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Abarth, Carlo (Karl), 88, 105107, 265
Adler, 23, 25, 27, 276
Aerodynamic bodywork, 2326, 3233,
Carrera GTL, 265
Type 202, 102, 281
Type 370, 114, 277, 282
fins, 281
LeMans race cars, 204, 205
Type 60K10, 156
Type 352, 128
Type 356, 130, 132, 137, 282
Type 356/2, 177, 180, 181, 196
Type 60K10, 3537, 273, 276
Type 114 (F-Wagen), 23, 2633, 273
wheel shrouding, 273, 276, 277, 282
Alfa Romeo, 27, 46, 95, 100, 121, 272
Allgaier, Erwin, 83, 84, 242
Almasy, Laszlo, 8993
Alpine Rally, 34, 208, 257, 261
AMAG, 150152, 171172, 189, 198
Armor Commission of the Ministry of Arms
and Munitions, 56, 57
Ascari, Alberto, 101, 202
Aschkenasi, Robert, 146
Audi, 89
Rosemeyer concept, 4647, 273
TT, 89
Austrian government, Porsche and, 8385,
Austro Daimler, 2, 11, 56, 146148, 283.
See also Daimler-Benz AG
Autoar, 113
Auto Avio 815, 27
Automobile restoration, 122123
Auto Union, Porsche design work for, 11, 26,
29, 4147, 273, 281, 283
Cistalia designs and, 105, 108, 109, 114
Porsche Type 356 and 356/2 design and,
130, 156, 157, 160, 193, 194



Rekordwagen, 8
Type 22 grand prix/sports cars, 4143,
Type 52 sports car, 4347
Wanderer, 41

Barber, Chris, 234
Barrington, Jim, 221
Beier, Josef, 49
Berkefeld, Volker, 1
Berlin-Rome Race (1939), proposed, 3437
Beutler, Ernst, 283
Beutler, Fritz, 283
Beutler, Karosserie, 93, 187189, 193196,
Bez, Ulrich, 1
Binder, Franz, 234
Blank, Bernhard, 171, 184185, 188189,
197, 198, 283
Blaser, Franz, 155
BMW company and automobiles, 139
328 chassis, 32, 33, 39, 156, 257
Mille Miglia, 1940, 37
Bodywork, aerodynamic. See Aerodynamic
Bolt, Ernst, 263
Bonetto, Felice, 101
Borgeson, Griff, 285
Borsattino, Virgilio, 113
Bott, Helmuth, 7, 275
Boxster, 1, 266, 272
Braunschweig, Robert, 139141
BRM, 105
Brown Boveri, 49
Bruhn, Richard, 41
Bugatti, 2324, 46
Busenhart, Werner, 184185
Buzzetta, Joe, 266

C. H. Weidenhausen, 252
Cabiglio, Sam, 211, 230
Carozzeria Garella, 98
356 2 GS-GT, 265266, 267
356A, 265
911, 1, 3, 273
993, 1, 3
GTL (Abarth Carrera), 265
Cavaglieri, Joe, 232
Cavalieri, Steven, 120
Cayenne, 3, 265
Chiron, Louis, 112
Cistalia Automobili, 95121, 284
D46 (Project 201), 95101, 108, 121
Grand Prix race cars, 100108, 112114
Nuvolari, 100, 101, 103, 136
Porsche contracted by, 108112, 129,
130, 136, 159, 278279
tubular space frame, 9698, 101, 104,
Type 202, 98102, 104, 118120, 130,
Type 205, 120
Type 360, 109114, 155, 277
Type 370, 109110, 114120, 132, 205,
265, 277282
Collier, Miles, 122123, 221
Coquille, Emile, 202
Cumberford, Robert, 156157, 283

Eberan-Eberhorst, Robert von, 46, 113, 132,
169, 172
Edelweiss Porschaus, 230232
1.5 liter, 20, 2627, 108, 109, 126,
220221, 257
air-cooled, 1617, 114116, 118, 126,
127, 141, 164, 223, 248, 263,
diesel, 55, 81, 83, 84
front-mounted, 127
grand prix cars, 110
liquid-cooled, 75, 118, 127, 274
mid-engined cars, 138, 142, 146, 156,
160, 193, 252, 266, 279, 281
rear-mounted, 26, 118, 126129, 156,
160, 193, 194, 258, 271, 274,
276278, 280, 281
for Type 52, 44
Type 101, 29
for Type 352, 126129
for Type 356, 131132
for Type 356/2, 165, 167168, 180, 193,
194, 196
for Type 356/2-040, 217, 220221, 223
V8, 116, 117, 161
V10, 2731, 56
V12, 56, 109, 113
Volkswagen, 16, 52
diesel engine, 55
sports cars based on, 248250, 257
for Type 60K10, 35
for Type 64, 20

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Daimler-Benz AG, 56, 58, 200

Daimler Motoren Gesellschaft, 11. See also
Austro Daimler
Dannenhauer & Strauss, 252
DB Panhard, 207
Delfosse, Kurt, 252
Denzel, Wolfgang, 77, 169, 234, 257,
Denzel sports car, 257, 259261
Derbuel, Victor, 49, 52


De Silva, Walter Maria, 272273

DKW, 139
Drag-reducing bodywork. See Aerodynamic
Drews Karosserie, 248
Dufeaux, G., 197
Dunbar, Derrick, 229
Durand, Georges, 202
Dusio, Carlo, 96, 112, 113, 121
Dusio, Piero, 9598, 100101, 105, 108109,
112113, 156, 284

for Type 82, 49

for Type 114 (F-Wagen), 2631, 49
Type 115, 4953
for Type 116, 49
for Type 166, 49
Type 170, 5253
Type 171, 52, 54, 55
Type 174 and 174A, 5255
Type 309, 55
wartime improvements, 4955
Engler, Mark, 155
ERA (English Racing Automobiles), 27
European Touring Championship, 209
Eyb, Wolfgang, 119

172, 174, 179, 284

Type 356/2-040, 220
Frankenberg, Richard von, 68, 137138,
155, 203, 204, 206, 207
Franzen, Tore, 73
Freiburg-Schauinsland Hill Climb, 253
Frhlich, Karl, 16, 23, 26, 29, 31, 67
Fuhrmann, Ernst, 1, 274
Furman, Michael, 216
Furmanik, Giuseppe, 34
F-Wagen (Type 114), 23, 2633, 35, 36, 49,
109, 273, 280

Gang, Adrian, 230232

George, Scott, 221
Giacosa, Dante, 95101
Giani, Carlo, 105
Giugiaro, Giogetto, 265, 282
GK Restorations, 225
Glckler, Walter, 142, 155, 206, 252258
Gmnd, 6068
Dusio, Piero, visit to, 113
engineering work commencing at, 6467
Ferry Porsche, operations directed by,
occupation forces at, 7374
Porsche company departure from,
post-World War II occupation, operations
during, 7887, 129
Scott-Moncrieff visit to, 141142
selection as factory site, 6064
Type 356, development of, 133, 136,
138, 140, 148, 181
Type 356/2, development and
production of, 160, 185187,
196198, 211, 216, 217, 221,
262, 265, 281
Volkswagen Sports project, 159, 280
von Sengers visits to, 128, 181184
Goertz, Albrecht, 269271
Goldinger, Josef, 39, 57, 137, 172
Gotschke, Walter, 147148
Gtzl, Paul, 200
Grand Prix race cars, 138

Farina, Pinin. See Pinin Farina

Farouk, King (Egypt), 9193
Faroux, Charles, 112, 202203
Ferrari, Enzo, 27, 105
Ferrari 166SC engine, 116
Fetzenflieger, 237239
Feuereissen, Karl, 13, 69
Fiat automobiles, 27
500 (Topolino), 95, 101
508C Mille Miglia, 37, 40
1100, 95, 146148
Balilla 508S, 146148, 233
Finigan, Alex, 221223, 230
Fischer, Rudi, 93
Ford, 29, 73, 139
Cistalia tubular space frame, 9698, 101,
104, 109110
Denzel sports car, 257, 259
Glckler racer, 252, 256
Porsche tubular frame, 43, 109110, 130,
156, 160, 162
for Steyr V8 engine, 161
Type 52, 4346
Type 60K10, 35, 39
Type 114 (F-Wagen), 27, 31
Type 352, 127
Type 356, 130, 131133, 135, 141, 156,
243, 279
Type 356/2, 160, 162167, 169170,



AutoUnion, 26, 29, 4146, 130

Cistalia, 100108, 278
Gran Primio Supercortemaggiere, 235
Graz-Simmering-Pauker, 56, 107
Grieger, Manfred, 87
Grosso, Edoardo, 95, 113
Guettier, Henri, 76
Guilleaume, Paul von, 207

Hanomag cars, 252
Hanstein, Huschke von, 69, 70, 206, 252,
Hans Weibel Carrosserie, 189193
Hatter, Tony, 263
Heintz, Josh, 149
Henschel Tiger tank, 56, 67
Hetterich of Vienna, 193
Hild, Wilhelm, 68, 204205, 208, 209
Hirst, Ivan, 248
Hitler, Adolf, 14, 17, 68, 73
Hfer, Heinz, 125127, 159, 181, 184, 185
Hoffman, Max, 284285
Hornung, Thora, 273
Hruska, Rudolf, 64, 105, 107109, 112, 113,
120, 129
Hhnlein, Adolf, 3334
Husslein, Otto, 133, 136138, 142, 167, 172,
185, 187

Innsbruck Rund um den Hofgarten (1948
race), 146148, 181, 233

Jacob, August, 13
Jagdtiger, 67
Jaray, Paul, 2325, 32, 33
Jenschke, Karl, 23
Josef Hebmller and Son, 248, 250, 251



Kaes, Edwin, 194

Kaes, Ghislaine, 14, 58, 77, 85, 182, 196,
diaries of, 8993, 113
organizational chart drafted by, 1819
production record enumerations, 198
Kaes, Herbert, 77, 148, 198199, 201, 220,
Kaiser, Peter, 149152
Kales, Josef, 1618, 250
Kamm, Wunibald, 33
Karnerau Works of Porsche. See Gmnd
Karosseriefabrik Ferdinand Keibl GmbH, 193
KdF-Wagen. See Volkswagen
KdF-Werke, 13, 16, 73
Keibl, 179180, 193, 257
Kempton, Gary, 221, 225
Kern, Hans, 13, 60, 64, 67, 76, 93, 108, 172
Kinstner, Iris, 128
Kirn, Karl, 78
Klauser, Hans, 247
Klie, Heinrich, 269272
Koenig-Fachsenfeld, Reinhard von, 23, 25
Komenda, Erwin Franz, 59, 17, 18, 20, 120,
128, 265, 278, 280
2+2 design, 270272
60K10 design, 156
Butzi Porsche designs and, 272
Type 22 design, 42
Type 60K10 design, 35
Type 64 design, 21
Type 114 (F-Wagen) design, 23, 3233
Type 352 design, 126127, 129
Type 356 design, 7, 8, 130133, 136,
140, 141, 159160, 243245,
263, 282
Type 356/2 design, 162163, 172173,
177179, 185, 187, 193, 281,
283, 284
Type 370 design, 114115, 117118,
277, 281
Komenda sweeps, 6
Kuhnke, Kurt, 252, 253
Kunz, Heinrich, 197

Lafferentz, Bodo, 16, 20, 37

Lagaay, Harm, 5, 8, 269, 272
Lagonda, 46
Lai, Pinky, 5
Lancia company and automobiles, 27, 29
Aprilia, 23, 25, 26, 126
Pinin Farina design, 156
Lapine, Anatole Tony, 5, 7, 266
Larson, Grant, 5, 262, 280
Lauda, Niki, 239
Lauren, Ralph, 221
Le Mans, 202209, 267, 282
Ley, Robert, 14, 16, 20, 56, 59, 81, 87
Lige-Rome-Lige Rally, 207, 208, 209
Lisbon Rally, 209
Lurani, Giovanni Johnny, 108

Mille Miglia
1940, 23, 26, 37
1947, 103, 118
1952, 209
Mbius, Wolfgang, 5, 269
Momberger, Adolf, 69
Mommsen, Hans, 87
Moneim, Prince Abdel (Egypt), 93
Monthlry, 209
Morgan, 3
Motto, Rocco, 97
Mouche, Edmond, 206, 207
Muff, Rosemarie, 152
Muller, Alfred, 6567
Mller, Hans Peter, 113
Mller, Petermax, 6971, 142, 206, 252, 254

Mailander, Rodolfo, 206, 254
Malberg, Baron, 18
Marinello, Marco, 159, 171, 184, 189, 199,
Maserati, 95, 100, 107, 116, 121
Massimino, Alberto, 97
Math, Otto, 201, 209
60K10 owned by, 153, 199
356/2-040 owned by, 216221, 227, 228,
230, 231, 235239
Fetzenflieger race car, 237239
race career, 146148, 233239
Maus tank, 56
Mays, J, 8, 9
McEvoy, Michael, 248
Meineke family, 245
Mercedes Benz company and automobiles,
11, 31, 105, 138, 139, 280, 281
Metzmaer, Ernst, 76
MG TC, 130
Mickl, Josef, 17, 18, 20, 61
Type 114 (F-Wagen) design, 32
Type 356/2 design, 177, 281
V-1 flying bomb design, 65
water turbine design, 81, 83, 110
Military vehicles, 17, 29, 5657, 6467, 107
Millanta, Corrado, 107109


National Socialist Motoring Corps (NSKK),

Netzker, Paul, 55, 65
Nibelung Works, 5657
Nordhoff, Heinrich Heinz, 88, 201
North Hollywood Speedometer & Clock,
Nuvolari, Tazio, 101, 106109, 112, 113

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Oberste Nationale Sportbehorde (ONS),

Oerlikon, Bhrle & Company, 125
Ondaaje, Michale, 91
Opel, 139

Padovani, Alceo, 146

Paefgen, Franz-Josef, 8, 9, 46
Panamera, 3
Paris Salon (1950), 247
Paul Russell and Company, 221229
Perrin, Jim, 261
Petescu, Marion, 229
Peugeot company, 57, 75

Pfeifhofer, Helmut, 64
Picard, Fernand, 75, 76
Pich, Anton, 13, 125, 182, 184, 241
Abarth aided by, 88
imprisonment, post-World War II, 75, 77,
112, 203
Salzburg operations, 198201, 241
Zell Am See, move to, 59
Pich, Ernst, 59, 65, 67, 73, 74, 81, 83, 93,
112, 216, 234
Pich, Ferdinand, 8, 9, 284
Pich, Louise (Porsche), 14, 78, 125, 159,
197, 234, 283
Abarth, contacted by, 88
Cistalia contract and, 105, 108, 112
Porsche company, role in, 13, 7677,
8385, 93, 245, 270
Salzburg operations, 198, 201, 241
Pigott, R., 78
Pilatus, 199
Pinin Farina, 23, 25, 26, 100, 104, 148, 156
Polensky, Helmut, 208, 209
Pomeroy, Laurence, Jr., 113
Porsche, Aloisia (Kaes), 13
Porsche, Ferdinand, 1415, 83, 85, 140, 200,
202203, 245
armaments work, 5657
Auto Union, work for, 41 (See also Auto
Union, Porsche design work for)
Cistalia Type 370 design, 118
death of, 207, 247
F-Wagen named for, 23
imprisonment, post-World War II, 7477,
108109, 112, 159, 203
Porsche company, role in, 11, 13, 1819,
Professor Ferdinand Porsche Memorial
Races, 219, 238
proposed Argentina trip, 113
75th birthday celebration, 70, 247
65th birthday celebration, 16
Type 356 road testing, 137, 172
Type 356/2 design, 160163, 172, 180,
194, 278, 281282, 284
Volkswagen 60K10 used by, 39
Volkswagen contract, royalties form,
World War II years, 1617, 20, 5658,

6061, 6468
Porsche, Ferdinand II Ferry, 11, 73, 76,
148, 159, 221, 234, 283
Cistalia contract and, 105, 108, 109, 112,
death of, 1
F-Wagen named for, 23
imprisonment, post-World War II, 75,
Le Mans invitation described by, 203
Porsche company, role in, 14, 7, 1314,
1819, 78, 80, 81, 83, 107, 184,
200, 245, 247, 265, 269272,
sports car manufacture, support for,
241242, 245
Type 356 design, 128132, 137138,
140, 142, 263, 279, 281
Type 356/2 design, 160, 162, 172, 177,
180, 194, 196, 197, 284285
Volkswagen used by, 50, 52, 74, 177,
World War II years, 49, 5761, 60, 64,
Porsche, Ferdinand III Butzi, 5, 7, 9, 263,
265270, 272, 273, 284
Porsche automobiles, 270, 272. See also
Carrera; Type Numbers; specific
components, e.g. Engine
Boxster, 1, 266, 272
catalogue, first, 185
Cayenne, 3, 265
Glckler-Porsche race car, 258
marketing of, 180196
name badge design, first use of, 174177
Volkswagen, influenced by (See
Volkswagen company and
automobiles; Volkswagen Sports
Porsche Club of America, 8
Porsche company. See also PorscheSalzburg GmbH
Cistalia Automobil, contracted by,
108112, 129, 130, 136, 159,
finances of, 8385, 159, 169172, 184,
Gmnd, operations at (See Gmnd)


military vehicles developed by, 29,

5657, 6467, 107
organization charts, 1819, 79
Porsche Konstruktionen GmbH,
establishment of, 8385
tractors, development of (See Tractors)
V-1 flying bomb, work on, 6566, 73
Volkswagen, collaboration with, 8688,
129, 200201, 232, 241242,
261, 283
World War II, operations relocated to
Austria during, 5964 (See also
Porsche Konstruktionen GmbH (Porsche
Design Corporation), 8385
Porsche-Salzburg GmbH, 198, 201, 220,
241, 245
Prinzing, Albert, 241242, 245
Prinzing, Leopold, 155, 247
Professor Ferdinand Porsche Memorial
Races, 219, 238
P-Wagen. See Auto Union, Porsche design
work for

Rabe, Heinz, 73, 78, 241
Rabe, Karl, 263, 265
Cistalia contract and, 108, 109, 117118,
120121, 129, 159
Gmnd, move to, 60, 61, 64
organization chart prepared by, 79
Porsche company, role in, 17, 18, 67, 81,
83, 85, 105, 107
Type 352 design, 125, 126, 128, 132
Type 356 design, 128129, 133
Type 356/2 design, 160163, 172, 180,
184, 185, 187, 193, 196, 278,
281, 284
Volkswagen design, 14, 16
Radclyffe, Charles, 251
Ramelow, Hermann, 142, 206, 252, 257
Rathkolb, Franz, 211, 216, 228, 239
Reeves, G. C., 7374
Reimspiess, Franz Xaver, 16, 17, 32
Renault 4CV, 7576
Rennsport Reunion II, 223, 230



Rennsport Spyders, 7
Restoration of automobiles, 122123
Reutter, 242246
Ringel, Rudolf, 248, 249, 250
Rometsch, Fritz, 252
Rometsch Karosserie, 248, 252
Roots-type blowers, 44, 49, 52, 53, 55, 278
Rosemeyer, Bernd, 41, 281
Rosemeyer concept, 4647, 273
Rosenberger, Adolf, 11
Roth, Ludwig, 78
Rupilius, Emil, 137138, 180
Russell, Paul, 216, 230
Ryznar, Richard, 200

Savonuzzi, Giovanni, 9698, 100103, 105,
112, 113, 120, 156, 280281
Scaglione, Franco, 265266
Scania-Vabis, 198, 216
Schlter, Walter, 209
Schmid, Leopold, 113, 116
Scholz, Luciano, 113, 121
Schosch, Ernst, 197
Schulthess, Hermann, 149, 152, 155
Schutz, Peter, 1, 78, 274275
Schwimmwagen (Type 166), 20, 49, 86
Scott-Moncrieff, David, 141142
Scuderia Torino, 95
Seat company, 272
Seeland, Dave, 221
Seinfeld, Jerry, 356/2-040 owned by,
211232, 235239
factory documentation, 287291
mechanical tune-up, 230232
preservation, 221230
provenance, 216221, 235239
purchase, 211216
Senger, Rupprecht von, 91, 125128,
159160, 171172, 181185, 276,
281, 284
Soderberg, Dick, 5, 8
Solitude, 254
Sommer, Raymond, 112, 121
Speer, Albert, 57, 61
Stanek, Hans, 155

Stanford, John, 285

Stanguellini, 37, 130, 146
Steyr-Daimler-Puch, 56, 57, 83, 90, 161,
162, 200
Stroinigg, Hubert, 257
Stuck, Hans, 101
Stuttgart, Porsche headquarters in, 1113,
15. See also Zuffenhausen
post-World War II return to, 201, 241247
during World War II, 5758, 68
Cistalia automobiles, 100, 105, 108,
109, 113
Volkswagen, 31, 4950, 52, 53, 276, 278
Superleggera Touring, 33
Suspension, 17
Cistalia automobiles, 95, 101, 108,
Mller, Petermax, racers, 69
tanks, 57
Type 114 (F-Wagen), 31
Type 352, 127128
Type 356, 130131, 141, 142, 146
Type 356/2, 160, 162164, 167, 169,
173, 174
Type 356/2-040, 227
Swiss Grand Prix (1948), 139, 181
Swiss Mitholtz-Kandersteg Hill Climb
(1953), 155

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Talbot, 105
Tanks. See Military vehicles
Targa Florio, 265
Taruffi, Piero, 97, 98, 102, 105, 108
Tatra, 198, 216
Third Reich, 3337, 65, 68. See also Hitler,
Adolf; Volkswagen; World War II
Thirion, Gilberte, 209
Thomas, Freeman, 69, 282
Tractors, 56, 57, 59, 8184, 108, 110, 242
Cistalia, 113, 116117
Type 352, 127
Type 356, 130, 131
Type 356/2, 220, 237
Volkswagen, 26, 49


Trenkel, Richard, 252

Troesch, Max, 141, 144
Trumpfs, 23
Tschudi, Jolanda, 189
Tubbs, D. B. Bunny, 194
Tucker 48, 171
Turbines, 6567, 81, 83, 110
Type Numbers
numbering policy, 130
Type 11 (VW), 8687, 248
Type 14A (VW), 248, 250
Type 60 (KdF-Wagen, VW), 16, 3435,
49, 64, 248, 276
Type 60K10 (VW), 3340, 51, 52, 61,
132, 147148, 153, 156, 177,
199, 205, 234235, 273276,
278, 280
Type 62 (VW), 17
Type 64 (VW-Sport), 2022, 33, 35,
273, 280
Types 65 to 68 (VW), 20
Type 70 (VW), 161, 162
Type 82 (Kbelwagen, VW), 17, 21, 37,
49, 61, 64, 69, 77, 86
Type 86 (VW), 20
Type 87 (VW), 20
Type 100 (tank), 29, 56
Type 101 (Tiger (P) tank), 56
Types 110 to 113 (tractor/plow), 56, 57,
59, 8184
Type 114 (F-Wagen, VW), 23, 2633, 35,
36, 49, 109, 273, 280
Type 115 (engine, VW), 4953
Type 116 (VW), 27, 49, 109
Type 164 (VW), 49
Type 166 (Schwimmwagen, VW), 20,
49, 86
Type 170 (engine, VW), 5253
Type 171 (engine, VW), 52, 54, 55, 69
Type 174 (engine, VW), 52
Type 174A (engine, VW), 5255
Type 202 (Cistalia), 98102, 104, 118
120, 130, 281
Type 205 (Cistalia), 120
Type 205 (Maus tank), 56
Type 212 (tank), 56
Type 285 (water turbine), 110
Type 291 water turbine, 83

Type 300 (engine), 65

Type 305 (tank engine), 67
Type 309 (engine, VW), 55
Type 323 (tractor), 110
Type 352, 125128, 159, 265, 276
Type 356, 1, 2, 7, 8, 125157, 159, 167,
178, 219, 263, 279285
Carrera 2 GS-GT, 265266, 267
chassis, 130132
Germany, production in, 242246
marketing of, 184
owners manual, 1949, 292332
road test, 137148, 172
Type 356A Carrera, 265
Type 356A Speedster, 137
Type 356B, 2
Type 356C, 273
Type 356 SL, 2, 204209, 282
Type 356/2, 9193, 159196, 262, 272,
Beutler convertibles, 187189, 193
196, 283
marketing of, 180196
oversteer, 164, 196
Porsche cabriolet, 177180, 193, 283
production, 196201
Type 356/2-040, 211232
factory documentation for, 287291
mechanical tune-up of, 230232
preservation of, 221230
provenance of, 216221, 235239
Seinfeld, Jerry, purchase by, 211216
Type 356/2-052, 235, 238
Type 359 (valve gears), 110
Type 360 (Cistalia Grand Prix), 109114,
Type 361 (engine), 110
Type 362 (engine), 110
Type 370 (Cistalia sports car), 109110,
114120, 132, 205, 265, 277,
Type 502, 220
Type 550, 79
Type 695, 270
Type 901, 5, 7, 263, 272, 273
Type 904, 7, 266, 268
Type 911, 1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 263, 265, 272275
Type 914, 266, 268

Type 924, 266, 268, 269, 274275

Type 928, 1, 266, 269, 274275
Type 944, 275
Type 964, 1
Type 968, 1
Type 993, 1, 3, 263, 272
Type 996, 1, 5, 272, 273
Type D46 (Cistalia, Project 201), 95101,
108, 121
Type T7, 272, 273

Unger, Heinz, 263
Unterdellach, 60

V-1 flying bomb, 6566, 73
VD Roots-type blowers, 52, 53
Veglia, 228
Veuillet, Auguste, 203, 206, 207
Veyder-Malberg, Hans von, 41, 42, 67
Vignale, Alfredo, 98
Vilotti, Luigi, 146148
Vogelsang, Gustav, 68, 69
Volkspflug (peoples plow), 56, 57, 59,
Volkssturm, 68
Volkswagen company and automobiles, 5, 7,
1122, 73, 272, 274
attack boats, water-cooled engines for,
cabriolets, 248
coachwork variations, 20
engines (See Engine)
Kombi, 219
Kommandeurwagen, 86
military vehicles (See Military vehicles)
New Beetle, 7, 8
Porsche company, collaboration with,
6465, 8688, 129, 200201,
232, 241242, 261, 283
post-World War II, 75, 8687, 139, 247261
Project 276, 6465
Project 290 (Project S), 65
racers based on, 6871, 252261


sports cars based on, postwar, 247261

(See also Volkswagen Sports
supercharger (See Supercharger)
transmissions for, 26, 49
Type 356/2 parts obtained from, 172
Type Numbers
Type 11, 8687, 248
Type 14A, 248, 250
Type 60 (KdF-Wagen), 16, 3435, 49,
64, 248, 276
Type 60K10, 3340, 51, 52, 61, 132,
147148, 153, 156, 177,
199, 205, 234235, 273276,
278, 280
Type 62, 17
Type 64 (VW-Sport), 2022, 33, 35,
273, 280
Types 65 to 68, 20
Type 70, 161, 162
Type 82 (Kbelwagen), 17, 21, 37,
49, 61, 64, 69, 77, 86
Type 86, 20
Type 87, 20
Type 100 (tank), 29, 56
Type 101 (Tiger (P) tank), 56
Types 110 to 113 (tractor/plow), 56
57, 59, 81-84
Type 114 (F-Wagen), 23, 2633, 35,
36, 49, 109, 273, 280
Type 115 (engine), 4953
Type 116, 27, 49, 109
Type 164, 49
Type 166 (Schwimmwagen), 20, 49, 86
Type 170 (engine), 5253
Type 171 (engine), 52, 54, 55, 69
Type 174 (engine), 52
Type 174A (engine), 5255
Type 309 (engine), 55
V-1 flying bomb, 6566, 73
Volkswagen Sports project, 125157, 279, 280
marketing, 180196
Type 352 design, 125130, 159, 185
Type 356, development of, 130157,
159, 167, 172, 178, 181, 184, 219
Type 356/2, 159196
Vollmer, Gottfried, 252, 254, 255



Art Credits

Wanderer, 69
Wankel, Felix, 49
WD (Denzel sports car), 257, 259261
Weber, Friedrich, 133, 180, 196
Wendler, 32, 33
Werlin, Jakob, 16, 39
Werner, Wilhelm, 13, 41
Whitmore, Coby, 284285
Wiedeking, Wendelin, 1
Wiese, Ernst, 245
Wischenbarth, Anselm, 78
World War II, 1617, 20, 4968. See also
Military vehicles
occupation period, 7374, 7887, 107, 129
Porsche, Ferdinand, role of, 5657
Porsche relocation to Austria, 5764

Archivo Happy Motoring: 42 (bottom)

Audi AG: 8, 41, 43, 47 (all)
Automuseum Prototyp: 217, 218 (all), 219 (all), 220,
233, 234, 236 (all), 239 (bottom)
Illustration created by Steven Cavalieri: 120
Miles Collier: 123
Franoise Cumberford: 156
From the von Eberan-Eberhorst Collection: 169
Edward Eves, Ludvigsen Library: 153 (top), 266
Michael Furman: ii-iii, 0, 10, 48, 72, 94, 124, 158, 210,
212-213, 214-215, 240, 264

Adrian Gang: 232

Zadnik, Otto, 67
Zahradnick, Joseph, 17
Zell am See, 5961, 68, 7374, 77, 78, 86,
112, 128, 219, 238
Zippermayr, Mario, 65
Zuffenhausen, 13, 15, 57, 67, 78, 155,
242. See also Stuttgart, Porsche
headquarters in

Melissa Gastgaber: 18-19

Illustration created by Albrecht Goertz: 270
Imperial War Museum: 66 (IWM image numbers
CL3433 and MH11771)

Porsche Photo, Ludvigsen Library: 5, 14 (bottom),

15 (bottom), 17 (top), 27, 28 (all), 29, 30 (all), 31 (all), 33,
34, 38 (bottom), 50-51, 52 (middle), 74, 109, 136, 138,
141, 142, 143 (top), 151 (bottom), 152 (all), 165 (bottom),
170, 172, 176 (top, bottom left), 177, 178 (all), 181, 184,
186 (bottom), 187, 195 (bottom right, bottom left), 198,
199, 239 (top), 243 (all), 244 (bottom), 247 (top), 271 (all),
272, 273, 277 (bottom), 278, 284
Heinz Rabe, Porsche Archive: 126, 127, 128, 129 (all)

Christine Lalla: 263

Jonathan Richard: 229 (top), 230 (top)

Courtesy of Grant Larson: 262

Paul Russel and Company: 224 (bottom), 225 (all),

226 (all), 227

rs IAL
sh ENT
b ID

Karl Ludvigsen: 22 (all), 54 (all), 55 (top), 70 (all), 79,

83 (all), 84 (bottom), 99, 103 (top), 110 (top), 154 (all),
179 (bottom), 180, 192 (all), 193, 209 (bottom ),
269 (top), 280, 283, 342 (right)
Ludvigsen Library: 13, 15 (top), 20 (all), 23, 24 (all),
25 (all), 26, 32, 35 (all), 39, 40 (all), 42 (top), 69,
71 (bottom), 75, 76, 91, 92 (top left, top right), 93,
96 (all), 97 (all), 98, 100, 101 (all), 102 (all), 103 (bottom),
104 (all), 105, 106, 107, 110 (bottom), 112, 144, 145, 146,
148, 168 (bottom), 188, 203, 208 (bottom), 216, 242,
245, 246, 247 (bottom), 251 (bottom), 252, 259 (all),
260 (bottom), 261 (bottom), 267, 268 (middle), 276

55 (bottom), 56, 57, 60, 61, 65, 67, 77, 78, 80 (all), 81,
82 (all), 84 (top), 85 (all), 86, 87, 90, 92 (bottom), 114,
115 (all), 116 (all), 117 (all), 118, 119, 121, 131, 132,
133, 134 (all), 135 (all), 137, 139, 140 (all), 143 (bottom),
149, 150, 151 (top), 153 (bottom), 155, 160, 161 (all),
162, 163, 164, 165 (top), 166, 167, 168 (top), 171, 173,
174, 175 (all), 176 (bottom right), 179 (top), 182 (all),
183, 185, 186 (top), 189, 190 (all), 191 (all), 194,
195 (top), 197 (all), 200, 209 (top), 235, 237, 238, 244
(top), 268 (top, bottom), 269 (bottom), 275, 277 (top),
279, 282

Rodolfo Mailander, Ludvigsen Library: 71 (top), 196,

202, 204 (all), 205, 206 (all), 207, 208 (top right, top left),
253, 254 (all), 255 (all), 256, 257, 258 (all), 260 (top),
261 (top)
Mercedes-Benz Classic Archives: 58
Porsche Archives: 2, 3, 4, 12 (all), 14 (top), 16,17 (bottom),
36, 37, 38 (top), 44, 45 (all), 46, 52 (bottom), 53 (all),

Klaus Schnitzer: 222, 228, 229 (bottom), 231, 281,

285, 343 (left and middle)
From the Jerry Seinfeld Collection: 18-19, 89 (all),
221, 224 (top, middle), 287 (left), 288 (left), 289 (left),
290 (left), 291 (left)
Jonathan Stein: 230 (bottom)
Chuck Stoddard: 292-332 (all), 343 (right)
Courtesy of Freeman Thomas: 6
Tiroler Tageszeitung: 147 (all)
Volkswagen AG: 21, 52 (top)
Volkswagen of America: 7
Volkswagen photo, Ludvigsen Library: 88, 248,
249 (all), 250 (all), 251 (top)
Julius Weimann, Ludvigsen Library: 111
Lynnette Mager Wynn: 342 (left)


established 1950
Automotive Reference


Origin of the Species
by Karl Ludvigsen

Foreword by Jerry Seinfeld

Price: $119.95
Bentley Stock No: GPGC
Publication Date: 2012.09-01
ISBN: 978-0-8376-1331-4
Case quantity: 5
356 pages
436 photos and illustrations

Bentley Publishers is proud to announce the latest Porsche

heritage book by renowned automotive historian Karl
Within Jerry Seinfelds renowned Porsche collection resides
an unassuming yet extraordinary piece of Porsche history:
Porsche Gmnd coupe 356/2-040. Captured exclusively for this
book in a series of evocative portraits by acclaimed automotive
photographer Michael Furman, 040s unsullied originality
conveys with startling immediacy the combination of artistry,
innovation and determination that went into its improbable
creation. This cornerstone of the Seinfeld collection serves
as the inspiration for PorscheOrigin of the Species, an
in-depth exploration by the eminent automotive historian Karl
Ludvigsen into the specific influences and circumstances that
brought forth the first Porsche-badged sports cars.
How and when did the people of the Porsche firm find
themselves in a sawmill in Gmnd? What was the influence
on the 356 of the cars and engines built by Porsche before and
during the war? How and why was the first 356 shaped as it
was? What was the real relationship between the tube-framed
Type 356 roadster and the first 356/2 coupes? Questions
like these deserve answers because the resulting DNA is so
powerful, so robust, that it still influences the shape and style of
Porsches well into the twenty-first century.
Karl Ludvigsen, author of the award-winning Porsche:
Excellence Was Expected and Ferdinand Porsche Genesis
of Genius, tackles these questions and more in Porsche
Origin of the Species. The saga that emerges encompasses
mechanical revelations, human drama and the turmoil of world
war. PorscheOrigin of the Species will appeal to all car
enthusiasts who are eager to know what events really ignited
the spark from which all other Porsches evolved.

Otto Math in front of Zell

am Sees Grand Hotel
with Porsche 356/2-040.

After its careful preservation, Porsche 356/2/040

is back on the road and
providing its lucky owner
with the joy of driving in
its purest form.

Table of Contents
Foreword by Jerry Seinfeld
1 The Species Porsche
2 Automaking Ambitions
3 Turbulent War Years
4 Sawmill Survival
5 Italy to the Rescue
6 A Volkswagen Sports Car
7 Miracle of Production
8 Saga of a Gmnd Porsche
9 Why Porsche?
10 Origin of the Species
Appendix 1: Factory Documentation for Porsche 356/2-040
Appendix 2: 1949 Porsche 356 Owners Manual (40 pages plus cover)

Bentley Publishers, 1734 Massachusetts Avenue, Cambridge, MA 02138-1804 USA

Tel: 617-547-4170 Toll Free: 800-423-4595 Fax: 617-876-9235

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