03 Fulfilling The Event Worksheet

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Pillar #3: Fulfilling The Event


It is finally time to fulfill your event!

There are several things to take note of upon setting up your

event and from the beginning to the end during the actual

A. Set Conditions To The Flow Of An Event

You can start off the event by allocating specific songs
to be played at different points. For example, an upbeat
song can be played when the participants are entering
the room. This also allow participants to be aware of the
start or resume of your event after any washroom or meal

B. Introduce Mechanisms
Participants are allowed to take breaks in between the
event. However, these breaks are recommended to be
timed, to ensure the flow of your event is on track. One
good way is to make use of a countdown timer, which can
be shown on any projector screens.

C. Set Up Contexts And Expectations

During any breaks throughout the event, participants
may come up to you to ask any questions. Know that any
breaks is important for both you and your participants to
regain energy. To avoid the breaks being sabotaged, you
will need to turn their expectations to the right path by
informing your participants the purpose of the breaks.

Once the above rules are in place, it is time to jump right in

into the start of fulfulling an event.


When it comes to delivering an event, the messaging is an

important part to make sure that you will be able to serve your
audiences at the highest level.

If you take a look at different thought leaders in the world,

the one thing you will notice about is that they are very clear
about their own messaging and are able to tell the same
stories over and over again.

To start off, you will need to identify 4 things (origin story) about

1. Successes
2. Struggles
3. Strengths
4. Beliefs

Many marketers talk about successes all the time. To build a

rapport where your audiences are able to see that you are yet
another normal human being just like them, so that they can
feel relatable, you will need to name a few struggles which you
have been through.

Aside from successes and struggles, you can bring up your

strengths. Strengths can be the direct results of your past
struggles, they can also be the causes of successes you’ve

Once you have your successes, struggles and strengths in
mind, you will want to ask yourself these questions:

1. How much of these three elements do your audiences

know about you?
2. How much about these elements have you shared on your
social medias, in your videos or e-ails, and at your live
3. How much do your audiences really know about you?

These bring us to the last element: Beliefs.

All of the previous three elements will eventually form your own
beliefs. You can convey your beliefs to your audiences, which
they might not know yet, in a form of video on Youtube or on
Facebook, and even in email.

Your belief is a unique story. By sharing this story, life
experience, knowledge and passion, you can create an
extremely fulfilling and lucrative career as soon as you find out
how to package and position them correctly.

Fig. 3.0. - Screenshot of “What I Believe” video.

The video “What I Believe”, is one of the first videos to be

sent out to people who have opted in. It is also the cover of
Youtube channel.

What’s the purpose of showing your audiences a video of

your unique origin story which has all of the four elements

So that they can discover more about you, and it also marks
the start of them they beginning on the onboard process with
you. All through right messaging.

The right messages which consist of your successes, struggles,
strengths, and beliefs should constantly be shared through
your autoresponder email sequences, through your live events,
and your sales funnels.

Because those are the four things which really matter when it
comes down to your messaging.

Now, list down the following to help your audiences to know

where you come from, your world, your successes and your
failures to be able to build a much stronger rapport with them:

-5 successes
-5 struggles
-5 strengths
-5 beliefs


To get somebody started, motivation is always needed.
Motivation is first sparked by something. In order to ignite
motivation in your audiences, you will need to instill to them
ambitions and expectations.

Your audiences may have objections like: “I am not you, and

I will never be the same as you.” Here’s where you need to
answer their objections, which can be done by showing them

Based on your market, you want to think about the different

things which you can be covering in order to give your
audiences ambitions to begin with, at the same time set
expectancies in them.

A very crucial piece is to reveal your struggles to them,

because the moment when you have revealed your past
struggles, your audiences will be able to expect themselves to
be able to overcome any obstacles as well.

One issue with motivation is that once it has been sparked,

the result may not be long lasting. Your audiences can be
motivated, leave the event, take actions for a good two weeks,
then lose track all over again as soon as the motivation has
been lost.

Therefore, you will need to help your audiences to sustain their

motivations by chunking down their achievements for them.
Know that a huge victory is the result of many little victories. 7

In order to keep the motivation level of your audiences, it is

important to give them bite-sized efforts along the way and
eventually create an environment where they can change their
attitude around it.

An example of effort and environment combined is to create a

road map for your audiences. This road map needs to consist
of little milestones which they can achieve as they progress
with you in your program.

Once their motivations have been sustained, you can amplify

and create change in their belief and attitude, as mentioned

One question that you need to start asking yourself is, in your
programs and events, how much time do you spend talking
about their beliefs, their mindsets, which will determine their
attitudes, because that’s how lasting changes can be created.

Fig. 3.1. - Motivations.

Now, think of 5 motivations which you can give to your


Fears are inevitable. What are the fears which your audiences
may have?

There are two main types of fear: Fear of loss and fear of
outcome. Your audiences may ask, what if they have done all
that they needed to do but the outcome is still not up to their
expectations? What if they are required to give up something
they have already had in order to move forward?

Motivations alone can contain a big enough “why” in order to

get your audiences out of the phantom of fears. However, it is
important for you, as the speaker, to address them in terms of
fears and answer their objections from within.

Fig. 3.2. - Fears.

Again, come up with 5 fears which your audiences in your
market may have and how will you answer these objections:


The next thing you want to tell your audiences is about

choices. Choices we all may take account of the results we
make. Your audiences can be well motivated, and have
overcame their fears, but still choose to do nothing.

Here’s the thing about choices, when the outcome is not just
about right or wrong, the choices become tougher. These
tough choices are subjective. Especially when they have
became subjective, they may cause a divide amongst your
audiences. Not everyone is going to agree with you because it
is a tough choice.

Let’s show you an example, which you will also be able to use
on your audiences in the future:

Imagine that right now your kid is in school. Your kid’s

best friend did something naughty in school. Would you
rather your kid to tell the truth of what the best friend has
done, or would you rather your kid to stay loyal to the best
friend and say nothing.

The question is: Which quality would you like to instill in

your kid: Truth or loyalty?

In this example given to you, the choices are both difficult

decisions. As a thought leader, you got to be able to educate
your audiences choices, tough choices, and sometimes the
choices could both be right, or sometimes even equally wrong.
In the end, your audiences are going to just choose one.

Here’s another extreme example between tough choices, in
terms of short term versus long term:

Imagine that it is now 2,000 years ago. You have been given
a button. This button, once pressed, human beings die,
however we will have more progress when it comes to
technology, science, medicine. Alternatively, you can refuse
to press the button. In the case of second scenario, this
world will never have as much progress when it comes to
technology, science, medicine.

Would you press the button, or not?

When you talk about choices, there are bound to be a division

between all of us. It is important, as thought leader yourself,
that you will be able to instill the mindset of being brave
enough to stand one’s own ground to your audiences.

Do you talk about choices enough with your audience? List

down 5 different tough choices which your audiences will need
to make:


The fourth thing is to cover things which are universal, things

that everyone would want. Some example of aspirations are:
love, unity, fairness.

Aside from the three examples, write down 5 more aspirations

in your mind here:

The summary of serving your audiences at the highest level is

never about the steps you have given to them, but rather the
messaging that you will be delivering to them:


With these four components, you will be able to create lasting

change in your audiences.


Aside from the messages you deliver to your audiences, it is

important to increase and change the energy levels of your

Fig. 3.3. - Pictures of participants discussing with each other at live events.

You can change the energy levels of your audiences by

changing their states, as things might go downhill when your
audiences have had heavy meals, or in late afternoon on the
event’s day itself.

In between your event, you can ask your audience questions.

Even just by raising their hands while answering your simple
“yes” or “no” question, they can get more alert and awake.

To take things further to the next level, you can encourage

your audiences to stand up and go around and discuss with
other participants on what they have discovered at your
event. This is called the sharing session.

There is another type to regain your audiences’ energy levels,

which is by telling them to brainstorm and write down their
ideas. This one, is the writing session. A person only really
remembers and retains information most, not when there is an
input but rather when there is also an output.
Some of you might be hosting events which require your
audiences to bring laptops to the event. Here’s a thing you
need to be aware of: When people start to get excited and
work on their laptops, they might neglect to your live teachings
as they can brought away by their own things. This is also
where the pre-training from Pillar #2 can come in handy.

Fig. 3.4. - Picture of participants standing up at an event.

Let’s go back to asking questions. The best way to execute a

mental state change is actually by asking questions.

Here’s a way to phrase your questions in order to catch

attentions of your audiences:

“How many of you would agree that…”

While beginning your questions with similar phrase, you can

raise your arm as well in order to get your audiences to raise
theirs. Remember, a question hooks the mind. Even if your
audiences have ignored the questions, more often than not,
they’re answering the questions at a subconscious state.

How will you want to accelerate the learning of your
audiences? List down 5 ways to change the states of your


You may certainly include an upsell (selling a high ticket

product) at your live event. When is the best time to reveal
your upsell?

As early as possible.

To do that, you are going to introduce the prices of your

upsells in between your presentation. For example, you can
mention your upsell while going through a funnel. As you go
through the funnel steps with your audiences, you would
certainly mention about the price of your upsell product.

Here’s a thing to take note of: When it comes to selling high

ticket product, you need to think of it like a weighing machine.
Since the start of your presentation, you can introduce the
price of your upsell. Let’s say the price is $20,000.

Throughout your presentation, you will want to marinade the

price of the high ticket product. This particular product may
consist of many components: $5,000, $7,000, $10,000, $15,000,

With all of these components in mind, you are going to present

them as individual products and establish the individual costs
at the back of the minds of your audiences.

Once you mention the total cost of your upsell (including all of
the other components you have mentioned throughout the
event), which has to be a significantly lower number, the upsell
product automatically becomes a no-brainer.

That was a process called price marinade.

Fig. 3.5. - Example of funnel with upsell (high ticket product).

Next up, you may question which is a better option: PowerPoint

or flip chart?

There have been different schools of thought when it comes

to these two options. In order to make your presentation more
visual and relatable, flip chart comes in as the first choice. At
the same time, PowerPoint can be used to show your funnel
which sells your coaching program (high ticket product), as the
slide can be left without moving for a couple of hours.

To kind of summarise Pillar #3: Fulfilling The Event, it is crucial to
know what topics to teach. Ultimately, it is all about knowing
the different layers of content.

The lowest level of content is basically theory. These were what

we have all been taught academically. However, we also know
that there are a ton of people who understand about theory
but are not generating good enough results.

This proves that theory alone isn’t enough.

If you want to start creating change for your audiences

and serve them at a much higher level, do not become a
commodity, do not give them only the tactics.

Tactical things alone are also not powerful enough to create

change. People may be clear about theoretical statements
and the tactical ways to perform, again without achieving any

What needs to be done is: Create transformation. This is the
process where beliefs are being created, a brand new mind
set, a change in attitude.

Fig. 3.6. - The work towards transcendence.

If you can give your audiences a whole new level of beliefs, you
will in turn help them to change their thought processes and
how they view the world along with their businesses, that’s how
lasting change can be created.


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