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Hi! Have you all ever wondered what high school really looks like in this
generation? Did you get interested in having some crushes? What about having
group projects? Well, Keep listening and lend your ears to me. Hi! I am Assie
Marquez, a grade 8 student from Mariano Ponce National High School and my
topic for this entertaining or humorous speech is all about things that we encounter
in high school. Admit it, high school was fun. It helps us to become better and to
be mature. From all the hard works, struggles, and impatient times we saw them
experience, yet, it was all fun, exciting, and challenging. So these are the things we
experience in high school differently. First things first, crushes. Do you have a
crush? If so, you can relate with me. The moment that your friend teases you with
your crush and you're being there in a corner hiding, blushing, and flattering. It
makes us awkward but it's fine though. Crushes inspire us to get out of our own
shells and to be confident. Most students lack confidence. The way how they
participate in oral recitations, raising their hands to answer the questions given by
our teachers. There are different types of students in the room, first, the ones who
doesn't even open their mouth in the room. The noisy ones, they are totally the
opposite of the quiet ones. The noisy ones keep being loud and talkative. They
keep talking with their peers and having fresh gossips to talk with. The brilliant
ones, they are the ace of the classroom. They learn, they listen, and they share their
knowledge with each and every one. The joker ones, they are our happy pills and
they keep us having the brightest smiles on our faces and that is why the class
never gets boring. Lastly, the one who eats food at the back room, sometimes, it
isn't a classroom anymore. It's a restaurant now. They keep asking, giving, and
sharing their food and cherish the remaining days together. There are singers,
dancers, and artists, too. Even though they have different attitudes, they still care
for each other because equity is at its finest! Teachers have different types too, the
first one is the terror ones. These are the ones in which if they come inside the
room, the whole class will be quiet like nothing happened. Next are the joyful
ones, these are the kinds of teachers essential for every student like us. They are
the ones we are comfortable with in sharing some thoughts. Last are the boring
ones. Sometimes you can just prevent being in classes especially if you are in the
front room and getting bored. Even though they also have different attitudes, they
still care for us, especially in our studies. Someday, our parents will be proud of us
for what we'll be achieving someday. High school basically teaches us to learn and
have some fun experiences, build a personality of our own, and prepare for the
next chapter of our lives.

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