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NUCLEAR POWER ENGINEERING  Nuclear chain reactions are reactions

where nuclear energy is obtained, by
Fission Reaction
nuclear fission.
 A fission reaction is splitting up of a  In these reactions, neutrons generated
large atom or a molecule into two or by the fission process continue on to
more smaller ones. initiate fission in other atoms.


 Fusion is the process of combination of  The heat energy in a nuclear power

two or more, lighter atoms or plant is produced by fission reaction.
molecules into larger ones.  Reactor is the principal part of a nuclear
power plant in which heat energy is
developed by the controlled fission
chain reaction of a radioactive element
such as uranium, plutonium etc.
 The primary coolant circulated through
the reactor using a circulating pump
absorbs this heat and is transferred to
water (secondary coolant) circulating
Nuclear chain reaction
through the steam generator (boiler)
which is get evaporated as steam.
 This steam is passed through the
turbine where it expands and
mechanical energy is developed.
 The turbine runs at higher speed is
coupled to an electrical generator which
produces electric power.
 The exhaust steam from the turbine is
passed to a condenser where it is
condensed back to hot water.
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 This hot water is again fed to the steam 3) Radioactive emission is harmful to
generator using a feed pump. operating staff

4) It requires more cooling water

5) Danger of nuclear activity


 Nuclear reactor is any of devices that

can initiate and control series of
nuclear fissions process and produces

Principal parts of a Nuclear Reactor


1) Large amount of heat can be generated

2) It requires less space.

3) It produces valuable fissile materials.

4) The problems associated with

environmental pollution, mine safety and
fuel transportation etc. are less severe

5) The unit cost of power generation by

nuclear plant is lower

 It is a plant in which nuclear chain
1) Radioactive waste disposal is a major reaction is sustained at a steady
problem controlled rate so that heat is

2) It is used only as a base load plant produced continuously.

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 The main function of the reactor is to  Rods made of boron-steel alloy and
control the emission and absorption of cadmium is most commonly used as
neutrons. control rods.
 Fission is built up by pulling the rods
1. Active core
up the reactor, and operation stops
 It contains mainly the fissionable when the rods are pushed down
material (nuclear fuel).
4. Thermal shielding
 For better control of reaction, the fuel
may be diluted with non-fissionable  It surrounds the entire reactor core
material. and absorbs some of the radiations in
 The reactor fuel (U235. U233, Pu 239 the form of x-rays and B-particles.
etc.,) may be in solid form such as rods,  It absorbs escaping neutrons produced
plates or spheres, or in liquid form as by fission. It is usually made of iron
5. Biological shield
2. Moderator
 The whole of the reactor is enclosed in
 The function of moderator is to slow a biological shield to prevent the
down the fast fission neutrons leakage of fast moving neutrons, slow
travelling at 4200 km/s to about | neutrons, α rays, β - particles etc.
5km/s before subsequent fission  This shield is made of iron or built
occurs. with dense concrete.
 The type of moderator used depends
Main Products of a Reactor
upon the type of fuel used.
 For example, Heavy Water" is used as a  Thermal energy (ie, heat)

moderator in nuclear fuel is uranium.  Neutrons

 Radioactive fission fragments
3. Control rods
 Fissionable materials
 These are used to absorb as many of  Gamma quantas and other radiation
the neutrons striking upon them as  Radio isotopes which are used for
possible. commercial purposes.
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TYPES OF REACTORS  The top of this vessel is filled with

steam at primary circuit pressure.
1. Pressurized Water Reactor (PWR)
 In the heat exchanger the hot liquid of
Power Plant.
primary circuit transfers heat to feed
2. Boiling Water Reactor (BWR) Power water of secondary circuit.
 Feed water evaporates into steam and
3. Fast breeder reactor (FBR) passes into the turbine.
 Turbine being coupled to the
PWR Power Plant
alternator helps generation of electric
 Exhaust steam from the turbine is
condensed in the steam condenser and
the condensate is recirculates as feed

Advantages of PWR

 It makes used of single fluid coolant

 Light water used in reactor is cheap
and available in plenty.
 The coolant in the primary circuit gets  More compact.
heated by absorbing the heat energy  Steam supplied to turbine is free from
liberated in the reactor core due to contamination.
nuclear fission.
 The hot liquid flows to the heat
exchanger via a 'pressurizer'.  High primary loop pressure requires
"Pressurizer is located in the primary strong, costly, leak proof vessel
circuit of the plant is a vessel with a  Low pressure and temperature in
heater at its bottom and water spray at secondary loop result in poor
its top. thermodynamic efficiency.
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 Steam produced requires  Then it is cooled and the condensate

superheating. formed is pumped back to the reactor.
 Use of water under pressure at high
Advantages of BWR
temperature creates corrosion
problem.  There is only one working loop.
 Pressure inside the vessel being not
BWR Power Plant
very high thicker vessel is not
 Metal temperature is low for a given
 Thermal efficiency is about 30% as
compared to 20 to 22% in PWR.
 Preferred in 100 - 1000 MW plants.


 Limited power density ie., 3 to 5% by

mass can be converted to steam per
pass through boiler.
 In this plant, steam is generated in the
 Turbines require shielding.
reactor itself.
 Wastage of steam occurs in case of part
 The feed water acts both as coolant
load operations.
and a moderator.
 Heat energy liberated during nuclear FAST BREEDER REACTOR (FBR)

fission in the reactor evaporates the  Additional neutrons are produced

feed water into steam. besides heat when U235 is fissioned.
 The steam leaves the reactor and  If some U238 is kept in the same
enters a turbine through a throttle reactor, these additional neutrons
valve. convert U238 into fissile plutonium
 It does work in the turbine and Pu239.
exhausts into a condenser.

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 Producing fissile material than that

can be consumed is called breeding.
 It uses amount of U235 is used as a core.
No moderator is used.
 Liquid Sodium metal is used as a
 The central U235 core is surrounded by
a blanket of U238 which absorbs the
excess of neutrons and converts Pu239.
 Part of the plutonium participates in
the chain reaction and fission to  Control rods in a reactor are used to
produce heat. start the nuclear chain reaction,
 The reactor core is cooled by liquid maintain the reaction and to shut
sodium metal. down the reactor.


 High breeding gain is possible.
 No moderator is required.  Each reactor is equipped with three
 High power density types of control rods.
 Absorption of neutrons is low. 1. Shim rods
2. Fine control rode
3. safety rods
 Enriched fuel is required.  Shim rods absorb the excess reactivity
 Neutron flux is high at the Centre of during normal operation of the
core. reactor.
 Liquid sodium is extremely corrosive.  At the time of starting, the rods are
 Handling of sodium is a major problem taken out of the reactor Afterwards
as it becomes excessive hot and they are positioned in the reactor to
radioactive. maintain the constant power level.

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 The fine control rods are designed to  Thus the solar energy is efficiently used
absorb small percentage of reactivity to heat the fluid.
caused due to changes in pressure,
temperature and density of fuel
 The safety rods provide protection
against hazards like earthquake and
excessive power.


SOLAR POWER BLANT Parabolic collector

Solar collectors  Parabolic reflectors are used in this type

 Solar collectors are used to collect and of collectors.

efficiently utilise the solar radiation  The solar radiation falling on the

from the sun. They are mainly of two reflecting parabolic surface is

types concentrated on its focus point.

 An absorber tube is fixed on the focus
i) Flat plate collector ii) Parabolic
point of the parabolic surface and heat
energy is absorbed by the fluid flowing
 They are made of rectangular panels. through this tube.
 The solar radiation passes through the
transparent plates and falls on the
absorbing surface.
 This surface is usually made of
aluminum to which a black coating is
applied Heat energy from the solar
radiation is absorbed by the black
surface and, is transferred to the fluid
passing through the tube.
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Working of solar power plants Application: Spacecraft, Domestic and

Street lights
 There are mainly two different methods
employed to convert solar energy into SOLAR GRAIN DRYER
electricity. They are

i) Photovoltaic conversion method

ii) Solar thermal conversion method)

Photovoltaic conversion method

 Air is heated by solar radiation in an

air heater separately.
 Hot air is ducted to a chamber in which
the products to be dried are stored.
 Compared with natural sun drying
 This method uses photovoltaic cell for where the products are dried in open
the direct conversion of solar energy into sun light, solar drying generates higher
electricity. Semiconductors are used for temperatures.
the construction of these cells.  It reduces the risk of spoilage and
 Silicon is the most commonly used provides protection against dust,
semiconductor for this purpose. A insects and other animals.
photovoltaic cell consists of two types of
silicon semi-conductors, N-type and P-
type, which are stacked together.  It essentially consists of a rectangular
 When they are exposed to sunlight, enclosure insulated on the bottom and
electron flow takes place across the sides, having one or two glass covers
circuit and electricity is produced. on the top.

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 Food to be cooked is placed in shallow There are mainly two types of wind mills
1) Horizontal axis wind mills: Axis of
 Solar radiation enters through the top
rotation of wind mill is parallel to the
and heats up the vessels. Temperature
direction of wind
around 100°C can be obtained in such
cookers on sunny days. 2) Vertical axis wind mills: Axis of
rotation of wind mill is perpendicular to
the direction of wind.
 On cloudy days and nights food cannot
Working of wind power plant
be cooked.
 The rotor consists of blades of aerofoil
 They take relatively more time to cook.
cross section.
 Dishes like chapati and puri cannot be
made because they require very high  The blades are attached to the main
temperatures items like meat cannot rotating shaft by means of a hub
be fried. assembly .The kinetic energy of the
wind causes the rotor blades to rotate.

 A step up gear is used for boosting the

low speed of the rotor to the required
high speed, the high speed shaft from
the gear assembly is attached to the
generator and electricity is produced.

 The casing that protects the generator

and the gear assembly is called nacelle.

WIND POWER PLANTS  The tail vane helps to maintain proper

Wind mills orientation of the wind mill with

respect to the direction of wind.
 Wind mills converts the kinetic energy
from the wind into mechanical energy

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Tidal energy

 Tides can be defined as the periodic

rise and fall of water in the sea.

 The tidal energy can be extracted by

utilising the kinetic energy possessed
by the moving water from a higher
elevation to a lower elevation.

Advantages It mainly consist of

1) Wind energy is inexhaustible 1) Dam: It act as a wall to form a reservoir

or basin
2) These power plants are eco-friendly
2) Power House: It includes generator,
3) Construction of wind power plant
turbine and control devices
requires less time and is simpler
3) Sluice way: It is gate controlled and is
4) Wind energy is free and does not need
used to adjust the rate of flow of water
from the sea to the basin during high tide
and from the basin to the sea during low
Disadvantages tide.

1) High initial cost  A reversible hydraulic turbine coupled

to a generator is used in this type of
2) Wind power is not consistent and
power plant.
 During the high tide, the water flows
3) Cost per unit power production is high
from the sea to the basin through the
compared to other major power plants.
sluice way and drives the turbine. The
turbine is coupled to the generator and
electricity is produced.
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 During the low tide, the water flows Disadvantages

back from the basin to the sea, through
1) Tidal power plant affects the marine
the sluice way and again drives the
life and interrupts the natural movement
of species.
 Thus electricity is produced while
2) Initial cost is higher
water flows in both directions
3) Tidal power plant can only be
constructed in few ocean shores and it
depends on the availability of tides

4) The power generation is not

continuous and it depends on the
occurrence of tides.


 Hydrothermal system is the main

geothermal system utilised for power
generation. These are geothermal
resources containing fluids in the form
of hot water and steam.

 The energy from these sources is

Advantages extracted by drilling wells that

1) Renewable source of energy connects the fissures. Depth of the well

ranges1 km to 1.5 km.
2) Eco-friendly and inexhaustible
 Steam is extracted through these wells
3) Requires smaller area for construction
and the temperature ranges from
of the power plant
250°C to 300° C.
4) Operation cost is low compared to
 The hot steam extracted from the well
conventional power plant
may contain corrosive gases and
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impurities. For getting pure steam, the 4) Because of very few moving parts used,
steam extracted is passed through the maintenance cost of the plant is very
steam separator. low

 The pure steam obtained, flows Disadvantages

through the turbine thus producing
1) Initial investment is very high
mechanical energy. The turbine is
coupled to the generator and power is 2) This sources of energy can be utilised

produced. The exhaust steam from the only from the particular locations where

turbine is allowed to condense inside hot rocks are present inside the earth.

the direct contact condenser. 3) The sources of geothermal energy can

shut off without any reason


 Bio - gas may be defined as the mixture

of methane (CH4) and carbon dioxide
(CO2) with traces of hydrogen sulphide
 It is produced by anaerobic digestion

Advantages from animal dung, human excreta and

green plants.
1) Geothermal energy is a renewable
source of energy Construction

2) Geothermal power plant will not cause  It contains a pit (15 to 1.6 m dia, and
any pollution. 4.0 to 6.0 m deep) excavated below the
ground level.
3) Geothermal power plant does not
 It is lined with bricks. The partition
require large areas of land and its
wall divides the space in pit into two
construction is simple
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 The bottom of the pit is finished with

cement concrete basement:
 STwo slanting cement pipes reach the
stem at the pit on either side of the
partition. One pipe conveys slurry of
biomass from inlet into the pit and the
other pipe discharges the slurry (after
digestion) to the sludge outlet.
 The outlet pipe dips lower into the pit
than inlet pipe. The slurry may be
prepared from the cattle dung and
water in 4:5 ratio.
 Depending on the variation of
atmospheric temperature, decompo
sition of biomass slurry takes place.
 It is called digestion which liberates
 The optimum temperature for
methanogenic bacteria is 35°C,
Maintaining constant temperature is
essential for effective digestion.
 The retention period varies from 30 to
50 days depending on the temperature
 The biogas is collected by the dome
shaped gas holder located at the top of
 The gas is tapped as and when
required from the gas holder.

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