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Malcolm Mann Steve Taylore-Knowles ‘K Wi ui = @ For Kazakhstan Student's Bock [ macmillan A 1 + education Grade 6 Contents TERM 1 TERM 2 Topic Reading Vocabulary Grammar Thisisme! reading for gist / specific information (multiple ‘be, have /have got tmathing multiple cote questions) pe | ee Going reading for git / spec information (multiple eae Excess Shopping! matching,17) shape + Bronouns CLIL PE; Rugby pages 28-29 ‘Onthe _reading for gist/ specific information (matching animals * present simple Farm! headings to paragraphs, comprehension questions)) time sdverbs of frequency Planning reading for gist specific information (multiple matching time * be going to for future plans for multiple choice questions) quantity allforfuture facts Tomorrow! Lights! reading for gist / specific information (matching ‘films 's present continuous for future ‘Gamera! questions, multiple choice questions) “arrangements prepositions Action! ‘oftime and place CLIL Geography: Volcanoes pages 54-55 ‘Lucky multiple matching yes/no questions) gestures» past continuous Escapes! ‘Short answer forms Looking reading for gist/ specific information (matching pictures dlections_ first conditional eadverbs of Ahead! —_and paragraphs selecting statements) position degree TERM4 Read All reading for gist / specific information (T/F match reading question words About t! questions and answers) too and very Being the reading for gist/ specific information (multiple choice adjectives. comparatives Best! ‘questions, sentence completion) superlatives CLILArt: Architecture pages 96-97 Friends and reading for gist specific information (multiple matching family ‘scan for ability and requests; Family T/F) feelings couldfor requests» shouldfor Sdvice; must and haveto for ‘obiigation ‘Animal reading for gst / pectic information (matching tomake ways of regular ivegula purals Magic! questions.T/F/D3) movingand artcles handling “atthe reading for gist/ specific information (multiple matching flying ‘scountable and uncountable ‘Aiport T/F materials nounse quantitative adjectives (some, any, many, much, alot of no) CLIL Science: Strange Animals pages 122-123 Waiting database « pages 124-127 Grammar database « pages 132-141 Vocabulary database - pages 128-131 Songs - pages 142-143 Listening Speaking Writing cae) Spot listening for gist/ specific information (T /F, ‘talking about yourself personal profile My a sentence competion) soured Spor pronunciation of Multinational finals dias listening for gist/specic infomation (mutiple talking about what people ae doing at description, All About Choice “pictures sentencecompievon)"” themamentsSound3pocpronuncadon ofpictureof theTenge of simlersouncing words people listening for gist/specficinformation (multiple talking about dally activites informalemail Kazakh Aul matching, * Sound Spat: pronunciation of tongue ‘multiple choice) twister with sand sh listening for gist/specificinformation (multiple talking about future plans informal email Talented matching, * Sound Spot: words and phrases for Kazakhstan sequencing information) uantiy “listening for gist / specificinformation (multiple talking about future arrangements interview Sanja Madi matching, T/) + Sound Spot pronunetation of (Gizlogue) ‘the word ending -o, er -a listening for gst/specificinformation (multiple telling simple stories story Kazakh Rules Fee ree lteter oslo offHospitalty Istening fr gist/ specific information (dentfying talking about future possiblities atile “The Future of information, drawing aroute from information given). * Sound Spot: pronunciation of gh Kazakhstan listening fr gist/ specific information (multiple asking and answering questions Interview Borin choice sentence completion} * Sound spor pronunciation of (dialogue) Kazakstan Question words Ustening for gist / specific Information (multiple making comparisons description Unique choice questions pictures.comprehension © Sound Spot sounds of letter 0 (comparing Kazakstan ‘questions) peoples Sppearance) listening for gist/spectficinformation (multiple asking for, giving and refusing setof Daily Duties choles questions identifying speakers) perio IRenehotd rie, yay Sound Spot can feant thepast listening forgst/specificinformation (multiple giving simple instructions note giving Giant Mole ‘matching, text completion) Sound Spot swessin2-or3-sjllable Instuctions| Rat ‘words “istening for gist/speciicinformation (multiple agreeing and di esciptionof Air Astana isagreeing choice questions, sentence completion) ‘Sound Spot: pronunciation of hard scene andsoftg Contents MODULE 1 | oT ma ELT the world sister town, pets brother Reading WOREH ES > -UFRIEND. eGR nen Smet eer! erent and BCC nan nch ita Hi, 'm Harry. 'm 12 years old and | live in Manchester. I'm in Year 6 at school. | have two sisters, Jenny and Sue. We've got two pets: a dog, Max, and acat. She hasn't got aname! She's just ‘cat! I've got lots of Harry Lee, UK friends. My best friend is called Zak. Do you have lots of friends? Have you got ‘a best friend? Tell us and maybe we can be friends ‘on ‘Worldfriends'! Hello. 'mAruzhan, and I'm in the 6th Grade at school. I'm 13, | don't have alot of friends but Ive got two very close ones: Amina and Leyla. My family has. a house in the country and 2 lloften spend time there with Artztian Duman, Amina and Leyla. | haven't got Kazakhstan any brothers orsisters, soit ‘good to nave friends to play with. I've got a computer ‘and we love playing games on it together. My name is Sunil, and I'm from India. I've got a very big family there are nine of us including Mysn and Dad! My favourite broths Sachin has got a job in Delhi and he lives there, but the rest of us live together in Mumbai. There are three boys ‘Sunil Mittal, India and three gris at home. We don't have allarge house, and | haven't got my own room — | share with my brothers. It can be very noisy, but alot of fun! | love chatting with my friends online. Be my friend and we can tell each other about our lives! Hi. Kiynameis Joseph but my fiends gail me Joe. Ihave fends all over the wari, and Ihope you 22 my next friend! rr Joe Anderson, anonly child, and usa we live ina small town in Ohio, s0 it can get abit lonely. like reading, listening to music and drawing. | don't like playing computer games or watching TV. | want totravel tolots of places and see the world, Let's be friends and maybe I can travelto visit you in your country! L Read the personal profiles quickly and put atick() ora cross(X) tocomplete the table. ect Harry x Aruzhan Sunil v Joe Read the personal profiles again and choose the correct answer, A, Bor C. ‘There's something unusual about one of Harry's Asisters. Bpets. —C friends. 2. Aruzhan and her friends like goingto ... Aschool. Bthecountry. —_ Cssee friends. iwith.... 3. Sunil lives in Mumt Ahis brother. Ball of his family. C most ofhis family. 4 Joecan be lonely because ... Anis town isnt big. B he doesn't have any friends. Che doesn't like playing with people. 3 choose the person you wantto be friends with on Worldfriends. Say why. ~ 2 Read the text. 5 >) Meet my classmates! We all live in Astana, the capital city of Kazakhstan, and we all go to the same school. There are thirty of us in the class, Sixteen of us are Kazakh, five are Russian, four are Urbek, and three are Uyghur. There's also one Tatar girl and one-Korean boy. We're all very different, but we're also very much the same: we share'the same language, we all love our city, and. we're all proud of our country. Kazakhs‘ain is home for over 120 nationalities. 3 Read the text again and decide if the sentencesare true or false. 1 ‘There are 40 student in the class. ay 2 Most of the student in the class are Kazakh, TE 3. There are no Korean students in this class. TE 4 In Kazakhstan live less than 120 nationalities. TE “=| GLOSSARY capital city (n)the city whereacountryor _ be proud of feel happy about your region has its government achievements,your possessions, people or share(v)havesomethingatthesametime _Places you're connected with as someone else © Now you! Workin groups. Go online and try to find out more information about various schools or classes in Kazakhstan. Echange the information in your group faz) Reading ACTED AY Write the shop wk:«. you buy these things. bookshop « butchér’s clothes shop « florist’s grocer's - music shop<'shoe shop « toy shop |: Grace: I'm having so much fun! It’s great to be out shopping, Thanks for coming with me. Lily: That's OK. I don't normally like shopping very much, but I'm enjoying myself. rm getting some good ideas for my dad's birthday next week. The music shop hasa CD he wants, and there are one or two good 4 books in the bookshop. Grace: ‘The shopping centre's busy, isn't it? There are so many customers in every shop! I'm feeling abit tired now. Lily: Metoo. Here’sa bench. Let's sit down for ———— minute and rest. That's better. Now, let's think. What are we looking for? Grace: Well, Tneed some clothes for Jacob’s party this weekend. Everything is so expensive, though, and I don’t have alot of money. And you need some new shoes. Lily: ¥e:,"The ones { have are fine, but they don't ma‘. my skict for the party. 'm looking for some rd ones, like the ones your sister has. rp Read the dialogue aizd write'G'for Grace or'U'for Lily. Who doesn't usually enjoy shopping? Who is looking for new clothes? __ Who is looking for things for someone else? eure Who wants to look at clothes before eating?___ Grace: I think they've got some in the? sew shoe shop, Shoeland. 'm looking for so:1e new socks, and I think they sell those as well, so let’s go there. Lily: OK, but... Grace: What isit? Are you getting bored with shopping? Lily: No, I'm not getting bored, but I'm getting hungry! Let’ find somewhere to eat. Grace: OK. What about Chicken World? They're cheap, and1 think they're doing a special offer at the moment. Great! Let’s go. It’s on the second floor. ‘The liftis just there. Or shall we take the escalator? Grace: I don't mind. Oh, look! They're having. asale in that clothes shop! Let’ go and see! Lily: OK. Butthen Chicken World! 2 Read the dialogue again and decide if the statements are true (T) or false (F). 1 Lily has some presents to give toher father. T/F 2. Grace thinks there are a lot of people in the shopping centre. TE 3. Graceis looking for expensive clothes. TE 4 Lily needs new shoes because her old ones are broken, TE 5. Graceis also looking for new shoes. TE 6 Lily goes to Chicken World while Grace looks in a shop. TE ere} 3 Talkabout you. 1. Doyou like shopping in shopping centres? Why? I ove shopping. I lice looking at sports clothes _and trying all the new video games. 2 Which of these statements do you agree with? Hove shopping! It's my hobby! ‘Shopping is OK, but | prefer doing other things. Thate shopping! It's so boring! (4 Wordpower! Write one letter in each gap to complete the words. 1 When youe havea good time. _—_ yourself, you 2. When a shop or other place isb. there are lots of people init pecpie in a shop who want to buy things. 4 Sometiing that is e alottobuy 5. Something costa lot to buy 6 Ga tired/bored/ete means starting to fee! sired/bored/ete. Hl, asiaichine that takes you up or down ina building ——— costs — doesn't ise, a moving staircase that goes up or down, VALUES How to make new friends: + beopenand take the first step + talkaboutyour interests + share with your classmates news and stories ee) 'mhaving so much fun! 'mfeeling abittirednow. Are you getting bored with shopping? ‘No, 'm not getting bored, but 'm getting hungry! Use We use the present continuous totalk about things happening now or around now. For more information, see Grammar database 3 ‘on page 133, 1 choose the correct word or phrase. 1 Tim doing / Tim's doing his homework. 2 Areyou working? Yes, Ido. /Yes, 1am. 3 What do you do / are you doing right now? 4 Are/Do you writing an email? 5 At the moment, it’s raining / it rains. 2 Tick (VW) the correct sentences. Underline the mistake in the incorrect sentences and write the correct word(s). 1 T’msaving my money to buy a new jacket. 2 Doyouhaving fun, or shall we go home? 3 Jim not buying anything - he’s only looking. 5. Mymumisis shopping and Dad's cooking dinner. 6 People not are spending a lot of money on clothes these days. 3 Write the verbs in the present continuous. 1 1___agreat time! Thanks for inviting me. have 2 They. anew shopping centre in town. build 3. Isaid we need cheese, not peas. You to me! not/listen, 4 for something to wear this, weekend? you/look 5 Where's Joe? Oh, he. over there. pay 6 Come on! We. in 10 minutes. waste for his things time! The shop closes 4 complete the text with the verbs in the correct form. Youwill use one word twice. come + go « stand + take + tun wait + walk » wave » wear Hello? Matt? Where are you? I (1) for you outside the phone shop. You (2) + __— outside the games shop. ‘Wheres that? OK, wait there. 1(3) to meet you. What? No, I (4). —_____the escalator. Oh, you're neat the lift. Well, 'm at the top of the escalator now. I (5) —___left and (6) past a butcher’. What? Ob,1(7) the wrong way. OK, (8) _______around. There’ the games shop, but where are you? Oh, is that you? (9) ——__ you. ablue jacket? OK, Ican see you. Yes, Tknow you (10) __. Wait there until I get there. Bye. (4 Vocabulary 1 5 complete the table. Use a dictionary ifnecessary. Then listen and check. small - cicular = big = flat res Se gigantic » rectangular + huge square + large = thick « little ten — narrow + round « thin tiny triangular » wide big Student A: This object is large and rectangular. The Student B: Isita TV? fronts flat and wide. Student A: Yes, itis! Student B: Isitabook? Student A: No, itisn't abook. Its usually black and thin. We watch it. Listening 16 isten to three short conversations. For each conversation, choose the thing the customer buys. Conversation 1 Conversation 2 Conversation 3 B 55 if 2 G6 Listen tothe conversations again and complete the sentences with aword or short phrase. Conversation 1: Conversation 2: Conversation 3: 1 Thecustomeris trying to find 3 The assistant says Italian 5. The assistant says that Sun at something for her friend for tomatoes are expensive but Night isa —__. —__. 6 The Second Manisa story 2. At first, the customer 4. The assistant suggests about thinks the T-shirt is too the customer goes to 3 Talkabout you. 1 Whatare your favourite shopst 2. Do you buy things on the internet? What do you buy? 3. What birthday presents do you normally get/give? © {F} Speaking 11 Write the names of five people you know (family 2 Tell your partner about what you think each or friends) and where you think they arenow.Do —_personis doing at the moment. fot choose people in your English lass, My mum is working. She's writing an email. ___ Mum ‘Where?__Af work 4 Where? Where?. Where? Where?. Where?. 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 different time of day. Say what you and the people above are doing now. It's $ o'clock in the morning. I'm having a shower. My sister is eating breakfast. My mum is driving to work. 1 soundSpot Phrase Bank! {2 king about what 1 G97 saythese words. Tick (7) two words that sound the ee doingat same. Then listen and check. peo omeii wee « where « were « wear My brother is having a maths lesson. Lisa is getting ready for school: My dad is cooking dinner. 2 G58 Listen and repeat these sentences. ihciemeatnaeciineeremcas 1 Were wearing the same clothes! 2 Wherewere you? Pronouns Look! Ineedanew paintbrush. an you show us some more? How muchis this? Ike those! How much are they? Are you enjoying yourself? Use We use a pronoun in place of anoun oranother pronoun to avoid repetition and to sound more natural. For more information, see Grammar database 4 on page 133, 2 Write the correct pronoun in each gap. 1 James! P'm down here! Can you seé—____?1 2. Why dontyou buy aDVD?you Idor‘tlike those shoes, but Craig seems to be really enjoying he Do you know jill? Ed’s buying, Debra calls “This is my shopping bag here, so My new phone turns 1 choose the correctanswer, A, BorC. 1 Julia and Ted are late, so let's meet inside the shopping centre. Athem — Bthey —_ Cthemselves, 2. Don't worry, Mum. Glen is driving there right now. Aus Bours Courselves 3. Excuse me. Is your purse on the floor? Atl Bthese Chose 4. Idon‘t like the blue shoes, but I like —_ over there. these Bthose this 5 Ineed to buy —_ some new clothes. Ame Bmine — Cmyself 6 Becareful, or you might cut. Ayourself Byou Cyour here are great! this ‘diamond ring! she the manager, but sheSeally just an assistant. she is yours over there. this on in the morning automatically. it 3 Writea word from the box in each gap to complete the dialogue. me « yourself + |» those » you « this myself ‘Customer: Excuse me. I wonder if you can help ()————..(2). need a couple of things. Assistant: Of course, What do you need? Customer: First of all, 'm looking for a brush. Assistant: A paintbrush? They're in the box over there. Help (3) . Customer: No, not a paintbrush. A brush for cleaning the floor, like (4) ___ over there. Oh, sorry. I didn’t understand (5) ___.. Here you are. Customer: ‘Thanks. Oh, and another thing, I'm. making (6) anew table. Do you havea saw? Let me see. Try (7) It’s just what you need. Customer: ‘Thanks. I think that’s everything. Assistant: Assistant: ered Project: writing a description of a picture of people L Look at the picture. Describe a few things that are happening. A BUSY SHOPPING CENTRE Thisisa picture of shopping centre. It’s snowing outside, and people are wearing winter clothes. think it'sa cold day. The shopping centre is very busy and there are lots of people. ‘Near the door, two boys are throwing snowballs. They're having alot of fun! Next to them, a man is sneezing. | think he's got a cold! His wife is looking at him. | think she's angry because he's sneezing a lot. Inthe middle of the shopping centre, a boys riding a skateboard. Itlooks very dangerous! A man is running after him. Ithinkhhe’s trying to catch him and stop him. Next to them, there's a baby. The baby’s wearing pink so | think it’s a girl. She's throwing her toys on the floor. Everyone's going in and outof the shops. They're buying things they need and things they like. Itlooks ike most people are enjoying themselves. 2 Read the description and decide if the statements are true (T) or false (F).. 1 The writer thinks it’s warm outside the shopping 3 Arman wants (o stop the boy from riding his centre, TIF skateboard. TE 2 Amanis sneezing and his wife thinks is funny. T/F 4 A baby boyis throwing his toys on the floor. T/F 3 Look at the picture. Describe afew things that are happening. 4 Youare going to write a description of the ure. Make notes to complete the planner on page 124. 5 write your description. Use the ideas in your planner. AS 2 Think about the Kazakh official currency. What do you know about it? 3 Workin pairs. Read and the text and match the information from the columns. All about the Tenge Tr 1993 “toe smallest banknote value November, 15 the meaning of the Turkic ten- which tenge originates fro remaining equal or the day@f national currency of the Republic of C y C balanced Kazakhstso co % — TheRiverletysh the highest value banknote yy 20,000 itis illustrated on the reverse of the 2,000 Tenge 5 banknote 2 the year when the ix nal currency was introduce eo 00 he year when th I y was introduced Ce 2006 the year when the officia! &% — Goonline and try to find out more information about the history of Tenge. © (Exchange the information in your group DV, TOK A (oJ SOM (9 Wr SI as c “G a C IT’S ALL FOR CHARITY! Some of us are rich and have everything we need. Some of us are poor and don’t have anything, Have you ever thought about helping poor people? ‘We spoke to three people about what they have done Label the pictures. to raise money for charity make - save « spend - waste 1 ___ money has raised over £100,000 with the help of Jenny. Jenny isn’t a person, though! Jenny is Kevin’ bike, which has been with him on four long, journeysround Europe I've Turkey and back, and I’ve been all along the Mediterranean Sea from Spain to Greece Ive also cycle around Germany and around France Each time I go, Fask my friends, my relatives and the people I work witir}o give me money for charity if I finish the journey’ ve raised a tot, but I'm planning to raise more. This stunner, I'm going to cycle to Moscow. It’s not going-t0 be easy; but Jenny will be there with me, And she hasn’t got lost before!” 3 _____ money Read the ar or'G'for Greg. To raise money, this person ... 1 has changed the way they look. —__ 2 has done a lot of cooking. le and write’K'for Kevin,'Lfor Liz money Liz Newman has never ‘worked as a cook, but she says she’s made over 10,000 cakes! She ‘makes them and sells, them. The money she makes goes to local charities “Pm sure we'veall asked ourselves how ‘we can help other people. I decided to start selling cakes. 1 go ‘to markets and other 4 events and people are always interest y and why I'm selling them. People ar@ fappy to spend money on my cakes when they know isfor charity. It’s better than wasting it on expensive eafies from shops. Mine are tastier and fresher, and cheer, so ‘you save money too! The money I make pay Tor the eggs, flour and other ingredients, and for my tv! and the rest goes straight to local charities.” Greg Lee has done some crazy things for charity! At the same time, he’s raised a lot of money “F've sat in a bath of baked beans all day. That was abit cold and very messy! I’ve jumped out of an aeroplane. Of course, | had a parachute! I did it 10 times in one day, which was very tiring but a lot of fun. And I’ve cut all my hair off twice! I'm happy to do anything if it raises money, I've never run a ‘marathon, but I’m going to enter the London Marathon this year. And I’m going to do it dressed as a chicken! ‘Watch out for me on TV!” 3 has travelled along way. 4 travels and sells something. 5. gets money from people they know. __ 6 has spenta day sitting in food. __ 3 Talkaboutyou. avels with another person. T/F |toMoscowandback, T/F TF TE TF 6 Gregonce ran inthe London Marathon. ——T/F 1 How many charities in your country can youname? 2. How do people raise money in your country? 3. Have you ever raised money fora charity? Afyes, what did you do? 4. Ifnot, what could you do or would you do to help raise money? (4 Wordpower! Write one letter in each gap to complete the words. 1 Ifyouarer _______., you have lots of money, 2. Ifyou are p_________, you don't have much money 3. When your. money, you get itirom people to help other people. 4 Ac ‘organivation that helps people who are poor, old, ill,etc. 5. Ifsomethieis!_— —______.,itisin your neighbourhood or your town. 6 Ifsomethingis si» _____-__ it is dirty and unpleasant. 7 Am_____Ve Sica very long running ra 8 Ifyoue, ‘competition, you join itand try towin, _—araceor VALUES Helping people is the most noble act. Give those in need and you feel happy. Show kindness towards people who need assistance. Tey en) : Use I to Turkey and back, We use the present perfect simple And she hasn'tgot lost before! to talk about past experiences when Pvenever runa marathon, the exact time they happened isn't, Have you ever thought about helping poorpeople? important. For more information, see Grammar database 5 on page 134. 1 Lookat the article on pages 20 and 21. Underline all the examples of the present perfect simple you can find. 2 Tick (V) the correct sentences. Underline the mistake in the incorrect sentences and write the correct form. T've visited London, Paris and New York. We've raise lots of money for our charity. You've never told me about that before. Are you ever sat in a bath of baked beans? __ William haventt jumped out of aplane before. - I've wrote an email to the charity for more information. Write the verbs in the present perfect simple. Greg___out ofa plane toraise money many times. jump 1—________ alot of money to charity in the past. give Hannah___a marathon before. not/run —_____you_abath full of baked beans? ever/see 1___________ of Children in Need. What is it? never/hear Harry__you about the time he went to Africa? tell Aneene Ww aueune 4 Write a verb from the box in the present perfect simple in each gap. You will use one word twice. notask + be (x2) « become eee ene aera CHILDREN IN NEED. Children in Need isa telethon. A telethon is a long TV programme that tries to raise money for charity. Children in Need (1) on BBCTV in the UK every year since 1980. It (2) —__ ‘many millions of pounds for poor or sick children both in the UK and around the world. Many famous people (3) _____~_ in Children in Need, and they (4)_____for any money to do it.'They 6) their time for free to encourage other people to give money, One person who (6) ___ famous because of Children in Need is Pudsey, the cute yellow bear! They (7) ‘many Pudsey bears, and the money (8) _____many children. Children love Pudsey, and so do many adults! (4 Vocabulary ‘L Write a word or phrase from the box to show where the blue ballis. above - behind - below beside » between - on top of over - underneath « infrontof 1 _in front of _ the block 9s 2 next toor___the block } 3. under, ___or ‘the block a 4 5 6 —___the block < 7 two blocks 2 Lookat the picture and writea word or short phrase from exercise 1in each gap. We had a fairlast week to raise money for the school. 've never had so much fun! There was a stall where you could play a game with ducks. (1)______ that, Mrs Aspinall had a stall selling cakes. She's done that fora very long time! She had a table with all her cakes (2) —__ it, and a sign (3) _it that said ‘Free Cakes!” ut when you got close, you could see that (4)_____ it said ‘only if youare over 100 years old’ in very small writing! Everyone thought it was funny. She sold lots of cakes. (5) __Mrs Aspinall and the ice-cream van, there was a place where you could throw sponges at teachers! And (6) ____that there was a bouncy castle. It was the best fair we've ever had! Listening 1. G09 Listen and match each person with an activity. There is one activity youwon'tuse. Speaker 1:__ Speaker 2: Speaker 3:__ Speaker 4: a takeapetforawalk — b gowalking © wash cars @ takeabath € sell something 2 G® © Listen again and choose the correct answer, A, BorC. 1. Speaker 1 didn't enjoy the long walk last year because ... Ait didn’t raise money. B he doesn't exercise much. Cthere wasn't any food. 2. Speaker 2's activity was suggested by ... ‘Aher dad. Bsomeone froma charity. “Cher neighbour. 3. Speaker 3 did his activity with some... Afriends. Bneighbours. — Cpeoplehe didn't know. 4. Speaker 4 raises money from people ... Awho live faraway. Bsheknowsverywell. _ Cwhollike to walk. 3 Discussin small groups. Sometimes schools raise money for charity. Do you think it a good idea? How do you think your school could raise money? iene en) FD} speaking 1 Write the past participle of these verbs. Then past simple. : — | ride —o cat _ raise > | 2 Tick(v) the things you have done. visit another country idea horse eat food from another country raise money for charity 5 6 7 8 ples that are the sameas the meet | win = /o feel es | play [ meeta famous person win anything feel very happy play computer game 3 inpairs, do the role-play. Follow the instructions. When you have finished, swap roles. Student A: ‘Ask Student B about the activities in Exercise 2. Each time you find an activity Student B has done, ask further questions to find out details. Make anote of his/her answers. Student A: Have you ever ridden a horse? Student B: No, I haver't, I've never ridden ahorse. Student A: Have you ever felt very happy? Student B: Yes, [have. Student A: When was it? Student B: It was on my birthday. Thad a party and 2 soundSpot Student B: Answer Student A's questions about theactivities in Exercise 2. For the activities you have done, answer Student As further questions with more details. Phrase Bank! Asking and answering questions Have you everridden a horse? Yes, have. No, !haven't. When did you ride a horse? What was it ike? 1. GW 10 Look. these words and write them in the table according to the sound of the ending-ed.Then listen and check. asked - wasted - cycled - decided - helped - jumped - offered - played raised + suggested « travelled » visited » wanted » worked Ends with a'd’ or't’ sound asked Ends with an ‘id’ sound wasted 2 69 11 Listen again and repeat the words in exercise 1. Adverbs of manner Look! Use We quickly raised alotofmoney. ese adverbs of manner to Istarted the race slowly to save describe how someone does imyeeneray. something. eee eat For more information, see ca Grammar database 6 on page 134 1 write the adverbs. 2 Reorder the words to make sentences. 1 bad___ 1 myrunning shoes ~ put on ~ I - carefully # i¢——__. 1 put on my running shoes carefully. 3 good ——_ 2 ofthe race - patiently — at the start - waited -I 4 easy 3 Bard es 3. fast ran - very — The winner 6 loud _’ 7 nervous ——___.. 4, the race = tried ~ to ~ hard ~ The winner ~ win 8 quick 9 safe ——_ 5 very-I-quickly-run - didn't 10 careful. 6 finished ~ I - was ~ happy - safely — I - the ~ race - when 3 Write an adverb formed froma word from the boxin each gap. easy - excited - hard - loud « safe - slow ‘THE NEW YORK MARATHON Every year since 1970, thousands of people have entered the New York Marathon. Some of them train very (1) all year for the race and they wait @ — for the race to begin Other people enter just for fun, or perhaps to raise money for charity. They often wear funny clothes to Fan the race. The real runners (3) ~beat them in the race, of course, but they don't care! ‘They know they are doing it for a good reason. They run (4) ___, and they arehappy if they can finish the race (5) ___ without getting hurt. They shout and cheer very (6) when they get to the end. They know th raised lots of money! ee) Teel) Project: wri ig a blog post L Read this blog post and decideif the statements are true (T) or false (F). (rr Ewan’s Amazing Blog! Novenber sth Raising Money! Hello, everyone! Welcome to my blog, flower | planted. | did it on Saturday, and my dad This week, Im going to tell you about what helped me. He brought the plants and some I did to raise money for a local charity, special soil to our garden! Then he gave me the ‘Help the Children tools and explained where to plant the flowers! I've raised money for charity before. In the | started digging small holes in the ground. past, I've walked a long way and I've cooked Itwasn't very difficult, but it was tiring. ‘cakes and sold them. This time, Idecided todo Then | put the plants in the holes and cover something I've never done before. decided to them with soil. plant flowers and plants in the garden! Iraised over £50, and | felt very happy. Have you asked my family to give me money for every __ever raised money for charity? Go ont It’s fun! 1 Ewan has planted trees to raise money. TIF 2. Ewan decided to walk a long way to raise money. T/T 3. Ewan’s family helped him to raise money. TE 2 Read the blog post again and match each paragraph with astatement. There is one extra sentence you won'tuse. a Ewan talks about what he’ done to raise money in the past. 1 Paragraph 1: — b_ Ewan says how he felt at the end. 2. Paragraph 2: __ ¢ Ewan talks about how he got ready to raise money. 3. Paragraph 3: d_ Ewan says hello to his readers and says what the blog post is about. 4 Paragraph 4: — ce Ewan describes in detail the time when he sol cakes © Reragreptis:— f Ewan describes what it was like to plant flowers, Imagine you have done something to raise money for charity. Choose the acti orwrite your own activity. ity you have done + walk along way [ + runa marathon { + sell something [ + swima long way + cook and sell something [ + other: When did you do this? 4 Why did you choose this activity? Where did you do this? 5 Wasit successful? How much money did you make? 4 make notes to answer the questions. 1 2 3. Whodid you do thi ith? 6 How did you feel about it? 5 Youare going to write a blog post. Make notes to complete the planner A on page 124. G Write yourblog post. Use the ideasin your planner. Look in magazines or on the internet and find two or three good photographs to go with your blog post. 1. Do you know any charity organisations which help people? Discuss your ideas in pairs. 2 Read the text about the Heart of Gold. Do you know any people who got the reward? Allyn shurek means a heart of gold. It's a unique award given to both charity organisations and individuals in Kazakhstan, It was founded in 2007, in which year there were only 50 contenders for the award. That number rose to more than 180 in 2017. During the10 years ofits existence over 95 awards have been made, more than 110 billion tenge has been raised, 55 schools, 20 kindergartens and 35 hospitals have been built or renovated and over 3000 children have been cured of life-threatening diseases. \ Ulmeken Kozhasova was an awWard-winner in widen ‘| 2016. She lives in a village in the Karaganda = region. She works as a doctor. She's given free medical aid to her fellow- villagers for over 35 years because the ¥illage is so remote that it's difficult to get emergency medical aid from a hospital. Av a result, she’s saved lots of lives. ” 3 Read the text again and choose the correct option in each sentence. 1 Allyn zhurek was started in 2007 / 2017. 2. Inthe first year there were 180 / 50 contenders. 3. More / less than 95 awards have been given from the momeittwhen the award was founded. 4. Ulmeken Kozhasova is a doctor / medical expert. “S 5, She won the award, because she helps people from her village / Recpital. g life-threatening (adj) likely to cause someone to die remote (adj) far away from other cities, towns, or people Work in groups. Go online and try to find out more information about other famous awards for people who help the others. Exchange the information in your group. Rugby originated in 1823, when 2 student at a prestigious school in the ‘town of Rugby in England picked up the ball with his hands during a. game Of football and ran. As the students started to play this form of ‘football’ more and more frequently, they invented the rulas that are stil followed to this day Rugby is @ sport played by two teams of 15 players with a ball shaped like ’ big egg. They score points by kicking the ball over a high bar, which is Tike a giant letter H. Players also score points by putting the ball down ‘ver the goal line. This is called a ay. Today ugby is more popular than football in some parts of the world. The most important intemational teams are Argentina, Australia, South ‘and other teams compete for the Rugby World Cup every four years. Ruaby is also played in Spain, and there are 200 clubs and 17,000 players are nd the country. Rugby is the favourite sport of Javier Bardem and, ‘wher he was younger, the actor played for Spain's national side. How many players compete in a game of rugby? 1 Read about rugby. 2 Lookat the picture. Find seven rugby words inthe wordsearch. S;|B/A;/L|R/T]S HPL tic) Hn) oO Z ifofe|s[ulelr R[s[elalclult T/T/C]H/;/P|M/S O;|S|M/E;TIE|JA o|H|Blolo|t|s s[H[o[r|[tlsle 3 complete the text with the words from exercise 2. Rugby is the national sport of Wales. There are 15 players in a rugby team. All rugby players wear (1) , shirts and special (2) on their feet. Some players wear (3) on their heads. The two teams play a rugby match on a(4) ‘The match lasts for 80 minutes. The (5) isnt round like a football. It’s shaped like an egg 4 Look at the pictures and complete the sentences with the words in the box. conversion * scrum (payers’ position at the start of the game) © tackle (blocking the opponent)» try 1 Thisisa ‘You get five points when you score a try. 2 Thisisa ‘You gét two points when you kick the ball over a high bar. 3. Both teams do the 4 Thisisa Webquest Find out about the Millennium Stadium is: Cardiff, Wales, Lesson 22 MODULE 3 foltTg (Tea AT DMA CYe tet ELA Match, a” duckling ial b lamb yell © pony d calf 3 These days, most people do. Maybe you've gota e kitten cat oradog ora hamster, but you probably don't see farm animals very often and you don't know what lif is like on a farm. aioe boZamberton Farm isa city farm, and it'sopento the 4 public seven days a week, 365 days a year +t & puppy so Read the advert and mstch each paragraph with a heading. 1 Open every day of the year! __ 6 2. Eating and playing! __ 3. Thetimeto come and the time to go home! 4 Petsathome aren't the same!__ 5. Lots of different jobs! 6 Everybody is welcome here! & Mrand Mrs Collins and all the farm workers here ‘at Amberton Farm welcome everyone: parents, children, teachers, students. While you're here, you're sure to learn alot about how a farm works — and have a great time too! d. Farmiife starts early (at 5.30am!) so our doors open early too. People startarriving at six o'clock. They stay all day and leavé.at seven in the evening. & Whatdo they doand “hat do they learn while they're here? Well, they Gon't have a lazy day, that's for sure! Every day, we feed all the animals, milk the cows and collect the chickens‘ eggs. We also brush the horses, move the sheep toa different field (Sally the sheepdog makes iire they don't goto the wrong place!), plant and ojck fruit and vegetables, and lots of other jobs. Aric!the people visiting us help us doall these things too! fF Ofcourse, we don't workall the time. We lave a lovely lunchat one o'clock, and tea and cake in the afternoon. There'salso lots oftime to toucr the animals, to see how they live, and to play with them. Young children love feeding the ducks on the duckpond, Some older children ride the horses, ortake the goats for a walk. Everyone loves the baby animals. We've often got chicks, ducklings, calves, ponies, lambs, puppies and kittens to play ‘with and look at. And everyone loves stroking Ned, the old donkey. He doesn't walk or run much anymore, but he's still happy and lovesall the visitors! 4 Wordpower! Write one letter in each gap to complete the words. 1 denice to someone when they arrive 2. give food to someone or an animal a 3. take something and keep it to use later 4 putsomething in a different place Bae 5 putthings in the ground that will grow p———_ —_ 2 Read the advert again and complete the table. peer pees cat the public Pe} Rouen ele Mr and Mrs Collins 3 Write a word or short phrase to answer each question. 1 Where do most people live these days? 2. How many days each week is Amberton Farm ‘open? 3. What time do they start work on the farm? 4 What time does the first visitor probably arrive? 5. What time do people usually leave? 6 What do they have at one oclock? 7 What do they eat and drink in the afternoon? 8 Wher. do young children feed the ducks? 4 say what you'd like to do at Amberton Farm. 1 lie to foed Ye duc 6 pull fruit/a flower/etc wit your hand and take it a 7 put your fingers on something te 8 gently move your hand on an animal VALUES People live close with animals, that why people must care for animals and protect them. eo Tere s 1 choose the correct word or phrase. 1. The cows wake up / wakes up very early in the morning. Present simple 2 This dogeat /eats chocolate! 3. the ducks live /lives on the duckpond. ae fe - 4 Wego / goes to the farm every Saturday. Farm life starts earl. aT 5. like /likes Ned the donkey. Sally the sheepdogmakessure = She want / wants volcom farm theydon’tgotothe wrong place © S ae 2 Make the sentences in exercise 1 negative. Doyouliveinatownoraciy? _—1__The-cows dont wake u fn the morni you probably don’t see far animals very often. 2 He doesn't walk 3 Use We use the present simple to 4 talkabout situations thatalways ‘orneverhappen,erhappen generally, every day, regularly, g usually, often or sometimes. For more information, see 3 Make questions from the sentences in exercise 1. Sonne database 5 on Do the cows wake up very early in the morning? page 134. 2 3 4 5 6 utthe verbs into the correct form. My sister Caroline (1) ______ (work) at Amberton Farm, She (2) (love) it, but its not an easy job! She (3) ___(get up) very early in the morning and (4) ______ (go) to work at about half past five. Sometimes she (5) _______ (not/come) home until eight lock in the evening! She (6) ___(do) lots of different things during the day. She (7) ______ (feed) the animals, and (8) ____(make) sure they're all happy. She also (9) ___(cook) lunch, and in the afternoon she (10) ________ (teach) some of the visitors how to ride a horse. I sometimes (11) ___(visit) her at the farm, but I(12)__(not/stay) all day because she’s so busy. (13) —______ (you/want) to come with me to Amberton Farm the next time I go? (4 Vocabulary L Label the clocks. PL} half past three » anhour » aminute + threeo’clock « quartertothree » asecond + awatch —-, —=- TS im ee 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Thaven't got a (1) quarter. , but I've gota clock on my wall and it says it’s 12 o¢lock. Lhave lunch at one (2) seconds That's in one hour, or 60 (3) o'clock. And there are 60 (4) watch ina minute, so that’s 3,600 seconds from now. And (5) hour an hour after lunch, at half (6) to. ‘one, Thavea sléep, so that’sanother 1,800 seconds. [usually sleep for two hours. That's 120 minutes or 7,200 seconds. A (7) half. ofan hour later, at about quarter (8) minutes. four, Ioften have an apple. One ofthe rs gives it to me. A quarter of an (9) past. is 15 minutes. That's 900 seconds. So, if my maths is right, I get my apple in about 13,500 seconds. It's true I'm just an old donkey called Ned, but my brain still works well! Listening 1 G 12 Lstento five people talking about Amberton Farm, Match each speaker with a person. Speaker I: a Caroline, farm worker Speaker 2: Sarah, Caroline’ sister Speaker 3: ¢ Maddie, a visitor Speaker 4: d Mrs Collins Speaker 5: e Susan, Mrand MrsCollins daughter 2 @ 12 Listenagain. For each question, choose the correct answer, A, Bor. Speaker 1: What time does she get up on Thursdays? A530 B7:30 ©9.00 Speaker 2: What time does she usually get up? Aas B5.00 5:15 Speaker 3: What does she often do? A goonholiday Bgotothebeach Cwork Speaker 4: How often does she go to the farm? Aonceaday Bonceaweek — Conceamonth Speaker 5: What does she really like? Ahertown B the farm. C the food Talkabout you. Do you live on a farm? Ifyou don't, would you like to live on a farm? Ifyou do, do you like it? Ter) 1 speaking 1 inpairs,read the dialogue. Student A: What time do you get up in the morning? Student B: Athalfpast seven. Do you get up at half past seven too? Student A: No, [dont [get upat seven otlock, Student ‘What time do you have breakfast? Student A: Atcight oclock. Do you have breakfast at eight oclock too? Student B: Yes, Ido. 2 Make notes to complete the first column of the notepad. ay fend Co __ have reat clean your teeth do homework play football/te_ watch TV have dinner 2 soundspot {L say the sentence - very slowly! Six sick sheep sit on one seat. 2 G0 13 Listen and repeat the sentence in exercise 1. 3 say the sentence in exercise 1 as fast as you can. eal == 3 impairs, ask and answer about your day. Use the dialoguein exercise 1 and your notes in exercise 2 tohelp you. Write down your friend's answers inthe second column. 4 Use your notes in the second column totell the class about your friend. Phrase Bank! Talking about daily activities Jenny gets up at half past seven. ‘Then, at eight olock, she has breakfast. After breakfast, at quarter past eight, she cleans her teeth, Halfan hour later, at half past eight, she goes to school Use % ‘We use adverbs of frequency to show how often something happens. 0%, 100% never always For more information, see Grammar database 8 con page 135. 2 Use the information to write sentences. VS¢d = always: W4¢ = usually “= chen Y= sometimes X= never f= everyday 1 Milk/play with the visitors Milk: never plays with the visitor 2 Ned/eat apples ‘L Rewrite each sentence so the word or phrase in boldisin the correct place. 1 Weevery week buy eggs from a farm. We buy eggs from a farm every week 2 Our cat alwaysisill. 3. My dog eats usually three mealsa day. 4. Often my mum rides horses. 5 Doyougo sometimes to the farm? 6. [get up never at five o¢lock in the morning. 7 ‘That duck flies never. 8 Every day Ned hasan apple. 7 Milk/be happy 8 Hamish/play with the visitors 3. Clever/play with the visitors 9 Ned/be happy 4 Hamish/make funny noises 5 Sally/eat apples 6 Clever/make funny noises 3 Talk about you. 1 What do you usually have for breakfast? 2. What do younever do at the weekends? 3. What would you like to do more often? 4. Wheredo you and your best friends always like to go in your free time? Py Tues © writing Project: writing an informal email ‘L Putthe parts of this email into the correct order. Part 1: Part 2: Part 3: Part: Ou mon holi Part5:__ get up at hai? Mth MY family ~ on a farm! rt Part 6: The Cons. Then we Fern eevery d2y and help the ereat! He Has of aninais nere"= ceed th® other animate. ype, fATHEr alk — ckens, » horses, b are lot: Part 8: ° f+ ducks, dogs, cats” “M®®P» donkeys, goats. We have 1unch ; at one o'clock «Then, in the a @ Hi, murat) © 1: murat aniros on a farm! @© tn the evens ng, 1? s at about nine oPeiocki sey *HPEd's0 I go to bed cet 1 thy 2 Read the email again and complete the sentences. 1 Muratand Azamat are probably __. 2. Azamat sounds —_ in his email. A father and son A friendly B brothers B very serious C friends © sad 3 imagine youare on holiday ona farm. Make notes to answer the questions. 1 What time do you get up? 6 What do you do after breakfast? 2. What do you do first? 7 What time do you have lunch? 3. What do youdo after that? 8 What do you doin the afternoon? 4. What different animals are on the farm? 9 How do you feelin the evening? 5 What time do you have breakfast? 10 What time do you go to bed? You are going to write an email to a friend. Make notes to complete the planner Aon page 125. 5 Write your email. Use the ideas in your planner. Remember tobe friendly! Tees) 1 Do you like going to museums? What's the most interesting museum you have been to? Discuss your ideas in pairs. 2 Read the text about the Kazakh Aul. What do you think about this place? ‘The perfect way for an inhabitant of a big city to get to know more about life in the countryside is to take a trip t6 on open-air ethnographic museum. My class have recently visited one near Almaty. |. Wetried beating and spinning wool into yarn, took part in putting up a yurt frame, © rode horses and even cooked Baursaks nan outdoor kazan! x OS It was a terrific adventure! Have you ever been to a museum like this where » you live? » ) Read the text again and correct the sentences below, so tna? they are true about the text. ve This ethnographic museum is in a big building, SSX 2 Itis far from Almaty. You can spin wool or ride a bike there. Going there to that museum is not a god idea Renew “=, GLOSSARY inhabitant (n) a person or animalthatlivesin yarn (n) wool in the form of thick aparticular place thread/ string spin (v) to twist fibres of wool into thread c {2 Nowyou! oe C Work in groups. wi “(0 Go online and try to find out more information about other famous Kazakh museum. & S\g* Exchange theinformationn your group. & Oy < ‘ n& " i wo) oO )) Vocabulary Write the correct phrase. the distant future « the recent past » thedistantpast » the near future (3) Reading ‘1 Read the article and write'y'for James or 'L’for Libby. ‘This person is going to... start practising for an event. __ start a business. study after finishing school. ___ get ajob after finishing school. 1 B 3 4 2 Read the article again and choose the correct answer, A, BorC. 1 James says acting is difficult because A youcant do it when you are young. B therearea lot of things to remember. C ittakes a long time to get ready. 2_ James wants to be in films because ... A its easier than being in plays. B he wants to work with Johnny Depp. C you become more famous that way. today 3 Libby says that she wrote her first program ... ‘A when her dad was at work. B in the recent past. C when she was 10. 4. Libby is certain that ... A. she will study something interesting at university. B she willstart a successfull company. studying at university will be easy. 3 Talkabout you. ‘What do you want to be when you grow up? Why? When 1 grow up I want be a doctor-because I like helping people, | don’t think | want to be.a teacher because | don't like exams, The next big film aa? James Wilson, 14 ‘man actor. Last month, lwasina play called ‘Summer Nights at the local theatre in my hometown, ‘and Im going to be In another one in the near future: We're going to start getting ready for it this weekend, fm sureitll be great! I'shard because you have to remember all your words, but that's why | practise a Jotat home. always get very nervous on the opening night... maybe because 'm still young, monly 14 now, of course, so rm going to finish school and then try to get ajob in acting. 'mnot going to goto drama school. Lots of famous actors didn't go, like Johnny Depp. id like to be like him one dayand appearin films. Plays in the theatre are fine, but millions of people see youwhen youreina film. ‘And one day 'm going tobe very famous. It might seem like the distant future, but you can be sure of it! V7 | Wordpowe: Write one letter in each gap to complete the words. Who will be successful in the future? Nobody knows for sure, but we can guess! Let's hear from a couple of young people who have big plans for tomorrow! The next computer whizzkid? Libby Burkle, 14 “My dad works with computers, and they were alwaysaround the house when Iwas growing UP- [started to program them when! was 10.t wrote asimple game, and it developed from there. In the recent past | started making apps for mobile phones. One'sa word game and the other isa music ‘app. Youcan buy them online, and get a bitof money from them! ‘Am going to goto university? Yes, definitely, to study computers. sure i'l be hard work but very interesting. And then one day 'm going to start my ‘own games company. Will beas successful as Steve Jobs or BillGates in the distant future? Well, hope so! fm going to try, anyway!" ; eae ingf_______ s___ ___ ___, youare certain about it. ay — , you say an answer but you don't know if its correct or not. a a performance with actors in a theatre. ) el ase plete whee you learn how to act. he ____ ___ isayoung person who is very good at something and is very. When you p—— —— —_ —_ —_ __-acomputer, you write instructions for it 7 Ana. isa small program that runs on ~~ acanaaid amobile phone. eS a @ Watues Aperson needs to work hard if he or she wants to achive good results. Your success in future is not possible without education. Tee be going to Look! Im going to be in another onein thenearfuture. mnot going to.go to drama school. Am going to go to university? Use Weuse be going foto talk about plans and intentions forthe future. For more information, see Grammar database 9 on page 135. 1 Tick (v) the correct sentences. Underline the mistakein the incorrect sentences and write the correct form. ‘My mum going to become a singer! I going to learn everything I can about computers. Are they going sell a lot of CDs? ‘Megan is going to study for the test this evening, What are you go to do after the lesson? ___ ‘There's going to be a concert in the park tonight. ___ N aueune Read the information and write questions and answers using be going to. 1 what/Rob/do/next year? (go to university) Q: What is Rob going to do next year? A: He's going to go to university, 2. what/you/do/this evening? (watch TV) Q A 3. what/Tina/do/tomorrow? (study fora test) Q A $$ 4, who/you and your family/see/this weekend? (see our grandma) Q: We A ee 5. where/Mike/stay/on holiday? (stay in a hotel) Q Ao ee 6 what/you/study/at university? (study computers) @ > a a Oe iterview. Meet The Youngsters. They rea young band and they think they/re the next big thing! They (1) goingto playa concert tonight, and afterthat there (Q)_____-tebbea tour | spoketothelead singer, Tom White. ‘are (3) 90ng to play your own songs tonight” "Yes Weregolng( show people what we cando: 5 Where (5) you going to play on the tour?” Were (6)_______— 9oing to vsitalotof places ~ just three towns. The tour bus (7) going to take sto the firsttown rightafter tonight's concert! ‘Good luck, and hope ita great tour’ Tanks. We're going (8) doourbest!’ (4 wordpower! ‘L Write the correct phrase to show how much of the circleis blue. aquarter of «a third of - altef « almostall of « halfof « most of « almost halfof » none of @® 80 2D 1 _allof _thecircle 2 thecircle 3 thecirde 4 the circle thecircle 6 thecircle 7 thecircle the circle 2 Write a phrase from exercise 1 in each gap. You won't use all the phrases. THE NEXT BIG CHOCOLATE BAR? ‘Companies usually ask people questions to find out what the next successful product, such as a chocolate bar, will be. They ask people to try the new chocolate bar. 1f(1) —_______ the people (100%), or (2) the people (95%) like it, then they can be sure itll bea success. 1f(3) ____the people (0%) like it, then they can be sure it wor't be a success, But what if (4) _________(50%) or (5) ___ the people 45%) like it? Well, then they have to do more work and make the chocolate better until (6) the people (70%) like it. Then perhaps it will bea tasty bestseller! Listening 1 © 14 Listento three teenagers talking, Match each teenager with the activity they mention. There is one activity you won'tuse. Speaker I: Speaker2:____ Speaker 3:__ amecting friends visiting family members estudying foratest leaning part of the house 2 G9 14 Listen again and putthe activtiesin the correct order (1-3) for each person. 1 oe 1k 2 Speaker 2: } eS 3 discuss. 1 Why is it important to plan things carefully? 2. What things should we plan carefully? 3. What things shouldsit we worry about so much? ys Tee EE) © speaking \L Tick (W) the things you plan to do in the next seven days. Write any other plans you have. Use your imagination! « study foratest * gotoaparty « visit aplace + visit family members |e meet friends _) es other: * playa sport J) swatch tv O + gotothecinema © usethe internet 2 Write the days of the week. Then write your plans next to the days. =< hz aT 3 Inpairs, ask and answer questions about your plans. Winteyourparnersplarsabove. Phrase Bank! {J Student A: What are you going to do on Friday? Gilkinpabeut future plans StudentB: On Friday, I'm going to meet friends ata café. What are you going to do this weekend? What a you? oO im going to see my grandfather. Student A: I'm not going out on Friday. I'm going to ‘Afterthat, fmgoing to mect a friend. study for an English test. {mot going to do any work on Saturday. Finally, fm going to do my homework on Sunday evening. {2 soundSpot 1 G0 15 Listen andrepeat these sentences. half of none of Ivegot — mostof them right. allof some of 2 say and earn this quotation. You can fool some of the people al ofthe time. You can foolall ofthe people some ofthe time. But you can't fool ll ofthe people all of the time?” “Abraham Lincoln, US President (1809-1865) 1 Tick (W) the correct sentences. Underline the mistake in the incorrect sentences and write the correct word(s). 1 Welllto havea lot of fun at the weekend! 2. Will you are at school tomorrow? 3 Aigul will does well in the future. You'tfhaveagreattime! 4 Therellbe alot of people at the concert. Son beat the pagyon 5 Does Bolat will win the match on Friday? ae eceitpass thetest tomorrow, © You won't see me tomorrow because I'll be on holiday. Use We use wilto giyeand ask fo? 2 Reorder the words to make sentences and questions. information aboutfutureevents 1. the —love- there - You'll - people and facts. We also use willto A: I'm going to go to Astana this summer. make predictions. B; You'll love the people there. For more information, see 2 practice - so - after ~ He'll - win - much Grammar database 100n A: Tony spent all last week practising for the match. page 135. B: 3. successful —hes — won't because —lazy~Jack—be 6 in hot ~be- It'll - Spain - very A: A B: You're right. He never does any work. B: Yes. I'm going to take my swimming costume! 4 success ~ band —be-Will-the-a 7. being ~ plane ~1~on - enjoy -a—won't A A B: Yes, [hope so. They're very good. B: Ofcourse you will. You just have to relax! 5. it—think —love~shell-1 8. easy ~ won't ~ but be it- Yes, ‘A: Do you think your sister will like her present? ‘A: Doyou think you'll pass the test? Br Br 3 Writea verb from the box with will or won'tin each gap. go happen - have + make + spend + stay» try » work a Who knows what (1) ________in the future? ‘ I Tm planning to get married one day, and I hope I (2) two children. | (3) ____at home, though. I'm going to make sure I have a good job. I think I (4) _____asa doctor, or maybe asa lawyer. (5) ____I_____alot of money? Who knows? I hope so! Before that, I (6). to university. 1 (7) ____hard and do a lot of work. 1(8) ____time dreaming ... like Ido now! — 4 You are going to visit a fortune-teller. Write five questions that you want to ask about your future. Will | pass my exams in Tune? 5 Inpairs, do the role-play. Follow the instructions. When you have finished, swap roles. ‘Student A: You visita fortune-teller. Ask him/her Student B: You are a fortune-teller Listen to your questions, If you want more details, ask Student A's questions and answer them using follow-up questions. willl won't. Try to explain your answers. TLS Lesson 35 4 writing Project: writing an informal email L Put tthe parts of this email into the correct order. Part 1:___ Part 5: Part 2:___ Part 6:__ Part 3: Part7:___ Part 4:___ Part 8: Did I tell you that I'm in a competition called ‘Pop Factor’? They came to my town and I sang a ‘song. | was really nervous, but they said yest b I'm going to practise act before then. I'm going to learn two songs very well and I'll choose one of them later. My music ‘eacher is going to help me. She says | will definitely win, I'm not so sure! How are you? | hope everything's OK, Are you busy at school? d— Hi, Shant © After the competition, we're going to go out for-a meal. itll be a lot of fun, and it doesn't matter 1 win oF lose. f Now I have to go to London and sing i: front of some other people. And my family are going to come toa! It'll be nice to have them there ‘o help me. | think they'll be as nervous as me! We're going to go by train, and we're going to stay in a hotel in London. It'll be a great day! 9 Bye fornow! Love, Skye To: Shannon Wilkinson Subject: ‘Pop Factor’! 2 Read the email again and choose the correct answers. 1 Who isgoing to London? 2. Whyare they going to London? A Skye and Shannon A. Skye wants fo go ona train B Skyeand her family B Skye is going to sing in a competition, C Skyeand her friends C Skyelikes staying in hotels. 3 Imagine youare ina competition like Pop Factor. Make notes to answer the questions. 1 Whatis the competition called? 3. Howwill you feel? 2. What did you do in the competition? (sing, 4 What are you going to do to get ready? dance, etc) 5 Whatare you going to do after the competition? 4 You're going to write an email toa friend. Use your imagination to complete the planner B on page 125. 5 wri your email. Use the ideas in your planner. Remember tobe friendly! Ey 1. Do you follow any talent shows on TV? Which one do you like best? Would you like to participate in it? Discuss your ideasin pairs. 2 Read the text about Daneliya Tuleshova. What is her talent? 9-year-old Daneliya Tuleshova was awarded the People’s Choice Award. at the Junior New Wave-2015 contest. Daneliya received the largest number of viewers’ votes, including online votes. The number of people voting was over 13,000, Nearly 5,000 viewers voted for the young singer from Kazakhstan, which made Daneliya the overall winner in this category. wy ¥% She was the winner of Kazakhstaa's Ayalagan Astana-2015 children's ~~ music competition, which enabled he), to represent her home country at the Ce Junior New Wave contest. 1 3 Read the text again and decide ifthe sentences below af true or false. 1 Daneliya wasn't even eight, when she won the Junior New Wave contest. TIE 2 Inthe contest people could vote via the Internet. T/E 3. Daneliya first won the Junior New Wave and then Ayalagan Astana competition T/F 4. She won two big contest in one year. TF y x enable (v) to give someone the ability ys ‘or opportunity to do something iS { Now you! Work in groups. Go online and try to find out more information about Daneliya Tuleshova . Exchange the information in your group. MODULE 4 Drama and Comedy Sec Read the article and match the questions to camera « director Céqstume « make-up » star the answers. So, do extras never speak? Is it well paid? What exactly are you doing today and tomorrow? Can you explain what that means? ‘What do you mean by ‘in the background’? How do you prepare for that? Read the interview again and choose the correct answer, A, BorC. What does Ben say about Christian Bale? A Hereally likes him. B Their jobs are different. CC Hes working with him. What is true about extras? A. Wenever hear them talk in films. B They never talk to the stars. C They alvvays sit down when they work. In this film, Ben is A just playing a policeman. B serving food to all the other actors. C playing three diferent roles. At12 o'clock, Ben is A putting on his costume. B getting instructions from the director. C filming the scene. Why does Ben do this job? A Because he gets lots of money. B Because he enjoysit C Because he can't find another job. This week's JobChat' looks at the life ofa film extra. We met 22-year-old Ben Lewis, who told us What it's like towork on a movie as an extra Ben, you're an extra. (1) — Yes. When you thinkabost actors in films you usually think bout the stars, don't you? You know,psople like Nicole Kidman or Natalie Porti}an or Christian Bale. That's because they play the important roles. But there are‘otsof much lessimportant roles ina film tsa Extras are the people in the backgroune, @— Let me give you an example. Imagine two stars in alm. They're having a conversation ina restaurant. Well, the restaurantisn't empty. There are people at the other tables, aren't there? Theyre eating and maybe talking to each other, but you can't hear what they are saying. Those peopleare extras. @—_ ‘That's right! Extras never speak. Ifyou havea speaking role, youre not an extra, What do youdo, then? Lots of different things! Sometimes you just have to stand somewhere. ‘Sometimes you have to walk down a street. Sometimes as said - you're eating ina restaurant. Itdepends on the film. You're working at the moment, aren't you? (4) ¥yes,'m working as an extraona film tothe nexttwo’san action movie, and ve got thtee differentroles. ‘After fanch, Im playing @ policeman. ‘Tomortaiy morning m a waiterin a restaurept, And then tomorrow 3 Tell the class your opinion. Use the ideas below to help you. «= Tid like to be an extra because... » The film [id like to be an extra in is * Twouldn’t like to be an extra because seein + who’s my favourite actor/actress I would meet (4 wordpower! .. because... ci Write one letter in each gap to complete the words. 1 filmm, 2. parts/characters in afilm or play r__ —_ ________ 3. behind the main people or action i 4 opposite of full’e _._______. 5. film in which lots of exciting things happen a m. one small part of film s. to get ready p. to film a scene or movie with cameras afternoon|'m standing by a shop as some cars go pastreally fast! OK, so first you're a policeman. (5) well, m notdoing anything special or saying anything atalln the scene - 'm justsitting in a police car ~s0 it's quite easy to prepare forit-Inabout half an hour they're giving me my costume. After that all the extrasin my scene are going to the make-up area. There, they'll give us our make-up. At 12 o'clock we're meeting the director. He'lltell us where to goand where the cameras will be. And then, about an hourlater, we'll shoot the scene. Itsounds great fun! (6) It 1S great fun but no, it’s not well paid It’s not my main job. It's really usta hobby. Ido it for fun - although we do get asmall amount of money per day. =a it sounds great fun you don’t do anything VALUES The art of conversations very important. Talk to others with the great respect. Be responsible for your own words. LE YA eu EL) erlunch fm playing a policeman. ock we're meeting the director. joing anything special or saying anythingatallin ‘What exactly are you doing today and tomorrow? Choose the correct phrase. We having / We're having ari English test tomorrow. What time you going / are you going to the theatre? Arewe having / Do we have pizza tonight? Idon’t / ’m not going out tomorrow night. Beene ‘Are you having a party on Saturday? Yes, we having. / Yes, we are. 2 Each of the words or phrases in boldis incorrect. Rewrite them correctly. 1 Tomorrow I meeting the director to talk about my role. 2. They're makea film in our village next weekend. 3 Do you getting your costume later today? 4 Who doing your make-up for you this evening? 5 She’snot play a main role in the film, 6 You've goingto the cinema tonight, aren't you? 3 Look at the information and answer the questions. 1 Whatare the extras doing at nine o¢lock tomorrow morning? They'ce arriving atthe film studio. 2 Whatare the extras doing at 9.30 tomorrow morning? 3. What’ Ben doing at 10.30 tomorrow morning? 4 What's Anne doingat 11.30 tomorrow morning? 5 Whatare the extras doing at 11.45 tomorrow morning? 6 Whatisthe director doing at 12.15 tomorrow? What are they doing at two otlock tomorrow afternoon? continuous for future arrangements Use We can use the present continuous to describe future arrangements. For more information, see Grammar database 11 on page 135. Ben / Anne (extras) Sam —_arive at the flm studio 9:50am try on the costumes 10.30am go to the make-up area 11.30am have a meeting with the director 11.45am_ practise the scene 12.15pm_ film the scene 2pm have lunch Use the information in exercise 3 to write questions. Ace you having lunch et 12.302 you No, at two ovlock. at 10 oclock? Anne No, at 11.30. —________ at 8.307 they No, at nine otlock. at 1 tlc? Ben No,at 10.30. at two odlock? you No, at 12.15, (4 Vocabulary L Label the pictures. 2 Writea word from exercise 1 next to each statement. desert «lake field « cliff 1 Don'tworry. The cows and sheep won't hurt you. They're busy eating mountain « beach « forest the grass, —________ 2. Isso hot, and all you can see is sand in every direction. And sometimes a camel in the distance, ____ 3. The water's lovely. It's fresh ~ not salty like in the sea. Come on! Let's swim to the other side! _____ 4 Its very high ~ but I really want to jump off into the sea 5 Itllltake usa day to climb to the top. And bring warm clothes ~ there’ snowat the top! —__ 6 Charlie was happy to play in the sand while Dad and I went swimming, —____ 7. These trees are really tall! And there are so many of them. We'll get lost iff we're not careful @ Listening 1 @ 6 Listen to anactress called Lindsay talking about her next film. As you listen, match each day with a place. Monday a adesert ‘Tuesday —_ D aficld andalake Wednesday —_ ¢ aforest ‘Thursday d abeach Friday e adit Saturday £ amountain N aveune 9) 16 Listen again and decideif the statementsare true(T) orfalse (F). In the scene on Monday, Lindsay rescues her friends. Te In the scene on Tuesday, Lindsay has. fight and wins. TE Inthe scene on Wednesday, Lindsay's friends come by helicopter to find her. VE In the scene on ‘Thursday, the bad guys ride horses. TE Inthe scene on Friday, Lindsay has to ski. VE In the scene on Saturday, Lindsay flies a plane. TE Discuss in small groups. Lindsay described six different scenes in her new film. Which scene doyou thinkis the best? Why? Which do you think is the best scene in your favourite film? 3 Which do you think is the funniest scene ever? What happens in it? Hwous EL) Lesson 40 © speaking 1 Label the film posters. + science fiction film/movie + adventure film/movie * romance film/movie + cartoon + comedy 2 © 17 Listen. Then, in pairs, read the dialogue. ‘What are you doing on Friday evening, Fiona? I'm going to the cinema with some friends. Nice. Which film are you seeing? Run and Hide, with Lindsay Beckham. It’s an action movie. 3 inpairs, talk about cinema plans. Then swap roles. Student A: What are you doing on DAY evening, NAME? Student B: I'm going to the cinema with NAME? Student A: Nice. Which film are you seeing? Student B: NAME OF FILM, with NAME OF ACTOR(S| Itsa/an TYPE OF FILM. 1 4 imagine youare a famous getup actor. Here’s your schedule for pe ne tomorrow. Write what time Sa ee things start. Then tell the class ae RC what you are doing. oe eee eet ‘lock. Then, at nine o’lock, fin big black — limousine) a a sign autographs outside give some imerviewsinside watch the world Phrase Bank! {J premiere of my new film! Talking about future arrangements 5 {Imdoing that tomorrow. Then, Im going 0.. After that, m having a bath, At six o'clock, m seeing a film. 1 SoundSpot = 1 © 18 Lookat these words and tick (V) the statement that's true. a Then listen and check. director » actor «extra » camera « helicopter a They all end in the same sound. b ‘They don'tall end in the same sound. 2 (9 19 Listen and repeat these sentences. 1 Thedirector’s in a helicopter. 2. He’ filming an actor with a camera, 3. Theactor isn’tan extra »sitions of time and place Use “Look! Re We use prepositions (such ason, Fe etcetera on Saturday. in,to,near, etc) before times and Were meeting outside the cinema at sixoclock. Ee The cinema's next to the post office, and near the supermarket. Places: Thefilmis starting in 10 minutes. Formore information, see The bad guys are nahelicopterin Germany. Grammar database 12 on page 136. Choose the correct word or phrase. Hove going to / at /on outdoor cinemas at /in / on the summer. Were seeing a film to / at / on an outdoor cinema on / in / at Saturday. We're meeting in /on /at nine oélock front of /in front / in front of the cinema. ‘The cinema’ next to / at /in the river and near / next a nice café Hast went at /to/ in the cinema in / on /at 24th March, 6 Wesometimes watch films in /at/on TV at/in / on home, but | prefer the cinema! eee ae 2 Write one preposition in each gap to complete the short answers. 1 When's Lindsay Beckham's birthday? —__0n__29th April. 2 Where do you usually watch TV? ——____ home. 3. What time does the film start? half past seven. 4 Where’ the cinema? the town centre. 5 When are you going to the cinema? Saturday. 6 When is the new outdoor cinema opening? —______jly 7 Where did you learn about extras? —— schoo. 3 writea word ineach gap. We went (1) the cinema when we were (2) ___ holiday (3) ____ Russia (4)__the summer. It was great! The cinema is (5) _____the centre of Moscow. Its not next (6) _____the Kremlin, but it’s near it. Its really big and beautiful! ‘We saw the film Run and Hide, with Lindsay Beckham. Its an action film and it’s very exciting. First, Lindsay's (7) __a forest. Bad guys are chasing her and her friends rescue her by helicopter. Then she fights someone (8)__a cliff. After that, she’ in trouble (9) —_____a desert, then she's (10) a ficld with horses, then she goes (11) lake and escapes from the bad guysina speedboat. In another scene, she’ (12) ___ a mountain and she has to ski down. There's another scene where she (13)___a beach and people shoot at her from a plane. It’s great fun, and it was lovely to watch it (14)___a beautiful cinema (15) ____a beautiful city! yg) ery) 8 Writing Project: writing an interview (dialogue) 1 Read thi complete the Factfile. interview with a famous director, and write a word, number or short phrase in each gap to Ran casi Stephen aa Factfile: Stephen Spee! Job:_director Made firstfilm atage: Home: Reason fo living there: Favourite director: Favourite film: Starting filming next fil: When did youbecome adirector? Wheredo youlive? Why do you livethere? ‘Who's your favourite director? ‘What's your favourite film? Whenare youmaking your next film? Greatl What‘sit called? ‘Who's starringin it? Where are you filming the action scenes? Itsounds good! When isthe film coming to cinemas? made my firstfilm when | was 23 years old, InLos Angeles, in the USA. Because that’s where Hollywood is! That's where you get money tomake films! ‘That'sa ery dificult question! like lots of directors, Maybe Luc Besson. His ils are fantasti! “That's easy! I's Star Wars! really love that film! We're starting on Monday! "Run and Hide’ Its an action movie. Lindsay Beckham. She's fantastic actressit'm really happy she'sin the film. Inlots of different places! One scene isinaforest, Another scene’sona mountain. Another's on a beach. Inabouta year. Name of film: Type of film: Star of film: Film in cinemas: 2 Youare going to write an interview with a famous actor or director for a magazine or website. First, decide who youare going to interview. Complete the information. Use your, imagination if necessary. 3 complete the planner A on page 125. 4 write your interview. Use the ideas in your planner. Find a picture of the famous person you interviewed andstickit next to the interview. Factfile: Name: Job: Homer. Made first filmat age: Reason for living there: i 1 Do you dance, sing, paint or perform any other artistic activity? Do you like artistic subjects? Discuss your ideas in pairs. Read the text about the famous actor Sanjar Madi. Why, in your opinion, has he achieved success? Sanjar Madi (Sanzhar Madiyev) was born in Almaty. At school he took part in performances, composed songs, painted, and attended dancing classes. When it was time to go to university; he first decided to try studying economics. However, he soon realized that art was his main interest and entered the drama department of the local Academy of Arts. Sanzhar got his first high-profile role in the film The Tale of the Pink Bunny. At the same time he continued to study filmmaking in his free ected a Christmas show for a national TV channefyin May 2011, Kazakhfilm Studios sent him to New York Film Academy in Los Angeles in order to study film directing. In/November 2011, he returned to LA to continue studying ncting-Shortly before this, he started shooting the film Phantom Hunt, Loken and Armin’ Assante. jwhich Sanzhar starred alongside Kristan »\ <3 Read the text again and decide if the sentences below and choose the correct word so that the sentences are true about the test. When Sanzhar was a school student he wrote songs /storiss He first studied drama / economics. Sanzhar directed a TV programme for a local / national chanel. He studied film directing in New York / Los Angeles. He acted in / directed Phantom Hunt with Kristanna Loken and Avsiand Assante. fo} Glossary realize(v)to know and understand something high-profile (adj) often :enin public, < > department (n) section in organization, mentioned in newspapers, or appearing on e.g. at university, which deals with one typeof _ television ) «fs studying c ©) Nowyou! Work in groups. (© Goonline and try to find out more information about Sanzhar Madiyev. d\\ Exchange the information in your group. eee} Many of the hills and mountains that su Edinburgh are ancient volcanoes, ‘There are three types of voléano ~ acti and extinct. An frequently. This is viwon clouds of ash and flow up the conduit ai! out of the er ‘eruptions can cause a lat nf destruction: ‘A famous example is Mcunt Vesuvius, the Italian town of Pompei in 79AD. ‘Adormant volcano, like Teide in the Cana long time. An extinct volcano, lke i ose Edinburgh, is one that will never enc 2g When was the most recent big volcanic e1'¢tion? L Read about volcanoes. How many types of volcano are there? 2 Look at the map. Match the volcanoes with the countries. 1 Mount Vesuvius a) Indonesia 2 Mount Fuji b) Japan 3 Mount Etna ©) Italy 4 Krakatoa d) USA 5 Mount St Helens ) Sicily, Italy 3 choose the correct answers. 1 In which country is the active volcano Eyjafallajokull? a Japan b Iceland c Italy 2) Which city is near Mount Vesuvius? a Rome b Palermo c Pompeii 4 Look at the picture. Complete tir words. 2liv_ 4m_gm_ Webquest 3 Find out about of the volcanoes in exercise 2. Which country hasn't got any active volcanoes? a Australia b Italy Japan How many of the world’s volcanoes are under water? a 10% b 20% © 40% Lesson 44 MODULE 5 3} Reading Our Health ® Vocabulary Pop star Beyoncé Knowles had a lucky escape yesterday. Label the photos, She was travelling with her husband, the rapper and hip-hop artist Jay-Z, when the accident happened, taxi « departmentsfore Rae SHOPPING Beyoncé and Jay-2 were driving through autogra iden London to a Japanese restaurant when Beyoncé decided to go shopping. She asked her driver to stop the car outside Harrods, the famous London py department store CAR CRASH! At the same time, a taxi was coming Gown the street. While Beyoncé was opening the car door to get out, the taxi hit Beyoncé’s door and knocked it onto the road. Beyoncé was extremely lucky. The taxi very nearly hit her. UPSET It seems that Beyoncé was upset because of the accident, and decided not to go shopping, but tive couple decided to continue to the restaurant. AUTOGRAPHS? We don’t know what they did while they were waiting for a new car to take them there. Perhaps they signed autographs in the street outside Harrods. We hope they did! Read the two newspaper articles and choose the correct answer, Aor. 1 Thetwo newspaper articles are about... A the same event. B differentevents. 2. A Both articles give B Only one article gives us the main facts about the accident. A Both articles tell B Only one article tells us about Beyoncé’ feelings after the accident. Beyoncé and Jay-; in car accident Beyoncé Knowles, the pop star and actor, and her husband, successful musician Jay-Z, were in a car accident yesterday, while they were on holiday in London, The accident happened in Knightsbridge, London, near Harrods, the department store. A London taxi was passing Beyonce's Mercedes when Beyoncé ‘opened her car door. The taxi hit the door and destroyed it. No-one was hurt in the acc 2 Which article mentions the following information? Tick (V) the boxes. EEE v v Tete 1 Theaccident happened yesterday. 2 Jay-Zisahip-hop artist. 3 Jay-Zis successful 4 Beyonce and jy-7.are married. 5. Beyoncé and Jay-Z were on holiday 6 ‘he accident happened near Harrods: 7. Harrods isa department store 8 Harrods sin anarea of London called Knightsbridge 9 Beyoncé and jy-2. were going ta Japanese restaurant. 10. “theircar was a Mercedes. 11 Beyoncé was very lucky 3 Read the sentences and write YES or NO to answer the questions. Do we know for sure that the taxi driver made a mistake? Lo we know for sure that Beyoncé made a mistake? 2 3. Dowe know for sure that they signed autographs outside Harrods? 4 After theaccident, did Beyoncé go shopping in Harrods? 5 After the accident, did Beyoncé and Jay-Z go to the restaurant? 6 Did Beyonce and Jay-Z continue their journey in the same car that was in the accident? 4 Imagine you are Bejncé or Jay-Z. Tell the story of what happened. We were driving throueir London to a restaurant when I decided 10 40 shopping. (4 wordpower! Rearrange the letters to find the wor, 1 If good things happen to you, maybe vou are —___. klyeu 2. Ifsomething bad nearly happens but doesn't, you have an—_____. aecpse A caraccident is also called a car __~. hesar Ifyou leave a car, you___of the car. egi tuo Another word for ‘hit (in the past simple) is ___.. kkcenod means ‘very very’. exleretym Ifyouare__, youare sad or angry or scared. suetp Ifyou do well, you are _. susufcesle VALUES Life is the most precious thin the world. Take care of yourself, your family members and friends. Follow safety rules when at school, at home and outdoors. Ter) 1 choose the correct word or phrase. I saw / was seeing Ulzhan at school yesterday. ast continuous 2 Whatwere you doing /you doing when you fell over? a 3 Was the man driving too fast? No, he wasn’t driving, / took! ; No, he wasnt eat 2 4 Iwas breaking / broke my mobile when I dropped it. SE Sipe 5 What were they doing at 10 oclock? They danced / Beyoncé and Jay-Zwere driving through London... when Beyoncédecidedtogo shopping. were dancing hie eeeetee tens teear doar Match each sentence with adiagram. to.getout, the taxihit Beyonce's door... 1 Tlaughed when my bestfriend fell over. Fe 2 Iwaslaughing when my bestfriend fell over. feces: ee that something wasin progress a (happening) when another thing Past Peasant happened. b laugh» Wealso use the past continuous to show that something was in progress Pat reir (happening) ata specific time in the fall over_ ‘ ee 3 putthe verbs into the past continuous. Bodine bcs oxy see Ccanircr 1 1____ (ride) my bike when a dog jumped on me. eotobere l7.on page) 36: Tell off, but I wasn't hurt. 2 Simon (cut) bread with a sharp knife when he dropped the knife on the floor. It nearly cut his foot! We__=__ (play) football in the park. Eddie kicked the ball and it hit Flynn on the head. He was OK aftera few minutes. 4 Where. —-(you/fish) when your brother fell in the water? 5 She ___________(net/travel) on a train when she felt ill. She (travel) ona bus. 6 They (not/walk) down the street when they saw the lion. They were at the zoo! 4 Putthe verbs into the correct form, past simple or past continuous. WHALE JUMPS ON SAILING BOAT! Ralph Mothes and Paloma Werner (1) — (enjoy) 2 sailing trip when a whale (2) (jump) out of the sea and landed on their boat. “They (3) (sail) near Robben Island, South Africa when the accident (4) (happen). Ralph and Paloma watched the whale swimming for about half an hour. While they (5) (watch), it went under the water and then ©) (come) up near the boat. Suddenly, it jumped out of the ‘water and landed on the boat. Then it (7) (go) back into the sea. While this (8) (happen), someone in another boat filmed the accident. (You can watch the video on YouTube®.) Ralph and Paloma (9) (be) able to take the boat back to the land. (4 Vocabulary L choose the correct word or 2 Match each picture in exercise 1 witha sentence (a-f). phrase for each picture. Picture Picture 2: __ Picture 3: ___ Picture 4: __ SEES + acs i “ Picture 6: ___ 1 nod your head /drop your head ‘ ee) a 4 Yes tha ight! 2. rockyour head / shake your head : NAN. eA listening 1 © 20 Listen tofive people talking. For each speaker, write a word or phrase from Wordpower! exercise 1. 3. pickup/wave m Speaker 1 Speaker 4: Co aistaltre tc Speaker 2: —___ ‘Speaker 5: Speaker 3: 2 © 20 Listen again. For each question, choose the correct answer, ABorc. Speaker 1: When he saw his friend Ron, the boy was ‘A shoutingand waving. B walking down the street. C ridinga bike. Speaker 2: When the girl hit the man, he was. A standing next toher. B shopping with her mum. © buyinga shirt. Speaker 3: The woman got a dirty hand when she .. A said helloto theboy's dad. B was cooking. C knocked on the door. Speaker 4: When this happened, her grandfather was A talking. B cating. C combing his hair. Speaker 5:"The boy’ grandfather had a problem with, A staying with his family. B his grandson. C his teeth. 3 Talk about you. 1 Youheard five stories. Which is the best story? Why? 2 Doyou havea similar story to tell? Say what happened, and how 6 wave /kiss you felt. Tee) 1 speaking Read the text quickly. In pairs, askand answer the questions. My dad was cooking at home last Sunday when. someone knocked on the door. My dad opened the door, and it was the woman who lives next door. They shook hands - then my dad remembered that he had food all over his hands. The woman's hand was really, dirty! They both laughed about i 1 Whoisthe story about? The gitt's dad. 2. What was he doing? __He was cooking af home. _ 3. When’. 4 What happened? 5 What happened next? 6 Who was it? 7 What happened next? 8 What did the gir!’s dad remember? 9 What happened in the end? 2 Choosea situation and use your imagination about who, when and what happened. n pairs, tell your story Using the past simple and past continuous. and kicks the TV by mistake. someone is playing 2 game on their Wii™ 3 Think of your own funny situation. Write one sentence to say what happens. sence yous 1 soundSpot 1.60 21 Listen and circiethe word you hear. Phrase Bank! Q 1 a fight b feet 2 a riding b reading Telling simple stories 3 a nice b niece Iwas doing something when something happened. 4a site b seat While was doing something, something happened. 5a while b wheel ‘Something happened so | did something. He did something - then he did something else. 2 © 22 Listen and repeat the wordsin exercise 1.

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