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Recreational Activity
Course Title: Recreational Activity Time Frame: 1 Hour
Content Standard: The learners demonstrates understanding of recreation in optimizing
one’s health as a habit; as requisite for physical activity assessment
performance, and as a career opportunity.
Performance Standard: The learners lead recreational events with proficiency and
confidence resulting in independent pursuit and in influencing
others positively.
Formation Standard: The learners will become aware and appreciate the value of
recreational activities to one’s total physical fitness and health and
to become considerate to others’ safety and the equal rights and
privileges to use the schools community facilities and equipment.

July 20, 2022

Topic: Introduction to Recreational Activity

Objectives: At the end of the lesson, the learners shall have been able to:
1. Identify the concept of a recreation. (C)
2. Explain the values and benefits of recreational activity. (C)
3. Appreciate and monitor one’s participation in recreational activities. (A)
4. Participate actively in the class discussion. (P)

Fit For Life Book by: Ryan C. Gialogo and Richardson C. Gialogo/ Power point presentation/

1. Class Routine Activities
a. Opening Prayer
b. Checking of attendance
2. The teacher will initiate “Meet and Greet” by asking the questions:

1. How are you today?

2. Are you excited to learn about our lesson for today?
3. Motivation: The teacher will play a video of a Senior High School Student doing different
physical activities or interesting recreational activities and will ask the following questions:

a. What is your observation or reaction about the video played?

b. Do you have the same physical activities that were shown in the video?
c. What particular physical activity do you usually do during your leisure time?

4. After the students shared their ideas. The teacher will discuss the concept of recreational
activity along with the values derived from recreational activities and its benefits.
5. Processing: after the discussion. The teacher will conduct a review of the pieces of
information that transpired in the class discussion and will ask the following questions:

1. Why is it important to do activity during leisure time?

2. What do you think would be the implication of having a recreational activity?

6. (Assessment) Mini Task: The teacher will ask the students to answer the following questions:

1. Why do we need to engage in different recreational activities?

2. What recreational activity are you into? Why?

7. Assignment:

1. List down at least 5 indoor recreational activities and 5 outdoor recreational activities.
2. Record your participation of the recreational activity that you will execute this

Mr. Bernard D. Arciga

Teacher, SHS – MAPEH/Sports

Revised Teaching-Learning Plan Template: July 2022

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