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Mục lục
Unit 10: | b | and | p |................................................................................................................................1
Unit 11: | t | and | d |.................................................................................................................................1
Unit 12: | s |..............................................................................................................................................2
Unit 13: | f |..............................................................................................................................................2
Unit 14: | s ʃ tʃ | | z ʒ dʒ |.....................................................................................................................2
Unit 15: | θ | and | ð |................................................................................................................................2
II.STRESS PATTERNS..............................................................................................................................3
III. CONCESSION......................................................................................................................................4
IV. PURPOSE.............................................................................................................................................5
V. RELATIVE CLAUSE............................................................................................................................5
VI. Articles..................................................................................................................................................7
VII. WILL / BE GOING TO.....................................................................................................................10
VIII. SENTENCE TRANSFORMATION.................................................................................................10

Unit 10: | b | and | p |
1. Silent | b | 
 ….mb: comb. bomb, climb,... except: Timber /’timbə/ 
 ….bt: debt, doubt, subtle,...
2. Silent | p |
 ps….: psychplogy, psychiatrist
 pn….: pneumonia 
 receipt /risi:t/ 
 cupboard /kʌbəd/ 
 raspberry /ra:zbəri/
 coup /ku:/ 
 cosp /kɔ:z/ 

Unit 11: | t | and | d | 

a. Xem lại đuôi -ed 

b. Silent | d | 
 hand => handkerchief, handsome, sandwich, grandson,...
 …dge: bridge, judge 
 Wednesday 
c. Silent | t |
 listen, fasten, nestle, whistle
 rapport 

Unit 12: | s | 
a. Xem lại đuôi s/es
b. Silent | s |
 island, aisle, isle 
 debris, viscount, patios
 Lưu ý: sure, sugar 

Unit 13: | f |
 f / fe /
 of /əv/
 ph ( stephen /v/ )
 gh 
 Silent 
 hight, sight, thigh, heightm weight, eight, fight, flight,...
 though, thought, ought, thorough, plough, through

Unit 14: | s ʃ tʃ | | z ʒ dʒ |
1/ | tʃ |
__ture / __tual: future, nature, actually, mutual
- question, suggestion ( ngoại trừ )
- situation, congratulate, statue
- ch | tʃ |: hầu hết
| ʃ | : cachet, chef, machine, champagne, mustache
| k | : chr__. Sch__ ( chaos, choir, choral, chord, stomach, chemistry,
architect, ache
Unit 15: | θ | and | ð |
1/ ___th | θ | ___th | ð |

Mouth Mouths
Oath Oaths
Path Paths
Truth Truths
Youth Youths

2/ __th__

___th + phụ âm | θ | ___th + nguyên âm | ð |

Birthday Within
Athlete Without

__ __ A

__oo: bamboo, shampoo, tattoo, kangaroo, waterloo

__oon: balloon, afternoon, cartoon, typhoon

__ee : interviewee, employee, degree, agree,.. ( except: coffee, committee )

__een: sixteen, seventeen

__eer : engineer, career, volunteer

__ese : Vietnamese, Chinese, Japanese,..

Ent__ : environment, documentary, confidential, continental

__ine : routine, machine, marine ( except : imagine, medicine )

__ain : entertain, maintain

__ __ A

-ity : electricity, celebrity, activity, humanity, responsibility, community,..

-ish : establish, selfish, publish, accomplish,..

-ial : essential, crucial, potential, initial,..

-ian : librarian, musician, vegetarian,..

-ic : politics, catholic, lunatic, arithmetic, basic, plastic, enthusiastic,..

-ics : economics, mathematics, athletes,..

-ious : serious, curious, delicious,…

-ion : international, intention, innovation, mention, invention,…

__ __ __ __ A

-gy: psychology, biology,..

-phy : geography, orthography, photography, cartography,..

-fy : identify, satisfy,..

-ate : concentrate, immediate, celebrate, generate, differentiate,..

-ous : dangerous, populous, marvelous ( enormous, tremendous )

-ize : modernize, recognize, organize,.. ( characterize )


 Đối với các từ không có đuôi trên => đừng nhấn vào tiền tố ( im, in, un, dis,..) và
hậu tố ( ness, -ful, -er, -ist, - or, -ment )

Ex : Disappearance, Uncomfortable, Indecisive

1) 2 âm tiết ( đa số )
- Noun/ adj => âm 1 (product, impact, program, process, private, contest, research..)
- Verb => âm 2 ( produce, visit, invite,… )
 Những từ hay sai: Index, Commit, Preview, Open
2) 3 âm tiết
- Understand, comprehend, apprehend, recommend, represent, introduce => 3rd
- Compliment, contribute, infinite, applicant, ignorant, advertise => 1st

1. Phrase of concession
In spite of + Noun/ Noun phrase/ Noun clause/ V_ing

Ex: Notwithstanding the end of the war,…

2. Clause of concession

Even though

Though + S V O, S V O
Despite the fact that
Much as

Ex: Despite the fact that my brother was the stronger of the 2 athletes, the opponent
defeated him in the final

3. No matter WH S V O Adj / Adv

How ( adj/adv), what (noun), where, when, whether, whom, which, whose, why

e.x: No matter why you hit him, it is unacceptable

No matter how rich he is

1. Phrase of purpose

S V ( for Object ) (not) to Vo

so as ( for O ) (not) to Vo

in order ( for O ) (not) to Vo

 With a view to V-ing

 With an aim of V-ing
 Be aimed at V-ing

2. Clause of purpose

S V so that (present) S may/can/will V1

in order that (past) S might/could/would V1

e.g: The government brought in a new law with a view to reducing car accidents

1. Relative pronouns ( who, whom, that, which, whose )
WHO : is A SUBJECT of a person in relative clause. ( không đứng sau giới từ )
Ex: He is the athlete. I think he will be this season’s champion.
 He is the athlete who I think will be this season’s champion.
WHOM: is A OBJECT of thing in relative clause (Who có thể thay thế Whom )

Ex: The man whom I met other days happens to be my new neighbor.
WHICH: is A SUBJECT. OBJECT of thing in relative clause

THAT: có thể thay thế cho WHO, WHOM, WHICH

e.x: Birds make nests in tree where they can hide their young in the leaves and branches

* Bắt buộc dùng THAT sau [ người + vật ]

e.x They have just found the couple and their car that were swept away during the heavy
storm last week.

* Ưu tiên dùng THAT

 The only

e.x : She is the only person that is willing to help me.

* The 1st, 2nd

* The most/…est

* Everyone/ something/….

LƯU Ý: KHÔNG ĐƯỢC DÙNG THAT after comma (,)


 NOTE: có thể bỏ đại từ quan hệ khi nó đóng vai trò OBJECT trong mệnh đề quan
hệ không dấu phẩy.

Ex: The man whom I talked to said nothing

 The man I talked to said nothing

WHOSE + a/an/the N
2. Relative adverbs ( where, why, preposition + whom, which, whose )
- Đứng chung với giới từ
e.x: The house which he is living in is old
The house in which he is living
BUT: The house in where he is living
- Đứng trước động từ

( Đủ thành phần chính )
MĐQH thiếu S / O S BE V3
S V ( nội động từ: live, stay, happen, occur,
break out,…)

Ex: September is the month when students start the school year


I will never forget the time which we had at school

thiếu Object

VI. Articles
1. No articles
1.1) Appoint / Make sb role: không dùng cho chức vụ
1.2 ) Nature
On earth
Work, bed, town, home
Have breakfast / dinner / …
1.3 ) Môn học
1.4 ) Places of education

1.5) Plural noun / Uncountable N in general meaning

2. A/AN

1) A or An

* An L / M / N / F / S / X

e.g: My father has just bought an LG TV

* An 8 / 80 / 18

e.g: an 11 year – old boy

* A one year old boy

* A UFO, university, European /ju:/

* An honest man / hour / heir / honor

- Use

a. There be a/an N(ít)

b. Đưa định nghĩa

c. + job

d. a/an = per

e. người/vật được nhắc đến lần đầu

2) THE

 The + N cụ thể với người nghe

N + cụm giới từ

N + mệnh đề quan hệ

N + được nhắc lại

Theo ngữ cảnh

 The số thứ tự ( The Second World War ) ( A second language )

Only ( He is an only child )

Nhạc cụ ( He play the piano very well ) ( He teaches piano )


So sánh nhất


The cinema / theater / airport

Sun / moon / earth / countryside

The + phát minh

 TV media TV
an item article + TV

 Radio media the radio

an item article + radio

e.g: Did you see the match on TV last night ?

The TV in room broke down so I missed it.

3) Proper Nouns (Danh từ riêng)

 Tên quốc gia
- THE + united, union, republic
THE + Bahamas, Philippines, Netherland,…
( desert )
Ocean, sea, river, canal,..
THE Great lakes
Range of Mountains
4) Tên các cơ quan, tổ chức
 The + < Adi + Noun > (The White House)
 The + < Noun + Noun > (The Science Museum)
5) The + dynasty

 NOTE: Trường hợp: Fixed expression

1/ By the + N singular => How sth is measured

E,g: The computer is sent by the hour

2/ By hand, by bus, by animal,… => cách thức

- Step by step, one by one

- By accident / By mistake / By chance

>< on purpose

3/ On board

- On air

- On call

- On demand


- In a hurry
- Have a good knowledge of
- Have an enormous lunch


- Prediction based on OPINION - Prediction based on EVIDENCE
- Immediate decision - Intention
- Promise. Appointment - Very near future
- Polite request / Invitation
- Future fact


Can Be able to
Ability, Possibility Ability, Possibility
Used before bare Infinitive => Past and Used after Tobe Verb, Modal verb => Can
Present simple tense be used in various tense
Awareness: used after verbs such as see,
hear, smell……….
E.g: I can see, I can smell something fishy
E.g: You can hang out with your friends as
long as you finish your hw
E.g: Can you pass me the salt
Manage to achieve/complete
Ability in general E.g: John is not an excellent student but he
E.g: John is an excellent student. He can was able to beat other students in the
beat the others easily in the spelling competition
competition 100 people were able to escape from
the fire

1/ IF 2 ( unreal – present )

If clause Main clause

If S V2/ed
If S were to Vo S + would/could/might Vo
Were S to Vo

e.g: If I were 10 years younger, I would take part in the competition

Were I 10 years younger,…

2/ Passive voice

a. Không thể chia bị động

 Linking verb
- Look, appear, seem, become, get, prove, remain, sound, feel, taste, smell
 Intransitive verb ( không đi với O )
- Happen, occur, take place, breakout, arrive, come, go, run, stay, live, collapse,
break down, rise, raise
 Transitive verb ( + O )
- Consider – cân nhắc/ xem xét + O
 Ditransitive verb + O1, O2
- Give/ affort / award / reward
- Elect / appoint / make + < a person > < a position >
- Show / tell / ask
a. Cách phân biệt chủ bị
- Sau verb có đủ Object => Chủ động
- Thiếu/ không có Object => bị động
b. Passive form of verbs of reporting/ opinion
- Verb = say, report, state, claim, rumor, think, believe, understand, know,…
- Active: S V that S V O
- Passive: It be V3 that S VO
S be V3 to Vo ( cùng thì )
to have V3 ( khác thì )

e.g: They said that she got married to a foreigner

=> She was said to get married

They say that she got married

 She is said to have got married

c. Sense Verb ( Động từ chỉ giác quan )

Active Passive
S Vsense O V-ing S be V3(sense) V-ing
S Vsense O Vo S be V3(sense) to Vo

 V sense: see, deserve, watch, notice, hear, smell, taste, feel

e.g: I saw him drive away and disappeared at the corner

=> He was seen to drive….

3/ IF 3 ( unreal – past )

If clause Main clause

If S had V3/ed S would/could/might have V3
Had S V3/ed

4/ to + Infinitive

5/ Wh – question

6/ It is / was not until…that…

SV time phrase (e.g 1990)

time clause (e.g when S V O)

 S V phủ định Until + phrase / time

 It be not until + phrase / time that S V khẳng định

e.g: It was not until he raised his voice that I recognized him

=> When he raised his voice, I recognized him

=> I didn’t recognize him until he raised his voice


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