeding in water a person wh that laws and nbd necessary jot being interested in or fe who have left their own country, .cause they were in danger for political reasons. // a hospital where people who were mentally ill could be cared for, often for a long time that can be heard clearly made or done in the traditional or original way a biography of yourself behaviour/ language that insults/shows a lack of respect for god/ religion cats the flesh of other animals (animal) a complete list of items, for example, of things that people can look at/buy fr STEATATSOT WeAeCaT corer ar Hea a seit BRR TY (© gmaths.n (No part may be copied, distributed or reproduced without written permission) {or constructive comments, suggestions for improvements or enquiry email us at 5 mS 2. 4 Black book of English Vocabulary: 500 Most Repetitive SSC One Word Substitutions SO En Ezy 153 Circumlocution using more words than are necessary aqequrard 4 instead of speaking or writing in a = clear/direct way. 154 Congregation a group of people who are gathered enftpuar 4 together in a church to worship god 155 Cordial warm and sincere ite 156 Credulous ready to believe things and therefore easy sitar-sTaT to trick aargreaet 4 157 Curator a person whose job is to be in charge of the : ¥ ‘objects or words of art in a museum or art OQ a gallery, etc. 158 Demagogue —_a political leader who tries to win support by using arguments based on emoti rather than reason 159 Dermatology _the scientific study of skin diseases 160 Dilettante a person who does or studies j much knowledge / a dabl literature 161 Ecology the study of the rel Sey sandliving gffeafaét 4 creatures. to We and to. their environmei 162 Edible fit/ suitable Yadbe eaten 163 Emissary who ®sent to deliver an official ger 4 one country to another o to ‘special task 164 Empathy lity to understand another person's area 4 clings, experience, etc. 165 End regularly found in a particular place or genie 4 among a particular group of people and difficult to get rid of // A disease that is ( ) prevalent in a particular area ey femeral lasting/ used for only ashort period of time fer 4 Og Epigraph an engraved inscription Ree 4 Epitome a person or thing that is a perfect example efter 4 of a particular quality or type 169 Eternal continuing forever wart 4 170 ‘Exemplary severe punishment used as a warning to. 3yqarofre 4 others // providing a good example for ~ people to copy (© gmaths.n (No part may be copied, distributed or reproduced without written permission) {or constructive comments, suggestions for improvements or enquiry email us at Black book of English Vocabulary: 500 Most Repetitive SSC One Word Substitutions ST Hindi Ezy 171 Expatriate ‘a person living in a country that is not his gargft 4 own 172 Fidelity loyalty accuracy warm 4 Fesor 173 Fugitive aperson who has escaped/is running away syaitgt 4 from somewhere and is trying to avoid being caught 174 Geography _ the scientific study of the earth’s surface, syater physical features, divisions, products, population, etc. 175 Gregarious._liking to be with other people // living in Loe 4 groups (animals) 176 Hallucination the fact of seeing/hearing something that is not really there 177 Hedonist a person who believes that > 4 most important thing in life 178 Herbivorous animals that feed on plants 179 Heresy a belief or an opinion x the oo principle of a partic 180 Honorary givenas an me erates 181 Horticulture the _study/, sag ov flowers, ararareft fruits and 182 Hydrophobia _extremg fear ohyvater ante arr 4 183 Incentive that encourages you to do gicarger 4 184 Infanticide 1 of killing a baby fey gear 185 Itinerant welling from place to place, especially to syazoreRrg find work 186 Juxta place side by side Pere 4 187 (Maiden being the first of its kind (speech, journey yaya 4 receiving punishment 85 Megalomania a mental illness/condition in which aigqnteare 4 somebody has an exaggerated belief in their own importance/ power by a plane/ship), ete. ey ochist someone who obtains pleasure from qeiigcanps 4 190 Misogamist —_a person who hates marriage aga qr 4 wer Ser 191 Neutral not supporting/ helping either side in a qegey 4 disagreement, competition, etc (© gmaths.n (No part may be copied, distributed or reproduced without written permission) {or constructive comments, suggestions for improvements or enquiry email us at 10 Black book of English Vocabulary: 500 Most Repetitive SSC One Word Substitutions fr atfefaar ETE aot eager Rees ae ea a ser wa # Areraa BT Harare & ater arte Rear ferret arate aT qau afearigar SOT 192 Novice a person who is new and has little experience in a skill, job or situation 193 Obscure not clearly understood or expressed 194 Omniscient knowing everything 195, Palpable able to be touched or felt 196 Parricide the crime of killing your father, mother or a close relative 197 Patrimony _ property that is given to somebody when his father dies 198 Perseverance —_the quality of continuing to try to achieve a particular aim despite difficulties 199 Pessimist a person who always expects bad things to happen or something not to be successful 200 Philanderer a man who has sexual relationship: many different women 201 ~~ Philogynist a person who esteems woman oy ot type of humanity Q 202 Philosophy _the study SAdnattfe and meaning of the univerge and e human life 203 Physiology — tl the normal functions of living thi 204 Polyandry ‘ustom of having more than one isband at the same time 205 Prodi ‘a speech, etc. at the beginning of a play, book, or film that introduces it 206 ephol the study of how people vote in elections 2 seylonym —_a fictitious name used instead of his real SS names Gs Scullery a small room next to the kitchen in an old house, originally used for washing dishes, etc 209 Sociology the study and classification of human societies 210 Spinster an old unmarried woman 211 Stoicism the fact of not explaining/showing what you are feeling when you are suffering aarer (© gmaths.n (No part may be copied, distributed or reproduced without written permission) {or constructive comments, suggestions for improvements or enquiry email us at 4 4 1 Black book of English Vocabulary: 500 Most Repetitive SSC One Word Substitutions Sou En #A 212 ‘Theist ‘one who believes in the existence of god nary 4 213 Universal done by or involving all the people in the argaitfira 4 world or ina particular group 214 Versatile able to do many things apt 4 215 Zoology the branch of biology that studies animals gyfer rat 4 216 Abduct to take somebody away illegally, especially arageratat using force 217 Absolute fone who is perfect/complete/free from gut imperfection 218 Acquit to decide and state officially in court that gg: 3 somebody is not guilty of a crime 219 Acrophobia fear of great heights 3 220 Actuary someone versed in the collection and 3 interpretation of numerical data (espeCially someone who uses statistics to cal insurance premiums) 221 Addict a person who is very pert in od, aarst 3 something and spends, is free time in it // a person le to stop taking harmful 222 Adolescent in the proc ping from a child fete 3 into an ad 223 Aerial growing / exiSting in air was a} 224 Agnostic aperson doubts truth of religion Rae aa 3 ‘aerranét cara 225 Alimo) money that a court orders somebody to. fataig farfer 3 pay regularly to his former wife/ husband when the marriage is ended 226 [ Alle; a story, play, picture, etc. in which each afta 3 character/event is a symbol representing, an idea/a quality, such as truth, evil, death, etc. S Ambiguous that can be understood in more than one 37gq6e 3 way // not clearly defined or stated 228 ~~ Ambivert a person who is both an introvert and an 3gyzraper 3 extrovert : 229° Amoral not following any moral rules and not fg 3 caring about right/ wrong. 230° Anecdote a short, interesting or amusing story about EFaT 3 areal person or an event (© gmaths.n (No part may be copied, distributed or reproduced without written permission) {or constructive comments, suggestions for improvements or enquiry email us at 12 Black book of English Vocabulary: 500 Most Repetitive SSC One Word Substitutions Ou Mw Hindi Ezy 231 Anonymous —_with a name that is not known/ that is not aysraTa7 3 made public = 232 Antidote a substance that controls the effects of faygratwr 3 poison/ disease 233. Antiseptic a substance that helps to prevent infection gapoy ger 3 in wounds by killing bacteria e 234 Apathetic showing or feeling no interest, enthusiasm, 3grgftet or concern 235° Apprentice a person who works for anexperttolearna Ramet trade OQ 236 Arbitrator a person who is chosen to settle a qa 3 disagreement 237 Archaeologist a person who studies cultures of the past, 3 and of periods of history by examining the remains of buildings and objects foyrt@yn the ground 238 Articulate good at expressing ideas/ see leaNy eave, vicar 3 in words (speech) 239 Artist a person who ci a Of arte TET 3 paintings/ ie 240 Avarice extreme desire f er 3 241 Barometer an instrumentfgr MeaStting air pressureto efter 3 show wheh YygAveather will change 242 Beneficiary =a ps gains as a results of arsreif 3 c 243 Bibliographer soi trained in compiling zjerere 3 ticles about a particular subject 244 Bibliophil ‘son who loves or collects books qeaia ar 3 alae 245 Boul a bunch of flowers arranged in an attractive aypeeaT 3 way so that it can be carried in a ceremony /presented as a gift connected with cows sitar 3 cane someone skilled in penmanship yaar 3 (calligraphy beautiful writing done witha ~ special pen/brush) 248 Callous not caring about other people's feelings or arate 3 suffering 249 Cellar an underground room often used for agwaret 3 storing things (wine, salt, etc.) 250 Centenarian a person who is a 100 years old or more tat &T 3 (© gmaths.n (No part may be copied, distributed or reproduced without written permission) {or constructive comments, suggestions for improvements or enquiry email us at 43 Black book of English Vocabulary: 500 Most Repetitive SSC One Word Substitutions Sou finn 251 Choreography the act of designing and arranging thesteps aeqareT 252 Colleague a person that one work with at the same greranrar acct place, in a profession or a business 253 Communist —_ a person who believes in or supports living grqarét together and sharing possessions and responsibilities 254 Compromise an agreement made between two people or gagitar groups 255 Conservative holding to traditional attitudes and values xfargt, and cautious about change or innovation // a person who is opposed to great/sudden social change 256 Criminal connected with crime 257 Culpable responsible and deserving bla having done something wrong 258 Cynosure centre of attraction srranor fag 259 Derelict a person without a home, 1 property 260 Dialogue conversations ina k vy Osilm/ movie 261 Dipsomania an _intense ntgesire to drink alcoholic bey ess 262 Dirge a song sui St at a funeral or for a dead 263 Effaced removt completely from Smarr ater wae are FY et eiteatrt Gear erat ‘memory // remove by or as if ing / erasing 264 Egotist érson who is excessively conceited or argarg} ‘orbed in themselves 265 Bligi a person who is able to have/do something zzz aa SITET OTe fare frefaaerert because he has the right qualifications, is the right age, ete. freeing someone from the control of another ¢ . ee responsible for or that belongs to your employer / misappropriation of money 268 Emeritus ‘one who is honorably discharged from service 269 Ennui a state of mental weariness from lack of ‘occupation 270 Entomologist a zoologist (person) who studies insects, (© gmaths.n (No part may be copied, distributed or reproduced without written permission) {or constructive comments, suggestions for improvements or enquiry email us at ee eooe Bw 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 Ge 287 288 Black book of English Vocabulary: 500 Most Repetitive SSC One Word Substitutions i Envious Environment Epidemic Epigram Eulogy Euphemism Expose Fable Fantasy Fascist Fatal Feline Flexible, Flora Gay Geology Germicide Herbivore ens feeling of discontented aroused by someone else's possessions or qualities the conditions that affect the behaviour and development of somebody/ something a large number of cases of a particular disease happening at the same time in a particular community a short poem/ phrase that expresses an idea ina clever/amusing way a speech/piece of writing praising somebody/ something very much an indirect word/phrase that people often use to refer to something fr seat araTaeoT aerartt a ww embarrassing or unpleasant vont to make known to the public, ov information that was previousl kno only to a few people or that was yfeatit to bekeptasecret a traditind|Ahor story n) that teaches a m ’mals) a pleasant situai imagine but that is u pen a person ppd ets an extreme political syst or attitude which is in strofig central government and ai ‘nding in death fed with an animal of the cat family le to change to suit new conditions/ tuations the plants of a particular area, type of environment or period of time the study of family history, including the study of who the ancestors of a particular person were the study of earth, including the origin and history of the rocks and soil of which the earth is made a substance which destroys bacteria, etc. eats only plants (animal) afera rere atta afer ‘arerrerrgh aT apTaterer SCAT AS ape Fr afer aa ‘resreret (© gmaths.n (No part may be copied, distributed or reproduced without written permission) {or constructive comments, suggestions for improvements or enquiry email us at 15 Bw 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 Ei 309 310 gD Black book of English Vocabulary: 500 Most Repetitive SSC One Word Substitutions Heretic a person who holds unorthodox opinions Hijack to use violence or threats to take control of a vehicle, in order to force it to travel to a different place or to demand something from a government Homage something that is said/done to show respect for somebody Homogeneous _ all (things or people) of the same or similar kind or nature Horizon the furthest you can see, where the sky seems to meet the land/the sea Humanitarian concerned with reducing suffering and fr faeratt wa fear aT improving the conditions that people liv in Hymn a song of praise (to god or to a saint Nes nation) Idiosyncrasy a _person’s particular way of eo ccd thinking, etc., especially whén\t iSandsual Illicit not allowed by law order Illiterate not knowing how, Pra Implorer a person wh oe somethin, seh wants/ needsit very ~ much Impregnable __strong\gd impBssible to defeat/change — 3yta—r Inaccessible if ipossible to reach/ to get ain Indelible not be removed /erased afte Indict -cise formally of a crime 3iftetst asa Ineligtble not having necessary qualifications to spate have/ do something \exoral that cannot be stopped or changed rear inte}ment the act of burying a dead person ant Internment the act of confining someone ina prison area Interregnum —_a period of time during whicha country, an 2} great organization, etc. does not have a leader and is waiting for a new one aa re Judge a person ina court who has the authority to. =zremeffer decide how criminals should be punished or to make legal decisions Knell the sound ofa bell sung slowly toannounce gar quae GE adeath/ a funeral/the end of something gy cat (© gmaths.n (No part may be copied, distributed or reproduced without written permission) {or constructive comments, suggestions for improvements or enquiry email us at Zs. 3 3 eee oo e eae © 16 Black book of English Vocabulary: 500 Most Repetitive SSC One Word Substitutions Sou Pr Ezy 311 Landscape everything you can see when you look gftgea 3 across a large area of land 312 Lapidist, a skilled worker who cuts and engraves eresffte sit 3 precious stones Pach vert a reat Sie saat & 313 Laxative a medicine, food/ drink that makes a¢gny Gt somebody empty their bowels easily os 314 Lease a legal agreement that allows you to use a qger ©: building piece of equipment/ some land aS for a period of time, usually in return for rent 315 Legend a story from ancient times about p. Rate 3 and events, that may/may not be 3 316 Loquacious One who talks a lot, aregit 317 Maiden Speech the first speech made by a vy ‘get aor 3 en Subject anger 3 ) ¥eommittee, 318 Memorandum a proposal/ report on, for a person, an or; etc. 319 Mint a place whet ined by authority zararer 3 of the gov 320 Momentous very i oy serious waaagr 3 321 Monologue —_a_Jon; ch by one person during a gaarqaryor | 3 a 8h that stops other people from ig oF expressing an opinion 322 Monothei; lief that there is only one god waatare 3 323. Mott Subject to death areraret 3 324 Mui the act of refusing to obey the orders of a7aq 3 somebody in authority, especially by soldiers/ sailors a person who tries to become united with zeeqargy 3 god through prayer and meditation and so understand important things that are beyond normal human understanding, 326 Neophyte a person who has recently started an aftrgair 3 activity . 327. Nymphomania the behaviour of a woman who has or feaat ar 3 ‘wants to have sex very often 328 Obeisance the act of obeying ee 3 (© gmaths.n (No part may be copied, distributed or reproduced without written permission) {or constructive comments, suggestions for improvements or enquiry email us at Black book of English Vocabulary: 500 Most Repetitive SSC One Word Substitutions Sou 329 Octagon 330 Omnipotent 331 Omnipresent 332 Oncology 333. Optician 334 Opulent 335 Oration 336 Orator 337 Omithologist 338 Orphan 339 Paediatrics 340 Pandemonium 341 Pantheism 342 Partisan 343 Pedestrian 344 Peninsul: 345 PhiléGopher 346 es 7 C. S 348 Plagiarist 349 Polygon 350 Polytheist a flat shape with eight straight sides and eight angles having total power // able to do anything present everywhere study and treatment of tumours fr SewtaT weer wa weiter Peart 3 a person whose job is to examine people's garerftaraerit 3. eyes and to recommend and sell glasses rich and superior in quality a formal speech made on a public occasion, especially as part of a ceremony a person who is good at public speaking/ branch of medicine cone children and their diseases a situation in which tJ Qe Of noise, activity and confusi people are angry /frighten the belief t ssent in all natural things an ardgnt andhenthusiastic supporter of 1e Peon activity a alking and not travelling in a E Vie mass of land projecting into a body if water a person who thinks deeply about things who makes formal speeches a person who studies birds a child whose parents are dead oy the act of stealing small amounts or small articles a person who is the first to study and develop a particular area of knowledge, culture, etc. that other people then continue to develop someone who uses another person's words/ ideas as if they were his own a flat shape with at least three straight sides and three angles, and usually five or more ‘one who believes in a plurality of gods er O aeet ft car ara &y aeqar facaa aaqsit tas art ereteras wen ea aifefera ae wT ageratt (© gmaths.n (No part may be copied, distributed or reproduced without written permission) {or constructive comments, suggestions for improvements or enquiry email us at 3 eee e 353 354 355 356 357 358 359 360 361 362 363 364 36; Gay oe 7 Black book of English Vocabulary: 500 Most Repetitive SSC One Word Substitutions Pyromania Ransom Rapacious Refugee Retaliate Retreat Rhetoric Ridicule Ritu; ‘Sanctity Sanguine 368 Satire 369 Sceptic en an unusually gifted/intelligent (young) person a person sent by god to teach the people and give them messages from god a person who has been converted to another religious or political belief a system of fixed rules and formal behaviour used at official meetings the clever or humorous use of a word that hhas more than one meaning, or of words that have different meanings but sound the same an obsessive desire to set fire to things money that is paid to kidnappers greedy for money a person who has been for Ae country/ home, becaus is Ywar or for political, religiousg soci@lyeasons return the same tat tomove a lace // to back off ‘writin that is intended to ple, but that is not completely re tak give tit for remarks that make fun of ‘a series of actions that are always performed in the same way, especially as part of a religious ceremony a person who gets pleasure from hurting, other people the state of being very important and worth protecting optimistic in an apparently difficult situation a way of criticizing a person, an idea or an institution in which you use humour to show his/its faults/ weaknesses someone who habitually doubts accepted beliefs finn SG ay rae age) oatatta cater aaa / Rescate a ret oreret arora Wie aT ae gear srrerranrgy area wegarey (© gmaths.n (No part may be copied, distributed or reproduced without written permission) {or constructive comments, suggestions for improvements or enquiry email us at eo oe o 19 372 373 374 375 376 377 378 379 380 381 382 383 S 386 387 388 Black book of English Vocabulary: 500 Most Repetitive SSC One Word Substitutions fin an attitude of + doubting — that q&garq claims/statements that are true and that something will happen Schedule a plan that lists all the work that you have ara to do and when you must do each thing Scholar a person who knows all about a particular if&q subject because he has studied it in detail Seer a person who claims that he can see what is dafaq ‘going to happen in the future Seismology _the scientific study of earthquakes ar Septuagenarian a person between the ages of 70 and 79 belief that everyone has an equal right share of a country’s wealth ant ar Socialist a person who believes in or aad t the government should own afd) c the main industries Sojourn a temporary stay (as asia ant yo g Soporific a drug making, otosleep era Sororicide the murdey ter aga ger Suffrage fe aranftree Summary arier Superstition aiefaearer Sycoplfant ‘person who praises important or aay powerful people too much and in a way that is not sincere, especially in order to get something from them \gogue a building where the Jews meet for agftaitar religious worship and teaching SARTUTART Taxidermy the art of stuffing dead animals, birds and waigqut ata fish with a special material so that they may look like living ones and can be displayed Teetotaller a person who does not drink alcohol area get aT eartr ‘Temporal connected with/ limited by time ane wae &T Tenacious sticking together davai (© gmaths.n (No part may be copied, distributed or reproduced without written permission) {or constructive comments, suggestions for improvements or enquiry email us at o eee eee 20 Black book of English Vocabulary: 500 Most Repetitive SSC One Word Substitutions SO Mw fine Ezy 389 Terrestrial living on the land/on the ground, rather qedt wath 3 than in water/on trees/ in the air 390 Terrorist a person who uses violent action in order to arrfarardt 3 achieve political aims or to force a government to act 391 Theism belief in the existence of god anftaerat 3 392 Theology the study of religion and beliefs ever 393 Topology the way the parts of something are gifeeft arranged and related 394 Traitor a person who works against his country 7g. 3 395 Transitory continuing for only a short time 3 396 Trivial not important or serious // not worthy ax 3 considering 397 Truant a child who stays away from 1 Srarae wet 3 without permission — 398 Truism statement that is clearly truegn ot aaa |S add anything interestin; yor}ant to a discussion 399 Usurer a person who | to people at agae 3 unfairly high ra ntotest 400 Vandal a sho deliberately aq 3 destroys/daigges public property 401 Venerable i fason of age // profoundly grmfera 3 402 Veracious speaking the truth // precisely gear 3 403 Verbatii actly as spoken/written // word for eegufe eee 3 ‘word 404 Ve using/containing more words than are greet 3 needed 405, (Cag a person who has a lot of experience in a 3faprdt 3 particular area/activit Virtuoso someone who is dazzlingly skilled in any aerator 3 field // a musician who is a master of app technique and artistry / a person highly skilled in music 407 Volley a lot of bullets, stones, arrows etc. that are REE 3) fired/ thrown at the same time 408 Vulnerable weak and easily hurt physically/ qaca 3 emotionally (© gmaths.n (No part may be copied, distributed or reproduced without written permission) {or constructive comments, suggestions for improvements or enquiry email us at 241 Bw 409 410 an a2 413 414 415 416 417 418 a9 420 421 422 423 424 oD 429 430 Black book of English Vocabulary: 500 Most Repetitive SSC One Word Substitutions i Zealot Abandon Abattoir Aberration Abridgement Absconders Abstain Abstruse Accolade Accord Accountant Acquittal Acrobat ‘Acronym Activis Acums dept ‘Adhere Adroit Adventitious Aesthetic Aggressive fin EZ a person who is fanatical and aeexdet 3 uncompromising in pursuit of their religious, political, or other ideals toleave aigtar a place where animals are slaughtered for ararguarat consumption as food a fact, an action or a way of behaving that grTer a is not usual, a disorder in one’s mental state gy a shortened version of a written work i 2) a fugitive who runs away and hides to 2 avoid arrest/ prosecution to choose not to use a vote, either in favours aera a of/ against something difficult to comprehend obscure Zz praise/an award for an achievement yal azar, wetat 2 people admire sympathetic compatibili io SeyRT ee a person whose py to keep afar accounts iz an official deci that a person is aha 2 not guilty 2 an entertaindwho ‘performs difficult acts aararst 2 lancing on high ropes (at a circus) who performs acts that need ify and coordination formed from the first letters of the gftauff greq 2 jords that make up the name of something ‘advocating or engaged in activism ardeat = the ability to make good judgements and aerarat 2 take quick decisions - a person who is good at doing something faqur 2 that is quite difficult to stick firmly faqerar quick or skillful or adept in action or feqor thought i associated by chance and not an integral 3rrfEera 2 part concerned with beauty or the appreciation gfgqfaer 2 of beauty angry, and behaving ina threatening way 31 2 (© gmaths.n (No part may be copied, distributed or reproduced without written permission) {or constructive comments, suggestions for improvements or enquiry email us at 22 Bw 431 432 433 434 435 436 437 438 439 440 441 442 443, 444 445 SE 449 450 {or constructive comments, suggestions for improvements or enquiry email us at Black book of English Vocabulary: 500 Most Repetitive SSC One Word Substitutions ny Agitation Agronomy Alliteration Almanac Almighty Ambivalent Amity Amorphous Anachronism Animism Anniversary Anthology Anthropoid worry and anxiety that you show by behaving in a nervous way the application of soil and plant sciences to land management and crop production the use of the same letter/sound at the beginning of words that are close together a book is published every year giving information for that year about a particular subject/ activity having complete power having or showing both good and bad feelings a cordial disposition having no definite form or distinet sh a person, a custom or an idea ee old-fashioned and does not bell present the belief that plants, tural things each have a liyi the date on whi ‘appened in am =e a collectios stories, etc. that have been Ee by “different people and publisl er in a book // A poems vs: iblihg a human being in form on who studies about the human Anthropologist \c \e origin, developments, customs and. beliefs Aon ‘Postate Apostle Appraisal Approbation words of opposite meanings the state of having rejected your religious beliefs or your political party or a cause ‘one who abandons long-held religious or political convictions a person who strongly believes in a policy or an idea and tries to make other people believe in it a judgement of -— the -—value, performance/nature of somebody something approval fr Gait wae aa aT aera ferairet Fae ereg sigh (© gmaths.n (No part may be copied, distributed or reproduced without written permission) n n 23 Black book of English Vocabulary: 500 Most Repetitive SSC One Word Substitutions SO on 451 Aquaphobia—_an extreme fear of drowning 452 Archer a person who is expert in the use of a bow and arrow 453 Armoury a place where arms are kept 454 Arsonist a criminal who illegally sets fire to property 455 Arteries muscular-walled tubes forming part of the circulation system by which blood (mainly that which has been oxygenated) is conveyed 456 Artisan a person who does skilled work, makin; things with his hands 457 Asperity roughness harshness ill temper 458. Assign to give somebody someth use, or some work or res 459 Association —_—_an official group of together for a pari 460 Assurance A positive de confidene 461 Asunder widely separad especially in space 462 Attempt an act Wi\irying to do something difficult, o fo success 463 Auditor ified accountant who inspects the inting records and practices of a siness/other organisation 464 mw, a ruler who has complete power 465, (Guns an official examination of a dead body by a doctor in order to discover the cause of death Avaricious having an extreme desire for wealth Aversion a strong feeling of not liking somebody/ something 468 Axiom arule/principle that most people believe to be true 469 Bachelor aman who remains unmarried 470 Bald having little or no hair on the head Petarels waar fat aa ee 2 =

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