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Module 29

Empirical Studies – I
-Dr Rajat Agarwal
Department of Management Studies,
Indian Institute of Technology

Welcome friends,

So far in discussions, how in our academic writing, must have various ethics what are the various
characteristics required for publishing writing in top ranking journals. But it is very important to understand
that only those academic writings which are based on empirical research are normally accepted in top
ranking journals.

✓ Direct or indirect observation or experience or experimental observation.

----- Explanation:

Those researches which are not based on empirical findings do not find much place in leading
journals. You can publish a book on the base of some intuitive thoughts, some beliefs which you have, but
this is not supported have empirical researchers. If you want to publish a research paper based on some
your research it must have proper empirical evidences. That is what we are going to discuss in these
sessions. This empirical research is based on empirical evidences. The issue is what is empirical
evidences?? Empirical evidence is the evidence which is achieved / obtained through observation or
experience, through experimental set-ups. These can be the direct observations/ experiences or indirect
observations/ experiences. So, those things which can be observed / experimented with those kind of
experimental set-ups are known as empirical evidences. We are going to accept those things which are
empirically validated that is empirical research. There may be other various sources to validate the beliefs.
The other sources may be the mythology book available on my religion and in that book something is
written in that way: Good things done, then you will go to heaven and if you are bad things then you are
going to hell. Nobody has seen what is heaven and hell. But since it is written in text, which we cannot
question, therefore we are believing. So that is not empirical research. If we have not experienced and not
observed that how people are going to heaven or hell, which is beyond the scope of empirical research.

MOOC: Academic Writing by Dr Ajay Semalty, HNB Garhwal University (A Central University)
Srinagar (Garhwal) Uttarakhand, India
Module 29 : Empirical Studies – I

Those things which can be validated where observations/experiences and experimental set-ups are
possible. These are known as empirical evidences. This is a perquisite for the publication for the top
publishing journals.

❖ EMPIRICAL EVIDENCE can be categorized :

i. Exploratory Researches
ii. Conclusive Researches

1. Exploratory Researches:
We have some kind of unstructured problem, when we do not know what the research real problem
is. We are not able to identify a clear problem statement, objectiveness. When you have some hesitation of
the problem we go with exploratory researches.
Exploratory Researches are used to:
i. To provide insights and understanding. → Objectives


▪ There are persons like C.K. Pralad who mentioned that there is lot of value at the bottom of the pyramid.
You can reach the bottom of the pyramid. In order to reach the bottom of the pyramid you need to develop
that kind of products and services. Now for the tapping the bottom of pyramid. A large number of products
came to India, which offer products for those rural customers. But many of them failed as they were not
having clear understanding of Indian rural market. Indian rural market is not only a learned market also a
complex socio-economic market dimensions where caste, religion, gender comes to picture. For a MNC
marketing manager, all these things are almost unknown that how caste can claim some role in Purchase of
product. But in rural market it is a reality. When you do not have clear understanding of the problem, we
need to develop more insights. We have exploratory researches.
▪ Why every year some many forest fires happen in Uttarkhand forests??There are so many things that are
discussed when summer season comes. But we are yet to get complete insight and understanding about
forest fire problem. To understand that problem we need to go for exploratory research.
ii. Information needed is defined only loosely. → Methods
▪ Brainstorming session, focus group decision is done for information which is analyzed later on.
Limitation of

iii. Research process is flexible and unstructured. exploratory


▪ Research problem should be identified. What type of data is to be required, what are the variables in research
process is not clear, so it is unstructured.
iv. Sample is small and non-representative.

MOOC: Academic Writing by Dr Ajay Semalty, HNB Garhwal University (A Central University)
Srinagar (Garhwal) Uttarakhand, India
Module 29 : Empirical Studies – I

It is very difficult to collect data in exploratory data. Because the researcher also knows that am
unaware of complete problem. So need to do long interviews and need to do brainstorming/group
discussions. Small sample means about 10-20 samples.
v. Analysis of primary data is qualitative.
vi. Findings of primary data is qualitative.
vii. Findings are tentative ------- Findings are subject to modification and correction.
These findings are subjected to further investigation by descriptive researches.
viii. These are followed by further exploratory or conclusive research.

From Above points we conclude that Research Methodology Related issues:

✓ Information
✓ Research Process
✓ Sample

Thank you

Further Readings:
1. Jeffrey Dubin, Empirical Studies in Applied Economics, 2001, Springer US, ISBN 9780792373957

2. Joe Zhu, Data Envelopment Analysis : A Handbook of Empirical Studies and Applications, 2016,

Springer US, ISBN 9781489976826


MOOC: Academic Writing by Dr Ajay Semalty, HNB Garhwal University (A Central University)
Srinagar (Garhwal) Uttarakhand, India
Module 29 : Empirical Studies – I


Course Coordinator
Dr Ajay Semalty
Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences
HNB Garhwal University (A Central University) Srinagar (Garhwal), India

Content Writer & Presenter

Dr Rajat Agarwal
Department of Management Studies,
Indian Institute of Technology

Content Reviewers
Prof. (Retd.) M.S.M. Rawat
Former Vice Chancellor; HNB Garhwal University (A Central University) Srinagar (Garhwal)
Advisor-HE, Govt. of Uttarakhand, Dehradun, India

Prof. D.S. Rawat

Department of Chemistry
University of Delhi, India

Technical Reviewer
Dr Ajay Semalty
Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences
HNB Garhwal University (A Central University) Srinagar (Garhwal), India

Instructional Designer
Lokesh Adhikari
Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences
HNB Garhwal University (A Central University) Srinagar (Garhwal), India


MOOC: Academic Writing by Dr Ajay Semalty, HNB Garhwal University (A Central University)
Srinagar (Garhwal) Uttarakhand, India

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