M34 Team & Time Management 2

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Module 34

Team & Time Management II

-Dr Rajat Agarwal
Department of Management Studies,
Indian Institute of Technology

Welcome friends,

This is the second session of team management. IN the first session we discussed that common goal is the
most important characteristic of the team. The team members need to understand that they need to
subordinate their Individual ambitions for the sake of common goal of the team. We discussed different
types of team, some challenges for effective team management, and some traits for effective team
Need of teams:

• Teams are important for completing any bigger task.

• Writing research papers for top ranking journals also require effective teams.
• 1 + 1 = 11, not 2.
- If you want to write a paper in non-review journals or willing to write in peditery journals, then
probably a team is not required. You alone can write a paper in peditery journals. But if we are
talking of publishing in Q1 category journals, or in A* journals, then a team is required. If you go
to nature and you will find papers which are published by as many as 50 authors which shows
that entire lab is working as a team contributed in writing that paper. So, team is required for
bigger tasks for tasks which are beyond capabilities of individuals.
The Ten Step Model for Effective Teamwork:
1. Establish direction and goals for the team
2. Establish clear roles and ground rules for the team
3. Establish accountability for the performance of the team.
4. Develop team leadership skills.
5. Develop communication skills for the team leaders (mentor) and team members.
6. Develop conflict-resolution skills for team leaders and team members.
7. Establish a well-defined decision making process for the team, and empower team members
to be part of the process.
8. Establish positive team behavior, ethics, and trust among team members.
9. Recognize and reward effective team performance.
10. Continually evaluate, improve, and build the team.
Module 34 : Team & Time Management II

I. Establish direction and goals for the team

Demonstrate how to write a team charter
Explain how to write a team mission statement
Demonstrate how to write team goals.
Explain how to write team assignments
Demonstrate how to write team schedules and deadlines.
- Mission Statement
- Goals
- Assignments
- Schedule/ Deadlines
II. Establish Clear Roles and ground Rules For Teams:
Explain the role of team leader(mentor)
- In India, when you take a new PhD scholar, the PhD scholar will
come to you and will tell on which topic of research he/she wants to
do. The teacher should have the topics available with him/her and
out of that list one topic will be assigned to that research scholar.
Because we don’t have the clarity of team leader. If that faculty or
supervisor is the Team leader, you can expect that the he should be
able to guide you to the integrity of the research. He is not the
solution of the problem but because of more experience, is
knowledgeable and has accessibility of information, capable of
guiding you.
Explain the role of team members.
- The clarity of the role of each team member should be present for
good team management. But, we don’t have the role clarity.
- A student will come and say about to submit a manuscript in XYZ
journal. Suppose that you expecting that your supervisor or your
mentor will do editing and proof reading of that particular paper, so
there is a mismatch of role clarity.

Demonstrate how to develop ground rules for team members.

- Guidelines for Developing Team Ground Rules.
i. Form a cross-functional ad hoc committee to develop a
standard list of issues teams should consider when
developing ground rules.
ii. Circulate the draft list of issues among all employees
companywide, and ask for their input.
iii. Have the ad hoc committee to finalize the standard list of
issues based on employee input.
iv. Give all team leaders the standard list of issues to use as a
guide when working with their respective teams to develop
ground rules.
- Explanation: You as a team leader need to develop team involvement
so that there will be no resistance to accept the rules and then it’s
easy to implement the ground rules.

MOOC: Academic Writing by Dr Ajay Semalty, HNB Garhwal University (A Central University)
Srinagar (Garhwal) Uttarakhand, India
Module 34 : Team & Time Management II

III. Establish Accountability:

When we know everybody in a
Explain how to build a foundation for accountability.
Distinguish between formal and informal accountability. team is accountable to each
Explain the concept of accountability for team leaders. other in a team, then the goals
Explain the concept of accountability for team members. can be achieved.
Explain the concept of peer accountability.

Elements That Make Up Foundation for Accountability:

• Team members understand what is expected of them individually and of the team as
a whole.
• Team members understand how fulfillment of expectations will be determined.
• Team members have been given the training necessary to fulfill the expectations
• The team is given the resources and support necessary to fulfill the expectations.
- Explanation: As leader guides, accordingly the whole team is going
to function. The role of leader is to develop good leadership skills
which is a Herculean task. The leader should be able to take the
team to a new heights and to higher goals that has not been achieved
by others that is the true leadership skill.
IV. Develop Team- Leadership Skills:
o Leadership is single most important ingredient in achieving consistent peak
performance in teams.
o With good leadership, ordinary people can achieve extraordinary results.

Thank you very much

Further Readings:
1. Charles J. Margerison, Team Management: Practical New Approaches, Dick McCann Management
Books 2000, 1995
2. Charles Baden Fuller, Strategic Innovation: An International Casebook on Strategic Management,
Martyn Pitt, Routledge, 1996
3. Patrick Forsyth, Successful Time Management, Kogan Page Publishers, 2007

MOOC: Academic Writing by Dr Ajay Semalty, HNB Garhwal University (A Central University)
Srinagar (Garhwal) Uttarakhand, India
Module 34 : Team & Time Management II


Course Coordinator
Dr Ajay Semalty
Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences
HNB Garhwal University (A Central University) Srinagar (Garhwal), India

Content Writer & Presenter

Dr Rajat Agarwal
Department of Management Studies,
Indian Institute of Technology

Content Reviewers
Prof. (Retd.) M.S.M. Rawat
Former Vice Chancellor; HNB Garhwal University (A Central University) Srinagar (Garhwal)
Advisor-HE, Govt. of Uttarakhand, Dehradun, India

Prof. D.S. Rawat

Department of Chemistry
University of Delhi, India

Technical Reviewer
Dr Ajay Semalty
Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences
HNB Garhwal University (A Central University) Srinagar (Garhwal), India

Instructional Designer
Lokesh Adhikari
Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences
HNB Garhwal University (A Central University) Srinagar (Garhwal), India

MOOC: Academic Writing by Dr Ajay Semalty, HNB Garhwal University (A Central University)
Srinagar (Garhwal) Uttarakhand, India

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